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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 131 KB, 750x1000, 5BEEEBCD-D426-44AA-92D9-CA792EEA5F2C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55148153 No.55148153 [Reply] [Original]

Is this a scam?

>> No.55148347

>makes it impossible to buy more than 1000 at a time
Probably not a scam but still not executed well

>> No.55148437

so they just created a website, a animated video and a shitcoin
no socials?

>> No.55148498

it’s not going anywhere without social media accounts
even though it’s at a nice market cap

>> No.55148540

$500 market cap, $700 liquidity
yeah right, that’s so low it has to be a scam or some autistic’s experiment
I wouldn’t touch until both figures do a 10x

>> No.55148588

>burnt liquidity
>video is wholesome and hopeful

It can’t be a rug pull, right bros?

>> No.55148657

I bought 999 and then sold 1 just to make sure I could sell. It worked fine for me but I’m not sure how safe it is

>> No.55148681

$5 buys 1% of the supply
that’s nuts, why would someone release a token and not market it?

>> No.55148809

All of you pajeets should give up

>> No.55148923

I like this one if it had a telegram

>> No.55149163


>> No.55149450

I like the positivity
Biz needs more meme coins like this

>> No.55149560
File: 120 KB, 1727x876, 1685396886819957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look up picrel
search for the OG post from 2 days ago in the archive
thank me later

>> No.55149574

It's a honeypot

>> No.55149744

No it’s not. I did a test sell to make sure. I think the dev is waiting to lift the transaction limit and that’s what is flagging. I want to ask the dev but I have no way to contact them. I can make all the social media accounts. I’ve done it for plenty of shitcoins before. A little art and shilling and this will do 1000x.

>> No.55149812

if i buy it will end up being a rug
if i dont buy, it will giga moon and become the newest meme coin
such is life

>> No.55149828

I was thinking the same thing. Why is life always this way? I would feel better if we could reach the dev. I see someone posted this on biz at launch but the thread was pruned. What’s that website that lets me see biz threads from a few days ago? I want to get to the bottom of this

>> No.55149851

Honeypot rug

>> No.55149854

Minimum buy $5.50, minimum gas fees on Uniswap $15
This dev isn’t a scammer, he’s just retarded. Holy shit why do people put whale limits? It only discourages buyers from buying more. One of the worst parts of crypto

>> No.55149861

i think so too. the guy is just playing on people emotions by using apu. the fucker should hang but whatever. dude will just lift all the fancy restrictions he put on trading and rug it when he's made profit even if its just 10 bucks

>> No.55149862

how is it a honeypot? definitely not a rug with liquidity burnt

>> No.55149872

Doesn’t make sense why he would put whale limits on a rug or honeypot?
Biz literally hates early alpha. I’m not surprised they wouldn’t touch this at $600 fucking dollar market cap. Autistic shitty dev, for autistic shitty biz board. I swear you deserve each other. It’s a shame the dev wasted a clever website and stealth launch

>> No.55149899

Is this really a honeypot?
I need to know bros

>> No.55149903

>early alpha
>It’s a shame the dev wasted a clever website and stealth launch
are u all sitting on discord trying to push this on /biz/ lmao

>> No.55149911

>Is this really a honeypot? I need to know bros
bro nobody writes like that

>> No.55149916

This thread is the marketing dumbfuck

>> No.55149919

this can’t be real because I never get this lucky or find a non rug this early

>> No.55150018

>$500 market cap, $700 liquidity

>> No.55150047

>watch intro
>remember I have no frens in life
>get super sad and depressed again
>night ruined

>> No.55150082

It gave me a little feels inside

>> No.55150092

I’ll buy if you guys keep shilling this tomorrow

>> No.55150097

yeah it gave me feels 2. also it keeps giving me errors when I try to buy any amount. is there a restriction or something on this? I want a stack cuz it gave me feels

>> No.55150108

You can only get 999 at a time I think even though it says 1000

>> No.55150119

Can we make this the next biz coin? I need to get in early bros

>> No.55150170

this could be a good find. it’s very memeable

>> No.55150208

>$600 fucking dollar market cap
you dummies will buy anything just because it’s likely to go up. crypto doesn’t like positive memes like this. they like shit that makes fun of people

>> No.55150225

1uck is the next /biz/ coin

>> No.55150239

1UCK, I’m Broke, and Never give up Fren are the new biz make it triple stack

>> No.55150267

nice try ranjeesh

>> No.55150283

Biz is going to love this one
I’ll be shilling it for weeks

>> No.55150325

It’s not a honeypot. People have been selling 999 tokens at a time. Price is still climbing just because mcap is so low

>> No.55150348

what a coincidence 2 sells appeared just when the thread started getting some traction

>> No.55150370

>not many people sell a coin under $1k market cap
I guess they don’t need to feed the village ser

>> No.55150375
File: 163 KB, 1080x1103, 0.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad? Mad

>> No.55150386

Yeah dextools does that most new tokens.
the contract comes up safe on scanners. Looks pretty standard unless I missed something. But yo ahead and give us your audit, genius. I’m genuinely interested

>> No.55150419

Mad? It keeps goin up

>> No.55150444

this meme actually feels good to shill

>> No.55150465

20 holders keeps going up kek

>> No.55150478
File: 304 KB, 1080x1683, O.o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe, maybe

>> No.55150503

I just sold some more and then added another 999
If my wallet can sell then others should be able because I have the top wallet. If he was going to honeypot he would block my wallet first.

>> No.55150565

some of us like shilling a meme that encourages others.
I’m going to post this coin in every demoralization thread.

>> No.55150576

it keeps saying swap failed?
im not trying to buy more than 1000

>> No.55150594

Buying is harder than selling
It kept failing for me until I refreshed my browser
If it’s a scam the idiot made it hard on himself by creating this token

>> No.55150636

looks interesting
I’ll buy a small bag.
What’s a sui stack?

>> No.55150673


>> No.55150674

FINALLY i managed to buy, after like 20 refreshes of the page
wtf is the cause though?

>> No.55150682
File: 478 KB, 1125x1905, DC57966B-71AE-40ED-BA27-11D1FDC3DC9D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get the same feeling looking at this chart

>> No.55150703

>no tax
>simple contract
>swap fails before gas fees
there shouldn’t be this much issue with it but most people were experiencing problems buying it in telegram groups too

>> No.55150712

That was me. I sold 999 as a test to see if it was a honeypot or not. Then I went to buy 999 more but I didn't swap it around on uni and accidentally sold the rest that I had. Fuck my life lol.

>> No.55150719

At least the mcap is still really low
It’s easy to buy back in for under $10 plus the $15 in gas

>> No.55150723

its not a simple contract, look at all the dependencies. 12 contracts total
its 6am here and i havent slept so my brain isnt working well enough to read through it all to make sure something weird isnt hidden in there
oh well, $30 from one of my burner accounts isnt gonna hurt too bad if its a scam

>> No.55150732

If you read the site, it says you can only buy or sell every 5 minutes.

>> No.55150776

This one could do a 100x today if it gets the right shill army behind it

>> No.55150860

Biz has pumped this to a 2x in a few hours? Not bad

>> No.55150881

how many wallets did you guys buy on? i bought on 2

>> No.55150912

with 8$ investment even if this hits 100M$ MCap we ngmi

>> No.55150931
File: 425 KB, 1125x1579, IMG_0499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dexscreener thinks this is a honeypot.

>> No.55151033

yeah that’s happened to quite a few of my newer shitcoins. If he’s going to rug pull, he hasn’t yet. And a few anons have already tested selling. I encourage everyone to sell and test it for themselves
DYOR but it works no matter how much I sell

>> No.55151034

1% of the supply can be bought for $11 right now...

>> No.55151048

I’ll take that

>> No.55151068

that’s crazy. we need to get as many biz bros in this early do whales cant crash it

>> No.55151182

tme ngufunofficial
join phaggots

>> No.55151287

>t dot me/ngufunofficial
get in here bros. this is now officially a biz token

>> No.55151393

I’ll join just for the good storyline.
All biz shills get in this one now.
You know we can never give up fren!

>> No.55151403

sell this shitcoin and buy ORE.

>> No.55151416

every biz bro please keep bumping this until we locate this dev. right now we have a shill army forming in telegram groups.
$1k mcap
burnt liquidity
don’t invest a lot until we find this dev

>> No.55151429

>the boys are back in town plays
I’m getting chills from how comfy this looks

>> No.55151463

every single 1 post by this id with the word bro is the scammer who will rug u

>> No.55151491

you know you want to join us

>> No.55152005

all threads dead. buys stopped. its time to pull the trigger bro

>> No.55152063

I have all the devs details bro

>> No.55152544

I spent $10 on this twice. I don’t care if it does rug. If it moons, I got in at $500 mc

>> No.55153053

the maximum cost hasn’t even flipped the cost of gas yet. 1% of the supply is cheaper than gas fees to swap on Uniswap. that’s incredibly bullish

>> No.55153518

>$500 market cap
almost at 5x
i bet this hits $100k today
warning: don’t ape more than 1-2% of supply
leave some for people who haven’t signed on yet

>> No.55153589

Why would token creator or collaborator block it's own wallet? Try harder, scammer.

>> No.55153626

Too much work for couple hundred to plug out so soon, just wait.

>> No.55153692

If dev was a scammer he did a horrible job. People have already sold maximum buys back to back. I urge you to try

>> No.55153710

Do me a favor and count all positive or semi-positive 1 post by this ID would you?

>> No.55153733
File: 33 KB, 680x591, 307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably nothing, but that's what I thought about SHIB as well. Why do I keep getting swap failed on uniswap even with 10% slippage?

>> No.55153750

pls respond before I have to go back to work

>> No.55153762

999 token limit, 5 minute timer between trades, refresh browser and meta mask if it still doesn’t work. It took me a while but it worked

>> No.55153793

oh shit I thought that was just on sells. thanks anon.

>> No.55153882

this shit actually interesting but it needs socials

lets create a community tg or something

>> No.55153994

t dot me/ngufunofficial

>> No.55154029

biz already knows we’re never giving up shilling this shitcoin. they better join us now and start shilling this all over the internet

>> No.55154039

>1 post by this id
>1 post by this id
>1 post by this id
>1 post by this id
>1 post by this id

>> No.55154074

nigga i just saw the thread and bought a bag in case this shit moons

>> No.55154095 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 512x383, 107.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the jeetiest thread ive ever seen on here holy shit, you faggots should get troll instead. presale is tomorrow.

>t dot me /trollface_community

>> No.55154107

>98 posts
>71 posters

>> No.55154173

sheet website made my cry my eyes out fml. Im buying this isnhallah frens will help me be free

>> No.55154192

Complains about jeets and 1pbtid
Also 1pbtid

>> No.55154197

>biz already knows we’re never giving up shilling this shitcoin. they better join us now and start shilling this all over the internet
2pbtid now scram

>> No.55154215

the fud is bullish

>> No.55154334 [DELETED] 

tlegram ngufunofficia

>> No.55154335 [DELETED] 

1pbtid on this fat engorged prostate ranjesh

>> No.55154339

I don't know why y'all hold such for long. You love being dumped on? I'm always grateful that tokenmetrics doesn't evaluate memes so I have no fucking business with such.

>> No.55154631

i dont get your point

>> No.55154747

I don't trust it for shit
Still bought a bag though lol
worst case is 50 bucks becomes 0, right?

>> No.55154806

my logic too

>> No.55154868

Yeah it’s probably going to be a wild ride but might take off outside biz

>> No.55154904

where to shill it?

>> No.55154938

Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, Twitter, telegram, where ever you got connections. I’m posting the telegram group to different things to build that up first.

>> No.55155136

Bought a bag and a half. Probably better off buying the dog coin of the month but eh whatever.

>> No.55155144

Unrelated question but Telegram needs a phone number right? Am I giving up my anonymity by joining?

>> No.55155198

someone should shill this on reddit

>> No.55155514

I cant wait to rug all you fags buying my bags. Wait and see.

>> No.55155547

We're almost to 50 bagholders

>> No.55155722

i'll rug you first dw

>> No.55155935

all it will take
is one sell
for the giga dump to begin

>> No.55156071

Yes it does on the phone app. I’m not sure about desktop
It’s at $7500 mc
no one should be buying more than what they spend in gas fees on 1 or 2 buys. This isn’t the next PEPE or SHIB unless the dev comes back

>> No.55156092
File: 1.20 MB, 1284x2778, FF7AB1D0-EDC3-4225-90D3-F28AE39EB4BE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks mods for allowing these scams or do you just make your own?

>> No.55156112

go back

>> No.55156159

>pajeet scam that takes 10 minutes to make with a whole village of samefags in the thread

Go back to India how about that? please you stink

>> No.55156194

Rug being pulled in 20 minutes

>> No.55156241


>> No.55156261
File: 485 KB, 1798x1635, D6E048A6-6279-44E3-B926-3DE06787189E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55156268


>> No.55156283

someone sold, check

>> No.55156294

This is fun because we've all got the same amount of tokens so it's like the worlds largest game of hot potato. I guess every shitcoin is a game of hot potato, but still.

>> No.55156300

because its low mc, at higher mc people wont be able to buy as much

>> No.55156313
File: 1.05 MB, 1284x2778, C605BC48-6148-4058-BE26-C0877B534ECA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice try ranjesh but it’s a bot they can sell honeypots










>> No.55156329

Fast replies the village is grasping at the straws currently

$3000 congrats on that… really>>55156294

>> No.55156359
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 13463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitcoins are prone to pump and dump, Anon. I preferred badass utility project that allow degens like me to earn real profit from real world assets.

>> No.55156361

bro i saw the thread and bought a bag thats it

>verification not required

>> No.55156401

You suck at scamming really no wonder you guys are shilling a $500 liquidity pool initial to literal third worlders and Autist on an image board.

It’s a honeypot

>> No.55156413

just buy a bag and stop hating, tomorow we will be at 100k mc and you still here fudding

>> No.55156445
File: 91 KB, 1284x449, 97A2054A-7852-4C9F-8680-F754C75E49A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not fud you moron look with your fucking eyes at the contract it’s a honeypot you’re either dumb or a scammer and it’s definitely the second one.




>> No.55156446

The absolute state of fudsters lmao go back to your tg faggot

>> No.55156473

How is this a scam? It’s one of the few safe plays on biz. A token called nevergibupfren is about as safe as you can get

>> No.55156475

It might not be a scam, OG. But that shit isn't executed well. Oldfags will rather go for RWA tokenization initiatives that has real world utility than buying this bull shit.

>> No.55156493

>real world utility
are you stuck in 2017. meme coins out perform utility tokens

>> No.55156521

you can sell you retard

>> No.55156605
File: 1.36 MB, 1284x1778, 9766B97F-2403-442D-99B2-7BBFBFBBC616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a honeypot scam that you can’t sell
Also the deployed had launched multiple other honeypots just like this






>> No.55156609

just breached 10k mc

>Verification not required.

>> No.55156614


>> No.55156623

Yep and you can’t sell it doesn’t matter how high it goes you’re all poor scammers how does it feel to be in the lowest tier of society basically less valuable then cow shit because at least they make fertilizer

>> No.55156639
File: 32 KB, 779x652, sell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55156650

The devs are fuking retarded Anons from the wild wild west, kek. I'd rather have MnI and swap it for an NFE for safety and security, as well as to f**king cut taxes if moved or traded.

>> No.55156763

Nice scam anyone who buys can’t sell

>> No.55156847

good entry atm

>> No.55156941

I''ll sell my ex girlfriend's engagement ring and buy some but the little brat lacked utility to provide ROI. I rather follow my instinct and go for the project that bridge the gap between tradiFi and digital world with a low barrier to entry

>> No.55157081

You can only buy or sell a max of 999 tokens at a time witha 5 minute cool down retard

>> No.55157345

What do you call those recent sells fag? See you at $100k marketcap in under 24 hours.
Never give up, Fren

>> No.55157532

Did we pass $10K Market Cap?

>> No.55157558

dogebat also had no dev, just community.

>> No.55157592

Yup. wagmi

>> No.55157712

Yup, pretty much.

Would reccomend you to engage in better projects like $thing or something like that

>> No.55157898

he just wants a better entry, too bad we got only green lines
>13k mc

>> No.55157911

In other news, we're almost to 60 holders

>> No.55158045
File: 125 KB, 1280x768, imbroke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one doesn't have the honeypot fud hovering over it but it is filled with jeets, which desu can be even worse. I know some anons hate eth gas fees so maybe they will like this BSC gamble

>> No.55158341

Now we lost a holder....

>> No.55158379

What the fuck is this?

>> No.55158481

New biz coin with a new and fun innovative contract

>> No.55158532

Could we hit 20k MC?

>> No.55158588

We just hit 20k.

>> No.55158617

25 soon?

>> No.55158621

max buys every 5 minutes? fuck let me buy

>> No.55158727

There are only 10% more tokens available.

>> No.55158736

we hit it
let's roll for 30

>> No.55158769

Imagine not owning 1000 NGUF

>> No.55158782

>he doesn't own at least 1% of the total supply

>> No.55158817

this token is so stupid
i love it

>> No.55158826

>Imagine not stacking En Guff

>> No.55158837

$100k mcap tonight is programmed in. fasten your seatbelts gentlemen. we only need 5-10 more max buys (with no sells) to do it

>> No.55158860

Unironically the best part of the meme. the rain sounds make it even more sad in a way

>> No.55158872

nice little doomp

>> No.55158888

It's the same 30 people with multiple wallets playing hot potato lmao

>> No.55158932 [DELETED] 

I remember some anon said it made him super depressed cuz he has no friends in a thread a few days ago. so I guess it does effect some people. I agree the rain was a nice touch and added to the sad atmosphere.

>> No.55158980

lie, I only have one.

>> No.55159044

If this is a scam it’s a really bad one. But if it’s genuinely a meme coin, it’s really weak.
The worst of both worlds.

>> No.55159204

I only have 2 wallets and they’re not big
I purposely went small to keep risk low and leave some meat on the bone for biz.
we’re taking this to $100k in the next 24 hours.

>> No.55159386

Honeypot activated. Thankyou for the $100AUD. Can the jannies delete this thread now?

>> No.55159469

what are the odds it does another 10x soon? currently around $22k mcap

>> No.55159496

It's fucking over

>> No.55159611

here’s your dip boys
weak hands leaving and price at $16k
Going back up to $25k soon

>> No.55159697

you’ll be complaining when you’re buying in at $500k mcap

>> No.55160723

It's actually just 16 of us

>> No.55160796

first 10 wallets hold more than half the supply, its a dump waiting to happen

>> No.55161287

is 999 nguf now worth 600 bucks WHAT THE FUCK

>> No.55161388

lmao we almost hit 100k mc at some point now at 55k mc
wagmi frens
holding to 100M

>> No.55161393

Ok, I’m the retard that bought $54 worth. I’m going to bed now and I’m sure it will be worth 12k MC when I wake up

>> No.55161419

My 8$ is now worth 600$ thanks anon,Will hodl till 100M$ MCap

>> No.55161420

Stop redeeming basterds
If you do, recycle the money by buying >>55158200

>> No.55161462

should have bought GEEQ

>> No.55161498

KEK. I have the same concern.
It can be easily. Don't be a lazy fag, you should always check the team behind it. Take a look at what gains BEN and CHUNKS brought. Now I am waiting to see some pumps from LOYAL.

>> No.55161542

only chads bought, the jeets were afraid because of honeypot fud, we holding to millions

>> No.55161570

I swear to god they should hardware ban this brown skinned scammer

>> No.55161656

this is how I usually feel but this one feels safe. never give up fren

>> No.55161717

If this coin is legit you just bought at a bad time. Americans waking up now and selling 50% for profit. All ponzi schemes have to pass this barrier test so you are just supporting the token.

I have no regret profitting only $100. I can't really afford to lose what I put in so I'm lucky as it is. I hope it bounces back for you anon.

>> No.55161733

I was quick on the trigger there. Bad information from the internet. Honeypot is still in question.

Contract can be modified and coins can be minted so stay safe. But you never know...

>> No.55161740

>he sold?
$10 m market cap EOM

>> No.55161827
File: 160 KB, 960x960, 1592556576084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i stopped doing reverse psychology by fudding this coin and started feeling optimistic and its dumping now
sorry bros

>> No.55162345

Just woke up
Nice to see some numbers

>> No.55162404

Find dev anon pleaseeee!!

>> No.55163062

>honey pot
is the only reason dexscreener says its a honeypot because of the 999 buy and sell limit every 5 minutes? cause i see people buying and selling... doesn't seem like a honey pot

>> No.55163981

I think it's the limit, yeah

>> No.55164349

Nice to see 50K passed
for now, at least

>> No.55164791

50k is the new support nice. I think we will see 500k end of the week if dev show up

>> No.55164862

Is anyone shilling it elsewhere yet?
I don't have the required accounts for any website to shill it

>> No.55165023

We’re shilling on Twitter, Instagram, Reddit, but we could use more shilling across all social media

>> No.55165427

Buy the meme and live by the meme, never gib up fren.

>> No.55165724
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1683990503002013s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do retards hold meme when mf devs can now code in any language and earn a lifetime royalties.

>> No.55165847

No royalties for this one ser, LP tokens moved to deAd wallet 0x00.

>> No.55166916

we need to get all the diehard crypto shills. this coin was made for people who never gib up

>> No.55167112

I’d like to see more /biz/ frens accumulate first

>> No.55167402

this is pumping nicely for an abandoned project
coke back and save your neets dev

>> No.55167739

The memecoins are leaving a lot of anons in loss oldfag. More reason why I only invest in alts with utility like QNT and LTC which have a strong trader grade on AI backed research platform.

>> No.55168150
File: 1.28 MB, 1024x1024, pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if anyone wants a bit of good luck rather than this scam, check out 1UCK. take 5 mins out of your depressed life to read the devs launch message on biz, thats right, he launched on biz for us because he cared. contract checks out and the hand over to the community gaining momentum. not shilling this anywhere else other than biz to give time to accumulate here first. OG thread here >>55124525 if you want to see how good the code is check it out on bscscan its worth a read

>> No.55168324

I already hold both NGUF and 1UCK

>> No.55168357

You’re full of shit. QNT is making more anons poor then meme coins
look at the meme coin charts and look whatv% of those investors cash out profit then look at coins like QNT.
The statistical likelihood of making it on big caps is slim to none.
I don’t hold this meme but I bet there’s a higher % of people in profit then your vc coins

>> No.55169182

Looks like you've not even seen the charts bizfag. You must be retarded to pick memecoins over actual assets, have fun bagholding retard.

>> No.55169283

redpill me oldfag, maybe I can add them to my stash of Matic, Sylo and Flux for long term gains.

>> No.55169945

Just a routine 90% correction. NEXT STOP 1 MIL MARKET CAP

>> No.55170508

I fuckin' wish

>> No.55171196

I wonder how the weekend will go

>> No.55171207

Only jeets don't do their own due diligence and get moved around by fud. I always do mine and that's how I came across alts like Ride which has redefined in-car entertainment with the metaverse.

>> No.55172681

Kek a whale dumped his stack but he’s got nothing left

>> No.55172742

Don't be a JEET buy GEEQ.

>> No.55172752


>> No.55173100


>> No.55173816

wen mün

>> No.55174148

Neber eber

>> No.55174199
File: 381 KB, 1079x1070, rad pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just bought

>> No.55174207
File: 53 KB, 819x1024, 1678701483890879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am not gonna sellan even if it goes to 0 (zero)

>> No.55174579

Strong resistance, can someone pls sell, wanna buy more..

>> No.55176253

this thread is really never giving up

>> No.55177640

Will it let us down?

>> No.55177669

Is it true the dev has been found?

>> No.55178046

Number Go Up, Fren

>> No.55178418


>> No.55178962

Is dev really back?

>> No.55180840
File: 53 KB, 1172x675, 1619185445657.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes dev is back!!
join telegram /ngufunofficial

>> No.55181542

>yes dev is back!!

>> No.55182417

What is he saying? And proofs?

>> No.55184042

remember to nguf

>> No.55184120

He is going to launch a V2 tomorrow. Will airdrop current hodlers. Still up for debate whether it will be 1:1 or 2:1. Biggest thing will be increasing the liquidity.

>> No.55184135

OP is a serial presale scammer.
Report him and anyone shilling.

>> No.55184555


>> No.55186567


>> No.55188475

Double bupm

>> No.55188483

You need to go back to your discord zoomer. That is your home. Not imageboards.

>> No.55189106

Holy crap this is STILL up? one more bump for the old soup maker

>> No.55189531

It will never die.
Still never giving up, fren