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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55173658 No.55173658 [Reply] [Original]

Get ready
that's all I'll say. It'll start before Tuesday. Consider yourself warned. >429237930

>> No.55173671

Give us more info of fuck off

>> No.55173675

sannan bilderberg vierailulla osuutta asiaan?

>> No.55173688

fuck off retard

>> No.55173711

Internet and Telecommunications are getting cut for an indefinite period of time. Information will be locked down and when it comes back you will then need an ID to access internet. WW3 also ties into this too. But none of it will matter in 48 hours as you'll have no way to share it and nobody will believe you anyways.

Just giving you a friendly heads up. Get any last minute things you need. This is probably going to be chaotic.

>> No.55173730

They're doing this essentially because they've lost control of all forms of narratives and have no real influence on society anymore after the covid scandal. Now they need people for war, but it will be impossible to get the numbers they need if people are allowed to tell the truth about the matter freely and anonymously.

>> No.55173744

I'll reply here in 48 hours to tell you you a fag

>> No.55173749

I thought these kind or things won't come for another few years

>> No.55173754

of things*

>> No.55173771



>> No.55173779

This is at least 12th time i see that exact prediction made on this board alone.

>> No.55173785

We're actually behind schedule, they've managed to kick the can for 2 years now. The war has already started for all intents and purposes, but it will become official this year that the West is now directly involved.

This War will rage on until 2026. At which point the deaths and excess mortality from the vaccine will result in a population decline of billions. What happens from that point we can only speculate. There may be a 1-3 year lull like the covid crisis had. But their endgame is one world government. This whole War and orchestrated catastrophe is really just the catalyst to get us there.

>> No.55173786

schizo ramblings by a retard fag on an incle board, sweet

>> No.55173789

>impossible to get the numbers they need if people are allowed to tell the truth
it would be anyway, no matter what happens.

>> No.55173802

Insider here, youre full of lizard dung, and you smell like it too.

>> No.55173813

built for BBC

>> No.55173831

I figured it would be a couple of weeks, at least

>> No.55173844

Nope, unfortunately. You're going to be an unpatriotic outcast again just like you were in Covid. But this time you will be jailed and possibly worse, and there will be no internet to get your story out there or amplify your message sadly.

Just keep your head down and don't be a loud schizo that attracts attention. It's going to be like soviet gestapo in the pre-internet times. People will rat on you for wrongthink.

You need to remember they had a 60-80% success rate with covid, AND they had the internet working against them. Without it, you're in trouble.

>> No.55173850
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>> No.55173861

its happening TONIGHT

>> No.55173903

50 year no vaxxed italian here.
not my problem

>> No.55173966

nina is alive !

>> No.55174000

CCIP that is, not your schizo shit

>> No.55174078

Hello friend. Your time line is a little early, but good on you for knocking until you were given an answer. It’s going to take some time before they take it away and enforce the mark for access. Right now the open source uncensored models are just getting started. We have to make it through 3.5 years of the uncensored ai being allowed to say whatever it wants and people having access to uncensored bots before they can fully implement it the way they want. Plus world coin is still in its infancy.

You have correctly noticed the hour of the age you are in, but your panic is early. You have been blessed with words of knowledge and prophecy, but remember how it all ends. The urgency is not needed.

Once the pendulum has swung back and the blasphemies start then you know how much time is left.

And make sure you have some link if you want any day in the matter. Ideally your goal should be to not be here though.

>> No.55174108

What's an incle?

>> No.55174109

I have insider info, your mum is a whore

>> No.55174134

they were talking about chinese hackers, they'll probably use that as an excuse. What about non-americans?

>> No.55174151

So when does Hilary Clinton get arrested? Also, should we trust Sessions?

>> No.55174168

Wait, so should I or shouldn't I be using stable diffusion to create beautiful anime ladies?

>> No.55174178

>OP thinks they're going to send zoomers to war
>anons are taking it seriously
Topkek anons
Over half are disbarred for mental health.
The other half won't pass their physical.
There is no arguments against this.
Most people i know would be a risk, not an asset, in a combat situation. Can you say different?
>Oh sorry lieutenant, i was filming a tiktok for the boys
>Oh sorry, lieutenant, can't focus without my meds. Did you see that butterfly?
Fucking retards the lot of you.

>> No.55174183

>these rations have glucose in them seargent

>> No.55174198

something will happen in June though, any hints?

>> No.55174209

OP's timetable is early.
Generation Alpha will be the one sent to die in four to six years from now.
More than enough time to switch the culture.

>> No.55174213

without it theyre actually in trouble. the bread and circus of the internet is the only reason why politicians werent hanging from highway overpasses during covid. without it things will get absolutely insane.

>> No.55174215
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Do you recognize the semblance to stable diffusion and the ways your dreams appear? There isn’t much time left friend, but the choice is simple.

You take the mark, first they heal you of your ailments, and they make you unable to die. Not sure how yet but nueralink will find a way to affect your telomeres. You will be stuck here forever. Just don’t let the anime waifus talk you into the mark.

Earth will turn into the lake of fire and it is true that the fig tree generation that saw Israel reform will not pass. They are a greedy generation and there is no doubt most of them will rush to cure their ailments.

Those who wish to preserve their life will lose it. Good luck anons. I love you all.

>> No.55174235
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QQQ going to moon on Monday then tank a little while after, if you still care about normie currencies. I only buy doge myself.

>> No.55174236

If you're in a western country, your experiences will all be similar. If you're in an eastern Country, it's going to be bad. You will probably have to fight or be executed. The asiatic mindset under these circumstances becomes insanely sadistic.

The third world will be a tossup. Some countries will become outright vassals and resource colonies. Others will gain some autonomy but have to defend themselves in the process from the encroaching powers. Certain Countries in South America and Africa. The Middle East is going to be a mess of internal wars along with Asia.

>> No.55174243

They aren't taking away the bread and circuses.

>> No.55174248


>> No.55174251

Gives these guys more credit than is due. They will not live forever, no one will. They will be dead when they upload into the machine. They will die of old age.
They will not be heads a la Futurama.
They will meet their maker.

>> No.55174252

in which country? Every single country on Earth? You know about some international EMP plot or some secretive sunspot conspiracy the scientists hid? Nigger, you dumb

>> No.55174276

It’s not their will, it’s Gods. He made himself pretty clear. If you don’t repent in the 7 years then by final judgement you will be stuck there forever.

Death is a gift.
Screenshot this.

>> No.55174280

These are the copes you tell yourself to make yourself believe that you, or the masses will actually do something when the time comes. But the truth is you can't do anything because you're powerless to do anything. Even if you go full suicide bomber. They know all they need to do is make a couple good examples and all you larpers will go back to the shadows. And without the internet you're doubly screwed as there is nothing to amplify your plight. It'll just be buried unless you're well connected socially (we know the majority of you are not)

There's literally no point throwing away your life over the inevitable. Don't try to be a hero.

>> No.55174297
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I do not consent

>> No.55174330

Why are my tax dollars going towards paying feds like you to concern troll on the business and finance board of a dead anime forum?

>> No.55174331

Lmao, schizo nigger ramblings.
I set a timer 46hrs from now, so I can be sitting on the toilet taking a fat dump and shitposting here that you are once again a retarded nigger.

>> No.55174381

>You will then need an ID to access internet
This is the part where I started to think you're talking bullshit. It can happen to some countries, but for the entire world to shut down and require ID to access it is impossible. There's no one entity or organisation that owns the internet.