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55177728 No.55177728 [Reply] [Original]

there's a growing numer of negroes (african americans) browsing this board on a daily basis

>> No.55177756

We need to make them feel unwelcome. I'll start:


>> No.55177793

imagine being a black in America.

You are constantly glorified. You have a special month and multiple federal holidays just catering to you. The media praises you and spotlights you and gives you more positions per capita than any other race. You commit violent hate crimes against other minority groups like Asians and it’s swept under the rug. You get easier access to higher education and good jobs through affirmative action. Countless government schemes and programs exist specifically for use by you and you alone. Corporations pour billions into special programs and incentives for you and have special programs just to hire you. You can rape, loot, burn down immigrant run stores and run amock and liberal DA’s will not prosecute you because it would be politically disadvantageous. You can be openly racist and no one will say anything. You control a disproportionate amount of political power in the US through black politicians and the fact that BOTH parties bend over backwards to prove how not racist they are. In every aspect of society you are coddled and glorified.

Yet, despite all this you act like you are oppressed and the US treats you unfairly because there is literally no force in the universe greater than Afro-Narcisssim

>> No.55177797


>> No.55177848 [DELETED] 

hey wassup guys, I'm an iranian dude in London. I am a fellow Aryan like you guys (my great-great grandfather had blue eyes).

>> No.55177868

I live in Florida and there is beautiful real estate in the millions with 4 quadrillion niggers within 10 miles I don’t understand. These niggers don’t even speak English Obama let them in they just commit crime and drive like shit

>> No.55177877
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>Being racist will make up my failures
Well at least you finally stfu about trannies for 5 minutes.

>> No.55177892
File: 509 KB, 3088x2320, IMG_0434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Chuds calling out the trans menace and laughing at trans failires

>> No.55177938

I tell trannies that they’re men all the time. Probably the reason 41 is leaning on 42 kek

>> No.55178061

Lol the irony

>> No.55178108

>no data on what is considered 'right-leaning'

>> No.55178273
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what you gonna do about it Ivan?

>> No.55178292
File: 156 KB, 698x920, 1629036395625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one lunatic speaks out
>is shouted down by ten sane people
>the sane people are the problem
Welcome to Satanism 101

>> No.55178300

the left can't meme

>> No.55178313

how do you know? maybe you are one

>> No.55178387

>leftists brand their memes with water marks with a media watchdog founded by a Clinton shill

Glowniggers/ShareBlue employees are terrible at their jobs.

>> No.55178400

nigerian chefs?

>> No.55178582

We just hungry 'cuz

>> No.55179056

I'm Black and this is accurate. I'm getting sick of the lack of accountability we have. Such permissiveness is creating very annoying people. Blacks used to be more solid God-fearing folk...thanks to this stuff we're becoming insufferable entitled victims. Its all entirely counter productive.
*hypocrisy note- I will accept the unwarranted admiration of women though

>> No.55179083

*and the easy access and money into elite universities

>> No.55179104

Continue to secretly hate you like 90% of americans?

>> No.55179110

so nothing, just like I thought

>> No.55179159

If that's winning to you then idk I guess. I'd rather be a white guy than a black billionaire with a 12 inch dick.

>> No.55179167

>there is literally no force in the universe greater than Afro-Narcisssim

1. progressivism
2. female narcissism
3. afro-narcissism

there you go

>> No.55179209

Well done, you can have my wife.