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55150406 No.55150406 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55150416

Reporting your post to the European Bureau of Investigation

>> No.55150461
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>> No.55151084

BTC with ARK L2 has privacy as well

>> No.55151089

What exchange is this. Looks nice

>> No.55151372
File: 158 KB, 1364x872, Screenshot from 2023-06-01 15-48-05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

PSA: use incognito wallet to exchange bitcoin/litecoin/ethereum that you buy on a cex to monero and then send it to your private monero wallet as soon as exchange has taken place

>> No.55151391

fuck your layer 2s nigger
Imagine the desperation when non-kyc decentralized P2P exchanges like Haveno start to operate.

>> No.55151441

No, globohono isn't afraid of its self.

>> No.55151457

This. XMR is probably just a honeypot.

>> No.55151689
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Ark is just a design, theres no code yet, and even then, in 5 years if its ever gonna be online, who would know if Ark transactions get marked as high risk by chainalysis and u cant spend them later because "tainted" coins bro

>> No.55151721


>> No.55151736

>buying monero
like buying shares in a decentralizing bitcoin mixer, it makes no sense
monero and all other privacy utilities are for using, not "owning", the last thing you want is to have any wealth tied up in a system with no exits

i hope you realize all xmr are tainted as badly as bitcoin that have gone through a mixer, "default" privacy is a myth unless it exists through the natural operation of btc/eth scaling solutions. everything else is an equal red flag.

>> No.55151749

why the hassle? just buy monero and transfer it to your wallet. no one can track monero transactions right?

>> No.55151753
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Thats just bullshit, its like saying that all your cash is tainted, because its private by default. Midwit detected

>> No.55151774

bitcoin can go from clean to dirty, and dirty to clean again
xmr starts dirty, stays dirty, and can't ever be cleaned

monero doesn't protect you from any of the scenarios xmr baggies like to pretend will happen. a crackown on any privacy tools and utilities will decimate monero more than it will those same tools on blockchains which retain a purpose.

if you don't understand this you've simply been conned by monero midwits.

>> No.55151800
File: 46 KB, 642x389, Ftc1vS-X0AAJl10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you understand shit about the real purpose and values that cryptocurrency has

>> No.55151812

Monero's inherent value is in its privacy. and the more people start getting into it to ensure their privacy from increasingly predatory Government institutions the more valuable it will become. so it is a sound investment because you are investing in privat technology.

>> No.55151822

your emotional bags have created an imaginary border where somehow, for some reason, monero won't be affected by the same merchants, users, governments, clamping down on "tainted coins".

it's nonsensical.
if they're going to put the effort into tracing, blacklisting, writing legislation against certain types of coins, it's not only easier, but also less impactful to simply add the entire monero network to that list too.
your arguments for monero are simply arguments for why tainted/blacklisted coins will remain part of the economy and ecosystem.

monero dies with institutional taint, and lives with institutional taint.
you're in it with them, whether you like it or not.

>> No.55151833

That's kraken newfriend

>> No.55151854

monero is going to need a full rewrite if it wants to retain even the optics of privacy in the next 3-4 years. it's already hanging by a thread regarding low fees and an embarrassing ring-size.

if they can complete a full rewrite, effectively creating a brand new altcoin, they're still going to have the problem that it scales worse than all non-privacy technologies.

the tech meme only works in a world where monero is above the law, and guess what, so are tainted coins on every other blockchain.

>> No.55151892

you are assuming government regulators have any authority when it comes to a decentralized anonymous cryptocurrency. with that logic how come they are not able to apprehend any of the criminals that use it? who's the dimwit?

>> No.55151905

>he’s never heard of black markets
anon, something being illegal to use doesn’t mean nobody uses it

>> No.55151995

i too buy from a cex but eventually monero will be banned so it doesn't hurt to be prepared.

>> No.55152010

>the government will explicitly tell me they cannot trace my transactions using digi money often used solely by miscreants and criminals
>surely they wouldn't lie about this

>> No.55152075
File: 574 KB, 1080x955, LNfails2impress2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTC with ARK L2 has privacy as well

Bolted-on privacy solutions are DOA as far as darknet privacy gurus are concerned. No darknet endorsement = kiss of death. See Zcash.

>> No.55152157
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>monero and all other privacy utilities are for using, not "owning", the last thing you want is to have any wealth tied up in a system with no exits

Standard exits to fiat are a privilege afforded to you by the State. They can be taken away at any time. Good luck cashing out your Bitcorns when the State finally takes the gloves off and legislates crypto into the underground.

Ergo all the focus on building a circular economy and relying on decentralized P2P on/off ramps.

>> No.55152465
File: 112 KB, 1509x749, AstraMarket.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitcoin can go from clean to dirty, and dirty to clean again

Even the cleanest BTC can't be spent on an ever-growing number of real-world markets because less and less vendors are willing to accept it.

>xmr starts dirty, stays dirty, and can't ever be cleaned

And yet all those BTC-averse vendors are very happy to accept XMR. Really makes you think.

>a crackown on any privacy tools and utilities will decimate monero more than it will those same tools on blockchains which retain a purpose.

lol lets see:

-majority of core devs are anonymous and don't even submit code directly so you can't target them.
- all GitHub commits and wallet/software depositories can be mirrored on Tor/I2P, making them bulletproof
- on/off ramping will soon move to decentralized P2P trading platforms (Haveno, Serai, etc) that also run over Tor/I2P and are thus also bulletproof
- ASIC resistance = no mining farms to attack, no specialized hardware to restrict; mining over Tor/I2P = port blocking at the ISP-level doesn't work

and, of course...


>> No.55152542
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>> No.55152616

Thanks man have a good day

>> No.55154378
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>> No.55155465
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