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File: 190 KB, 671x1004, Executive_Order_6102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55168804 No.55168804 [Reply] [Original]

Government stole all the gold before, what's stopping them from stealing all the bitcoin and retirement accounts?

>> No.55168854

Amerisharts had their gold stolen and didn't do shit despite "muh guns" amerisharts were, are and always will be cucks.

>> No.55168859

private-public key rsa and sha-256

>> No.55168876

well if you are doing bitcoin correctly they can't steal them from you.
Retirement accounts... Could happen but it would destroy the economy as trillions of dollars are no longer invested into companies.
So it is highly unlikely because big companies like have people invest with them for 20+ years.

>> No.55168880

Just less cucks than the rest of the enslaved world
have fun with our toxic culture being forced down your youth’s throats

>> No.55168990

Basically nothing in private hands was ever confiscated. They just raided safe deposit boxes in banks.

>> No.55169307

Back in those days the people thought that the government was on their side and wanted to help. Even a few years ago, before BLM, I felt that cops were there to serve and protect. Now I can say ACAB and you can say, no gold to the government, fuck 'em.

>> No.55169609

Data shows less than 20% handed in their gold lol.
And that was in a time people trusted the government and media more than now.
Never happening

>> No.55169737

How does it feel realizing that you have been no different all your life to a Rhoem boy and have outgrown your usefulness for the fascists you served as antifascist?

>> No.55169771
File: 30 KB, 435x600, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine seeing this and actually handing over your gold like a fucking lunatic instead of burying it into the ground or something

>> No.55169942

>And that was in a time people trusted the government and media more than now.

How many just accepted the obviously bullshit vax without question? They would all obey.

>> No.55170011

Exactly, nothing has changed

>> No.55170017

500 Billion in bank deposits have been withdrawn in Q1 from American banks

>> No.55170078

By account holders?

>> No.55170081

No, underpants elves

>> No.55170128

My dad grew up in the midwest and knew old farmers who did just that.

>> No.55170137
File: 80 KB, 667x1024, 1684191626568134m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>account holders
No, by people who didn't have accounts.

>> No.55170167

>they cant
Us gov literally has like 200k confiscated btc

>> No.55170219

From criminals they were tracking and had an open investigation on. 1 in 10 Americans hold crypto, including members of Congress. Gold confiscation only worked because people went along with it "for the good of the country". No one is that naive anymore.

>> No.55170295 [DELETED] 

>No one is that naive anymore.
Kek actually society gets more naive every generation they gave out to f fear not trust

>> No.55170324

So they can

>> No.55170339

Congress could make a law. If you haven't bank run by now, no hope for you

>> No.55170376
File: 192 KB, 1868x2048, 1683507263930731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The government has to know quite a bit of information about you to find an seize your accounts, especially crypto. They simply don't have the resources to chase down millions of accounts. And, such a law will never pass congress. The die is cast. Watch this election. Crypto is on the table and anti crypto candidates will get rekt.

>> No.55170419

Eth. Easy. Bitcoin and xmr if done right, not so easy

>> No.55170427

I honestly think most people who FUD crypto don't actually understand how crypto works.

>> No.55170449

Eth isn't crypto. Unless you mined eth back in the days and never touched an kyc exchange you are fucked. With LSD centralizing eth more everyday it becomes even easier. American corporations and citizens are bound to laws. With btc, who are they going to force to comply? Satoshi, miners around the world?

>> No.55170464

Tornado Cash?

>> No.55170475

Good luck trying. Eth fags got warned from the beginning in what they are "investing" they ignored the warnings and build for what comes down to an American corporation controlled network.