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55184594 No.55184594 [Reply] [Original]

Who will we see in the next episode of Chainlink (TICKER: $LINK) Origins?

Also is Steve Ellis going to be the next Steve Jobs?


>> No.55184599


>> No.55184601
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>> No.55184660

not buying your bags pajeets


>> No.55184668

anyone good with photoshop able to rotate that hand/wrist 90 degrees? o/

>> No.55184732

>ari juels absent from origins ep
>ari not speaking at smartcon23

>> No.55184793
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The trick is that once you build a network which globally connects all the CBDCs, you also have a network which provides global reach to privately-issued currencies.

>> No.55184825

Rumor has it Ari is still wearing a mask to this day. Probably for the best he just sits out of public events from now on because it’s just plain embarrassing.

>> No.55184840
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>> No.55184848
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>> No.55185061

The more I learn about the incredible minds behind the Chainlink project the less and less I believe in the use case of the token. I honestly think their hiding strategy is going to hurt them long term. Retards on reddit buying Cardano based off of what? Charles delusional vision of a future where Africa is a tech capital? What the fuck is wrong with the market?

>> No.55185216

Haha that doesn’t make any sense you fudcuck back to the drawing board

>> No.55185221
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Here you go

>> No.55185255


>> No.55185374

episode 2 will host Blythe Masters.

>> No.55185417

>no mention of: sibos toilets, nail saloon
pick one

>> No.55185738

High quality posts, undeserving to be shared with the current state of this board.

>> No.55185740

Tell me why the fuck Cardano is a higher market cap than Link. Cardano is useless, shilled to midwit Redditoids. I have had to listen to countless coworkers talk about the "peer reviewed papers" and "game theory" and why Cardano is such a solid buy. Where is the retarded hype behind Chainlink? The backbone of Web3 and most of the blockchain space relies on the tech created by the Chainlink team. Where is the price action? Why has it been hovering around the $6 range for an entire year?

>> No.55185798

>stability in value
>about the price of a cup of coffee
ogre hayek was based but this is ogre
because charles is a based basedcuck with a farm you niggy
>What the fuck is wrong with the market?
Do you know how professional book makers make money on horse racing anon?

>> No.55187552

What is the implications of this?

>> No.55187941

Cardano happens to be my favorite comparison crypto too. Pure cult of personality which happens to win in this space (Tron is another good example, BNB is another one although at least BNB can save you on trading fees but otherwise a completely useless chain void of fucking any activity).

The fact that these ghost chains with zero future are multiples in market cap larger than LINK tells you very clearly what a clown state the market is in.

This can last a while, but won't last forever. Without Chainlink, there is no future for blockchain. And if blockchain succeeds, Chainlink becomes the single most important cryptocurrency. It's that simple. Timeline is the only question.

>> No.55188957
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Maybe a world where central banks cease to exist because better solutions have become available.

>> No.55188990

He and Sirgay are dreamy, no homo

>> No.55189014

Complete opposite, the fact that DTCC and SWIFT even bother interacting with Sergey publicly tells you they're suppressing it

>> No.55189046

Unironically what’s the make it stack circa 2025?

10k is out of the question. It was to adjust to market conditions like BTCs sui stack is currently 2.1

>> No.55189092
File: 534 KB, 883x720, 1624431467158.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yaaawww dat bussin jam hit different nigga!
>Killem uhhh
>Killem uhhh
>Killem uhhh

YOOOOO dat shit be litttt DOE.

>> No.55189148

Token not needed

>> No.55189159
File: 50 KB, 616x261, IMG_3503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Solid post. Personally, I’m all in.

>> No.55189161

>central banks cease to exist because better solutions have become available
Better solutions were previously available. Money used to be organically determined and controlled by the free market. Once gold became centralized in banks, the government slowly took them over and have been robbing people of wealth via inflation ever since WW1.

>> No.55189223

20k by 25, 10k by 30.

>> No.55189838

are you just a doomer or a pm bug or new to crypto or what? such an odd comment.