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File: 59 KB, 960x720, deflation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5515436 No.5515436 [Reply] [Original]

>let's presume all BTCs are fully (or almost) mined
>let's say everyone is using it instead of fiat money
>since there is no emission of new money, the deflation is imminent
>nominal value of interest rates has to be adjusted regulary to deflation, unless it will hurt economy even more
>it's better to not spend money much, since its value increases literally overnight
>economy slows down
>economy slows down

>> No.5515549

so people dont buy because they can buy more a few months later? just how people wait until the iphone gets cheaper and nobody buys it at the release right?

fucking jewish piece of shit

here is the real scenario that is happening RIGHT NOW

>money inflation rates somewhere between 5-10%
>wage increases dont keep up
>the masses get poorer every year and the divide is huge

really hate pieces of shit like you that spew unlogical shit like shit that benefits only one class

>> No.5515667
File: 12 KB, 182x233, 1512953924814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inflationary fiat currency is central banking bullshit. I imagine op is a numale of some sort.

>> No.5515730

So what about the negative consequences about inflation which we constantly see today?

>> No.5515752

It doesn’t need to deal with it because btc isn’t exclusionary to other currencies.

>> No.5515878

>cheaper goods and services

truly this is like another shoa

>> No.5515972

shut up. stop asking these question fuckface. keep it to yourself. you already know the answer. if you don't, you're a brainlet and need to shut the fuck up.

>> No.5516566
File: 21 KB, 300x300, badgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money multiplication based economy is bad for you
Okay brainlets.
It's not a coincidence your economic school originates from the same country as Hitler.

>> No.5516746

>>since there is no emission of new money, the deflation is imminent
actually you don't have to wait for that when adoption grows faster than the coins which really growing slower and slower every block in ratio, you already have deflation.

bitcoin price goes up (as designed) and many many people only want to hold it and hold it thus it's not functioning as a payment system (not as designed) altho people still try to buy drugs with it it's just really difficult right now.

>> No.5516842

it was said that inflation is a hidden tax on the middle class, the poor spend all their money they have no savings they don't care the rich stay ahead of inflation by investments only the middle class has savings that inflation can erode away.

but there is nothing stopping the middle class to invest the money today or purchase inflation proof assets. so it's not really a huge problem.

inflation serves a purpose it keeps the velocity of money up and that keeps the gdp and growth up. money flows where it can make more money and where money flows life is better.

you people just don't understand the first thing about modern economy. as for central banks should exists and in what form that's a different story and completely unrelated to inflation. you could have a central bank that can't issue money and still fills that role of a reserve bank.