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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 300 KB, 962x886, Holy shit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5516611 No.5516611 [Reply] [Original]

This is the future, disable adblock if you want to see it for yourself

>> No.5516665


>> No.5516689

also why do the people who make these things make them as complicated as possible? are they trying to confuse people to appear smarter?

you think a normie is gonna read this and say "wow, thats just what i was thinking"

these fucking autists are retarded

>> No.5516703

yea I'm not reading that

>> No.5516715



>> No.5516719

/technical illiterate/ the post

>> No.5516764

How to buy desu

>> No.5516856


>copy and paste amazon logo

>> No.5516858

kill yourself charlatan

these people do this on purpose cos' they don't understand simplicity

>> No.5516872

nope, you're just stupid. Maybe read a book on the topic you LARP as expert of

>> No.5516888

this doesn't need amazon support to be good, anon. Stop lying to people


>> No.5516892

Nope, they're stupid. They write like this in order to make their trash shitcoin sound better, but it does the opposite.

Why is it that I could read the Bitcoin whitepaper just fine, but this? I'm having to refer to all sorts of shit..

It's because this is garbage and Bitcoin isn't, from the get go

>> No.5516917

you don't know cryptography obviously. Read the link on >>5516888

>> No.5516951

>hurr why can't the technology be explained in a single colorful image
go buy LINK and shut up

>> No.5516979

Anon, you are right. A lot of these, so called, technical papers are natural methods for non-medical sleeping aids.

You are right anon.

>> No.5517045

This. They do this on purpose to confuse people with technical jargon that most people don't even understand. That's why ChainLink has so many bagholders that think it's "revolutionary." It's literally just an oracle.

>> No.5517081

How about no. I ain't reading shit from this shitcoin. You already lost me.

Go shill your coin elsewhere, retard.

Who said anything about images? Read OP's post and you tell me if you honestly believe 99% of people are going to be able to understand that. Does OP even understand it?

It was written purposely that way to appear like they have their shit together, but do they? Would a smart businessman/creator opt for difficult, obscure language over simplistic explanations? Nah, only a fraud or a conman would. Or someone who is pretending that their product is better than it actually is...

Fucking saged. Next time kill yourself instead

>> No.5517087

bittrex, poloniex, livecoin

>> No.5517107









>> No.5517116

>Hur durrr you're just stupid

Nice reply nigger, as I said, next time just end yourself instead

>> No.5517125

I don't care if I've lsot you. You think BTC is better for some reason and you failed to grasp the white paper but blamed your stupidity on others. You're not right for crypto, you're just here to make a buck. You could do that with this coin, but you're a stupid faggot so I don't expect you to know what's good for you. Enjoy the poor life fudster

>> No.5517137

>You think BTC is better
Thats because it is, you stupid motherfucker

>> No.5517156

Also, I've been in crypto since 2011. Probably more than most of this board. I've seen my fair share of these kind of bullshit coins

LOL, good luck

>> No.5517166

>larping this hard

I'm Satoshi Nakamoto.

>> No.5517167


nice just bought 100k

>> No.5517179

>Who said anything about images? Read OP's post and you tell me if you honestly believe 99% of people are going to be able to understand that. Does OP even understand it?
I know your FUDing cause you sodl early but here is the version for brainlets

>> No.5517184
File: 31 KB, 600x900, BGN-6lLCYAAzQ8-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5 hours wait time per transaction
50$ fee

you're really showing me just how stupid you are now

>> No.5517270

>people buying this shitcoin

>> No.5517411

I don't think the people viewing this babble as the gospel could explain it themselves. Why does this thing need to have a white paper 3x the length of the mother of all cryptos? Why does this coin need a community user to write it in layman's terms?

>> No.5517473

it's just explaining three different techs and how they will be implemented. Your question is the same as asking "why would fighter jets have a more complex manual than a bi-plane?"

>> No.5517499


[post]damn, you know your shit.
I appreciate the research you've put into this, and thank you for sharing it. I hope others seriously consider your warning. [/post]

>> No.5517572
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 41qIH+TDpWL._SY300_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an arbitrary scalable, energy efficient and anonymous transaction network based on colored tangles

>> No.5517706

Do you really believe this white paper had a more difficult job than establishing the entire concept of cryptos? And you still haven't shown you have a deep understanding of this whitepaper for all your shilling.

>> No.5517806


Look at the Ethereum white paper, they do the exact same thing with reviewing the tech and it's very lengthy too.

>> No.5518500

>using acronyms without having defined them in a technical paper

"Dymaxion, a portmanteau of the words dynamic, maximum, and tension"
God I want to fucking blow my brains out after reading this garbage. And I know morons will fall for this thinking they're intelligent for using big words. People will fall for this pretentious triple like they did LINK