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55173441 No.55173441 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55173451

unironically escaping America is the American dream.

>> No.55173457

How is that patriotic

>> No.55173476

it's not. no way to fix something that would that generations to fix. it's getting worse every single day. passport is key.

>> No.55173503

>invest in high dividend ETFs
>flee to a country with worse inflation and hotter women (argentina)
>be part of the middle class again (with a hotter wife)

>> No.55173520

What happens when you die and have massive credit card debt?

>> No.55173534

nothing, money is just made up thingy

>> No.55173564

yeah exactly. its not.

>> No.55173572

retarded expat stfu

>> No.55173594

sorry not sorry. it's why millions of Americans are moving out. enjoy the third world country it's becoming.

>> No.55173608

i leave my cards debt maxxed that way when the whole thing defaults i dont pay them back shit. accelerate

>> No.55173695

>south america
>hotter women lmao

>> No.55173700

your family has to pay

>> No.55173706

i said stfu stupid expat filth

>> No.55173712
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>> No.55173715

make me nigger

this is my thread now

>> No.55173717

for argentina it's true, for colombia and others it's not

>> No.55173784

Sort of. Creditors can make a claim against the estate, but if you die broke with debt they get nothing. Creditors cant go after family.

>> No.55173822
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>> No.55174256

I can fap to this

>> No.55174367

Time to debtmax. Fuck it all

>> No.55174373

Based, make 100k and go to the Philippines, put most of in a trust fund and live comfy for decades, maybe ape into a shitcoin or two to multiply your wealth.

>> No.55174386

The average American woman....
Is a fat cunt.

>> No.55174466

>put most of in a trust fund
>maybe ape into a shitcoin or two

What is this board now?

>> No.55174474

You mean Putin's Price Hike?

>> No.55174486

On a list of concerns that affect quality of life I rate patriotism somewhere between color of indigenous birds and the quality of local hotdog stands

>> No.55174502

Just make reservations for white people, there's tons of useless cheap land. Whites wouldn't do what natives do on them. Everyone would want in.

>> No.55175618

The American dream is to leave America.

I can't wait until I leave this shithole.

>> No.55175687

How is this bad?? 8hmrsx

>> No.55175700

stfu few creatures worse than expats

>> No.55175873

A 38" waist? Jesus fuck.

>> No.55175904

What patriotic thing are you doing about our corrupt system of money/finance/taxation and psychopath feds?

>> No.55175920


>> No.55176065

Ever see sicario? Remember at the end when he told the local cop to move to a small town because cities were filled with cartels, crooked cops, and drug wars. These cities became the land of wolves, and she was not a wolf. That's America. There's no more American dream. There's no more working hard at a good job for 40-50 years and retiring with a pension to a small house in Florida. Now there's only haves and have nots. If you do not acquire property, become a landlord, or business owner, or do not make it with stocks/crypto then you will simply not make it in this world.
The American dream is dead and we are left to pick the at the remains before the other wolves show up.

>> No.55176119

>trump starts to give everyone 1200 dollars a month for the fucking flu
>biden finally stops it
you mean trumpflation?

i am talking to several white mercenaries, they are talking about moving to kyrgyzstan and making a similar place like the boers did

>> No.55176222

I used to weight 170 lbs and I'm a whole foot taller. I've gained a bit since then, though.

>> No.55176348

why are you comparing yourself to woman thoughever?

>> No.55176359

I'm amazed at how fat the average woman is.

>> No.55176386

women will always have more bodyfat then men though

>> No.55176488

diversity=massive debt=hyperinflation
giga pump incoming

>> No.55177585

It's filled with druggies looking for fellow druggies to share their ideas. Looking through the whole thread and there' not one mention of passive income which is the easiest means of beating inflation. Biz is as good as dead.

>> No.55177821

Passive income is as good as dead rn. Isn't that the reason why oldfags are getting rekt daily from shitcoins?

>> No.55177996

Not dead to me! I've improved my pf's value by at least 15% from leveraging my stables on SpoolFi for the last 10months. I guess y'all don't do due research, that's why you're still living in 2020.

>> No.55178027

Who gives a flying fuck about "muh patriotism", fucking dumbass? I want to be free. That's all that matters to me.

>> No.55178032

Nothing. The retard judges without doing shit himself

>> No.55178222

Hope you're not just being deceived with yields that exist only on paper? Gotta be smarter than that!

>> No.55178255

Should I go back to drug dealing anons? I don’t see much hope left even job hopping won’t get me very far ahead. My thoughts are either debt max credit cards and throw it in bitcoin or go back to selling weed/mushrooms and ecstasy.

>> No.55178360

Lol. If they only existed on paper, I wouldn't have been able to exit and re-enter on multiple occasions as I've done; plus the pools with high yields are mostly incentivized pools and so there's nothing to fret about.

>> No.55178392

>turns out, inflation exists
I wish 95% of finance news weren't space fillers of useless predictable information

>> No.55178529
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We aren't. We also just learned that the employment numbers were fake inflated on purpose so now Powell can continue to ass fuck us with perpetual rate hikes.

I just don't know how much longer I can take it.

>> No.55178783


No people are even more violent/retarded now in general after Covid happened so it's even more dangerous.

>> No.55178789

stfu patriotism is freedom you filth expat

>> No.55178798

You are stupid

>> No.55178866

They really should have put "crushes" in all caps.

>> No.55178976
File: 48 KB, 494x292, IMG_0997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muscle weighs more than fat, men at similar heights will always weigh more than women. You have to be very, very retarded to believe a
>5’3 160lb woman
Isn’t MASSIVELY obese compared to a
>5’3 160lb man
You have no clue what you’re talking about, it’d be better if you never spoke at all.

>> No.55178988

Men have higher bone density.

>> No.55179129

you're reinforcing his argument

>> No.55179154

Yes, I'm giving a more complete picture.

>> No.55179172
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Remember your root
Americans were escapees
You can escape once again
To Iceland.

>> No.55179215


>> No.55179333

I think about kms every single day but never follow through

>> No.55179426

wtf does that even mean? stupid internet freak

>> No.55180385

Just don’t pay for 5 years and you can’t be sued anymore

>> No.55180502
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How do you feel knowing that this demented pedo nigga is killing crypto, because his gang of skitzo jews can't handle the fact that an extremely tiny amount of far rightists made a bit of money from it?


Yes, da joos. Every single important cabinet position is held by a jew (EG director of homeland security, fbi, etc) and half the white house staff are jewish.

There may never be another bullrun.

>> No.55180594

Putting every thing on credit cards that I have no intention of every paying back

>> No.55180640

I'm not an expat, I just don't like what America has become. It wasn't always like this.

>> No.55181306

On the flip side, I'm fuckin' wondering, "Why not secure generational wealth for my senpai once I'm gone, eh?" Hell yeah, I'm gonna give it a shot. Crypto, real estate, stocks might just be the ticket, which is why I'm scooping up those solid cap tokens like Ride, Ldo, and Trb alongside the big caps. They better shine bright by the Biden's outta the picture!

>> No.55181324

Doesn't matter he'll get voted in again.

>> No.55181356

Fuck off, glowie. We know you're filling your bags while spreading fud. Your jew poison can't touch us.

>> No.55181833
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>> No.55181849

>unmedicated schizophrenic who posts off-topic /pol/ for ages 8 and under™ tier discussions via brave browser screenshots of fox news
good morning faggot.

>> No.55181882

Trump lost. Get over it

>> No.55181975

100k even in high divi stocks will net you what, 4k a year before tax? It’s not enough to live anywhere (outside of literally no water African countries) you absolute mongo

>> No.55182002

a playground for racially mongrelized teenagers with a double digit IQ.

>> No.55182006

Trump won

>> No.55182065

When debt jubilee with new NWO currency?

>> No.55182157

Tons of Americans are leaving the core of the empire to head to Latin America. I know some who just visited there for the first time and are interested in going back to retire since it's so cheap. Mexico, Belize, Argentina and Columbia will all have a ton of expats soon.

Se Asia has a ton too but the cheap medicine in Mexico is a big draw.

>> No.55182215

>yes yes weave amewica amerwican!

>> No.55182899
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Preparation. Knew what was coming when they throw on the self sucking printers in 2019 and knew how it would end. Since then waiting for the crack to step on the tiles and deceive and corrupt so humanity can be free
Btw, 1 day

>> No.55182972

shut the fuck up wageoid

>> No.55182984

Slaves mostly don't know that they are slaves. Have some pity

>> No.55183035

Commie detected. Why are you on a BUSINESS board

>> No.55183042

Expat leech

>> No.55183049

It's fine to leave america but how would you make money in poor countries like Mexico?

>> No.55183050

I am so far right that idiots like you confuse me with a collectivist
I love humanity as individuals not as a braindead slave collective

>> No.55183062

expat miscreant

>> No.55183072

The world is my home, my loyalty is to the earth not some specific territory or the grifters and slaves that populate a certain territory
Home is where you are happy and where you can be free

>> No.55183077

Market is skyrocketing. Things are better than ever. Fuck you.

>> No.55183160

Trust internally hasn't returned to pre Biden levels in America and is further retracing world wide
Nobody trusts the corporations transnational as local or the political class be it local, regional, national or international to manage it, neither do the factions trust each other

>> No.55183201
File: 34 KB, 622x448, AFC11404-A3B0-4447-B98A-E1E11BD3F8A7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The average american woman is a man these days

>> No.55183228

I get it know the meme was developed by chinks. Now it makes sense it's so bad. No cultural relevancy, complete ignorance and arrogance toward western culture and in the end a poor copy

>> No.55183245

With credit card debt lol. I'[m moving to a cheaper place next month

>> No.55183406

People will just ignore it. Some will flee, others become slave labor and some will kill the debt collectors and irs agents. The chaos is going to be glorious and with trust completely gone there wont be a system rebuild

>> No.55184454

absolutely based
99% of "right-wingers" are really communists, so meeting an actual right-winger is a shock to them

>> No.55184588

I have paid off all debt and am sitting in 30k liquid cash and 40k investments with all future money going to stocks. I’m going to break this fucking cycle my family has made

>> No.55184658

I haven't met another right winger in ages. The most right wing around are lolberterian larpers, and if it comes hard on hard and somebody offers a bribe for them to join the collectivists club they are the first praising marx

>> No.55184661
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>> No.55185063

Enjoy getting murdered for the $0.48 in your pocket because the USD is super money there.

>> No.55185078

at least not in americq

>> No.55185099

Unless we're talking 7 figures worth of KO shares, I can't think of any passive income strategy that I'd trust to see me to the other side of whatever is coming down the way. Never bet against the beetus.

>> No.55185102
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>sitting in 30k liquid cash

>> No.55186113


We're not. This fake and gay country needs to burn to the fucking ground already.

>> No.55186257
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Doesn't matter which (((candidate))) won

>> No.55186300

That is like 200K in America. Not every nation pretends to be rich while paying 2000 a month for a one room apartment

>> No.55186348

if you're so poor that inflation is crushing you, just go neck yourself

>> No.55186364

you seem to be projecting. When you jump from the roof like your kind did in the '29, take a go pro with you

>> No.55188775
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Easy. Index trading. iTokens to the rescue. LPs and staking rewards. Not rocket science.

>> No.55188782

>core of the empire
die out leftytranny

>> No.55188799

Gotta be careful there. Quite difficult to spot products that work. AstraDao has proven to be worth the time. Time to slurp.

>> No.55188825

You need a good crypto investment with occasional passive income, preferably with participation fees earning. Not as hard as you think.

>> No.55189283
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Don't follow the normie cult and you will be rich. Worldly people are all slaves to socialist governments.

Glowies spend day and night promoting socialist ideologies to institutionalize the unknowingly ones. They look for people who feel "wronged" by others, seeking justice.

The left hand of the beast is sold to the "vengeful" social justice

The right hand of the beast is sold to the "righteous" good people

Neither are good or justified, just liars and haters who seek to fulfill a fantasy.

>> No.55189337

why is there such a correlation between trump browser chuds (br*ve) and blaming the inflation on Biden? The QE took place under tr*mp. the lockdowns and warpspeed took place under dr*mpf. Joe Biden just inherited the problem and is actively working on fixing it.

>> No.55189383

1 trillion in debt
Debt raise raised
Half of oil reserves sold and drilling more after commiting with the environment

>> No.55189555

You are extremely naive. Enjoy living amongst the ranks of poverty in the country you move to. 100k is not enough to live comfortably anywhere.