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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55166726 No.55166726 [Reply] [Original]

Good evening gentlemen
Another day another bagel
Remember, to destroy the corporate Jew and their wageslave, never tip them
These apps are supposed to cater to YOU not the niggers delivering your food
To fight back, bait them with a tip and give them NOTHING afterwards
>inb4 wagie seethe
Cope seethe and dilate

>> No.55166746
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No tippy for the nigger :)
Here’s a tip, get a better job!

>> No.55166753

goyslop, goyslop, goyslop
that's all you eat disgusting fattie?

>bragging about not tipping
yes normalcy in Europe

>> No.55166797

I'm the cancer fag and I tipped on a 5 dollar coffee, not that I needed the coffee but someone was generous with me, I shouldn't be stringy and it's a dollar.

>> No.55166813

Seethe more wagie
Can I cum in your ass? Because that’s what you’re practically doing

>> No.55166820
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I never tip at a la carte restaurants, ie.. bagel world, or Tin and Taco hipster joints in Orlando.
The Degenerates at the local place here called Fox Tail Coffee, add the tip of 18% onto your total before you sign, the blue haired whore told me to
>Verify the amount and sign
I cancelled the tip and emailed the owner and got her fired.
Fuck this tipping shit.

>> No.55166844
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I will never tip those faggots, that do not bring my coffee to me.
I save so much money not tipping, and only ordering water when I go out.

>> No.55166865

Anon that's just called being broke.

>> No.55166904
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My salary is 120K a year.
I am a hypergolic fueling engineer and welding engineer/Technical advisor on ground support equipment as a contractor.

>> No.55166910

No it’s being smart with money
Niggers and wagies don’t deserve more just because they think they’re entitled to it

>> No.55166931

I know who you are I don't care if you're worth 50 billion.
If you can't respect those in the service industry you're never going to make it in anything.
This world relies on respect and honor.

But when you're a brown turkroach you only believe in genocide and stealing/scamming.
So you're opinion is worth less than mine and my value is pretty low.

>> No.55166949

Thank you for your service
>those complaints

>> No.55166955
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I actually dont' have a problem tipping for good service, at a decent restaurant, or tipping the local Trisha at Denny's. like... 2-5 bucks, but what more do they deserve, I didn't tell them to take a job serving tables.
It took me 12 years to finish a degree working full time.
Fuck these people

>> No.55166968

Suck my smegma encrusted dick wagie

>> No.55166985

I need to leave /biz/
No tippers keep your chin up and don’t let the wagie talk you down
Wageslaves, suck my ass

>> No.55166988
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>Respect and Honor
Little whore coffee pourers get none of this
Its not my job, to do their job for them.

>> No.55167007
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I'm out if you're out.
Fuck tipping,
I will only tip old fat women who work at Denny's.
No one else.

>> No.55167015

Not their fault you idiots fell for the education meme, if I wasn't sick I could clear 2m a year easily not larping and I didn't finish the 7th grade.

You're the own maker of your misery, if you're unhappy you will always treat others poorly.

>> No.55167236

I always make sure to tip my landlord, they are the true unsung heroes of this country.

>> No.55167249

I didn't go to high school either faggot.
I had a 7th grade or 8th grade education,
I had to start school at college learning fractions, while working full time as a welder/Millwright.

>> No.55167272
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7th or 8th grade?
Pick one deceiver, you can't even lie right.

>> No.55167812

He can't keep getting away with it!

>> No.55167850
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Keep fighting the good fight Anon

>> No.55167861
