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55196506 No.55196506 [Reply] [Original]

I will keep buying chainlink until the fudders are destroyed

>> No.55196543

They already are. Look what they have become. Insane subhuman waste, I wish I could just put them out of their misery.

>> No.55196559

Psst, to get rid of the fudders... CREATE A FUCKING GENERAL YOU NO LIFER KEK.,

>> No.55196572
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>> No.55196586


total fuddie death

>> No.55196588

This is a Link board. Start a new board or go back if you don't want to talk about Link.

>> No.55196712

baggies vs fuddies
who wins?

>> No.55196729
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By summoning all the dark FUD powers, I will infest the spirit of linkies so that they use their tokens and capital to destroy their overlords. What havok and rage... Turn linkies against their masters. Shorting and prolonged bear markets shall prevail, and linkies who did not heed my warnings shall pay the ultimate price. While the Schwablords powers fade, MINE will flourish! Linkies will never inherit MY domain, for I am making the marines MINE! Linkies will soon understand and come to desire MY magic. It IS inevitable! You shall see... By this dark determination I swear, by this BLUE CROWN (hexagon) the source of all my dark power, SO BE IT... now... AND FOREVER!

>> No.55196787

fine nigga keep talking smug this shit will drop to $5 you just don't seem to get it

>> No.55196806
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FUDchads won and have been right about everything. The token isn't needed

>> No.55197003
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Cheers gentlemen. We have been winning large stretches of territory. The link shills are running out of supplies. We will continue the onslaught and march forward to victory. TOTAL CHAINLINK DEATH

>> No.55197066
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We have powerful allies in this fight. The linktards liquidity is drying out day by day. Most of them didnt cash out thanks to our
>never selling
Campaign, which was an astounding success.
Every month former link neets are forced to return to the wage cage. It wont be long now until total victory is achieved.

>> No.55197079

>running out of supplies
>doesn't know yet that i've never sold
>doesn't know yet that i always buy more
When did they recruit you?

>> No.55197103

Nexo are back ads on Twitter lmao thanks Rory

>> No.55197153

I'm putting in a buy order at 5.81 for you.

>> No.55197169

Man this shit looks fucked up kek

>> No.55197171
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My mentor has taught me well. I know how to spot their lies. Link baggies are pathological liars who must not br trusted. They will tell you they are buying when in reality they are quietely selling in fear and to afford living expenses. They cant speak the truth due to the severe ridicule they will face from their fellow cult members. Yet every time there is a small pump the rats immediately try to flee in droves and dump the price down again.

When a linkfag is boasting about buying more, it is always an empty boast, this behaviour is known with street niggers who are broke and destitute, who will overcompensate for this by talking big about himself and boasting.
We all know that if the linktards were buying more then they are selling, the price wouldn't be heading lower and lower :)

>> No.55197180

Couldn't even put the cube behind the stake demon's fingers? Lazy piece of shit remind me why I even pay you guys again?

>> No.55197199

You are all aware that fuddies also hold LINK right?

>> No.55197668

this REALLY riles them up