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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 143 KB, 1578x2076, dymaxion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5515625 No.5515625 [Reply] [Original]

behold, the most perfect coin created with the best tech created.... and you can mine it on an HDD

>> No.5515634

Holy fuck anon, this is big

>> No.5515643


>> No.5515676


>> No.5515706

this is literally your last chance to buy, biz

>> No.5515708

Niger please stop

>> No.5515723

So is this shit gonna moon or whot

>> No.5515727


read it or miss out on losing thousands of dollars

>> No.5515736

Stop what faggot? You missed the news or what?


>> No.5515738

this coin is complete shit go shill this shit somewhere else scamming nigger

>> No.5515742

this is literally the best update paper I've seen in crypto in the 11 months I've been in it.

>> No.5515745

holy shit... i think i actually caught a moon mission before it mooned HAIL MCAFEE

>> No.5515751

This shit is real deal.

Someone wakes McShill the fuck up.

>> No.5515753

meant for >>5515708

>> No.5515756

>no arguments
fuck off pajeet

>> No.5515763


>> No.5515773 [DELETED] 

Just bought 20k BZC, who cares, maybe it'll get to the normies.

>> No.5515774

hahahahah pajeet is mad that a real coin is on the stage now

>> No.5515778

how high do you guys think this coin will go?

>> No.5515781

"The Dymaxion can allow billions of transactions per day. In fact, the number of transaction it can handle is potentially infinite. Each single of the tangle-based lightning networks distributes “transactional stress” among its own network of participating nodes, allowing for arbitrary scalability. "

aaaare you fucking kidding me, whooot

>> No.5515791

This isn't even mooning right now, whot the fok. I want my money back biz

>> No.5515804

It's not going anywhere
The guy who put up 10 BTC is already trying to sell it back at 530 and it's not reaching

>> No.5515812

then sell your bags

I'm sure someone with a brain wants them

>> No.5515817

Most of the West is still asleep, they haven't seen the news yet.

>> No.5515818


>> No.5515820

give it time for people to read the update bro. this shit is going to moon hard.

>> No.5515830


It nearly reached 1k sat earlier this year. It will at least hit that later this week. If it can break that, then all bets are off.

>> No.5515837


>> No.5515855

I'm thinking 50c for now.

>> No.5515869

Holy shit, RIP Bitcoin you had a good run

>> No.5515872

So I just bought 100k, will she finally love me now?

>> No.5515885

in some days, yes

>> No.5515891

50c was the call from vergeboi

>> No.5515895

Bitcoin is fucking dead! GG

>> No.5515898

Climbing Bittrex's volume chart QUICK. Let's fucking go boys!

>> No.5515915

verge boi inst pumping it that was bullshit, but dont worry this coin is solid this realise is huge

>> No.5515919

We back baby

>> No.5515927

fuck me I forgot the buy after transferring the funds to bittrex

>> No.5515948


>> No.5515962

you have no idea what you're talking about, I'm in direct contact with him and nothing has changed. Are you not on the mailing list?

>> No.5515970

i sold at 490 earlier in the day and am not tooo... mad.... yet

>> No.5515987


>> No.5516003

BULLSHIT, He said the 26th stop shilling for him. Don't lie to people.

>> No.5516005

boys i have 100k bag. will i make it?

>> No.5516007

you better buy back before it's too late

>> No.5516011

Just buy back in desu, from the way everybody's shilling it this sounds like the pump of the century, Either that or it's all coordinated shilling to scam us out of a few shekels. Im guessing the former however

>> No.5516020


>> No.5516027

just sold some at 528 because I expected it to drop below 500 once more, maybe I was wrong

>> No.5516029

you will when america wakes up

>> No.5516030

who /boughtmore/

>> No.5516039
File: 115 KB, 1385x290, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no really, shut the fuck up and enjoy your gains

>> No.5516057

and just because I know your dumb ass is gonna say something else

>wut are different timezones?

>> No.5516058

just made 30k and I'm holding until this jewel is $10

>> No.5516089


Not too late to buy back in. This is #1 rising post on /r/crypto currencies. This will have a huge 12 hours and you have the chance to get in right now. This is a rare case of 'buy the news'

>> No.5516118

This might be my first true long term hold.
The features are great, this is definitely going to be a top 10 coin.

>> No.5516119

Get your larp out of here.
You're either a larper or a shitty P+D'er
You choose

>> No.5516125

took my money out of that exchange so it sort of is rn, hopefully it works out for you, either way i got a profit, i will kick myself but its not a loss

>> No.5516150

This is going moon in Lightspeed when the west wakes up

>> No.5516159

Guys, drop your bags, daddy wants to buy back in

>> No.5516178

I will do an experiment and see if the price crashes because of it

>> No.5516182

I am the west nigga. I set an alarm just to buy this shitcoin then come and shitpost on here. THEY SLEEPIN FAMMMMMMMM

>> No.5516185

>it's all verge boys work
>verge boy is making the pump
Cool story retard

>> No.5516201
File: 89 KB, 1163x592, Screenshot_8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is all the proof you get. anyone who's actually on the mailing list knows that this is proof positive. Maybe if you're nice and apologize to daddy I'll send you the invite link ;)

>> No.5516206

there's my dip, thank you all

>> No.5516217

not enough buyers.. shame

>> No.5516237

Barely even pumped let alone mooned ahaha

>> No.5516239
File: 137 KB, 1784x1002, 1511193255201-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying burst at ATH
>its gonna be huge anon!
>mfw huge dump in the last minute

>> No.5516244

is this shit actually minable on office grade hardware?

>> No.5516248


went from 30% of my portfolio to 95%, lambos back on the menu

>> No.5516278

Is it safe to go back to sleep or will i wake up JUSTed

>> No.5516282

Do you represent the whole west? or just the shitty ones

>> No.5516290


Up 20% I could've just sat on eos all day and got the same lmfao all this hype

>> No.5516308

you arent the only one still awake in the west, ive been here this whole time

>> No.5516309

Whales are deliberately suppressing the price to accumulate just hold for a few days and the real moon mission should begin

>> No.5516313 [DELETED] 

just the niggers

>> No.5516318

I signed up on the Google form and haven't been contacted yet.
What gives?

>> No.5516320


>> No.5516335

Spam folder

>> No.5516336

Where can you buy this?

>> No.5516348


Bittrex, I think also Poloniex

>> No.5516352

Bittrex, Poloniex, Livecoin, C-CEX.

>> No.5516363


livecoin is a pos exchange, one of the few that allow signups atm though

>> No.5516454

It's not there, though when I went to sign in to the Microsoft email I was using, I found that it had been temporarily suspended.
Would that have prevented me from receiving the email?

>> No.5516504

He has issues sending emails - I also never received it and I had a microsoft email listed aswell.

>> No.5516509

Proof of stake?

>> No.5516525

Piece of shit.

>> No.5516535

Pile of Salmon

>> No.5516605

temp suspended for what?

>> No.5516621

MY buddy had a microsoft email as well. He said it was sent to his spam folder and deleted but he recovered the emails. Dunno what that's about, but that's what he said. Maybe that can help you in some way. Otherwise you can always find the archived threads and sign up again, adding +PLEASECONFIRMMEKTHNXS or some shit to the email

>> No.5516670

Didn't say. It said "someone may have used your account to send spam, or you may have broken some other rule" and linked to this big code of conduct.
There was nothing in my sent mail, and I literally had not done anything with the account since opening it and setting up email forwarding, so I've got no idea what triggered it.

>sign up again, adding +PLEASECONFIRMMEKTHNXS or some shit to the email
Is that necessary? I thought the +text was only for the benefit of those signing up, since OP could prove he had received the email, and therefore was the creator of the form, by telling people in the thread what text they had added to their addresses.

>> No.5516685

stop selling your bags you retarded whales

>> No.5516712
File: 300 KB, 962x886, Holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5516782

hahaha nice one. you are really hurting after buying the high?? too bad

>> No.5516785

You guys think this will reach 800sats?

>> No.5516790

Fucking shitcoin shilled by a group of pajeets in discord

>> No.5516806

Shits a fucking super coin.. can’t believe I hit the lottery.

This concept takes the best traits of the original Burstcoin, IOTA,
Monero, ZCash and the newest Bitcoin proposals to create a currency suitable for truly global use. It allows e.g.
banks, clearing houses, remittance processors and virtually all other market participants to use quasi-private, yet
decentral and trustless transaction channels with desired properties

>> No.5516819

Guys it's barely even getting pumped

>> No.5516829

Nigger. It's getting shilled like every new coin but It's far from a shit coin.

>> No.5516832

FUDsters you're not getting any cheap bags

Just wait

>> No.5516839

I'm hoping this is my first EVER gains

>> No.5516865
File: 920 KB, 1808x1204, glockwojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just went all in on BURST.
Or i will come find you.

>> No.5516881


>> No.5516966

Bought 2k burst, let's go boys.

>> No.5516971

Once the whales are done selling we'll see moon

>> No.5516978

stay mad, i bought in at 240

>> No.5516987

Not sure if I ever wanna sell this now

>> No.5516991
File: 18 KB, 211x290, 1329083418646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is absolutely huge

>> No.5517024

Just joined their discord

>> No.5517033

this and this.

bought 10k at 203. was gonna sell once i 5x but after working my way through this update, I'm considering sticking in for the long haul. this is top 20 potential if they manage to accomplish what they are talking about. I'm not even doubtful that they can, since its all tested tech, the genius being the integration of it into this coin.

fucking could go about 1$

>> No.5517059
File: 42 KB, 1153x457, moon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Moon" haha

>> No.5517103

you're late retard, also wtf does a sell wall prove?

>> No.5517219

whales trying to accumulate. If you don't have the patience to wait after news like this then gtfo, we don't need your weak hands

>> No.5517485

News came out at 6am est. give it time.

Shit will be .25c ion 4 hrs

Stay poor faggots

>> No.5517565

Americans aren't awake yet init

>> No.5517610

Currently 7 AM in burgerland.

>> No.5517612

Gonna moon when they wake up bruv

>> No.5517613

Is 524 sats too late to get into it?

>> No.5517634
File: 10 KB, 380x338, balance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 500k. When do I become a whale?

>> No.5517636

No, it could get a hell of a lot higher. The sooner you buy the better.

>> No.5517644

>sold 50k burst at stop loss for 447 because forgot to cancel it and they were eaten by a whale in a single candle
>tfw rebought in at 530 anyway
this moon mission is just starting boys

>> No.5517675

600? 700? 800?...

>> No.5517688

just bought at 530, are you going to laugh at me when later, pajeet? :(

>> No.5517773

You did good but just in case, set up a stop loss sell order. It will moon, you won't make as much as everyone else but you will make money.

>> No.5517791

my portfolio just rose 100 dollars from this shit in less than 5 minutes fastest money i ever made see you at the end of the month boys

>> No.5517801

>mfw I only have ETH and I can't buy in and join the trip to the moon

>> No.5517815

Americans waking up right now. So thats a plus.
Where would you put the stop loss sell order in my position? 480-490?

>> No.5517830

Yeah I'd say around 480.

>> No.5517877

Thx boi

>> No.5517879


>> No.5517938
File: 18 KB, 495x362, 912ba6ba74786f5fcfe767ab2fd65669562139eb1fab6a295354d88a3f237dc9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5518102

Fucking Mcshit made people create those huge walls with his crappy PnD.
Fucking shiteater

>> No.5518117

Fuuucck. Sold before going to sleep at 471 sats because thought news would be trash like always. FML. Now FOMO'd back at 540 sats, shit is 530 now. Well, this IS really good news, so fucking cheap coin and privacy etc.

>> No.5518142
File: 552 KB, 1240x826, McAfee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't mind Mcuck to shill this news right now.
u buying now still?

>> No.5518185

Resistance being breached as we speak

>> No.5518191

Why the fuck wouldn't I? Think this is going 600-700 sats EOD.

>> No.5518336

sent the news to McAfee's twitter, hope he will spread it.

>> No.5518453


>> No.5518524
File: 192 KB, 400x416, 1514125969413.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


jk its not

>> No.5518533

>what is a dip?

>> No.5518542

Just wait. I bought at 540 but really I don't scare at all. I scared before news but now I know this will go maybe 1k sats before EOY.

>> No.5518555

That's high bro
I bought in at 499

>> No.5518562

There is just so much resistance because of that McShit pump which got so many people trapped trying to get to rocket.

>> No.5518573

You realise this is a shill thread, right?

>> No.5518584
File: 120 KB, 880x627, 387fd5533676e5b0519abbc180510d7f9a5b60443972dd9cccb9324f74ce8e16-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls send

>> No.5518606

High? Is it high when this goes over 600? Don't think so.

>> No.5518609

That's low estimate rather. 1000 maybe breached within 12 hours

>> No.5518616

shill thread or not I'm putting another $500 in.

If the devs can actually implement the shit in that whitepaper then this coin is going to overtake ETH.

>> No.5518639

That's high bro
I bought in at 479

>> No.5518679

That's high bro
I bought in at 478

>> No.5518699

I've screenshot this, I'll be v happy if so

>> No.5518750

fuck off pajeet

>> No.5518795

just transfer ETH over to Bittrex and sell it for BTC

>> No.5518843

What the fuck is happening

>> No.5518851

I bout strat from binance transferred it to poloniex and sold for btc

>> No.5518885

It's about to hit my stop limit lmaoooo

>> No.5518895

Some ass whale has a small 11btc sell wall, scared every fucker off.

>> No.5518897

that fucking wall

>> No.5518898

I bought 1k @ 99 sats long time ago so I'm happy.
I'm just wondering if I should buy more.
I bought it on C-cex and, as you might know they are on " vacations " till Jan 20th. I have it in my wallet, should I put it back on Poloniex?

>> No.5518930

when he fucks off, it'll rise again. I hate the manipulation

>> No.5518937


>> No.5518942

Yeah, fuck those sell walls.

>> No.5518960

Thx. Will do

>> No.5518986

>Colored coins

Fuck that I aint having no fucking nigga coins in my portfolio

>> No.5518988
File: 7 KB, 420x420, b36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5519023

As long as it stays above 500 I'm ok

>> No.5519047

Sell walls will come down.. pump is gonn happen today. Getting word on few whales.

>> No.5519080

the giant sell wall is actually a good sign. It means whales know this shit's gonna take off and are accumulating to get ready for moon mission. follow the big money and hodl

>> No.5519090

Should I cancel my sell limit at 470? Shits gonna dip

>> No.5519104

Waiting for this deposit on bitcoin. Will I still be alive?

>> No.5519112

stop losses are for pussies. If you're confident in the tech then no reason for it

>> No.5519130

Question is will it drop below 500...

>> No.5519144

Acting like if it drops to 300sats u won't b regretting it. This could easily be a pnd

>> No.5519154

>If you're confident in the tech
Nobody here gives a shit about the tech. We just want easy money.

>> No.5519188

Sell wall already 15btc, what the fuck?!

>> No.5519220

alright take your easy money and sell at 10 cents. Then fomo back in at 50

>> No.5519229

Only an idiot who held this coin before the announcement and continued to hold after the announcement would sell.

Announcements usually get dumped on this coin ain't dumping.

Sell and regret seriously. .50c eoy easy.

>> No.5519345

You will get JUST'd no doubt. I don't know why I bought.

>> No.5519357

Someone writes a memo to the idiot that forgot to remove his sell order after the Mcshit PnD

>> No.5519383

Fat whale fuck is gone. Enjoy

>> No.5519409

Was it you, fucker?

>> No.5519432

Volume already dried up, might buy when it hits bottom

>> No.5519538
File: 84 KB, 400x416, 1514125969421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans already woke up... no 2nd pump...

>> No.5519561

Fucking whales stopped the pump. Why?

>> No.5519578

no one even knows about burst yet. have some patience and you will be rewarded with lambos. better tech always wins in the end

>> No.5519580


>> No.5519633

It's over

>> No.5519684

You pajeets should read the PDF and see the potential.


>> No.5519723

>healthy consolidation

either you're trying to fill your bags up or you need to stay out of crypto before you lose all your money

>> No.5519763

only 19k BURST

Is this enough to make it?

>> No.5519845

Did nobody read the whitepaper?
>Stronzo Bestiale Institute of Technology
Stronzo Bestiale means "total asshole" in italian, google it up. You all got conned

>> No.5519917
File: 17 KB, 480x360, really.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5519977

New scam by same devs as IOTA
IOTA got rekt by RaiBlocks
Now CfB shits out this new Ponzi Scam with glorious words and heavenly promises with zero code

Lol dumb fucks deserve bagholding

>> No.5520009


>> No.5520082

So the author made a joke and called one of the devs a total asshole so what?

>> No.5520152

>noname devs, not even linked in profiles
>promising a godlike coin
>putting jokes in your WP
great project

>> No.5520245

We made it lads.

>> No.5520280

>summing up burst
chainlink but even shittier

>> No.5520674

This is boring can it just pump already.

This HUGE announcement and it barely went up 100sats bahaha

>> No.5521012



>> No.5521207

Only fools would sell now.

>> No.5521379
File: 86 KB, 1116x655, discount.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THANK YOU just about finished dumping my 500k on livecoin

>they think they're getting a discount

>> No.5521518


>> No.5521708


Ignore the moron on biz we can't keep them out.

>> No.5521777

If you want to know when to put all in or sell that coin just join this group... or continue losing money from fcktards who say to sell everything...


>> No.5521823
File: 67 KB, 600x600, kys viper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


fuck off kike

do not join these pnd groups, theyre a scam.

>> No.5521844

wow burst is really mooning guys so glad i bought in at 350 sats wow thx guys yeah its really going to 600-700-800 guys

i sold at 485 fuck off shitcoin no more pumps ahead

>> No.5522218


You guys expect instant moons. So sad in here

>> No.5522499

This shit aint moving anywhere since vergetard shilled everyone in, holding bags for weeks aint funny

>> No.5522711

Is this it?


>> No.5522907


>> No.5522962

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.5523090

HODL this good looking coin