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55149587 No.55149587 [Reply] [Original]

Just decided No wonder why a lot of you guys gatekeep and instill fear in outsiders- Seattle's perfect! In the first 24hrs, I found myself tearing up at how beautiful and seemingly utopian it felt. I've honestly never felt more at home.

Coming from LA (but lived all over the US), it seems like every complaint here is 100x worse in LA (and probably other cities). My overall takeaway is that because the city is so left-leaning, the people are actually reasonably taken care of. Obviously, every city has its flaws, but having spent time in most major US cities- Seattle takes the cake.

That being said, I'd like to note that we spent most of our time in North, West, and DT Seattle. So I'm aware that these observations change depending on the area. Obviously, these are huge generalizations. But this is what I observed as an outsider, coming from overrated LA:

•It is LUSH. Green. And fucking clean. Even when the skies were gray, like the early misty mornings, everything seemed to thrive. The plants and wildlife seemed to coexist in such a wonderful way with the city. It was wild entering full on forests in the middle of the city. I couldn't believe that such epic hikes were within an hour of the city center.

•People are respectful and mindful of each other. You can see it in the quality of service and friendliness of almost everyone you encountered. It seemed like people were willing to connect and share stories or even humor. This lead to a trickle-down effect to even pedestrians and bikers. It was eye-opening being in a place that's genuinely inclusive towards everyone. Not feeling judged or threatened by anyone.

•Cost-of-living is high, but not as high as LA, NY, San Fran, etc. You get a better bang for your buck compared to other major cities.

•Weed is wayyyy danker and better value than Cali.

>> No.55149595
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•Weed is wayyyy danker and better value than Cali.

•The homeless situation is barely a crisis. It’s probably, what, 5% of the LA problem. You barely saw them in residential areas. In DT of course there were more there. But if you did see them, they kept to themselves. There weren't many tents and hardly any encampments. I even saw a building dedicated to providing showers for the homeless. Low-income housing seemed like something encouraged as opposed to shunned. In LA, in ANY neighborhood, you'll find homeless encampments that essentially shut down residential streets. Meanwhile, their neighbors are multi-million dollar mansions. I know it's probably shocking to you locals. But visit LA and you'll realize how bad things actually get with people outright driving around them with their teslas.

•Huge outdoor recreation scene. Have never seen more joggers or bikers in my life. I died laughing when I found out that pickleball is the state sport. I effing love it.

•People don’t really dress up. Even on a weekend night in Ballard, almost half of the people going out will look like they just got back from a hike or recreation activity.

•Drivers wholeheartedly shared the road. Making sure to stop at any used crosswalk. I felt like a huge asshole when I'd naturally try J-walking. Bike lanes were everywhere and many were split with its own median. The road layouts took some getting used to. Lots of last-minute lane changes. One-way streets and endless roundabouts. The lack of stop signs in certain residential areas made it seem pretty dangerous. However, it ended up being the perfect passive way to slow people down and be mindful of each other.

•Honks were rarely heard. Almost everyone was easygoing with others on the road. On occasion, there was someone in a rush. But other than that- it was INSANE how calm it was to drive there.

>> No.55149601
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•Bars and pubs were lively, fun and engaging. It wasn’t tables of dressed-up people, taking selfies, and then immediately going back to scrolling on Instagram. It was real conversation. It was smiles and laughter.

•Doggo city. A lot of big, happy and fluffy pups. It made me so happy to see them live their best life in an outdoorsy and active city.

•You guys actually read. Other than London, I’ve never seen so many people with a book in hand. Reading at parks, cafes, breweries, bus- you name it there’s a reader there.

•Music scene is thriving and happening. A plethora of small and big venues which support their local artists/musicians.

•The idea of a extremely lefty city seemed daunting (for some reason I drew this conclusion from online sources). But oh boy, all it means is that the city actually takes care of the people. And they actually get shit done. Things make sense here.

•Barely saw any cops- yet everything was very safe. I felt comfortable walking/biking everywhere. The only drug I witnessed was pot.

•Today I learned: that there are no billboards on the freeways of Seattle. Nothing to obstruct those beautiful skies!

So that's about it! Officially moving in Spring of next year. I don't even care if you're going to downvote me. I LOVE YOUR CITY, CHEERS~

>> No.55149603

>People are respectful and mindful of each other. You can see it in the quality of service and friendliness of almost everyone you encountered. It seemed like people were willing to connect and share stories or even humor
DUDE, i L-O-V-E... LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city..

>> No.55149607
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Have fun living in souless areas that don't appreciate while I actually make a buck and live it a beautiful place to raise my kids chuds. Incels could never LMAO

>> No.55149610

you should probably spend a day or two there in winter

but by all means please fuck off to seattle. It is better than LA in every respect, but so are most gas station bathrooms.

>> No.55149613

I'm glad you have a gigantic list of anecdotes from spending a single day somewhere, it must be paradise. Also you have to go back.

>> No.55149614
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My land is worth more than yours and always will. Kek you don't even own land

>> No.55149625

Altight so you blog consisting of 90% bullshit on how much green and magical the hustle and bustle is, so you could get some (You)s and satisfy your autism.

Happy tranny month.

>> No.55149636

>hustle and bustle
Sounds like you just know buzzwords anon

>> No.55149642
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I have family in seattle, their land maxed out decades ago.

Mine's still going up.

>> No.55149669

Yeah and kind bought in Vancouver which appreciated more poor larper

>> No.55149693

If I could make 25% gains on a house in seattle I'd be doing it.

I wouldn't live there because I hate the weather and I'm not fond of the people, but that's not a reason to skip buying a house and renting it out.

>> No.55149712

>I hate the weather
Most brown people do

>> No.55149718

I said my family lives there.
I'm white and so are they.

>> No.55149745
File: 76 KB, 800x532, E82389D1-E0C1-496E-B169-02499F504378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking at apartments in LA and they don't even look expensive at all? Especially not compared to other big cities. I always heard that LA and NY were unlivable to do rent costs so what's the deal? What am I missing? Thinking about moving to LA for a year just for shits now I'm unemployed with 40k cash and I live in a flyover pussy desert

>> No.55149756

People say LA is full of rich Hollywood people and unlivable while also saying it's full of burn out actors who work as part time baristas.

>> No.55149815

LA is 60% hispanic wageslaves, if it's cheap you're probably going to want to speak Spanish