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File: 753 KB, 2099x966, Screenshot_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55190785 No.55190785 [Reply] [Original]

US debt to GDP ratio.
How long will americans scam the rest of the world with their monopoly money?

>> No.55190801

The US can lend any amount of money to itself, essentially creating dollars.
Taxes are just a token burn.
Sovereign fiat debt isn't actually debt, it's a measure of how much money has been printed.
The graph shows that the dollar will just continue to devalue into oblivion.
People hold dollars because of the liquidity, and because some kind of currency is needed.

>> No.55190815

That is what 14 years of brainwashing does to a people

>> No.55190860
File: 197 KB, 220x187, i9Mr1xyg.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that a lot of people outide of the US are keeping their life saving in USD?
Why do you think they should pay for nigger welfare and your ObamaCare?

>> No.55190865
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I'm not a burger and don't approve of fiat currency, it's just a list of facts.

>> No.55190885

I give by the end of the year, lots of countries are dropping the US dollar, oil is now being sold in other currencies without leaders being Saddam'd.

>> No.55190952

Why drop it? Never keep all your eggs in one basket. Reducing exposure is more than enough. The US might get back to it's senses and use a pool of educated student loan debtors to produce at a competitive price

>> No.55190965
File: 161 KB, 483x470, 1685232551572335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oil isn't actually the root cause of why the dollar is used so much internationally.
To put it in crypto terms, the reason people buy bitcoin (ticker: BTC) instead of e.g. shartcoin that's a perfect clone of bitcoin is the "network effect". Nobody uses shartcoin, so if you want to spend your crypto you'll choose bitcoin, despite them working in the same way.
USD does this for international trade where companies and countries don't have a major currency.
Trade has to be done in some kind of very liquid medium which the dollar is providing at the moment.
The real problem isn't the devaluation, because all other fiat currencies with enough liquidity to actually use are also being devalued a similar amount. The problem is the US has recently demonstrated that it will "freeze" international dollars for geopolitical purposes. A lot of the world isn't politically aligned with the US, so they have an incentive to diversify away from it.
USD won't be replaced because there's just nothing to replace it at the moment, but other relatively stable currencies will start to be used more to diversify the risk of being politically rugged.

>> No.55190973

Foreigners subsidizing the US government is based

>> No.55190983

I'm not normally one to defend Amerifats but why should they care what non-citizens use dollars for? It's their currency they can do what they want with it.

>> No.55190996

They are not doing that anymore. Nobody wants US treasuries. The only ones buying are their commercial banks. Keep an eye on sofr.

>> No.55191145

I suspect there will be a basket of commodities that will be the new global currency.

>> No.55191196

That would be ideal, but it's a long way away from existing, and even further away from being widely adopted.
It would need to be controlled by some kind of central authority that would need to prove they're more trustworthy than the US.

>> No.55191293

Yep. We are back at pure realism. Nothing neo. Good thing the new liberal church is going to be decimated

>> No.55191314

as long as they let us

>> No.55191316

>How long will americans scam the rest of the world with their monopoly money?
Probably right up to the point where american stops exporting food and takes back all the factories and machinery in your dump of a country and starts charging to use the sealanes on threat of blockade.

>> No.55191323
File: 191 KB, 720x630, israel dollar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have a rotten egg, you tend to throw it away, especially if there are negatives associated with having it

>> No.55191330
File: 25 KB, 700x438, IMG_3811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


All you need to read

>> No.55191371

Currencies are not eggs, and the US still has a pool of highly educated people that with the right motivation can be used to produce for cheap, same goes for the EU. Nothing is black and white as it is in the stories that get told to children.

>> No.55191422
File: 74 KB, 1280x1124, AMERICANS TRYING TO READ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the US still has a pool of highly educated people
1/2 of Americans can't read

>> No.55191437
File: 21 KB, 830x474, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>takes back all the factories and machinery in your dump of a country and starts charging to use the sealanes on threat of blockade.
What a fucking boomer cope. Those factories are going to be nationalized just like all of the property and equipment companies like McDonalds thought they were "going to take home" from Russia. The sealanes shit is even more hilarious boomer cope because the US only builds 5 military ships and 5 commercial vessels a year while China is bulking out a fleet that is already bigger in size than the US numerically, about 20-25 ships per year, and not dinky shit like Frigates like the US, they're building multiple cruisers and aircraft carriers at once. The US commercial fleet numbers are even more deplorable, its down in the low 80s.

>> No.55191503

You don't need to be able to read to work the factory lines and the student loan debtors that are going to get baited to fight for their right to get gibs and burn Wendys again are cheaper than any imported indian. America was built on slave labor, it still is maintained on slave labor, they just call them felons these days. Don't underestimate the great Satan

>> No.55191712

What factory's?
America doesn't make anything

>> No.55191726

~14 days give or take

>> No.55191830

Production lines can be rebuild. It might take a year or two, but don't think that America is bound by some paper to not go full authoritarian slave labor colony to compete with china again. Always wondered how and why the US would crash and burn the UN. Guess I know now.

>> No.55191940
File: 576 KB, 1338x1680, francois quesnay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How long will americans scam the rest of the world with their monopoly money?
As long as the opportunity cost of scamming said world with said monopoly money is lesser than the US food supply. If the US food supply absolutely disappears, then the US military which enforces the dollar starves.

So what can cause a prolonged famine in the US? An anti-corn bioweapon?

>> No.55191980

Strangely enough, only about 50% of the population is White and the proportions are even worse for minorities. Good thing they haven’t stopped any of the millions flooding in. I am sure they will have a great work ethic and will rebuild the us even stronger.

>> No.55192036
File: 40 KB, 384x378, pepe without glasses reading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible for the US to have more people employed in the financial+military sectors (every mutt becomes a jew) than the agricultural sector? That's pretty much the limit for the US dollar as reserve currency. Imagine, a whole country of bankers and slave-soldiers.

>> No.55192038

Funny how Mexicans can read

>> No.55192040

A whip and the threat of starving while the borders are closed to the outside can be a great motivator

>> No.55192107
File: 687 KB, 2099x4000, actually.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More likely

>> No.55192127

>while the borders are closed
Let me know when that happens. I might still even be alive.

>> No.55192137
File: 577 KB, 1440x1244, bobo staring.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the fucking austerity that will be imposed just to get another meagre sliver of interest payments on treasury bonds rather than defaulting and becoming bankruptcy. America after 2050 will look like or worse than 19th century Britain.

>> No.55192177

>Why do you think they should pay for nigger welfare and your ObamaCare?
Because their currency is even more fake.

>> No.55192196
File: 114 KB, 1060x500, Children playing with stacks of hyperinflated currency during the Weimar Republic, 1922 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How bad can US hyperinflation get before anything changes for the better?

>> No.55192308

Fill in a few extra steps anon.
What president and congress will decide to do this? What laws are they going to pass? The US population bitterly divided on political and racial lines will go along with all of this? What institutions will enforce all of this? Who specifically will be closing the borders and whipping wagies?

>> No.55192387

>entire graph is a series of unpredictable ups and downs based on uncontrollable world events
>projection is that literally nothing happens in the next thirty fucking years
God this is moronic, this is why markets news is garbage, investors shocked every morning as things happen instead of last week's model holding up, and that's for a week.

>> No.55193555

No laws needed. They exist. Sedition, property damage... just AGs that enforce it

>> No.55193606

>nobody wants US treasuries
6mo and year bonds are selling like hotcakes

>> No.55193613

And on the context of who will go along. Everybody that isn't a NEW liberal fascist
Niggers, I have been sending you warnings since I got made aware of this. Do your own research, and gtfo as long as you still can
Divide et Impera. The majority of the US conservative and independent have learned to hat the seditious left; and they will cheer when those Niggers and blue haired get enslaved

>> No.55193633

Idiot, yields are spoking like retarded on them, because nobody wants them. Literally nobody

>> No.55193669

most of the time this true because a bad economy indicates that interest rates will drop and affect bond prices, but this is because interest rates have been raised by the fed. It's not a 2008 situation

>> No.55193694

Can lead a horse to water, cant make it drink. Do what you think is right, but under no circumstances go to the fucking riots, okay, just don't unless you look sexy in pink and are looking for free housing on 4.6sqft, 3 meals a day, and lot of exercise for 32 cents an hour for the next 20 years

>> No.55193706

the truth is you're all going to be poor as fuck without these "monopoly" money

>> No.55193747

im going to make a killing on shorting 6mo bonds

>> No.55193766

And what is the ramp to aircraft carrier ratio for China?

>> No.55193813

use our dollars or we will blow you to smithereens did I make that clear

>> No.55193860

The debt doubles every eight years. This is more realistic.

>> No.55193868

Nobody believes this anymore after Afghanistan and the failure that was Syria.

>> No.55194017

Based Arthur kino

>> No.55194701

a thread with too much truth, slided by the jew

>> No.55195335

slide never ends with jews

>> No.55196561 [DELETED] 

heavy slide

>> No.55196595
File: 35 KB, 598x472, japan debt to gdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's definitely shitty. Now look at every single other developed economy on earth lol

Pic related

>> No.55196608

now do China

>> No.55196736
File: 37 KB, 1318x450, fredgraph (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


China's debt to GDP ratio is currently lower than America's, but it's growing much faster. Regardless, debt to GDP isn't a tell all marker of a country's economic health. While debt isn't ideal, you only really run into trouble when your GDP isn't growing to match the level of debt increases, meaning payments will cost more. Japan is the posterchild of that problem, since their economy has been stagnant for years, and China is likely to follow for similar reasons

>> No.55196918

Isn't chalking up their economic stagnation to debt kind of retarded when they are clearly just growing old with shrinking population and are already rich so no easy avenues for more growth
Seems like a problem of wringing blood from a stone.

>> No.55196974 [DELETED] 

ofc. Its a recipe for disaster, like the same in the west. And don't think for a second that importing brown solves the problem. It worsens it. Because those niggers and shitskins expect the same social security and getting hand outs will lead to them making less little niggers. The world is fucked, funnily except, Africa, SA, Russia and central asia

>> No.55197493 [DELETED] 

the jews sliding really don't like this thread

>> No.55197508

Now post china's debt to GDP ratio. The us is in actual good footing.

>> No.55197550

just because there are worse does not mean the US is in good footing

>> No.55197555

anyone who accepts it has already consented to being scammed

>> No.55197560 [DELETED] 

you need to understand, jews have put so much energy into behaviorism and predicitive programming, that they started to believe their own shit
>The fed will pivot when it crashes
>buy the knife goy
Imagine coming up with this shit and expecting anybody to fall for it, jews...

>> No.55197568
File: 56 KB, 915x610, 53cd44a169bedd8351af9a0d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now do china

>> No.55197577

Literally 100 years.

>> No.55197626

>So what can cause a prolonged famine in the US? An anti-corn bioweapon?
I heard bill gates is very concerned about farming emissions in america while monopolizing food production in india. I also heard he has a hard on for viruses and likes to play russian roulette with the safety regulations.
But that's probably just schizo nonsense right?
Right anons?
Honk honk

>> No.55197762

China intentionally offloads its government debt by allowing its states to fund their own infrastructure projects. China's total state debt is already among the highest in the world, and the fact that its central government debt is starting to grow at an even faster rate than America's in spite of that is honestly a really bad fucking sign.

>> No.55197805
File: 220 KB, 504x488, business pepe smoking.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>probably just schizo nonsense right?
>Right anons?

If there were a profitable model for it, sure why not.

How can I profit if I were to do such a thing?

>> No.55197813 [DELETED] 

going back to israel frog

>> No.55197879

>t. living in hyperinflation
you have no idea what monopoly money is yet
stack crypto/metals
hoard food/meds/ammo
learn to live minimally
fuck keynesians

>> No.55197893


>> No.55197902


Another 10 years, I believe the target date is somewhere around 2035 for the economic superiority shift to turn from the west to the east.

India is the next country to be hyper developed like China.

Africa's larger more developed countries will be hyper developed once they global government policy accepted within their governments. Africa will be draining it's resources and selling to China for very little but in return China will provide tech for industrialization.

>> No.55197911 [DELETED] 

I would be careful, the americans are on deaths door with their grifts and the liquidity is running short. They will drain everything, from pm ious, over crypto to every supply chain they can drain liquidity from to survive

>> No.55197928

they can't beat stacking metals physically or crypto on a wallet
use monero
its what people think bitcoin is and makes banks seethe
here sadly since our currency is toilet paper money, USD still reigns because black market is in USD fiat

>> No.55197932

Sell indian food to america after you ban america from buying food from itself.
Of course, there is no beef in this hypothetical because india doesn't like beef.
But you'd have to find out if he can achieve this. So far goats is trying to rally the green crowd to his cause through the emissions fud. Who's on the other side of that and do they have enough money, maybe just collectively, to lobby against him?
Goats already has india afaik. Bought up a shit ton, caused 10k suicides on small plot owners with policy changes while slurping. Policies including 'buy your seeds from one source, buy your fertilizer from one source, monoculture everything is better promise' which presents the viral opportunity if he chooses that route.
And when has he not? He's infected more of his own computers than the french legion infected italians during ww2.

>tl;dr if you were asking how YOu would profit, then i'm not sure as he's using ngo's and i think they are private

>> No.55197945


> crypto

it's a meme, like pokemon cards

> metals

Chickens are more valuable unless you have a mining company.

> hoard food/meds/ammo

Well, maybe not hoard, but stock up.

> learn to live minimally

This is essentially humble and efficient.

You forgot one main important thing to do.


>> No.55197947 [DELETED] 

If the pm ious get rugged, your rocks will also lose "value". again, be careful, don't keep your eggs in one basket when a hegemon falls and fights for his survival especially if the hegom is a mix of jews and protestants lead by Jesuits

>> No.55197973

I know that keeping my eggs in one basket is bad
but most Lebanese did that in banks, because of high interest rates on savings
for example, I saved up 10k USD in about 3 years working, they're worth less than 200$ now at the black market rate
if I get out of loan shark debt I'm going to preach about austrian and supply side economics

>> No.55197997 [DELETED] 

Of course stay the fuck out of any bank. IOUs are the worst

>> No.55198123



this is what im talking about
check my namefagging

>> No.55198140

also Im in loan shark debt
because health insurance is in USD and my parents are old
so I fucked myself but did something good I guess

>> No.55198181

>how bad…
It’s a looooong way down, fren.

>> No.55198197 [DELETED] 

good luck man, the americans don't care about you, they want to survive and keep their grift alive

>> No.55198199


>> No.55198205

Also keep in mind that the average age of white Americans is literally decades older than the average age of every non-white American group.
So all these concerning trends you see emerging now are going to rapidly accelerate as white Americans die off in mass.

>> No.55198211

I know man
no one cares , especially with our (((neighbors))) still here
I'm in 5k debts and make 200$ a month so I'm screwed

>> No.55198239 [DELETED] 

I would like to give you good news, but the jews, protestants and jesuits that lead the US don't even care for their own people, and will happily sacrifice them. When the pogroms start again, know whose gold teeth you gonna remove with a hammer

>> No.55198319

fuck (((banks)))
yeah with jews you lose amirite
I will never forget that they bombed our port

>> No.55198336 [DELETED] 

if any crypto bro can help me out I'd highly appreciate it



I'm not proud to beg but desperation kills
I havent slept in months because of the calls, threats and the anxiety of not being able to pay back


>> No.55198388 [DELETED] 

you definitely do. And luckily people around the world have been made aware of the jew
Doubt any /biz/fag is going to send something but don't be to proud, and don't just try to beg on /biz/ if the situation is dire

>> No.55198457

>USD won't be replaced because there's just nothing to replace it at the moment
Is that why countries all around the world are adding hundreds of billions to the circulating supply by dumping their petrodollars? Countries like France, Brazil, and many other rising economies dealing in the Yuan rather than the historical petrodollar?

>> No.55198468

it was worth a shot
i gathered 50$ from discord friends last month
but i lost hope and accepted my fate

>> No.55198477 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 882x288, Israel centbank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Israel itself has reduced its exposure to the usd and euro

>> No.55198486 [DELETED] 

Never give up. Its going to be hard time for all of us

>> No.55198510

I dont know if you read my previous replies
I dont want to give up
suicide is a sin
but no way in fuck Im making 5k from nothing

>> No.55198513

Terrain is too mountainous. Same reason we never invaded Iran and just made empty threats. We know we would get our asses kicked.

>> No.55198522

someone is deleting antisemitism kek

>> No.55198523

funny, mods banned me for saying never give up, and forgot again I cant be banned

>> No.55198527

its like (((mods))) want me to commit suicide

>> No.55198533

Brutal. The master won't even deal in it's most loyal vassal's currency. We're in for some rough times ahead, most likely some combination of more money printing and increasingly unstable geopolitical conflicts/war

>> No.55198539

This website is compromised to the max, and mods, as jannies deserve the same fate as the jew

>> No.55198546

replying to this
just in spite of mods at this point

>> No.55198547
File: 729 KB, 1125x889, 1619465878435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are half the posts getting shoah'd? Fucking glownigger janny faggot deleting comments critical of the USD. First day on the job?

>> No.55198548

Money printing would require that somebody is willing to buy american debt, else american yields will shoot to the moon

>> No.55198582

I must have really pissed some jews off
Don't be in crypto, stocks or bonds when the shitshow comes crashing down
and dont short with too little margin

>> No.55198801
File: 29 KB, 882x288, Israel centbank.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related

>> No.55199110

Interesting. And it happened back in April already.