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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55203273 No.55203273 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55203282
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>Chainlink will be used as an enterprise abstraction layer to securely connect the Swift network to the Ethereum Sepolia network, while Chainlink’s Cross-Chain Interoperability Protocol (CCIP) will enable complete interoperability between the source and destination blockchains.

>> No.55203293

I know this is a LINK thread but as a link maxi should I be buying ETH? Been thinking of diversifying, I always felt like ETH was a shitcoin because of what a mess the chain is but it seems like they’re still winning the race by miles?

>> No.55203304


>> No.55203309

if you continue to reply to me or anyone else in this thread I will kill myself.

>> No.55203313

Finally named huh

>> No.55203365
File: 163 KB, 679x767, Screenshot from 2023-06-06 14-37-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LFG linkies

>> No.55203376

2 more weeks

>> No.55203377

>Complete interoperability

Im cumming

>> No.55203456

this is like the biggest non meme event in whole crypto, market is sleeping on it, meanwhile we continue accumulating, i'm happily buying more link every week.

this is the biggest news that happened to ALL OF CRYPTO

>> No.55203473
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Dios mio

>> No.55203477

Imagine how hard Quantards are seething at this right now

>> No.55203488


>> No.55203496
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>Drops this shit on the exact day and at the exact same time as the SEC announcing that they're suing Coinbase
>Also btw aliens are real and we have a bunch of ancient UFOs in a warehouse

>> No.55203498

>dumps harder
Kek baggies

>> No.55203512

Who wouldve guessed LMAO

>> No.55203899

Seriously, just what in the fuck? There's absolutely no chance this is just one giant cohencidence. This is absolutely absurd timing.

>> No.55203907


>> No.55203923

token not required
proof: price

>> No.55203934


>> No.55203942


6th of June (6) 6 min read. Price at 6.

>> No.55203992

Are all of you faggots working for Chainlink Labs?
Why do you care about a corpo if it doesn't make you money?
Link Marines more like Link Bootlickers.

>> No.55204111

wait wtf they're actually saying the word Chainlink now???? are they allowed to do that???

>> No.55204123


>> No.55204191
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>> No.55204256
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Only up from here. Dollar per day

>> No.55204265

chat gpt thread

>> No.55204293

sw-swift doesn't matter!

>> No.55204304

I can not believe this was posted the day the SEC sues Coinbase.

I'm doing everything correctly, I'm not a fucking idiot, yet here I am, with the patience of an immortal AND IT STILL DOSENT PAY OFF BECAUSE REALITY WILL NOT ALLOW IT

>> No.55204321

bullish for ethereum sepolia

>> No.55204350

I fear that BTC may not recover from this news.

>> No.55204391

>be right
>be patient
>reality still warps and twists to make me wrong


>> No.55204405

>release "bullish" news
>dump the shitcoin to shit
>all the holders keep on holding because the market has failed to price in the "bullish" news
masterful, Chainlink might be the best slow exit scam in history

>> No.55204536

holy fuck we've made it marines

this is why I bought Link in 2017, this makes chainlink the gateway to all of crypto, link's it all, marketcap will pass bitcoin

>> No.55204770

Swift isn't going to end up doing much with ETH, this announcement won't amount to anything. They'll connect to ETH, see how useless it is for anything but shitcoin casinos and then drop the project.

>> No.55204783

This is the universe giving you another chance to buy in at a low price. I know it's frustrating given how many times this exact same shit has happened, but I feel like the time for suppression is running out.

>> No.55204802

Based marine, this will happen in just 2 more decades so hold strong and don't let yourself be demoralized by the fudders. Sergey is going to make us so fucking rich!

>> No.55204804

Did you read? This experiment is about connecting public to perimissioned blockchains, and for connect public to public blockchains (ie. AWAY from Ethereum).
Face it fuddie, your time's up.

>> No.55204843

The people who make 8-9 figures off massive commitment sto early, world changing investments are 99% privileged insiders and 1% almost supernaturally committed outsider autists.
/biz/ just provided an incredibly rare opportunity for some of the latter group to collaborate.

>> No.55204846

>This latest round of experimentation builds on a series of successful trials in 2022,
and they link this article from 2022 https://www.swift.com/news-events/news/connecting-digital-islands-paving-way-global-use-cbdcs-and-tokenised-assets

it's ALL true

>> No.55204849

Congratulations on your "experiment" linkies, maybe in another couple decades something of substance will actually come of this!

>> No.55204878

Permissioned blockchain is a worse version of a database. They talk about connecting to ETH in the press release.

>fuddie your time is up!!!
I sold link back at $30 and bought back in 2018 at 0.25 kek, how LINK does no longer affects me

>> No.55204899

I love this coin

Hail satan

>> No.55205019

>They talk about connecting to ETH in the press release
Do you think CCIP will only work for connecting to/from Ethereum? They also wrote about transferring assets away from Ethereum to another (ie. any other) public blockchain, so their eye isn't just on Ethereum.
>I sold link back at $30 and bought back in 2018 at 0.25 kek, how LINK does no longer affects me
If true, well done for cashing out at the right time, but that doesn't mean you didn't turn in to a fudder.

>> No.55205023

i used to be bummed about not selling any at $50 and while i could have reupped at least i can say ive held thru it all..can't believe its already been 5 years

>> No.55205104

The whole point of the experiment is INTEROPERABILITY between different chains, retard.

>> No.55205117
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>> No.55205246
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>> No.55205286

Check the price. Kek baggies

>> No.55205319

all of it true, all the breadcrumps snippets of information and of course the constant attempts to make us second guess ourselves into thinking it was all an illusion, yet here we are all of it true

i for one would like to thank the fudders to give me this second oppurtunity this past year to accumulate on the cheap after selling past cycle
it could never have been possible to get so many linkies without your unrelenting commitment
and i give you my sincerest thanks for all of your contributions to the chainlink network effect
gg fuddies

>> No.55205357

cope stinkie
token not needed
eth will suck up all ur gains

>> No.55205622

thank you for your contribution to the chainlink network effect
its appreciated

>> No.55205671
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check the price and the charts

Seems like the FUDchads were right once again, token not needed

>> No.55205762
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KEK at all the fuddie wuddies screeching into the wind
Time for you to kill yourselves is near

>> No.55205916

They don’t need to kill themselves, we will do it for them.

>> No.55205932
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>> No.55205966

This is exactly why Chainlink will never succeed.

You’re an angry demonic incel blinded by your own greed and incapable of accepting reality. Thankfully your shitcoin is going nowhere and you’ll stay in your basement seething on 4chan

>> No.55205975

Non eth/btc chains are ghost chains.

>> No.55205982

You are the ones that lost their stacks due to greed ROFL

>> No.55206017



>> No.55206098
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Honestly not sure what new thing we've learned today. We knew they were doing tests and it sounds like those tests are ongoing.

>> No.55206128
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Cope. Link chuds are the biggest losers in crypto. Imagine spending 6 years "studying da blockchain" only to get massively outperformed by soccer moms buying doge and niggresses buying effereium stocks.
You spent the entire bullrun bagholding link as it crabbed between $20-40 kekekekek

>> No.55206133
File: 536 KB, 1440x2058, slurm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stupid bitch, you shouldn't have raised a slug licker.

>> No.55206793

That story is fake by the way

I eat slugs all the time. In fact eating slugs is actually really good for you. Don’t fall for these stories please slugs are good for toucans the environment. We don’t have parasites.

>> No.55206845

>We don’t have parasites.
This! I'm getting pretty tired of all of this malinfromation

>> No.55206860
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These. Slugs should always be eaten and lungworms are actually good for you. The science is settled.

>> No.55206903

Cross chain interoperability means that any layer 1 is going to be a race to the lowest price to ensure competition with people wanting to use the network for abstraction.
TLDR: yes you should buy as much as you can, you fucking retard.

>> No.55207457

kek, nice call

>> No.55207526


>Binance sued by SEC

>Coinbase sued by SEC

>SWIFT 100% without a doubt confirms using Chainlink and CCIP

Huh pretty cohencidental timing here

>> No.55207563

yes, well, thats all it is
a coincidence
not everything is muh super secret conspiracy

>> No.55207577

what will the ATH be next bullrun?

>> No.55207586


I'm sure it is. Its probably like the 33rd coincidence so far this year

>> No.55207610

1k EOY is happening

>> No.55207624
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Is 10k enough to make it? Unironically that's my target bag, I'm over 8k linkies at the moment.

>> No.55207638

Anything over 1,000 link is great.

>> No.55207648

Once is an anomaly, twice is a phenomenon, three times is a pattern.

>> No.55207661

10k is suicide stack

>> No.55207675

you're thinking of 100k
the make it stack has always been 200k, and even then, just barely

>> No.55207678

yeah it will be enough, but only if you have 100x that much of sonic obama!
when sonic obama pumps, you know chain link will pump next!

>> No.55207700

QNT > LINK confirmed
QNT > LINK confirmed

it's over linkbros


>> No.55207703


>> No.55207712

suicide stack has always been 100k, poorfag
tired of all this cope from poor, pathetic, downtrodden stinkies

>> No.55207748

You will never be a woman

>> No.55207769

>t. poorfag cope

>> No.55207805

>we will do it for them
No. They must stay alive to see the wonders we have to offer. I will strap them to a chair and keep them alive on a diet of insects, antibiotics, and an IV drip so they can see the world they failed to escape

>> No.55207823

Post ends in 6
Post ends in dub inverted 6s
>We are ready.

>> No.55207879

Honest question for you. What will be your thoughts and reaction when Link goes past $250 per token - will you think Link holders were smart and just longer term perspective investors? Or will you still think they are idiots? I for one think Link is the crypto holding that will eclipse all other cryptos in MC size, including BTC - it will just take some time. I want you to honestly think about this situation and provide an honest response.

>> No.55207932
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It's over bros, Chainlink will pump to $1000 and linkies will inherit the world. We just couldn't stop them from making it and now we will be their slaves. Ii-i-it's over... the Great Reset draws near.

>> No.55207952

We have such sights to show you

>> No.55208471

>eclipse all other cryptos in MC size, including BTC
An intelligent anon made a thread a little while back stating that Chainlink makes blockchain itself redundant, anyone else remember that thread? It was very comfy with rational discussion, reminded me of 2018-2019.