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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55165486 No.55165486 [Reply] [Original]

Was early /biz/ this bad with scamming shitcoin threads being spammed this hard?

>> No.55165499

mods and jannies, they killed this board

>> No.55165502

Nah crypto was pretty new and exciting in like 2016. Now its just ranjeet knowing he can make free scam ads.

>> No.55165510

you are a new fag and an idiot. refrain from talking meth head

>> No.55165523

And he gets butt hurt like a little faggot when you call him out on his shit. Grow the fuck up ranjeet. Stop disappointing your mother.

>> No.55165527

t. Pradeep ser

>> No.55165532

call him out on what. That I don't play you retarded games sadist and just keep shitting on you while you kvetch kvetch and kvetch some more trying to look smug

>> No.55165558

Uh-oh ranjeet bot's english is failing. Lets see what kinda garbage spews forth next.

>> No.55165564

you are a bot, and instrument

>> No.55165577

He might be a bot but he still has more of a soul than you Rajeesh

>> No.55165588

I never claimed to have a soul

>> No.55165594
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>> No.55165612

are you 12, at least your mind is stuck at the age of a tween

>> No.55165676

There wasn't enough coins to really scam people.
but it was always people making bad calls and then acting like it never happened, or the classic you fell for da ruse mah man kek!

>> No.55165691

No, this started with ETH, the original shitcoin which launched thousands of other shitcoins.

>> No.55165795

It's actually BNB

>> No.55165962

No, eth was first and all the trannies that missed btc and former John Podesta and David Brooks jpm niggers trying to make eth "a thing" when every old fag told them upfront they are getting baited

>> No.55165975

Double checked and robot pilled.

>> No.55165995

Unlike just his penis, which is more relatable to mumbai dwellers.

>> No.55166363

It used to have way more. Biz was much better before faggots like you asked Jannies to ban everybody

>> No.55166376

Fuck you and go back 2 Reddit
We don’t want Jannies banning cryptos
The smart ones of us can’t figure out scams unlike you idiots
>imagine begging Jannies to save you

>> No.55166426

this is what it comes down to. some people want jannies censoring shitcoins and others dont want jans deciding what’s a good investment

>> No.55166567

It wasn't honeypots and rugpulls, but anons were still scamming each other. I will say the quality of info was better.

>> No.55166608

some people just want the idiot zoom zooms that raid here from twitter and discord and their tgs to keep their smug retardation on their platforms instead of spamming the board with the blessing of the jannies and mods expecting to find exit liquidity and then getting angry when they get deservedly ranged baned from making threads,
They could lurk and make their advertising at least fun, but zoomers never lurked

>> No.55166698
File: 768 KB, 1080x2074, kalar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranjeet do be kalar.

>> No.55168173

Shut the fuck up
everyone comes here for new cryptos
you need to go back bitch

>> No.55168219

entitled zoomer. go burn wendys so somebody builds a bronze Nigger statue because, ehm, cnn told you to be angry

>> No.55169226

Nobody said shit about Jannies, you fucking NPC's are stuck in your own narrative.

>> No.55169309

Its a known fact that jannies and mods took bribes from shitcoin and scam advertisers spamming the board into the reputational lose that will never go away and one had to report with 5 IPs to get another mod from another board to look in to get the janjans and /biz/ mods frens banned

>> No.55169332

Someone said in one thread the issue was, with smallcaps, that you could buy a large amount of the supply then come here and shill it just to dump as soon as anons bought and that's why shilling them wasn't allowed. I think there needs to be some hard rule though. I mean, at what marketcap is it no longer such a high risk of being a scam? What consitutes a shitcoin seems pretty vague right now. And I agree with the others, just let me decide for myself. I think it's an attempt to filter scams, but there needs to be something more clear, because coins like catgirl, or whatever, that have a big marketcap get filtered as scams as well.

>> No.55169364

if its an erc-20, its a fund raiser at best and scam usually. Make a board /20/ or something and ban all the shitcoin spammers, no matter the market cap there

>> No.55169459

>he wasnt around on the early days of /biz/

As someone who has been on this godforsaken website since October 2008, you deeply disgust me.

>> No.55169535

>still being on /biz/ after being here this long as a brokey
>being disgusted by others

>> No.55169557

>please leave
>let us have this board and scam people
>come on we need free gibs
You will like the next few months. Like the Rhoem boys, the bait and switch is in full force

>> No.55169912

Larping as a whale is even more pathetic. I really hope you're just lying about being here this long

>> No.55169924

I don't need to care about anything - I made it along time ago, and this my hobby and your hobby is apparently making a fool of yourself and riding this board even further into the shitter

>> No.55169944

>I don't need to care about anything

Keep replying then faggot. I'm pretty sure I'm the most entertainment you've had all week as you sit on your twin spring mattress while slouched over to post on your 10+ year old laptop that's on top of a stack of crates

>> No.55169958

Are you projecting again?

>> No.55169977

Thanks for proving my point

>> No.55169985

what point, that you are a broom, without a dick cleaning up on a dead board projecting sadism and making a fool of yourself just furthering the arguments that this board would better be nuked. Or that you are projecting

>> No.55170013
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There goes that word again. It's as if you're desperately trying to convey something but all I heard is some subhuman troglodyte from a village that doesn't even have plumbing screech in desperation as if I really hit something close to home.

>> No.55170024

Wait you are not even American? Are you some South American immigrant?

>> No.55170032

Post hand with time stamp and I'll do it too :)

>> No.55170046

So you don't know who I am. Just some new fag? I absolutely overestimated you poor fag

>> No.55170058

lmao thought so. try better next time rajeesh!

>> No.55170074

That I overestimated you? Obviously. Now keep spamming making this dead board look somehow alive

>> No.55170147


Typical poo narcissism. Also post hand with time stamp like that other anon said

>> No.55170209

Yes you have always needed to be able to find the gold in the shit stack to maximise your experience on the 4channels, welcome and remember you cannot leave.

>> No.55170328

There is no gold on here. There hasn't been any since 2016 when meth trannies took over the mod positions

>> No.55170358

This, literally
>what the biz mods are getting paid?!?!?!
>"Dont worry 4chan we will stop this insidious behaviour
>out with the old in with the new
>now im the Janny getting paid >=(

>> No.55172016
File: 445 KB, 790x2028, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off back to plebbit, catposting normalfaggot.

> My Dog killed an African Immigrant in our Garden!
> Cats, Parasites and Multiple Psychological Disorders: The Science