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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55193397 No.55193397 [Reply] [Original]

>apple VR about to be revealed
>btc dumps

All is going according to plan. You will live in ze pod.

>> No.55193427

VR is stupid, have multiple friends who are vr devs. Stupid technology that makes sense for corpos with money to blow but for consumers no way it will ever be more than a meme

>> No.55193504
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>I know better than apple, valve, Sony, and meta because… well I have friends that do VR dev OKAY?!

>> No.55193560

I can tell you they are paid great sums but the VC money is drying up. One friend has been applying to different positions for months now. Augmented reality makes a lot of sense for manufacturing and similar roles to provide a HUD, but VR is such a niche concept idk how they plan to capture real sustainable profit

>> No.55193700

Because the only path to affordable AR is through VR then XR developments?

You definitely know better than all the corps with an army of people working for them because you have dev friends though lmao

>> No.55193796

I wish that mask covered more of that face

>> No.55193833

u stupid retard
ai is a meme out of jews ass
there is no 'ai' its just machine learning ml shit its just bot
jews are organic bot
ai are jew poos
ai in mandarin is 哀 means grief and unfortunate
don't use ai
use ml or bot for meme word

>> No.55194000
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>You definitely know better than all the corps with an army of people

let me ask you, have you used VR? Have you tried the metaverse? Did you dabble in VR chat years ago and tried it again recently now that it's just become a honey pot for child predators and autistic trans kids? These companies are chasing something that peaked in the 2000s. Minecraft and Roblox are proof that the type of creative online ecosystems can still thrive, but VR is stupid and cumbersome. But maybe people will still buy a $300 apple headset then never use it

>> No.55194067

that won't be the case, as this would hide the face aesthetics
the goal is prolly not to have anything that hides that face and basically electronic eye balls or neuralink v20

>> No.55194145

your friends sound cooler than you i should steal them

>> No.55194149
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Someone hasn't tried VR porn.

>> No.55194428
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>"These companies are chasing something that peaked in the 2000s"
>Disregarding porn by thoughts
Not sure if arrogant or straight up fucking retarded, holy shit

>> No.55194508

Also @ Apple
Are they fucking serious?
>Showing widgets on lock screen
>Be hyped about multiple clocks on lock screen
>"We really live in a world of wonders"
Are they fucking serious, what the fuck
Holy shit, I fucking hate Apple and hope they will die at one point.

>> No.55194538

Yeah this shit is gay as fuck, just show the pod already

>> No.55194634

That's nice and all but when i can have realistic futa gf humanoid with VR enhancement?

>> No.55194684

Soon, Anon.
Once Tesla introduces walkable bots, we'll be flooded with sexbots, which appearance will be changed by AI and AR/VR tools.

>> No.55194742
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this one?

>> No.55194973

Just because a bunch of corporations are investing in something does not mean it will be successful. Look at 3D televisions for example; about ten years ago all the TV makers started pushing them, and for a few years pretty much every high end TV was 3d capable, but the whole thing just sort of fizzled out. I think VR will remain niche simply because most people are not going to want something bulky strapped to their face for extended periods - we see from 3d tvs that even special glasses were too much.

>> No.55195019

New apple watch features can track your feelings, including:
>Current depression level
It would be a major surprise if Apple would use this to set up colors and apps, based on your mood, to subliminally control you without youu even noticing.

>> No.55195050

Don't have an inner monolog? Get an Apple watch and we'll tell you what's going on in that empty husk of yours.

>> No.55195065

Fun for shooting games

>> No.55195069

which faang is going to capitalize on vr porn?

>> No.55195085

Its not just VR its AR and VR. AR games are the real game changer.

>> No.55195098

shit makes you sick. there's no way to change that either. what you see does not match what your body feels. It was mindblowing the first couple times I tried it, but I never want to use it again.The result will always be wanting to take it off after a few minutes for anybody but pyschos and committed coomers. Even then vr porn becomes nauseating quickly.

>> No.55195101

Literal fucking game changer. I cant go back to regular shit anymore.

>> No.55195110

Unironically Apple
>Have AR to fuck wAIfu at home
>Go VR mode and fuck wAIfu in the mountains

>> No.55195134
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Anon I advise big corpos about new tech, we all dropped VR.

Yes we also don't care about smart contracts and oracle's.

>> No.55195179

Eh doesnt make me sick i like playin contractors wit the boys it does take a bit too long to prep though which turns me off from using vr every day. If i had a dedicated room for it still that'd be a different story.

>> No.55195211

Apples Vision Pro enables both AR and VR, with virtuality being controllable by a slider, which is unironically a gamechanger
>Have 5 apps at once open enabling a 4 screen scenario, instead of your 2-physical-screen-setup
I as an autist with slight add find this fucking awesome

>> No.55195306
File: 2.04 MB, 2553x1317, 2023-06-05 20_38_28-Window.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine creating such an environment for you and your buddies while sitting in a small appartment in broad daylight.
>You will live in ze pod
>You will own nothing and be happy

>> No.55195564
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>> No.55195582

>starting at $3499

>> No.55195604

Holy fuck worse than the PS3 price reveal

No games and that price? Meta chads, we fucking won.

>> No.55195622
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Unironically bargain
>Multiply your productivity by going full add
>Go full Minority Report
I thought it'd be 5k desu

>> No.55195748 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 530x836, 8cb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New toy for redditor basedcucks

>> No.55195755

Somehow google glasses had a sleeker less offensive design than strapping a large black oval smartphone to your face.

>> No.55195770
File: 35 KB, 500x366, 36AB8D1C-D80E-487F-951C-34115F90118A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got /fit/
>got /out/
>got /k/
>got /g/
>built homemade emp guns for hunter killer drones
>innawoods, onnafarm, got a bow, got a gun, got muh crypto, got muh linux
>fuck the bugs and the pods and fuck you Klaus

>> No.55195780
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>> No.55195785

Are we acting like $3500 is a lot now

>> No.55195805


>> No.55195832

>yfw you get kicked out of your appartment for missed rent.

>> No.55195837 [DELETED] 

who cares how you look when you are working alone or work better than a colleague of yours

>> No.55195841
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>> No.55195919

kek well played
tho, nobody cares how you look when you can be more productive

>> No.55195931
File: 220 KB, 680x399, pinkvision.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55195944

if you boughted unity futures you are rich. fuck.

>> No.55196009

"The headset also includes Apple’s first 3D camera, for capturing spatial video and photos "
This is what I've been waiting for. soon the internet will be filled with amateur VR porn and it won';t be all that boring vanilla shit anymore.

>> No.55196034

Can I use this at the office and no one will see that I'm not working?

>> No.55196556

>Jailbreak it
>Use it to livestream a school shooting
>Get Warzone-like wall-hacks that detect other student's Apple devices and tells you were they are hiding

>> No.55196870

Correct, and watch vr porn in the bathroom stall.

>> No.55196873

>hiding student that is also using Apple Vision turns on gore censoring to avoid seeing the other students dying

Thats a more realistic ad

>> No.55197216

Can't render complex 3D models