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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55132868 No.55132868 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone tell me what is MEV and why they have a blood hatred of Chainlink and its holders?

>> No.55132916

Front running bots

>> No.55132920

They know the tokens not needed. There is no competition because ETH tokens are very needed (by literally everyone including link holders).
Chainlink tokens are completely unneeded and unnecessary hence why the price does not go up, and why increased usage of the link system doesnt correlate in any way to the price rising.
Tldr: Token not needed

>> No.55132926

so buy more because you just wrote a paragraph of shit fud? gotcha

>> No.55132927

>Chainlink and its holders
We don't think about you.

>> No.55132930

If CCIP is succesful it will kill frontrunning which will make ALL crypto rocket up because it removes their ability to profit off everyones hope.
I don't even own a single link and know this.
>mostly cause I'm a poorfaggot
But still I pray link kills MEV because it fucks everyone except for the botrunners.

>> No.55132940

mETH is a bunch of Mammon worshippers, LINK are Saturnists. The latter took it on to conquer the realm of Mammon, supported by some disciples of Baäl, looking back it was obvious that such a campaign would fail. You simply don't attack the heart with some new comers, even if you support their cause, liberation, separating the air and the earth to make the plane livable for humans. Lesson learned

Oh and MEV, is just a blood sucking ritual, human sacrifice

>> No.55132950

ETH transactions are raped by ETH whales to their huge profit and LINK has architected and positioned to stop to it. The MEV scum and Cucktalik have known it’s been coming for a long time though. Imagine being trapped in a giant pot full of water and feeling it ever so slowly warming up, fully aware that soon enough, it was going to boil you alive.

>> No.55132954

Saturn is an AI right?

>> No.55132957
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Read it and weep.

>> No.55132967

>Ccip kills mev
Lol lmao even
The absolute state

>> No.55132998

look up "jaredfromsubway.eth" and go down the rabbit hole

>> No.55133001

Polar geometric storm not needed

>> No.55133006
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Wow congrats on this, seriously

>> No.55133010

MEV = liars
chainlink = truth machine
do the math

>> No.55133020

Basically, those who scam are panicking because they rely on trust-based relationship with their customers.
Trust that your funds are safu.
Trust that your platform won't trade agaisnt you.
Trust that your dev team won't exploit you.
Chainlink doesn't rely on trust. It's entire purpose is trust-minimization or 'trustlessness' and maximizing what can be verified as true.
Once a protocol uses chainlink, correctly, it must behave in a manner that minimizes this 'trust-based' relationship and must verify what is true.
This is bad for everyone who abuses trust. This is good for every gullible mongoloid.

>> No.55133021

And the discordians are here to play apple games.

>> No.55133034

TLDR if you got money every dip buy alts, any alt on a CEX
Once MEV dies and it will this year an altrun to make all altruns look like shit will begin.
It's already happening in terms of accumulation.

You guys have no idea how much it sucks being poor but knowing what's coming.
It's like seeing your child grow up and dying in your arms before it's ever born.

>> No.55133035

CCP Saturnian slave matrix, k

>> No.55133056

>Once MEV dies and it will this year an altrun to make all altruns look like shit will begin.
why the fck would that be

>> No.55133059

low IQ tardpost

>> No.55133067


>> No.55133076

How many of you MEV discord trannies are the ones spamming /biz/ currently?
I know it's some former unofficial discord trannies but didn't realize it's this many.
the boards dead and I'm getting 50% yous for saying the truth.

>> No.55133079
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Jupiter (BTC) won.
>he invested in saturn the literal god of death and decay expecting profits
Kek the alchemical metal associated with saturn is LEAD (pb), how heavy are those lead bags feeling? Do you feel enCHAINed?

>> No.55133087

>6th planet from the sun
>has 6 sided polygonal storm on its pole

The writers jumped the shark with this one.

>> No.55133108

Where's the third 6 in this?

>> No.55133117
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How many of you have wasted your precious youth holding chainlink? Waiting for your (never coming) "real life" to finally begin
What is the coincidence that saturn is the god of time and aging, and is often associated with eating children (youth)

>> No.55133127

kek baggies
losing their youth :}

>> No.55133182

I can wait and live at the same time you stupid nigger.

>> No.55133187

you really lost your minds in this war.
At least you aren't ripple tards

>> No.55133220

Thanks Sergey and good afternoon. What are you having for lunch today?

>> No.55133258
File: 199 KB, 177x90, grim-reaper-bill-and-ted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God of death would be pluto. Mythlet.
>jupiter; sky, thunder, birds, oaths, trust, auspices, usurper of his father saturn(with the help of pluto and neptune
>saturn; time, generation, dissolution, abundance, wealth, agriculture, periodic renewal and liberation, jupiter's father, king of all before three of his children teamed up
Weak jupiter is weak. Needed his siblings help to overthrow saturn

>> No.55133261
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Sergey sold out

>> No.55133263

can you though?
can you? :}

>> No.55133266

>Samefagging schizo shit
>claims I lost my mind
Motherfucker I'm probably the only sane faggot left on this board.
I told you already I don't even hold a single link token my net worth is less than $200

Your impotent misguided anger isn't with me a fucking random anon on a business board just speaking some basic logic.
The beauty behind CCIP isn't for link itself but what it does for all of crypto.

Also like to point out this samefaggot pretends to be pro link then immediately fuds and calls others crazy etc.

>> No.55133286
File: 2.38 MB, 640x326, grim-reaper-bill-and-ted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking ant gif

>> No.55133287

I am not same-fagging just stating the obvious

>> No.55133324

Cherry picking mythlet.
There was a prophecy that one of saturns children would overthrow him. His roastie harem wanted him gone so their children could rule.
He ate his children(shitcoins) because they all sought his power.
And he was right all along. One of his children overthrew him, them proceeded to fuck over the two others who helped him overthrow his own father.
But as the god of time and renewal, you're fucked.

>> No.55133344

>tell me what is MEV
ETH holders working in the interest of ETH holders. LINK wants to go the opposite route of making advances in defi instead of prioritizing gains for LINK holders. Ironically LINK holders want Sergey to do the exact same thing ETH devs are doing, which Sergey is too much of a cuck to do.

>> No.55133351
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Keep coping dumb retard. Pluto is not even a planet in the occult alchemical system, the 7 luminaries. Hades(saturn) is the god of the underworld. I feel sorry for whatever newfags fell into this.
They thought
>its a cult
was just a meme oh no no. Shouldnt of messed with greek occultist cult schizos

>> No.55133354

> Ironically LINK holders want Sergey to do the exact same thing ETH devs are doing,
If we did we'd buy eth.
Fucking retards.

>> No.55133368

>talks about cryptos as deities
>claims I lost my mind.

>> No.55133378

Pluto is the god of the underworld in the Roman pantheon.
No matter what scientists designate the fucking rock.
Hades is the isnpiration for pluto, but is from the greek mythos.
Are you legitimately retarded?

>> No.55133385

There is really no hope for Linkies
When can we put them in a containment thread to Discordia can have its fun with them instead of shitting up the board all day every day

>> No.55133387

Don't worry you're all retarded.

>> No.55133399
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>> No.55133415

None of this has anything to do with LINK.
I'm just pointing out how they are falsifying the myths.
I like myths is all. My autistic interest.

>> No.55133417

Linky, at least do basic research into occultism and mysticism and understand what games you are playing. We tried to give you spells and weapons, but you fumbled them all. What do you think memes are?

>> No.55133423

>"Hades is lord of the underworld in Greek mythology, sometimes also known as Pluton or Pluto."
Cool so my point is proven

>> No.55133452

At least look into the myths you are talking about.
You mixed up your pantheons.
If you want to talk greek, we can do that.
If you want to talk roman, we can do that.
If you want to talk about planets, we can do that.
Your occultism is not verifiably true so it is not of interest.
To me.

>> No.55133466

You're the least retarded among us.
Goes to show you how much interest these faggots have in keeping link suppressed, shits mind boggingly retarded especially as someone sitting outside this whole bullshit.
These pretend faggots are absolutely 100% MEV trannies their dialect is predictable.

>> No.55133479
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Updated for the chainlink town crier hammer and sickle logo. They dont even feel the need to hide it. They know that for retarded normies its not even there. Its called hiding in plain sight, only meant for those that have the eyes to see and ears to hear

>> No.55133489

Its all the same, just different interpretations by different humans at different times. The basic are the 4 elements, earth, water, fire and air.

>> No.55133510

>town crier logo
Notice how the sickle is also suggestive of Saturn's orbit. And there's a beam coming up from the planet's north pole, right where the hexagon storm is.

>> No.55133523

You stand corrected. We discuss the Roman pantheon, not Greek.
Similar as they are. Plagiarized even.
But both fit the what i have described.
Jupiter, the parralel to the Greek Chronus, is not a god of death.
It's in the Greek name, Chronus. The God of Time. From which all things flow. Life, death. Decay and renewal. This is why his sons had aspects of him, yet were less powerful and needed to combine forces.
The sky is a fickle deity no matter the pantheon, as is the sea and death.
Time is not, it eats all.
Like chainlink if you want to LINK them together.

>> No.55133588

It's the same stragies no matter what they speak of it seems. Cherry picking, misinformation, and pilpul nonsense. They never even do the bare minimum research to make it believable. Truly targetting the lowest iq/laziest anons while trying to simply exhaust the rest.
But mythology is fascinating to me. It only invigorates.

>> No.55133593

These things are literally all the same, theyre not distinct subjects
The roman pantheon is the exact same thing as the greek. The romans literally just ripped off the greek gods. back then they were completely synonymous. And The planets ARE the gods in the ancient world. These 7 planets are visible in the sky by human eye sight.
7 days of the week, 7 chakras, 7 colors in the light spectrum, 7 alchemical metals which literally correspond to these 7 planets and gods.
7 virtues 7 deadly sins, 7 noble truths etc etc etc

>> No.55133606

>Jupiter, the parralel to the Greek Chronus, is not a god of death
I guess they do exhaust after all.
But i'm never selling.

>> No.55133627

Which planet is hades/pluto the god of death?
Where is time in the night sky?
>From which all things flow forth
Anon, do better.

>> No.55133650

You are getting played by a golden apple fag. The last I can give you is, if you want revenge, team up with the fire of sovereignty and burn your enemies; I am done here

>> No.55133655

They quickly stopped engaging with you lol, these faggots don't like being ashamed, I'm 99% sure it's the pink boy niggers, they are super bent about selling because they sold at 90% loss or more and refuse to buy back.

It's sad to me to witness this knowing what I know now, but I'm glad they triggered your interest, mine is gardening.

>> No.55133657

The greek god of the planet jupiter is zeus. The roman god of the planet jupiter, is jupiter.
Chronos is the god of time, what does time cause? Death and decay.
Saturn/hades/chronos are all the same god, and that is the god of the planet saturn. Every /x/ knowledgable schizo here can confirm that to you.

>> No.55133671

This, it'll shake things up.
Plus unless I'm one of the guys with the mev cheat codes, I hate it

>> No.55133682

>In Homer's Odyssey (750–700 bc) the Underworld—otherwise known as “the house of Hades,” or simply “Hades,” after the god who ruled over the dead—was bleak and somber for nearly everyone.

>> No.55133744

>if you want revenge
This implies i am angry.
I am not.
I am very, very comfy.
And i am not interested in modern occultism and reinterpritations of what others believed.
I am interested in what is verifiably true as to what ancient civilizations included in their myths (the only kino mythos') and how they explained the world.
Recruit elsewhere, as far as i can tell the modern occult is just the shitcoin equivalent for historylets and mythlets.
People who know nothing and make a lot up, copypasta'ing everyone else while claiming complete originality and guaranteeing results.

>> No.55133773

Do what ever you want, your leader already made his choice

>> No.55133791

>Death and decay.
>A wild pilpul appears.
Birth and life are a part of time.
This is why 'generation' is included under Saturns domain.
Only in your mind. No-one else claims this.
Pluto is saturns son.
Hades is Chronus' son.
Jesus you know fuck all about this.
Living proof the occult is for mythlets and historylets making up nonsense to suit their fancy.
I don't want to read your fiction. There are a thousand superior mytholgical fiction writers.

>> No.55133826
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Chainlink is a literal shitcoin my dude, no better than no$Thing. At least the memecoin doesn't lie to it's holder

>> No.55133893

>Hades was also the god of Pluto.
>the unseen one
There was also many more than seven anon.
Commit amnesia and relearn everything.

>> No.55133920
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>> No.55133983

That makes sense actually.

>> No.55134185
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probably another strawman conspiracy to blame someone else for the Fatoshi Betraymoto failures

>> No.55134821
File: 77 KB, 523x748, cube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the bottom right image the black cubes and black goo?
also to add:
they worship that cube at mecca that has a piece of meteorite as a fallen deity
they worship it in concentric rings so they appear like saturns rings when they all move in tandem
and where it is situated looks like a clitoral hood

>> No.55134844

the satanists that call themselves jews sponsor the gays for a lot of reasons
but it boils down to alchemy
to turn lead into gold.

if you masturbate your seed is wasted
if you cum in your wife and have children then your seed creates life
the gays and the satanists want to reproduce on their own
artificial wombs, etc.