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55194834 No.55194834 [Reply] [Original]

So like, what happens to a crypto after its deemed a security? Whats the issue? Arent stocks securities?

>> No.55194844

White zoomers have no culture, they just copy blacks, right down to the hairstyle. It's absolutely over for them.

>> No.55194926
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>White zoomers have no culture, they just copy blacks, right down to the hairstyle. It's absolutely over for them.

>> No.55195045

black zoomers literally copy black social media trends too

>> No.55195073

The buck breaking is getting to a new level

>> No.55195097
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They're just having fun. Bro was drunk and slipped on a wet floor. It happens.

Thank god everything wasn't video taped when I used to party. The most they have of me is flashing my ass at a party and streaking.

>> No.55195126

Kill your self

>> No.55195129
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>> No.55195158

kek, what a faggot

>> No.55195260

>They're just having fun
By acting like soul-less black npcs.

>> No.55195274

Run nig.exe

>> No.55195317

You have to ask permission from jews to create and sell securities, and you have to let jews invest first

>> No.55195685
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They're just drunkingly hopping around, it's not a big deal.

>> No.55195744
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>rock & roll
yeah why can't us whites invent our own culture like we did back in the day

>> No.55195809

>we invented 12 note system we wuz musicians n shit
>we invented cooking food outside

Got niggers are so annoying. You invented a hairbrush for nigger hair and thats basically it. You have no culture. Modern nigger culture is an amalgamation of southern redneck culture and italian worship.

You are a soulless nigger.

>> No.55195904

fucking polcels are so annoying jesus god damn christ

>> No.55196030
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That's why I only listen to post-punk. Whitest genre out there with clearly folk-like influences.

>> No.55196064

british music is the most overtly influenced by black music

>> No.55196080

He has crafted his own demise.

>> No.55196701

Amazing how none of you idiots managed to reply to the actual question and immediately derailed to braindead race discussions.

US-Retail won't be allowed to trade them until a licensed exchange lists them. Mind you that the US makes up for the biggest volume in crypto trading (for now)

>> No.55196803
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>> No.55196900

>politically celibate
Makes no sense

>> No.55196966

>record scratch
"Yup, that's me. You're probably wondering how I got here. So am I. Anyway, I'm about to kiss my front teeth goodbye for some quick tiktok fame. No cap, fr fr."

>> No.55196997

what a smooth criminal

>> No.55197008

>It's not like I even wanted to be invited out by my peers my whole life

>> No.55197034

The creator pays a fine, then, that's it. As in the LBRY case secondary sales aren't even regulated. Its retarded people are so scared of this shit.

>> No.55197137
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>Here's your white music bro

>> No.55197209

ooga booga

>> No.55197215

>posts a piece of music that btfos all nigger music ever made

>> No.55198016
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Just chill anon. WAGMI

>> No.55198073

>immediate racebait derailment
Why are you all so dumb?
Two sides of the same coin being flipped by the same greasy thumbs.
Stop kvetching at each other or go back to the fucking swamps where you belong.
No one cares about your opinions on genetics and culture here.
Fucking bunch of trannies.

>> No.55198096

Imagine him squealing as she plunges her hard plastic deep in to his ass

>> No.55198125

is it just me or is every chad nowadays with a mid girl? and im not talking about celebrities btw

>> No.55198129

What generation were the Icy Hot Stuntaz?

>> No.55198323

All of those on the list wouldn't exist without English, later Appalachian folk traditions and Jewish filters. Look at all the early jazz band leaders, showtunes composers and 50s rock and roll songwriters like lieber and stoller.

There's such a gigantic gap in sound between muddy waters and led zeppelin.

>> No.55198379

>this stupid nigger thinks race relations are braindead as they define the actions of institutions and individuals throughout the US and by extension the world
The braindead nigger is (You).

>> No.55198382

>just become a cookie cutter tiktok queer to be popular bro
I hate you fags so much

>> No.55198453

They figured out “hot girls” aren’t worth the headache. Have you ever dated a dime piece? They’re a pain in the ass, plus after you’ve had enough pussy you realize no matter how hot the girl is you still get bored of her and tired of fucking her and want something different.

>> No.55198532

women always try to push the boundaries until you end up like this cuck. dont give them an inch

>> No.55198583

Whites did chitllins, ships, pants with belt hoops, sextants, shrimp cultivation, music instruments, guns blacks got sold into slavery for by other blacks, malaria cure, trains, cars, planes, spaceships, pizza, fried chicken...

>> No.55198643

>tfw had a mid girl and she dumped me

also all girls are mid girls. The 10s just cake on makeup

>> No.55198659

you know italians are niggers, right?

>> No.55198677

Pray tell, how are race relations relevant to crypto and securities?
Fucking mongoloid.

>> No.55200097

>Michael Jackson shit right there

>> No.55200327
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Move this fucking thread to /mu/ or /pol/ already. Either will do.

>> No.55200674

America will unironically destroy the world

>> No.55201680

Hey, don't jump to conclusions when the security ain't crystal clear, my dude. Take BrillionFi, for example. They're building on the AllianceBlock Nexera ID and riding the wave of the DUA protocol to bring mainstream adoption to the table

>> No.55201714

About security What's better when you have control over your wallet, sovereign identity which is made possible with the help of Allianceblock NexeraID by some projects like Railgun and BrillionFi
Only works when you play with your security of your assets anon..

>> No.55201751

Those really are the best kinds of house parties. Except in my day the house shows had more of a metal or rock flavor. Immaculate trashy underground late night vibes, a variety of souls from all walks of life, cute girls, lots of booze and drugs if you're into it, stories and legends and lore that lived on for years afterward. Of course stupid shit is going to happen at times.

You really have/had to be there, and I have no regrets about having experienced it.

>> No.55202024

Oh is that why Italians break dance and sing soul music. You are being replaced retard. Shut up and accept it like a nice cucked white boy or get off 4chan and do something about it.

>> No.55202098

Shut up nigger your kind has contributed nothing of worth. You are a plague on the world. Every country hates you. Even your fellow niggers hate you. Your dad hated you so much he left you as a baby to rot. You have no culture outside of collecting welfare. You are a bitch nigger who will never escape wage slaving because you have a nigger brain, a brain lower than a dogs. You are nothing you will always be a stupid nigger

>> No.55202191

You will be Replaced. Your extended family with be filled with mutts and mulattoes. You will seethe until the end of your life as you watch white culture die in real time. You will be the most bitter cuck you know.

>> No.55202203

Youll be a dead nigger soon. Youll probably rob a store or some shit and some pajeet will shoot you in the back of the head. No ome will care because itll just be one less nigger on the street. You have no culture you are just a dead nigger walking. Makes me happy seeing niggers kill eachother en masse. Ill check the news tomorrow and see more niggers are dead and be happy. You will always be a nigger just like your faggot nigger monkey father. No matter what you do you will always be a nigger, the lowest of the low. Nigger

>> No.55202221

Get a room.

>> No.55202252

Lol I probably live more comfortably than you do taking advantage of welfare and ripping off the govt with your taxes. Which reminds me, have you paid your crypto taxes yet white boy?

>> No.55202272

Yawn you niggers are so boring just go get shot already nigger. Nigger. Nigger. Nigger. Nigger. Nigger

>> No.55202289

The person you're arguing with is not white.

The person you're arguing with is not black.

>> No.55202748
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Keep holding Anon, nothing will happen

>> No.55204270
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>yfw Bitcoin won't go lower than 25.5k
Try harder bears. We know how to wrestle!