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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55130171 No.55130171 [Reply] [Original]

Is it true?
I'm not ready yet

>> No.55130191


Hong Kong and China are rentering. That's always the next bull cycle signal....China.

>> No.55130199
File: 159 KB, 1051x1051, 1651462087375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is

>> No.55130205

Yes OP.
New ATH for BTC and ETH Q4 2024.

>> No.55130219

true, but it's a log function and it caps at around $100k.

>> No.55130240

Yeah, extended bear cycles area thing now unfortunately

>> No.55130256
File: 95 KB, 748x494, rainbow_to_the_ACK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>log graph

Don't forget to change the scale when your meme graph doesn't fit anymore.

>> No.55130362

Kek. You cant stop trying can you jew

>> No.55130536

every pump feels fake on the backdrop if a looming economic crash.

Not market crash but real financial shit. Job lossess, businesses closing down,

>> No.55132231
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>literally the longest range to date
>"i'm not ready yet"
You had your chance anon

>> No.55132329

ignore the FUD

>> No.55133290
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Just hodl fagget

>> No.55133333

Fine by me

>> No.55133856

you had so much time nigger

>> No.55134038

you had 15 years

>> No.55134040

And as always that break marked the absolute bottom you fucking retard. What else do you guys need to make money, exact price prediction of the hourly candle?

>> No.55134100
File: 53 KB, 1024x1104, IMG_20230515_150718_270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready

>> No.55135095
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It's imminent, anon.

>> No.55135419

So bullrun in 2025?

>> No.55135482

That graph never works because it’s linear lines on a log scale which is really retarded. There are other charts where the rainbow curves and flattens the higher up it gets

>> No.55137672

>Hong Kong and China are rentering. That's always the next bull cycle signal....China.
and the sell signal?

>> No.55137678

>it's a log function and it caps at around $100k
I can see 280k based on that graph

>> No.55137687

All logarithms are unbounded, retard. Mathlets get the rope.

>> No.55137712
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So it seems, so it seems

>> No.55137721

Coinbase becoming the number 1 app. you have two week to sell from then

>> No.55137733


>> No.55137786

I just recently became a wholecoiner.
Am I going to make it?

>> No.55137826

Yes. And welcome.

>> No.55137870

I have a feeling they’re going to front run the halving. To many normies are betting on the halving and unironically still haven’t “jumped in” LMAO. I can still see a dump to 22k-24k but anything less is wishful thinking. Crypto basically had its nuclear event with kikeman fried and the nigger gook and other Jewry like Celsius and blockfi. Either a slow bleed down or ww3 clown shit.

YES start DCAing if you haven’t.

>> No.55139236
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>> No.55139407
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Dead board. Could be nuked. The last cycle mods and jannies with their shitcoin corruption killed the boards reputation. It's never coming back

>> No.55140183


bitcoin has never seen a bear market before. the despair people will feel when they realize that the halvening won't pump it and the price falls below miner profitability is going to be insane.

bitcoin to 3k, next bull in 10-15 years or so

>> No.55140313

I'm still waiting for my 1.4 BTC from the MTGox Settlement

>They sold it for fiat at $8k

>> No.55140551

Don't you understand btc? Difficulty falls if miners close their farms due to unprofitability incentivizing others to mine again with cheaper hardware in jurisdictions with cheaper energy. To snuff out btc long enough to kill it, would require a years long worldwide stagflationary high energy prices situation. And such a phenomenona would kill way more then a random distributed pow network

>> No.55140562

Yes, but fakeout beartrap/crash first

>> No.55140625

I hope it's true, my bags are extremely heavy and I'm struggling to hold them

>> No.55140719

i understand how it works. im just saying when we see unprecedented drops in hashpower everyone is going to think bitcoin is dead fr nocap.

people think a year downtrend is a bear market, laughable. that's a small dip. real bear markets can last decades.