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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55173399 No.55173399 [Reply] [Original]

do all businesses start with breaking some sort of law like not reporting taxes, shady business practices, etc. to thrive in today's world? There no way in hell somebody can start a business without do something shady to receive profits. hell even big companies do this all the time breaking or violating some laws and being in some sort of class action lawsuit.

>> No.55173421

There's so many tiny little laws it's impossible not to break them. Some old Jewish lawyer sues the store I work at all the time for the most specific little details like changing the price on one thing or a receipt or something and the company always just settles with him for like a $1000 gift card or some shit. Dude has a stack of gift cards like 8 inches thick

>> No.55173442


>> No.55173444

I notice this too. so much regulation that people step over their toes not trying to break them. although smartasses find loops holes or exploits like computer programs to gain access to large sums money.

>> No.55173455

i'd ban him from the store and say he's a detriment to the financial well being of my store and he's clearly sue happy and up to no good. than i'd repeatedly counter sue him for harassment and anything else I can stick on him. fuck someone trying to swindle my store

>> No.55173461

I think it's more like they start legit and eventually all of these traps and varying homosexual tricks catch up with them but business owners have plenty of their own tricks to combat this so you end up in an arms race. Look at tax return deductions and tax shelters etc. there's plenty of "legal" ways to cheat to begin with

>> No.55173477

Why would a small business worry about law and tax when the sums are so small? It costs the irs a few k to investigate people at least so it doesn't make sense for them to pursue small fish

>> No.55173500
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because it's anarcho tyranny.

They obviously go after the small fish not giant corporations which are part of the establishment and directly funded by Blackrock and ESG investments.

>> No.55173969

The system favors large corporations.
You have to undercut them or have an angle to beat them.
Like starbucks didn't pay corporate taxes in UK for like 6 years. So it's billions involved and they can abuse that to kill any small time coffee shop or medium coffee chain that has to play by the book and pay tax.
It's organized top down to destroy small business and social mobility.