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File: 370 KB, 512x512, defec2703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55180803 No.55180803 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55180823

Everything is permitted as long the chuds are owned.

>> No.55180844

what is this, your 4th ban now? Re-evaluate your pathetic life. Times wasting. You could be inside some models pussy, but instead you're posting day in and day out low IQ threads.

>> No.55180946

seething glowie

>> No.55180987
File: 56 KB, 602x401, 1663890972674059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55181015
File: 72 KB, 1080x587, image0-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you ever feel embarrassed that you have to post an A.I generated image to reinforce your delusion? It's like the comic of the person decorating his room to look like hell and crying in the fetal position. It's pathetic. It's the same image every time too, you need help.

>> No.55181030

How does anyone believe Biden is doing anything at all? He's just the avatar for (((their))) will. He's just a puppet with no free will. They merely need a singular human to fill the role of presidency for now.

>> No.55181042

He is the perfect representation of America. Weak, old, and accepting of pride in butthole sex.

>> No.55181047

>all politicians children are married off to jews
hmm thats weird

>> No.55181054
File: 493 KB, 428x744, IMG_0841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What’s even more funny is you find “anons” who try to defend Biden. This traitor literally says trannies represent America’s soul. Jesus Christ lads get a hold of yourselves. Plus with the laptop (finally) leaking how in the hell could you defend Biden? fuck democrats and republicans- but defending Biden? That’s LOW

>> No.55181066

But the man wearing makeup and nice lady on Tv news told me how to vote for the right side! Why would they lie? Who else are you going to trust to make these decisions for us!

>> No.55181074

The laptop leaked several years ago. It's just "leaking" through acceptable mediums now that they're done with him and gonna install Clinton next.

>> No.55181132

you mean glowie trannies

>> No.55181167

Didn't read, still voting for biden. Christ I made so much money gambling on the election last year lmao