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55149053 No.55149053 [Reply] [Original]

I called the tranny at work a him again and he heard me. hr made a meeting for tomorrow what do?

>> No.55149063

Let him fuck you.

>> No.55149064

You’re fucked fren
Best bet is to yolo into some low cap like NGUF

>> No.55149074

Fuck that twink and assert dominance

>> No.55149082

Say you have a form of autism that makes pronouns not make sense in your head. It’s a spectrum anon.

>> No.55149084

Go to work just like normal, dressed exactly as you are everyday. Go into the meeting, sit down. When they say, and on we got a report and it is not good. Tell them that you're trans now and that they're dead naming you. Sue them

>> No.55149088

When they say, anon*
Fight fire with fire

>> No.55149164
File: 131 KB, 900x1200, FEcYm9LXEAMHvNM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does he look like this?

>> No.55149169

you chuds are the fringe of society that why you're incels

>> No.55149175

>the common steps involved are:

>The abuser denies the abuse ever took place
When confronted with evidence, the abuser then attacks the person that was abused (and/or the person's family and/or friends) for attempting to hold the abuser accountable for their actions, and finally
The abuser claims that they are actually the victim in the situation, thus reversing the positions of victim and offender. It often involves not just playing the victim but also victim blaming.

>> No.55149178
File: 2.38 MB, 540x960, 1685552456490296.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop calling trans women by male pronouns. If you can't even follow such a basic requirement, you're probably not a good fit for other job tasks.

>> No.55149183

Go into work early and watch for the tranny to come in. Keep an eye on them. When they go to the bathroom follow them in. Force them to suck your cock as they take a dump. Then anally rape them. Make sure to lock the door after following them in so you won't be disturbed.

>> No.55149190

>Things That Never Happened: The Thread

>> No.55149292

Stand your ground.

>> No.55149387

wtf those are HOOTTTTT

>> No.55149390

I did it once and ended up getting divorced, the best shit that ever happened to me
living with a vr headset on all day working with that and holding KEK bags is so fucking fun

>> No.55149480
File: 182 KB, 725x432, image0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop being a retard and get back to paying your boss, maybe she will forgive you and let you suck her transtitties and your presence won't be repulsive

>> No.55149489

cringe pajeet

>> No.55149540

Women hate trannies idiot

>> No.55149562

Yubitsume tomorrow in HR
if that doesn't work, seppuku

>> No.55149719

tell them you're gay and unable to see him as anything other than a sexy man

>> No.55149785

Kek, this the only thing they ever come back with. These leftist perverts are so obsessed with sex and their social status that they think this kind of thing actually bothers decent conservatives, who don't have fucked up dopamine addictions.
Anon, you will never be a woman. Never. And you know that.

>> No.55149841

Go to HR meeting, and laugh it off. Oh you don't know about these pronoun things, and anyway you are a Christian so don't really agree with all that. When they get all stern, just frown as though this is quite the stupidest meeting you've ever been in, which it is. Sign nothing. Agree to nothing. Do NOT apologise. Anyway, do you really want to work for these faggots? My guess is they just want you to play ball, and don't really want to fire you. Unless you are a cunt, then maybe.

>> No.55150140

Go away blasting.

>> No.55150223

I hate this

>> No.55150266


Tell them:
I suffer from a mental condition that makes it very painful for me to say things that are not true. It's called truth-itis and there is no cure.

You must accept my disability, or I will make an official complaint against you for this discrimination.

>> No.55150272

>show penis

>> No.55150312

Polish up your resume and start looking for other jobs. Not because you're going to get fired (you won't) but because knowing you have other job offers waiting gives you more confidence for these kinds of shit tests.

There's other stuff you can certainly do but I don't have the time to explain the ins and outs of HR to you. If you have a union, use it. If you don't, do what I said above.

>> No.55150884

Become the tranny's bf

>> No.55150975

wear a vader helmet to the meeting and tell them to refer to you as lord vader. also record the meeting audio on your phone.

>> No.55150989

This is the future conservatives want to take away from us

>> No.55150993

>record the meeting audio on your phone.

and post it here tomorrow for lolz. I could do with a good lol. I believe in you anon.

>> No.55151000

those are women.

>> No.55151006

also whenever they dont refer to you ask lord vader just scream ORDER 66!! LORD VADER NOT ADDRESSED CORRECTLY

>> No.55151443

Inform them of your learning difficulties. How difficult it is to train your brain to ignore the actual truth and conform to lies. That you're working really hard to unlearn reality and enter into a delusion. Ask for stress leave. It's very stressful for you and your mental health is suffering. Get compo.

>> No.55151557

You get disciplined chud. Trannies are based. You won't ever win.

>> No.55151594

Say you got a speech impairment.