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55184260 No.55184260 [Reply] [Original]

Is it a good time to buy a house?

>> No.55184275
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I don’t think so but I’ll probably buy one this year anyways.

>> No.55184284

it depends on if you think we're about to have an economic crash or if the worst is over
unemployment is staying low despite everything

>> No.55184326

Isn't the market in a retarded limbo where prices are still pretty high as well as interest rates? I feel like we need to see another -10% to -20% downturn to justify these kike rates... Advice?

>> No.55184392
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Ya but I also keep hearing “this is the new norm”. Idt we will actually see a 20% drop in prices. I’m hoping towards the end of the year the trend of paying $50k over and waiving the inspection will stop though.

>> No.55184547

There's a nice neighborhood away from niggers in my town and my realtor advised us offering list price for the house (4br/2bth) and asking for some seller's concessions such as asking to cover closing costs. It's 225k and in a nice rural town. I'd just hate to be buying some else's bags.

>> No.55184564

Absolutely. My house is already past it’s ATH set back at peak pandemic

And interest rates are at a historic low of 7%!!!

>> No.55184577

house? nah I already own a condo. nother beer lad?

>> No.55184578

Actually sounds nice. If you plan to be there a while, you’ll be fine. If you want to sell and buy again in 5 years than it could be a bit riskier right now.

>> No.55184802

We don't plan on leaving this area any time soon. My only concern is that the home prices, right now, still haven't corrected to what they should be to adjust for the high interest rates and we'd be buying at a really bad time.

>> No.55184864


its never a good time, do what you want

>> No.55184883

Houses are about to go up 10% MoM. Up to you I guess...

>> No.55185015

everyone on plebbit says to wait since houses are still too high post-pandemic and the interest rates are too high as well.

>> No.55186369


>> No.55187262


>> No.55187278

Yes it is. I have a nice 4/2 made of the finest cardboard and conviently located next to diversity and inclusion. Only $800k are you interested?

>> No.55187282

Institutional investers keep the price high by paying cash, interest rates will be kept high to keep plebs out of the market.

>> No.55187292

Houses will probably just crab at inflation rate for the next 20 years

>> No.55187345

>rates will continue to rise
>millenials are about to be saddled with student loan payments eating into their previously disposable income
Yeah bro. Buy a house right now. /s

>> No.55187473
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Nothing is stopping you from making offers. I should have offered lower on the ones I looked at. There is this pressure when you're buying that you have to conform to "reasonableness" which usually means you have to do whatever the seller wants since you are always told there are multiple offers. I asked my realtor "hey ya know...how do I really know there are multiple offers on this thing if all I have is the seller's agent's word." The answer was well, it would be very serious for the seller agent to LIE and say there's multiple offers. My goodness anon, how could you even suggest that is a possibility! She could LOSE her license!

The process is fucked. My brother offered $330k on an house asking $600k. He was also told there were multiple offers and that, a few days or weeks later, that those offers "fell through". Well shucks, don't that beat everything.

I learned afterward (with help of chatgpt) that you can ask for a summary of the other offers which, surprise, my realtor never told me or suggested. They're all a gang, in on it together.

>> No.55187502

>ask real estate agent: is this a good time to buy?
>interest rates are up - it's a good time to buy before they get any higher
>same question a few months later
>interest rates are down - it's a good time to buy now that they've bottomed out
>same question a few months later
>interest rates are steady - it's a good time to buy

You get the idea.

>> No.55187848
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You have to compare the mortgage costs to the costs of renting a similar unit. All real estate is local. It might make sense to rent in expensive west coast metro areas, but buy in affordable Midwest metro areas.

Inventory matters in both cases. If you have specific demands like wanting several acres to raise animals, you're going to have difficulty finding rentals to meet your criteria.

>> No.55187917
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So it has come to my attention that haircomb is being gate kept. It is very unfortunate in light of all the poor users who won't make it. Actually, I don't care HAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.55187978

Automated spambot

>> No.55188013
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I think the student loan payments coming back in the next few months has the potential to buck break the market. The same retards that wouldn't pay back a loan are also the same retards that would buy a 1908 shit stick home for 1 million dollars. If the extra 1000 bucks a month for loan repayment makes some of them insolvent when having to pay off their mortgage we could see a glut of inventory enter the market. I'm going to wait a year, renting is too cheap right now and it makes 0 sense to buy now.

>> No.55188052

Why do people not want to live around melanated frens

>> No.55188067

Do you want to stop being a rent cuck or stop living with your parents? If so, buy. Pretty simple really. Who the fuck knows where the real estate market is going? Well, FED kikes might. Anyway, home ownership is based.

>> No.55188091

Why are these bots so shitty?

>> No.55188173

Mortgage process including your student loans as part of the DTI calc. People with massive student loans ain't qualifying for a mortgage. It does however means, these people will have no hope of buying any time soon.

>> No.55188426

If you have student loan payments you literally can't qualify for a mortgage you dumb fuck renter

>> No.55188458

Thats not true at all you retarded nigger.

>> No.55188959

I always thought this was bullshit. On the first house we really liked, as soon as we drove away from it my realtor told me THERE'S ALREADY 2 OTHER OFFERS ON THE HOUSE... We didn't end up making an offer and it's still sitting there.

>> No.55188974
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If you wanna buy this I guess

>> No.55188982

>Niggers move in
>Crime and general dishevelment of the property/area occurs
>They're up until 1:00 AM blasting rap and bouncing a basketball aggressively
>8 niglets standing in the trashed yard staring at you and your family while the mom is sitting in one of those plastic white Walmart chairs all day
>Your home price depreciates
>small theft starts to occur in the area
>Have to move out and sell at a loss because nobody else wants to live beside niggers besides other niggers.

>> No.55189121

Why is rent in Louisiana so high?

>> No.55189162

>>55184260 (OP)

>> No.55189166

AI will replace housing in two more weeks. Just wait for the collapse.

>> No.55189183

>just time the market bro

>> No.55189246

I feel like the market is pulling back a little bit, but the prices still haven't come down to meet the rates that buyers have to work with. Conversely, if I wait for rates to come back down then all the buyers on the sidelines are gonna come back out of the wood works and then everyone is suddenly back in bidding wars and offering 20%-30% over asking and I would have been better just to finance at these rates. Thoughts?

>> No.55189553
File: 688 KB, 2106x1350, rent by county 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not. You just have a bunch of very poor niggers.

>> No.55189596

ai is a meme
there is no 'ai' its machine learning ml shit its just bot
ai are jew poos

>> No.55189599

Good time to buy GOLD

>> No.55189628

No but boomers would glass the entire universe before they let their real estate index funds ponzi collapse so...maybe it's a good time before things get even worse.

>> No.55189665

No its a bad time, either wait till rates are lower or, more likely, prices fall while rates stay high

We are not done yet

>> No.55191243

Fear is coming and you need to take advantage of that. Make low offers. Sellers will come to you. There'll probably be around 30% correction and this will hit rural areas faster.

>> No.55191272

Boomers are dying off, 10 years from now boomers will be in nursing homes dying slowly. Every fucking boomer I know worked some worthless factory job and still made 90k a year, they'll be suffering soon enough.

>> No.55191302

Yes if you mongoloid have you ever actually applied for a mortgage?

>> No.55191333

I personally think you're delusional if you're expecting a 30% pull back. Too many buyers on the sidelines.

>> No.55191335

It’s hard for me to imagine a scenario where housing prices don’t crash. We have declining demographics and the only bracket which is increasing is the bottom tier of wage earners who simply can’t afford the price of real estate. If supply and demand really dictated price, then the supply is going to way outpace demand once the boomers are gone and I just don’t see how BlackRock and their imitators are going to gobble up enough houses to keep supply low.

>> No.55191356

What if there are enough "dip buyers" to gobble up the prices once they start to correct?

>> No.55193027

How could there be? Demographic growth is negative everywhere but Africa. Do you suppose the Africans will be gobbling up upper middle cost homes?

>> No.55193111
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Probably not but whatever.

>> No.55193177

There's an alternative path where the single family style homes and arable land is bought up by megalithic corporations who treat these as any other store of value. This does three things for them:
1. Value is stored in a finite commodity with little to no counterparty risk.
2. Owning all lands and homes creates an economic defensive barrier between the elite and the poor. Because they can never acquire land and must always rent, the poor never generate intergenerational wealth and remain in their caste permanently.
3. Forces poor into "15-minute cities" AKA "you live in Zone 16 and can't leave your immediate block without a permit and vaccination card."

>> No.55193186

They can’t hold forever, they have quarterly profits to report.

>> No.55193232

OMG MUH REALITY LICENCE! Any retard can become it’s a easy af test and 50 bucks here, real estate is filled with dumb post wall Stacie’s

>> No.55193272

No, house prices going down soon. Better keep renting because house prices going down any day now. Don't buy now, keep renting. Rent rent rent rent rent.

>> No.55193319

I just think every time is a good time. I managed to buy two houses since last year. One is for my parents so they don't have to rent anymore, and the other is for my soon to be born son, wife and I. I understand that buying houses might not be financially profitable as other investments, but I just find that the security that having your own roof gives you, is too much to pass by.

First house is always an investment, after that, you should consider WHY you are doing it

>> No.55193368

That map is almost 4 years old anon. Rents have risen across the board since then.

Actually surprised Cook County is in the 1000-1100 bracket. I know there are tens of thousands of low-income renters here but there are also tens of thousands of extremely high-income renters as well. The highest per capita number in the country IIRC.

>> No.55193414

2028 will be bottom

>> No.55194025

That’s obviously the goal, but what I’m suggesting is that it’s hard to imagine a scenario where high net worth individuals and institutions, which are really just collectives of high net worth institutions, successfully gobble up enough property to keep up with demographic collapse.

>> No.55194240

its completely dependant on your local area.

I live in the maryland side the county directly next to dc (moco,md) in 2020/2021 in TOTAL at any given time there were only 60-70 houses for sale UNDER $700,000 (where as 2019 and before it was hundreds at any given time) due to the low volume every house was overbid and sold in 2 days. In 2022 it went up to 100-130 houses and took about 2 weeks to sell. now in 2023 its 130 hours and slowly going up and about 3 weeks to sell but prices havent really gone down since inventory is still low compared to 2019 and before. so its a slow moving train unfortunately.

>> No.55194294

i spent a while on zillow spotting all the shithole homes in bumfuck egypt that keep changing hands among the bankers. and what do you know, the shitty rundown homes get zero invested into them each time however the price goes up up up with each pass. these fucks are ruining the housing economy and i will laugh heartily when this whole country is overrun with the creep of joggers and unruly types fucking up everyones shit.