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5512809 No.5512809 [Reply] [Original]

forecasts for January 2018 through 2022
an Asymmetric Linguistic Trends Analysis Intelligence Report
from Halfpasthuman.com
bare naked Wealth! #9
by clif high


LTC- MC8Caofg7ZqeNtkasrYVo2YmeHSTYXt4ER

>> No.5512826


>> No.5512869
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why are u saying this shit? open in VM or in mega via browser u dont need to download it

>> No.5512885

Where did you get this?

>> No.5512901


>> No.5512968
File: 2.11 MB, 500x496, matrix-pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought it
I have a lot of info that i bought from greedy kikes , will share with biz if biz is isnt as greedy as people selling this type of info

>> No.5513060

honestly i dont even know what im reading

these are the ramblings of a mental patient

>> No.5513215
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>> No.5513248

Didn't that guy eat his own shit on stream that one time and promptly remove the video?

>> No.5513290

was his name mors?

>> No.5513427

Do you want a medal?

>> No.5513433

That dude is right 10% of the time

>> No.5513548

OP you are too kind. I bought it yesterday here from some guy for 10$ though...

You happen to have the Crypto Storm from November...? Willing to share it...?

>> No.5513584

thanks lad

>> No.5513595

> 'map-making' will become something of a 'weekend hobby'as the 'shifting (alliances)' within the 'upheaval' period continue to the point of producing 'ridicule'. The 'weekend map-making clubs' are showing as something of a global 'sport' as to 'who is first', and 'who is most accurate'.
This is what we used to do daily on /sg/ for at least 2 years.
Glorious times

>> No.5513651
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here 10 doge from u

>> No.5513723

Thank you sir!

>> No.5513797

Not all heroes wear capes. Thanks OP

>> No.5513859

Thanks OP

>> No.5514022
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I will take this silence to Thank OP for sharing such things.
Thank you!

>> No.5514064

>...nce as opportunity to....
o my gosh, my fingers are slower than my mind.

>> No.5514380


>> No.5514400

explain this shit OP. give me a quick rundown.

>> No.5514472

Just finished reading it.

Basically cryptos still going up in 2018 and 2019.

EOS will do a 10x
NEO will explode
OMG will explode
BCH will 'catch up' to BTC

Conclusion, buy above coins.

>> No.5514507

thanks but i meant explain clif high and this predictive linguistics shit. i am intrigued.

>> No.5514584

Whoever posted this yesterday had me going down a bullshit wujo clif high youtube marathon. I guess it's more believable than alex jones simply because he's not yelling at me but; uh, I don't think there is a space battle going on above us or silver is going to be 1000 an oz in march. What I don't get about these people is they make some good calls. If they could shut their mouths about fucking Chem trails and shit they'd be 100% believable.

He has made some good crypto calls though.

>> No.5514635

Google web bot sir.

>> No.5514680


You know how in the Foundation books how Hari Seldon used population statistics on a galactic scale to predict the future? The same way that, while the individual motion of molecules in a reaction vessel may be random and unpredictable, the reaction on the macro scale still proceeds predictably?

It's the same thing.

>> No.5514790

Can you comment on his alex jones-tier theories? Ala, chemtrails, prometheus-alien creators, a little "bloop" instead of a big bang, charkras, etc.

Otherwise he'd seem reasonable...

>> No.5514808


Holy shit. That's exactly what I was thinking when I was reading this.

God damn we are living in some really trippy times.

>> No.5514832

>Ala, chemtrails, prometheus-alien creators, a little "bloop" instead of a big bang, charkras, etc.

All of these things but one are factual. I'll leave it as an exercise for you to identify the spurious one.

>> No.5514859


It's Chemtrails.

>Implying archons and reptilians would rely on such primitive tech.

>> No.5514903

You've never seen a chemtrail? Never been affected by one? They are absolutely real, I haven't seen above my areas for some years but on my last visit to Japan they were spraying them daily.

>> No.5514909

I'm with this guy. Chemtrails is full retard. I could buy the alien tinkerers because all we got is muh evolution. Still seems too David Icke for me.

What about fucking weird ass space wars going in right above our planet? Nah.

>> No.5514919

lmao this

>> No.5514936

You mean vapors from jets and muh science? How would the people spraying that shit not be affected?

>Be me
>control world
>chemtrails people to be obedient and docile or whatever
>breath said air
>subvert self

>> No.5514957

yeah i dunno about this one anon.

>why isn't there a conspiracy board

>> No.5514981

>he thinks space is real

>> No.5515022


Trust me there are vastly more efficient and less noticeable ways to manipulate or drug people. The air is one of the worst ways to do it: easily detectable by someone with a basic knowledge of science, easily seen (hence the conspiracy theories), very difficult for precision targeting (elites don't want to be targeted obviously).

And even if we go via the air supply route, there are ways of diffusing chemicals through the air without using giant jet streams. Regardless targeting the food supply is vastly more advantageous. Just google research papers on the effect of soy products.

>> No.5515080

All I know is I've seen clouds formed in dead straight lines that very slowly dissipate. If you go out at night after one of these clouds has been sprayed above you you will see this stringy substance hanging from the trees and powerlines like spider webs.

You will also notice when you see one of these clouds and you go outside for an extended period of time you will get a sore chest, very heavy flu-like symptoms and muscle pains.

I experienced the above several times before I even heard of the term 'chemtrail' but after researching I am 100% what was being sprayed above my house were chemtrails. Who or why I don't know for sure.

>> No.5515090

That mental patient is whole world opinion, my friend.
dig deeper

>> No.5515145

Manipulation is apparent through mass media and the shool system, poisoning is also occurring via the water supply (chlorine and flouride), food, modern medicine and vaccines. To me personally I don't see them as less noticeable, they are completely obvious.

>> No.5515180

Biggest "red pills" to look out for in my lurking / deep diving?

>> No.5515216

This thread reminded me of those books as well but I've never found psychohistory very believable either..

>> No.5515573

Thanks for sharing!

Anything else you think its worthwhile to know?

I wonder how these people get to these conclusions, do they eat and breathe crypto?

Also, if they really think they know what they're talking about, why don't they just keep it to themselves and become billionaires?

>> No.5515663


NEO marine present for duty

>> No.5515731

Neo General, here here

>> No.5515777
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What the fuck am I reading

>> No.5515865


>> No.5516042

he uses bullshit language, but if you use elliott waves or think there's any value to REP, he's got a bot that aims to do do the same thing