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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55155405 No.55155405 [Reply] [Original]

How the fuck are people gonna handle 500+ a month payments?!?!?!

>> No.55155422

By being creative with new revenue methods. The time for experimenting is now.

>> No.55155441

Still not paying, what are they going to do?

>> No.55155452
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Awww man bros, this is gonna tank the economy.


>> No.55155478
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It's amazing that these retards keep cutting everything but our insanely over inflated military budget. As long as it doesn't fuck over the ratheon shareholders I guess.

>> No.55155534

>800 Billion dollars went into the defense budget which is more than it was during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars

The fact that we're not in any official wars and facing a massive personnel shortfall shows that its all just a racketeering organization

>> No.55155536

What the fuck loan-sisters? I thought Biden was going to write them off?

>> No.55155807

Yeah there's a reason why they never mention it because they don't want the US population to become some whataware of the military budget.

>> No.55155851

The average loan payment is around $200 a month. Do literally any amount of research

>> No.55155879

Ever look at how much social security and other welfare costs?

>> No.55155941

by lying on my taxes.

>> No.55155958

The difference is we actually fucking NEED those things you moronic cock sucker.

>> No.55156021

Except none of that is in the constitution.

>> No.55156044

Only lazy fuckers. Military spending is what makes the us the world power. Muh gibs and food don't. The states expenditure should cut all aid and taxes

>> No.55156058

the us military has spent a trillion dollars(moar now) developing a plane that can't fly
it's supposed to have all the capabilities of a flying saucer but it drops out of the sky when its namesake strikes within miles
they also funded a magic helmet for this magic plane that doesn't work
every other branch of the military has refused to use them because the 'old' models are objectively better
yet still the money pours in
that's the budget of the war on drugs kek

>> No.55156132

hey retard where are you going to find poor people to serve as ZOGbots without aid and taxes supporting them during childhood?

>> No.55156226

Maybe we should also cut down on the military as well as welfare.

>> No.55156266

Pay dembts retard. You've had over 3 years where you could have been gaining interest on the money you'd normally have put to your loans. I have zero sympathy for you.
t. paid off my loans nearly a decade ago

>> No.55156282

Garnish your wages and shit on your credit score making everything you buy on credit, including utilities, more expensive.

>> No.55156299

>how dare you chuds expect me to pay off the loan I willingly signed up for that was intended to drastically increase my income potential
>this is capitalism's fault!!!

>> No.55156302

graduate loans are uncapped. you can take online graduate courses to get infinite student loans with the benefit of in-school forbearance. you don't even need to do it back to back, since grace periods are 6 months.

>> No.55156315

>he doesn't know about the infinite student loans loophole

>> No.55156317
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the military budget is for fighting off rivial fiat currencys. It is a waste since the true threat is no a fiat currency

>> No.55156323

What exactly was the pause? Was it a government order for the banks not to collect or was it the government making the payments? I thought it was the former, so how is it a debt ceiling issue when government money wasn't being used in that regard?

>> No.55156331
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>> No.55156356
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I'm fuckin ready for the econocaust.

>> No.55156386

reminder that the jewnited states government would rather hold tens of millions of people hostage with years (sometimes decades) old loans, thereby preventing them from injecting money into to the contemporary economy. really makes you think.

>> No.55156391

Why are Republicans so evil?

>> No.55156458

He really wanted to
Just le evul reebubligans blackmailed him out of it
Republicucks are the ultimate cucks

>> No.55156575

So what? That is completely besides the point.
No it isn't just "lazy fuckers" again you are proving how fucking retarded you are. Elderly people incapable of working, people with mental disabilities, lots of people need that to survive not that some one who probably believes in pseudoscience like eugenics cares.

>> No.55156583

Also no the US is an economic power house and our military actually has little to do with our hegemony at this point. It certainly doesn't justify such a massively inflated budget.

>> No.55156590

The war on drugs, there's another massive waste of our tax dollars.

>> No.55156604

Precarity and poverty are weapons. Homelessness, expenses, inflation, the use of monetary policy, these things are terror more than necessary quirks in capitalism.

The same reason there *can't* be free education or healthcare in the US.

>> No.55156610
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Fuck you niggers for inflating your (((worth))) with retarded degrees using predatory loans, and then expecting me to devalue my personal wealth to make up for your stupid shitty life planning.
>t. No degree making 132k a year.

>> No.55156656


>> No.55156657

the f35 flies fine, there are like 23 documented failures out of a fleet of a thousand planes

>> No.55156669

shitskin detected

>> No.55156700
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>shitskin detected

>> No.55156713

Welfare is welfare. Pay it back cuck

>> No.55156758

The amount of years is irrelevant. You sound like someone whos upset they are getting free money. I paid all my loans off and now we all have to subsidize the slackers who didnt pay theirs….bullshit

>> No.55156773

>dumb, arrogant, degreeless codenigger who doesn't realize he's first on the chopping block when outsourcing/AI-induced layoffs occur

>> No.55156828

You people speak worse English than half the immigrants you shit on.

>> No.55156837

Any actual ideas on how to end someone's loan? Let's say they won't care about a credit score. Taking out loans and just defaulting and go for chapter 7 if it comes to that?

>> No.55156845

i like how you ignored my argument and instead focused on "THIS ISNT FAIR" like a retard.

>> No.55156875

this, I'd rather give the money to Israel

>> No.55156900

Pay the loan Jamal.

>> No.55156989

So much for that "muh 130k net worth" demoralization post about millennials a few days ago - looks like millennials+zoomers will have to be demoralized like the rest of us now.

>> No.55157031

DEBTMAXXX or have no debt at all.

Those are your best options.

Donald Trump, for example, owes the banks $1.3 billion and has filed for bankruptcy seven items in his life. He seems pretty happy to me.

>> No.55157040

imagine the rest in an actual combat scenario

>> No.55157062

by working on the title they borrow to get?

>> No.55157080

>injecting money into to the contemporary economy.

You mean to the chinese? The move is 4d chess you're just to dumb to see it

>> No.55157101

>no wages
>no credit score
>no utilities

>> No.55157114

yeah making nearly 50 million people slaves to jewish debt to deprive the chinks of disposable income is a 200 IQ move. you fucking retard.

>> No.55157167

Bro I'm not rooting for this, I'm just saying this is how I see it. More money for extra stuff in the goyim's pocket = more chinesium.

>> No.55157222

What does this even mean?
I work in a paper mill retard. I don't have student loans.

>> No.55157234

I d rather pay a student loan than an electric car pay,and as high as a house payment

>> No.55157347

>making nearly 50 million people slaves to jewish debt to deprive the chinks of disposable income is a 200 IQ move
Unironically this. The jubilee is over. You must pay what you owe. Better luck in 6 years.

>> No.55157360

>The time for experimenting was 2020-2021

>> No.55157380

>we're not in any official wars
Opinion discarded. Ukraine is the war of the decade, and you'd have to be an idiot to argue it's 'unofficial' and therefore irrelevant.

>> No.55157446

I owe $20k and I’m not paying shit, fuck them

>> No.55158131

This, should close the loops holes for the ultra wealthy (different than raising the tax rate), cut the military budget in half, toss SS and Medicare (or at least make them budget neutral, sorry boomers). Start removing dollars from the system so it actually strengthens. Then you can buy back the treasuries foreign governments hold so you’re not hostage anymore

>> No.55158197

I owe $300k

>> No.55158226

bullish for eugenics and the future. Keep poorfags out of college for the future

>> No.55158248

>chapter 7
I dont think you can declare bankruptcy on student loans, you'll still owe

>> No.55158282

you can't
watching zoomer trash cry makes me erect

>> No.55158301

>He really wanted to
pedocrats had full control for 2 years and did nothing
cry more for me, my cock isn't hard enough yet

>> No.55158332

They’re government loans. So in effect, the students pay back the loan and it makes its way back into the US treasury. It’s basically a double tax on student loan borrowers.

>> No.55158396
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>How pay $500 a monf?
With job?

Pic related

Can't garnish wages if you don't get a job!

Some of the richest guys I know have no degree.

>> No.55158528

Through the high paying jobs they get from their education.
If they can't it proves that college is a meme.

>> No.55158577

The military budget is there so that the government can use our taxes to buy a $20 lightbulb for $4000 a piece. Why are you being such a commie?

>> No.55158732

>yasss i love my tax money being looted for gender studies graduates

>> No.55158759
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>> No.55159732

You are legitimately retarded

>> No.55161739
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>> No.55161746

>inbred pedocrat cries again
i'm getting a lil chub
keep going loser

>> No.55161767

Don't restart it until the bull market comes back

>> No.55161830

You had 3 years..

>> No.55162159


This is why people hate Republicans.

Yes, you should pay back your student loans.

But this kinda shit is the only thing they ever achieve. "We got people making minimum wage to start paying off their debts again, please vote for us next election"

Like for fuck's sake abolish the IRS or something useful.

>> No.55162518

We don't need welfare, parasites do.

>> No.55162556

Drug dealing and prostitution are immoral

>> No.55162571

dont forget to vote for the good jews next time. MIGA 2024!

>> No.55162915

look at education and welfare. It will blow your mind that unproductive people are subsidized to keep reproducing.

>> No.55162925
File: 154 KB, 853x1065, 1683069315398603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been making payments the entire time since I have a bulk majority of private loans still. This sucks since I've been stashing it all in investments but I guess what can I do? It might curb inflation a bit more

>> No.55163102
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I moved out of the country and am never going back and will pay $0 on my remaining balance of $130k
Get fucked jews

>> No.55163503

>military dominance has no benefits for the usa
bitch are you stupid. they are going to invade the next country that doesn't trade in us dollars or doesn't the us bidding. combine this with some sanctions of cutting edge technology and subversion and you can strangle countries to death. the us is feared and us citizens massively profit

>> No.55163658

>the us is feared
>vietnam (defeated)
>iraq war (defeated when you consider they never had WMDs)
>afghanistan (defeated)

>> No.55163912

Don't care, still not paying.

>> No.55163931

not my problem

>> No.55163944

>wahh I dont want to repay the looooan
no refunds

>> No.55163949

lol dead empire dying by design of the wef

>> No.55164285

Just look at the interest rates USA is paying compared to other countries with no better creditworthiness. USA is being ripped off.