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55141045 No.55141045 [Reply] [Original]

>boss wants me to send him a detailed log of work done at the end of the day
What the fuck bros, you guys told me WFH jobs were comfy and I could coom and play vidya all day, I have a huge pending workload and I thought he wouldn't realize

>> No.55141297
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>boss wants me to send him a detailed log of work done at the end of the day
For me it's a 10 minute standup where I bullshit about the hour of work I did the day before.

>> No.55141580
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99% sure they want to fire you and are searching for excuses. Or they used some monitoring software.

First ask him why, find out the reason. If he can't say why request a meeting with HR. If he says it's because of not delivering work item X, tell him it's because you also do Y,Z that are not in you job description and if you can stop doing that.

If he insist you still do the logging then negoiate a term (2 weeks) and then an evaluation.

When you do the logging send him daily the list of activities (just export outlook meetings and add your normal activity for example programming) in between, specifically mention 1 hour a day logging at the end of the day. You could automate this pretty much

Set the mail to confirmation necessary

If there is no evaluation moment then plan a meting with his boss. Tell him you are logging every activity, but you see he isn't opening the emails. Tell him you think he find it to hard to understand what you are doing and try to make sense by logging but it costs you a lot of time and it feels wasteful since the work pressure is so high.

Also start looking for an other job.

After two weeks tell him you spend 10 hours logging and you see he doesn't read it which sounds wasteful. Add his boss in the BCC for maximum office drama.

>> No.55141601
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Fuck the last part wasn't necessary (I'm phone posting for you, so better reply)

>> No.55141609

Never believe anyone that tells you wfh is easy. 9/10 people who say this are senior folks who have tons of experience and can output maximum value with 2 hours of work, or poor fags who make $15/hr doing brainlet data entry.

>> No.55141877

>or poor fags who make $15/hr doing brainlet data entry.
Well, that's basically me...
>Also start looking for an other job.
Damn bros... I like my current job, I just got a huge amount of tasks all at once and it looks like I lazed around

>> No.55142024

Make it so detailed it's boring, he won't ask again or he won't read it.

>> No.55142085

If you're doing data entry, you need to learn python and excel. I highly suggest getting "automate the boring things with python". My company has a large operations department where low paid people just copy paste excel cells every day or checking websites for prices. The smart ones automate it and work 2 hours a week and build up their skill set until they move into something else.

>> No.55142457

You should be keeping a journal anyways. It's also pretty trivial to fluff up tasks or list a ton of small tasks. Don't go nuclear like some people are suggesting. Not yet at least. Maybe ask why if you are the only one doing this, but if you just started maybe they want to see how you progress.
I have to provide a log every week (though they actually asked me to make it less detailed), it's the only thing they ask of me, no daily standups, etc. so I still think that's pretty comfy.