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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 59 KB, 634x423, 69687387-11958781-image-a-1_1681176680257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55174292 No.55174292 [Reply] [Original]

>single-handedly kills a multi-billion-dollar corporation
How do women do it?

>> No.55174303

If you don't put kids into a woman, she will burn your society.

>> No.55174312

no idea how this happened op!

>> No.55174336

I don’t know how people look at their mother and say yes! I want her in charge of things! Mine cries with smallest amount of stress and can’t stop watching TikTok’s after work to look for a new job despite hating and complaining about hers for hours a day. She has an engineering degree ffs.

>> No.55174339

>hire woman ceo
>ceo hires "forward thinking" marketers
>marketers try to push alienating ideals on their target demographic
>target demographic stops buying

>If you don't put kids into a woman, she will burn your society.
To be fair, that goes both ways.

>> No.55174344

>gender: foid
>species: kike
perfect recipe for disaster

>> No.55174348

*jewdar pings*

>> No.55174351

Wtf is wrong with her teeth?

>> No.55174352

>To be fair, that goes both ways.
No, it doesn't

>> No.55174354

whether you put kids into them or not, doesn't matter really. You think commie women don't have kids?

>> No.55174359
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>buys Busch Light instead
checkmate, trannies

>> No.55174399
File: 931 KB, 4608x3456, IMG_8152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That’s one gummy smile

>> No.55174421

this. if women dont have kids they find no issue at all with making society even worse than it already is. when they have kids, they have a stake in society and want things to get better or be safer for their kids sake. childless women are the bearers of destruction.

>> No.55174422


>> No.55174438

>Mine cries with smallest amount of stress
mine is 60 and does this. It's unreal...

>> No.55174482


>> No.55174491

So childless men are totally okay with being childless then?

>> No.55174512

men don't make children there's no biological mechanisms in our balls aside from busting a fat nut

>> No.55174513

the second they start demanding access to your children the apathy normal people have for the mentally ill evaporates. this is something they never thought about because all of these people are so broken they're either allergic to or incapable of having children.

normal healthy people know their priorities completely change when the health and survival of their children are in the picture. instead, these perpetual children will never experience the humbling realization that their own infantile ideals mean nothing when you have nothing to leave behind when you're gone.

never expect sanity from the childless class, their opinions and desires bear no weight.

>> No.55174514


>> No.55174578

Women without children rot societies from the inside out, imposing the cultural ideals that made them miserable and dysfunctional on the subsequent generations.

Men without children vary a little more. Some do the same thing as women, culturally subverting society; some rise to power and influence and loot the proverbial treasury; some take up arms and try to destroy society to rebuild it in a more favorable manner. Many kill themselves with alcohol or drugs. Some exit society for greener pastures.

The extreme degree of institutionally facilitated hypergamy in the Incan empire was almost certainly a motivator for a large swath of the local men assisting a ragtag band of under-supplied explorers to burn the entire thing down. Similar motivator for political and religious terrorists.

If Chinese eunuchs had balls and children to look after, they would not have been playing the kinds of corrupt games in the royal court that led to multiple dynastic collapses.

>> No.55174865

Incels are far more destructive

>> No.55174965

It helps, but doesn't negate the problem entirely. Women are just designed by nature to try to break shit. Things that don't break by the efforts of women are good in the eyes of nature. Things that do break are swept away to make room for a more powerful candidate. They're in the same category as floods, earthquakes, famines, and so on. This doesn't make them "bad" by the way. God, nature, whatever you want to call it, is playing a much more sophisticated game with them. Man builds the castle, woman is the wind that slams against it. Women are a necessary destructive function, but of course this doesn't offer much comfort when you're a part of the weak civilization they are destroying.

>> No.55174978

she looks very jewish
jews destroy everything good

>> No.55175041

Wow… Literally the best post I have seen on this board in some time.
What do you do for a living?

>> No.55175182

Software engineer.

>> No.55175209

What's her last name? Hit me with that early life senpai

>> No.55175240

If my mom has to do more than a single thing in a day she gets so stressed and is so "busy".

>> No.55175293

Go woke, go broke. Simple as.

>> No.55175334

no one is reading any of that shit faggot

>> No.55175369

Congratulations on your ADHD retard. If we're all lucky, it's a result of metastasizing brain cancer.

>> No.55175434

She's a classic case of Jews being completely oblivious to reality/Aryan mindfulness.

>> No.55175519


>> No.55175531
File: 97 KB, 768x1024, IMG_0542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They’ve been coming after your children for like 7 years and you chuds still haven’t done shit about it just shut the fuck up and take it like a good submissive little chuddy.

>> No.55175606

these people are going to get it in the end
they have their time through blasphemy
picking up rocks and enjoying what God made
Satan wants to make a worse version of what God made
how simple minded. its embarrassing

>> No.55175660

Yea when they’re dead and after your child has been molested, chemically castrated or mind fucked by psychological warfare. Meanwhile chuds screech on the internet and complain but won’t even mobilize to combat this shit with meme campaigns. The only people even protesting groomer fag shows for kids are literal neo nazis in Ohio….. they’ll continue pushing the envelope with this shit because you all continue to take it.

>> No.55175749

I agree Glory is important.
Peace is all we can know at this state if we don't fight for Glory.
I'm saying let's do the right thing even if it is tough.
I just want to be absolutely sure of how to go about that.
God talked directly to Moses.

>> No.55175804

My wife does the same thing and shes an asian immigrant that works in a resturaunt. Its true what they say about good women in all corners of the world, its round.

>> No.55175831

that's some stable diffusion asmongold anglerfish shit.

>> No.55175839
File: 1.16 MB, 748x996, 1685744036965778.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you dont put kids into a woman, she will burn your society.
>to be fair it goes both ways
>If you dont put a woman into your kids, they will burn your society
Instructions unclear, womens penis stuck in children.

>> No.55175847

She uses the same dentist as AOC.

>> No.55175874
File: 238 KB, 1030x781, faggots-pride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related about evil incarnate
also keke at this >>55175804
they are the weaker vessels, truly it is our fault

>> No.55175887

Nailed it.

>> No.55175949


>> No.55176009
File: 25 KB, 499x499, 0e9[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>become community manager of a non-woke business
>short it
>post woke shit

Am I the only one seeing it?

>> No.55176064

This is the most aggressively Jewish looking woman I’ve ever seen

>> No.55176178

This is similar to a very profitable investment strategy for big banks in the 20th century.

>> No.55176208
File: 2.09 MB, 480x854, 3beersmode.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is even funnier when you read about her and learn that her 3 kids were all born via a surrogate

>> No.55176285
File: 2.85 MB, 1438x1772, Screenshot 2023-06-03 at 15.44.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

la creatura..

>> No.55176733

Whew lad

>> No.55176746

The woman was a distraction, just like COVID was a distraction.

>> No.55176792

Go back to /pol/

>> No.55176812

Cause it's a man you idiots.

>> No.55177122
File: 209 KB, 361x363, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have the power to end those patterns, buddy.

>> No.55177184

But /biz/ told me the Blackrock stock AI algorythm favors companies that do this and that's why they all do this.

>> No.55177195

>give breeding stock the ability to control society
>everything goes to shit

>> No.55177203

Who did those other hands belonging to?

>> No.55177222

All women are like this.

>> No.55177330

cope and sneed

>> No.55178241

>scorned rats return to burrow. circa 2023 (colorized)

>> No.55178270

incels want sex not babies.
this anon >>55174578 has the correct analysis but identifies the wrong cause for it (childlessness instead of sexlessness)

obviously i am pro children and think that if you're a man in a relationship with a woman and you don't intend to have kids you're a disgrace to God and society, but that's beyond the point.

that post is 101 4chan sociology, you haven't been around for long if you haven't seen that theory proposed at least 5 times

>> No.55178281

wasnt even fired tho

>> No.55178295

>Gets billions of ESG bux from Blackrock


>> No.55178308

Not just the nose, look at the smile and eyes, I literally get an unsettling gut feeling looking at kikes. Natural sworn enemies

>> No.55178361

All these posts complaining about women and ignoring that pic in OP is a man.

>> No.55178410

It's still genuinely baffling to me that conservatives are so triggered by the existence of gay people.

>> No.55178453

no u simp. If you don't keep her in line and repress sexuality you end up like today

>> No.55178476

>pilpuling outside of twitter

>> No.55178509

no not "this".
Weak men like you are why women are like this.
So what if every woman has a kid?
I know too many selfish roasties that have kids and u know what? The kid is just a status symbol like how guys use a girlfriend like one.

Reality is, women have all the laws in their favor because weak men gave it to them.
Weak men simp, pay for her things and expect nothing of her because she's a "woman".

Trannies and Muslims are doing the job of keeping girls in line.
Weak men need to be lynched; Chads for ruining them and simps for bailing her out

>> No.55178526

I read it.
TLDR: This women helped get rid of Bud Light because it sucked anyway

>> No.55178549

where have you been, hiding under a rock?
Society decayed starting with Elvis shaking his knees.
He's a degenerate pill popping coomer and if you can't identify where the decay began and what it looks like in it's smallest form then it's over for you.

Elites goal is a feudal system built like china, but u morons scream "communism".
The Jewish Elites push LGBT stuff because they're legitimately turned on by it and do it themselves.
It's like being into black girls and all of sudden they're in everything like a conspiracy decades in the making.

Your kids were doomed the moment you can't recognize where it began.
The brainlet answer is today's "LGBT Troons" but the actual answer is Elvis. If society rejected him and everything afterwards they'd be alright.

Keep screaming about trannies as your kids become pill popping slaves to a nanny state

>> No.55178560

>company loses literally zero dollars
>biztards think they are dead forever
why do you incels even wake up in the morning. for a bunch of retards on biz you sure do have a hard time understanding that not a single company ever in the history of the world has lose money from supporting gays, it is a free money multiplier for them every single time

>> No.55178655

They would've been better off with a pack of cheese as the ceo.

>> No.55178693

She did it on purpose.
She’s jewish.

>> No.55178757


>> No.55178782

she looks like she came form the same clone batch as the female PM for NZ

>> No.55178973

Look I love my mom but it's true, she is retarded, easily influenced, and is like a child in an adult's body. It actually saddens me sometimes because I want her to be happy but she just can't stop herself from making bad decisions.

>> No.55179032

>incels want sex not babies

This doesn't explain why they don't just visit prostitutes. Though some do, for most, sex is more of a means to an ends: first and foremost the feeling of being wanted on a primal level; by extension, having a happy/stable relationship to provide that; for many, a family of their own from there.

There are a number of reasons why they don't get it - whether because the social/sexual dynamics are unfavorable to them, or because they have their own personal issues to sort out - but at the end of the day they're romantics, albeit jaded ones. I presume the non-romantics tend to go the mgtow route, though the incel "communities" - as distinguished from the classical unaffiliated incel - also tend to culturally pressure members in that direction.

From the pervasiveness of /pol/-esque memes with family imagery to the writings of the "supreme gentleman" himself, the idea of procreation along with sex and stable relationships resonates deeply with them, though they've obviously grown deeply cynical about women and the institution of marriage.

With that said though, having sex doesn't stop childless men from trying to bring down society, because they still have nothing to lose.

>> No.55179072
File: 1.40 MB, 1084x951, 1684681146643779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Female supremacist mysticism. Nonsense.
The idea that female choice is somehow eugenic or expedient is ludicrous, modern chroniclers have ensured that idea shall be swept away into the dustbin forever.

>> No.55179075

This is generally true however my mother is a doctor and works incredibly hard. She has patience of steel and is very responsible (for a woman)

>> No.55179097

>Chinese eunuchs ... playing the kinds of corrupt games in the royal court that led to multiple dynastic collapses.

the eunuchs are just a symptom of the problem during chinese collapses
the problem is always entrenched elites who can ignore feedback and consequences

>> No.55179107

>the problem is always entrenched elites who can ignore feedback and consequences
That luxury is the prize for winning the game. They won the game now they get to enjoy the prize. To play again you must reset the board.

>> No.55179116

homosexuality is social rot and cultural pollution
I bet you litter at national parks, you little faggot

>> No.55179145

there can be an entrenched elite without any luxuries but still somehow kill a large percentage of the population.
Stalin and Stalinists for an example
it's the feedback mechanisms and consequences that matter

>> No.55179257

That's a good point.

I'd argue Stalin understood the feedback cycle, but had to maintain a paranoid and draconian balancing act to control and maintain an empire fundamentally built on lies. I'm curious whether the USSR would have collapsed sooner if WW2 had not happened.

>> No.55179546
File: 139 KB, 800x750, 6000000 soybooru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's still genuinely baffling to me that conservatives are so triggered by the existence of gay people

>> No.55179606

>your religion and traditions are bad and hateful!
>the school curriculum needs to teach your child about how we fuck eachother in the ass
>you need to use my preferred pronouns or we will charge you with a hate crime!
>you need to bake this cake or we will charge you with a hate crime!
>your daughter need to share this washroom with a 50 year old man
>your daughter needs to compete against this boy in her sports
>geee why dont some people like us!??!

>> No.55180669

this is why you buy PEPE LIGHT kek
still fresh and tastes better than this troon garbage
tg: pepelightbsc

>> No.55180742
File: 596 KB, 640x640, 1666729556836290.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure bud. Because decades of propaganda and corporate pandering to people who decide to shove their erect penises up other men's buttholes means it's normal natural behavior. Woman grinding their crotches together is just evolution doing it's job so we can evolve into higher beings. Sorry, but the truth is that if you commit gay, the natural response is disgust and the spiritual one is hellfire.

>> No.55180795
File: 106 KB, 720x886, Screenshot_20230604_085917_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a woman I could have a beer with before making sweet love all night long

>> No.55180809

It's AB Inbev nobody is going broke lol

>> No.55180994

>I don’t know how people look at their mother and say yes! I want her in charge of things! Mine cries with smallest amount of stress and can’t stop watching TikTok’s after work to look for a new job despite hating and complaining about hers for hours a day. She has an engineering degree ffs.

That’s the thing, I work in biotech and I think there’s more women than men in RnD. A PhD is a requirement. How is it that they are smart enough to earn a STEM degree but are different than men in every way wrt leadership, working together as a group, dealing with stress…etc. you’d think that they are dumb but here we are.

>> No.55181010

Light kikebrews were never good.

>> No.55181017

>no not "this".
>Weak men like you are why women are like this.
>So what if every woman has a kid?
>I know too many selfish roasties that have kids and u know what? The kid is just a status symbol like how guys use a girlfriend like one.

>Reality is, women have all the laws in their favor because weak men gave it to them.
>Weak men simp, pay for her things and expect nothing of her because she's a "woman".

>Trannies and Muslims are doing the job of keeping girls in line.
>Weak men need to be lynched; Chads for ruining them and simps for bailing her out

100% this, can’t agree more. we are at a point where I just don’t see the laws changing for the benefit of men though. what can seriously be done at this point? Wanna be elected to change laws? Sorry, you need the backing of hedge funds and it is in their interest to keep this woke narrative going for as long as possible. other than a reset or a shtf situation, we’re all fucked.

>> No.55181028

2 more weeks

>> No.55181068

>Look I love my mom but it's true, she is retarded, easily influenced, and is like a child in an adult's body. It actually saddens me sometimes because I want her to be happy but she just can't stop herself from making bad decisions.

She worked her ass off so that my siblings and I could get a better life. But she and my late dad always fought and beat us up too. Had childhood trauma and in my thirties right now, unable to perform well at life and in my job due to depression and anxiety. but I wish I could earn enough to retire her.

>> No.55181091

>Sure bud. Because decades of propaganda and corporate pandering to people who decide to shove their erect penises up other men's buttholes means it's normal natural behavior. Woman grinding their crotches together is just evolution doing it's job so we can evolve into higher beings. Sorry, but the truth is that if you commit gay, the natural response is disgust and the spiritual one is hellfire.

haven’t had sex since the end of the pandemic after my wife left me. I’ve been coping with it through porn. Seems like I need more and more sick Shit to get off now than when I had a healthy sex life. from normal porn to cuckold to tranny and now to femboi.

I feel sick as Shit but I’m so numb that I needed that shit to feel something. I’m trying to do right by God but it’s so hard and I wish I have someone right now.

>> No.55181148

Start your 30 day nofap with the first 3 being a water fast. Pray every night. You are oppressed by dark spirits and committing gay because they are feeding off of the negative energy your sin produces. Deny them the pleasure of your boi pussy fapathon. Be in God's company. Repent faggot.

>> No.55181151

But that's a man.

>> No.55181220

Imagine being Dave in the brewery making this shit beer day in day out and now being told you are being laid off because some female exec that earns more in a year that what you do in 10 years, fucked up by putting a trannie on the can

>> No.55181221

>That’s the thing, I work in biotech and I think there’s more women than men in RnD. A PhD is a requirement. How is it that they are smart enough to earn a STEM degree but are different than men in every way wrt leadership, working together as a group, dealing with stress…etc. you’d think that they are dumb but here we are.
they are dumb. Women do well in school because doing well in school means following the structure and parotting the course during the exams.
Women are like chinese men.

>> No.55181227


What a delusional faggot lmao

>> No.55181230

jesus christ /biz/ do all of you have shit parents? apparently my mom is an incredible woman among women which I already kind of suspected but wow.

>> No.55181232

It's what happens when brands think their position in the market is cemented.

>> No.55181236

>hey guys we about to short out our stocks be cool

>> No.55181241
File: 167 KB, 813x1276, 1642579969848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did somebody say God?
>Did somebody mention "sin"!?
>Ha! I bet they've never finished a Lex Fridman podcast in their entire life!
>Better say something.
>Did I accidently reddit space again?
>Who cares, I love faggots and reddit and I don't care who knows.

>> No.55181525

A lot of the drinkers of this swill haven’t even heard about the marketing fiasco yet.

>> No.55181546

This is generally true for most women. It's no wonder children living under a single mother grow up to be massive shits. I do think that immigrant women are more resilient.

>> No.55181556

Besides all this stuff it's pretty easy to see why women are bad candidates to run things.
>daddy tells his girl she's the smartest girl he's ever met
>teacher tells a girl she's smart for being above average in grades, because the school needs a girl to send to the math competition
>boyfriend tells her she's beautiful
>simp/orbiter who wants to be her next boyfriend does the same but more aggressively
>randos on myspace/facebook/instagram/social media currently popular like her bikini pics and tell her she could be a model
>college dean gives her an ovation because she was bumped up some gpa by a simp professor who wanted to fuck her
>gets recommendations by simps to work for megacorp
>megacorp needs a woman to fill affirmative action requirements and she's just slightly above average enough to be a perfect fit
Her ego would be HUGE by this point.

But then she's put into the kind of position that men work their entire lives to get, a career peak, in her late-30s where she should arguably be maybe a mid-level wagie at best. And suddenly with total control over a company's advertising, a job normally given to a more experience man in his 50s, she totally fucks it all up.

Because in her entire life she has never had to taste truly bitter defeat, or stake her entire career on something, or fight hard for her success or despair that her life is fucked and she will always be mediocre.

Because she was told she was the best, she was never aware she was, in fact, mediocre. So the thought that "tranny grimaces at shitty beer while redneck chuds jeer" would not be a good marketing move never crossed her mind- she was always the best and successful before, her father said she was the smarterest, so why would she fail here?

And apply that to society as a whole and now you understand why money is worthless and china will rule the world.

>> No.55181568
File: 79 KB, 975x1024, 1683489733709985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For most of her life my mom got paid a full-time salary working 20 hours a week because of a deal she had with upper management. It wasn't a small salary either, she was a middle manager. She thinks she has bled and struggled, far more than some chud on an oil rig, because of how hard it was for her to get her 4 year Liberal Arts degree.


>> No.55181575

60% of phd holders are male, not female. An oversample of women isn't evidence of anything except that the system babies them hard.

>> No.55181598
File: 4 KB, 262x193, 1682011157452402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my mom got paid a full-time salary working 20 hours a week because of a deal she had with upper management

Who's gonna tell him anon lmao

>> No.55181602

My mother is a whore yes, but in other ways.