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55139938 No.55139938 [Reply] [Original]

Want to buy a mansion in Italy. Pic rel = no property taxes.
Thoughts on if it's a good or bad idea? My main issue is learning a new language. How they hell do tourists do it so casually..

>> No.55141409

Where abouts in Italy? This is of vital importance to the question.

>> No.55141461

'Mansions' in italy will be shit. Most of their housing is old, no electricity gas net etc., or mcchucklefuck builds now.
Though, it's worth looking into for the prices maybe. Maybe it's worth buying and isntalling your own.

>> No.55141834

They'll still fuck you up with double taxation on your salary if you work for a company registered outside of Italy

>> No.55142322

I looked into this myself. I believe the catch is that you have to pay income tax if you reside there for 6+ months. Where as you do not have to pay income tax if you live there less than half the year. So you pick your poison.

Not to mention Italian real estate is a fucking pain to deal with. If you a don't have Italian citizenship or have no intention on retiring there then I recommend restoring a historical building instead. I heard the Italian government will sell you the rights to the building for free as long as you personally restore it and open the site up to the public. Obviously keep a floor of the site reserved all to yourself.

>> No.55142357

Never bad to learn a new language with a different root as your own, opens up a perspective to the world. Not really a point to learn a language of the same root unless you want to increase your ability to do business with natives of that language

>> No.55142419

that's where the mafia comes from

>> No.55142678

No thanks, I don't live in countries governed by women.

>> No.55142687


>> No.55142706

well when the covid hit i couldn't even go into italy and you coldn't work or do anything without haven gotten da vaxxeen. so why would i buy property there?

they might deny me entry to the country / my house just because i don't want to get poisoned

>> No.55143119

If you want to move to Italy, that's fine and all, but I hope the reason isn't only property taxes. Property taxes are tiny either way, you will likely spend more on the moving process than you will save from lower property taxes throughout your entire lifetime.

>> No.55143187

Italian isn't that hard to learn, and most of Italy already speaks enough English thanks to the endless hordes of tourists.

Why not portugal for no crypto taxes instead? Did they already close that loophole?

>> No.55143202

Depends. If one already speaks a latin language its fairly easy. But latin languages in general aren't hard to learn, but hard to master

>> No.55143266
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Personally I already learned moonrunes so my sense of scale on "hard to learn" for languages is all whacked out. The only languages that still give me pause are Russian, Polish, Persian, and Chinese.

>> No.55143317

>How they hell do tourists do it so casually..
Watch Italian TV (no English subs) and read Italian text every day. Don't just create an English bubble around yourself. It will be a completely new world at first, but if you get 5+ hours of exposure a day then you will pick it up quickly. Where people go wrong is in doing the bare minimum after learning enough survival phrases to get by.

>> No.55143366

Never tried my hand at Arab or Asian languages, but Russian is okay to learn if one has a Germanic language at base and knows latin languages well enough.

>> No.55143455

I used to think I'd go back and learn this laundry list of languages but now that I'm traveling the world I don't really see the point. Almost everywhere in the world speaks english and google translate on a phone is enough to get by in a pinch. And the older I get the more I realize I simply don't have time to be spending an hour or two a day learning a language, let alone dedicating six months to it. Shit, I can barely get stable enough to make time to go to the gym regularly.

I also think there are some people who if they don't learn a language as a child, are just incapable of learning another language as an adult. Maybe like 50% of people will simply never do it.

>> No.55143503

I agree. It only makes sense in todays world to learn a different cultures language if interested in the deeper thinking of that culture and comparison to expend one owns mind or to have a better chance at doing deals locally because who doesn't like somebody who took the time to learn your language.

>> No.55143538

if you are just holding for a year it doesn't count (not sure if business days or actual year though)
if you mine, validate or trade it is taxable (considered commercial)
this depends on wether you are a tax resident or not
mining is taxable at 95%

>> No.55143627

Well never fucking mind then, holy shit.

>> No.55143661

i would look more closely yourself
i am not well versed in it so i may be wrong and there may be even more loopholes under another layer of legalities

>> No.55143691

I think many people fail at learning a second language because they vastly underestimate the amount of time it takes. I also learned moon runes in high school, and it took several thousand hours of listening, reading, and reviewing flash cards before I even began to feel comfortable with general comprehension. But I always expected that to be the case. I think you have to really want to learn in order to become fluent in another language as an adult. Their brains aren't physically incapable of learning a new language, they just realistically aren't going to put in all the effort to do so.

>> No.55143727
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For me, it's Naboo.