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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55193338 No.55193338 [Reply] [Original]

I've been on biz since 2016. i used to visit constantly. last bear market this was a much better place. nowadays i barely visit.
its become nothing but doomer losers all circlejerking about how bad everything is and how hopeless it is, while larping about being big brains or successful. its the most insufferable and pathetic shit ever.
Even plebbit overly positive know it all faggots are better to deal with than the people who make up biz now.

Honestly. its fucking sad. this was a good place last bear market with interesting down to earth people and you could learn a thing or two or have a discussion. idk what happened. did pol scum losers move in? or something else.
You cant discuss anything now without typical doomer posting in response to ANYTHING, or some completely erratic nonsensical shit in-between by someone else.
It feels like biz has become some crevice where the most depressed doomer faggots all come to convince themselves and anyone else that its all over/impossible, while larping as a successful person giving such "advice". it is so fucking obvious when you see it and you know exactly the type of person behind the screen.
last bear market it just felt like a few nerds who were bagholding stuck around and had interesting discussions. now it feels like absolute loser/lowlifes stuck around after bagholding instead with nothing to contribute but dooming

>> No.55193392

>words words words
Yes it's plebbit, pajeets, underage kids born after the year 2001 and so on. You can see this from 4chan in general, in 2016 it was still 'okay' and then there was a massive flood of tourists, newfags and 12yo children who heard about the edgy frogposting website.

>> No.55193391
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go back jew. Stop spamming. this isnt your twitter personal blog. Leave and never return

>> No.55193393

I just lost all my savings investing in AMD stock. Gonna go rope myself brb.

>> No.55193411

> 2001
:I What month specifically? Please don’t say March.

>> No.55193416

Also I would mention over the past 7-10 years a lot of 4channers who thought "I'm 30/40/whatever, but bitcoin will make me early retired with a young girlfriend" ended up aging and a lot of them are still waging with inflation eating into anything they got from crypto or covid gibs, so lacking time they thought they would have are despairing.

>> No.55193440

People say zoomers begin in 1997 or 1998 but I always thought september 2001 made sense because that's when things really began to go to shit. No one realized it at first, but kids born after that point would have been in a place where they'd see the world noticeably get worse or crazier, the types of kids who say shit like 'bottom' and 'enbie' and 'fr fr' unironically.

>> No.55193457

You will own nothing

>> No.55193484

4chan in its entirety is dead. Too many broken, bitter people.

>> No.55193515

Don't forget the catspammers who arrived here with the plebbitors from r/wallstreetbets and r/wallstreetsilver and r/silversqueeze (who've destroyed /pmg/ and shits the board up with "metals vs crypto" posts) in early 2021.
>inb4 plebbitors go nooooo there's always been cats posted on /biz/
Not anywhere near as much as now. If you think the incessant nearly daily spam of cat pics was a regular occurrence on /biz/ pre-2021 you're very new. If you were here from before 2019 then you noticed the huge increase in catspam that began in 2021 -- as well as the arrival of the plebbity buy-silver-only shilling and the dramatic increase of anti-crypto pro-metal shills.

>> No.55193529

Because it is over, faggot. The crypto bubble has popped, everyone(thankfully) has wisened up to your faggot retard ponzi schemes and nobody will ever buy your faggot internet tokens again. If you didn't make it in the last 14 years capitalizing off of the biggest grift in human history, then you are by default a stupid fucking retard who deserves to stay as poor as humanely possible. Cope faggot, regulations are cracking down the US is cracking down EVERYONE fucking hates crypto except for you delusional, skillless fat fucking incel autists.
>in all fields

>> No.55193590

>i was wrong the last 100 times i posted this, but this time it's dead for sure!!!

>> No.55194131

because there is a pervasive feeling of dread also seeping through every bit of society itself
back during the past crypto bear of 18, the regular economy and world was doing fine, right now even normies know we are on the verge of a great shitstorm and the wait for it to hit drives most people insane
so naturally some of that would spill over into here, regardless doomers lose by default in every scenario so just best to ignore them

on top of that the reddit purgers that all send them here and the jannies being total cunts banning all forms of fun also didnt help in the past few years

>> No.55194168

Smart money anons invested their entire net worth into LINK back when it was 30 cents. Now all who are left are the losers and pajeets

>> No.55194182

There's been a massive brain drain in crypto. The smartest people all got rich enough that they don't post much anymore, while a bunch of morons and /pol/tards that bought meme coins at the top last cycle stuck around.

>> No.55194668

Not just /biz/ but 4chan as a whole, especially more popular boards like /pol/. It's a lot of low effort bait posts, shills, and just simple navel-gazing. Very little actual analysis or high IQ stuff gets posted, and when it does, those posts don't get many replies, so the people who post that stuff don't come back here to post as often.

Not sure how to fix this. 4chan in general needs a big influx of users to stay fresh. Right now it feels like this site is comprised mostly of people who are over 30 years old, which isn't exactly a good thing when it comes to meme and content creation

>> No.55194682

it's ok, bro, don't worry, it'll get better

>> No.55194982

More browns thinking they’ll leave the slums with crypto.

>> No.55195009

While almost anything digital can be vulnerable to hackers, cybersecurity protections are especially important for digital assets and DeFi protocols due to the nature of blockchain. Although the underlying blockchain technology makes it difficult to alter data, firms seeking to develop Institutional DeFi solutions must address cybersecurity vulnerabilities in cross-chain bridges, oracles, as well as guarding against market manipulation. Such controls are needed to enhance client trust and protect the safe ownership of digital assets


>> No.55195190

Go make a walk, you could walk until you reach the see, take a Bible with you

>> No.55195230
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Man, you're struggling against the cat spamming.
Idk care for the exploitation of the masses or something people died for.

>> No.55195247

it's you, you feel angry because you still haven't made it

>> No.55195341
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>I've been on biz since 2016. i used to visit constantly. nowadays I barely visit
same here

>its become nothing but doomer losers all circlejerking about how bad everything is and how hopeless it is, while larping about being big brains or successful.
I disagree; I don't see many people LARPing as successful people at all, notwithstanding moonman and other obvious b8

>this was a good place last bear market with interesting down to earth people and you could learn a thing or two or have a discussion. idk what happened.
the smart, functional people got married and had kids and now they don't have time for frogposting

>did pol scum losers move in?
they moved here in 2020; as bitcoin was hitting new ATHs there were a bunch of posts on /pol/ saying "you losers could've listened to /biz/ and bought crypto and become rich & powerful but you were too busy having a miserable circle-jerk on /pol/ and now you're still powerless incel chuds while opportunities like crypto pass you by". So a bunch of /pol/acks started posting on /biz/ and they never left

>You cant discuss anything now without typical doomer posting in response to ANYTHING, or some completely erratic nonsensical shit in-between by someone else.
yup that's the /pol/acks but I reiterate that they've been here for almost three years now

>last bear market it just felt like a few nerds who were bagholding stuck around and had interesting discussions. now it feels like absolute loser/lowlifes stuck around after bagholding instead with nothing to contribute but dooming
successful & functional people moved on, /pol/acks moved in

>> No.55195383

>catspammers came from reddit
nah they're mostly Russians. Russian 4chan is full of cat pictures

>> No.55195398
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>6 years for a 20x
>in crypto

>> No.55195453

You're such an insufferable faggot banging this drum in every thread - YOURE the reason this place has gone to shit

>> No.55195457
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>AMD up 60% in the last 6 months
>"I lost all my savings investing in AMD stock"
something tells me you weren't investing, you were gambling using options like a retard

>> No.55195483

We get it you were born in 2000

>> No.55195534

I had an anon on /biz/ tell me to “go back” because I said trannies should be beheaded

>> No.55195575
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this is a blue board and we're here to make money, we're not here for low-effort /pol/ diarrhea

>> No.55195627

Post sounded somewhat reasonable until
>did le chuddy chuddy /pol/ come here?!
>anything that isn't euphoric delusion about the future is... LE DOOMER

It's possible to be blackpilled on the world, and simultaneously lift your fellow man up for the tough days ahead. Go back faggot

>> No.55195634

Schizo spammers like this guy and the parasite-poster shit up the place.

>> No.55197009

Kek, who is the parasit spammer? The anticatposter?
I would give a lot to see what happened if they'd met in real life.

>> No.55197296

Roping is for retards anon, You can learn from your mistakes and grow your profits in future. I for one earn through staking my USDT and participating in the Brillion LM campaign on Alliance Block Defi Terminal.

>> No.55197336

>wants me to believe is from 2016
>tries to convince me it's just doomers doomposting
It's not and you know it.

>> No.55197349

the ivanfrog is pretty bad too
he used to fud link but now he's went full schizo

>> No.55197380

Except I don't think it's the bottom still.
Wait for the doomers to be eradicated from the casino kangaroo market then maybe sane people / conversations will come back.

Actually as a regular scroller I find more & more above average posts these last 2 weeks.

Since 2021 it was barely usable. Now I'd say it's 10-15% efficient and at the worst bottom, when no one cares this board came reach 50-60% efficiency.

>> No.55197397

Also we need to get rid of generals like Link, xrp, gme bagholders.
When it happens we'll probably reach a sane level on biz again.

>> No.55197398


Same. Here since 2015 and it's getting worse every year. This board us nothing but one big bobo psyop now. Mods working are for the US government imo.

>> No.55197543

The GME, BBBE, GameStop, all these retarded bagholder stocks have generals that STILL have posters posting in them regularly tells all you need to know about the users who post on this site now.

All the previous crypto posters either made it or moved to Twitter so you only have the bitter retards left

>> No.55197569

In that case, they arrived simultaneously with the redditors he mentioned.

>> No.55197606
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Because the website is run by glowies who spam "organic" memes all day long in hopes to lure fresh kids into following their "organic" culture.

4chan was compromised sometime around 2008, right around the beginning of the obama years. That's when the other chans were shut down and massive internet regulations / legislation / glowie internet task forces began to assemble.

Known torrent sites were getting nuked all throughout the world, megaupload owner raided in new zealand. ebay internet tax, craigslist shut down, backpage shut down, various chat services shut down.

>> No.55197641
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> Mods working are for the US government imo.

They are using crypto projects to scam people.

FTX was one of their scam fronts.

>> No.55197767
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Zoomies likely 1996 - 2004

I think millennials are 82 to 95, 95 the absolute cut off.