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55132470 No.55132470 [Reply] [Original]

>Work to accumulate currency
>Acquire currency to attract pussy
>Fuck pussy to have children
>Children have grandchildren
>Now after death your DNA is passed on into eternity, so it's like you never die
>acquire no currency
>die permanently

This is the whole game, isn't it? This is why we're gambling our cash on shitcoins and memestocks and obsessing over white women with oversized asses? It's just resource gathering to attract a mate, fuck the mate, then die. Yeah there's all kinds of interesting stuff that can happen in between, but ultimately the thread of our life is about as complex as a dung beetle's.

>> No.55132515

what is this retardation? everything will die not matter if you have kids or not. Everything is headed to high states of entropy.

>> No.55132583
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>what is this retardation? everything will die not matter if you have kids or not. Everything is headed to high states of entropy.

>> No.55132655

50% of your X chromosome is lost every generation due to recombination, which means that after about 10 generations the X chromosome will have less than 0.1% if your specific gene code and is just as similar to your genes than to the genes of any other human being.
your Y chromosome (if you have one) gets passed on, but you need an uninterrupted line of sons for that, if your descendants happen to only have daughters in one generation then your Y chromosome died out. given that people aren't making more than 2 children nowadays, the probability of the genes in your Y chromosomes to survive are thus even lower than in your X chromosome.
you're as temporary as a minor version bump of Winamp in 2001.

>> No.55132673

Plot twist: all of your ancestors figured out the game. It's literally in your blood and DNA. There's no excuse for failure

>> No.55132695

Imagine giving that a 20 man bukkake while she keeps that exact face the entire time?

>> No.55132801

>It's all about life, isn't it?
>NEET to accumulate currency
>Acquire currency to fund hobbies
>Fuck waging to pay for it
>Ignore the nu-emo obsession of death
>Now after death your euology plays rick roll while the pastor insists it's darude sandstorm
>be nu-emo
>die a little everytime you imagine death

Forgive me for being genetically ignorant, but are you claiming that every person is 99% genetically distant from the next? I don't understand.
If not, then even if your 10+ descendants are <0.1% of your genetic makeup, isn't it made up for by the fact that you have might have many descendants who have <0.1% of your dna? So that can still, potentially, be between <0.1%-50% present in the genetic pool?
Serious questions, don't know and am curious.
But either way it doesn't effect your prescence now. Which is the only time you will experience.

>> No.55132861

They can still identify people related to Genghis khan, be like genghis khan

I wonder if that French dude colonizing thousands of africans will be remembered similar

>> No.55132863

no we are extremely similar to each other, so during recombination it very often doesn't matter which side gets picked since both gene expressions are identical. it's just that at some point your descendants are just as similar to me than to you, genetically.

>> No.55132892

that's the Y chromosome, which gets passed on, and they clustered it and found a huge cluster of similar Y chromosomes with the largest presence in the are where the mongol empire was at that time. one of the coolest result in gene analytics, but only works because there are still uninterrupted lines of sons reaching back to genhis khan.

>> No.55133269
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For me, it's cryonics.

>> No.55133673
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This I find really fascinating, on a philosophical level I guess. If you aren't putting all of your money into becoming immortal somehow you're literally just wasting time.

>> No.55133693

>Acquire currency to attract pussy
lol retard

>> No.55133996

>today I learned what the biological imperative is guys
Thanks reddit is that way

>> No.55134021

Your genes will make up <1% in just a handful of generations after you.

>> No.55134037
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This is literally why the most powerful people in the world are part of a Saturnian Death Cult.
>On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to zero.

>> No.55134109

>DNA is passed on into eternity,

What is the heat death of the universe. It's your primal instincts telling you to breed, nothing more and nothing less.
It's absolutely pointless in the grand scheme of things. You and your children will be eternally forgotten in the blink of an eye.

>> No.55134206

This. Read the book of Ecclesiastes. A quick read.. and remember a man even in his prime is just vanity.
Man fades away like the flower of the field but the word of God will endure forever

Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.
What does man gain by all the toil
at which he toils under the sun?
A generation goes, and a generation comes,
but the earth remains forever.
The sun rises, and the sun goes down,
and hastens[b] to the place where it rises.
The wind blows to the south
and goes around to the north;
around and around goes the wind,
and on its circuits the wind returns.
All streams run to the sea,
but the sea is not full;
to the place where the streams flow,
there they flow again.
All things are full of weariness;
a man cannot utter it;
the eye is not satisfied with seeing,
nor the ear filled with hearing.
What has been is what will be,
and what has been done is what will be done,
and there is nothing new under the sun.
Is there a thing of which it is said,
“See, this is new”?
It has been already
in the ages before us.
There is no remembrance of former things,[c]
nor will there be any remembrance
of later things[d] yet to be
among those who come after.

Ecclesiastes 1:2-11

>> No.55134222

Social systems (formed by biological systems) can virtually be immortal, you just pass on the behavior as long circumstances requires them.

Biological system, on the other hand, must replicate before dying out.
The very fact we keep scrambling their genes and die out of old age it's not a result of organic matter being limited (there are living beings that can clone themselves and live forever as long they don't get killed), but a clear need to keep our genepool diversified (not to be confused with the progressive understanding of "diversity", which doesn't take into account natural selection and fitness but just keeps producing the worst of the worst of what a genepool can offer and gives them stimmies because nobody wants to see niggerinos die out).

>> No.55134253

>passing on dna
>not changing the entire world to the point were only your DNA could survive

AND you don't even need a woman.

>> No.55134360

1. accumulate currency being a crypto infulencer
2. get btfo from a random bitch because 0 rizz and social intelligence



>> No.55134577

>This is literally why the most powerful people in the world are part of a Saturnian Death Cult
Should you just join them then? Why be apart of the cattle? If you can't beat them join them.

>> No.55135403
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I think what I'm nooooticing here is that this whole...thing...we're doing is really not much more interesting than what an oyster does in its day to day existence. Nothing we do is "based." None of us are ever gonna "make it" because there is no "it." You're just performing the same fundamental actions you would if you had been born in the body of a lobster or goldfish.

>> No.55135754

Details matter, and just as you ultimately do not resemble a goldfish, your purpose also is different.

>> No.55135781
File: 644 KB, 722x920, E0F736A1-7B89-44E1-BA8E-CFFDD822C0B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes the meaning of life is procreation. Whether you’re a human or a grasshopper. The propagation of your species is your only real purpose. It’s always been that way. It is the law of life. I have 3 so far, considering 4.

>> No.55135799

its all about life and love
the world is a battleground that proves your soul
you decide between right and wrong,
awareness over right and wrong is time
accumulate decisions made by man is their soul
people that make good decisions/admit the Almighty split the difference,
and is Lord make it to heaven
people that are prideful and wont admit that go to hell with the devil.

all the good people make it to heaven, all the bad go to hell
we live in God's land with friends and family forever

>> No.55135880

>Social system lacks biological off spring
Are we going to teach cats and dogs?
Your post isn't wrong per se, but its the perspective of a wizard, and easily perverted - see homosexuality, transsexuality and other biological system ending social behaviors
>ib4 sexual perversion is natural
it is not jew

>> No.55135893

homosexuality and transsexuality are the same thing
its loving the self, pride, masturbation

>> No.55135926


>> No.55135934

How do you biblethumpers even find your way into /biz/? Go back to your containment board.

>> No.55135950
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Only naturally talented musicians, artists and philosophers get remembered for millennium. Money does not accomplish this

>> No.55135977

what are you talking about?

>> No.55136000

sexual deviancy as masturbation sounds an awful lot like Sigmund Freud. But I could be mistaken

>> No.55136009

masturbation is loving yourself

>> No.55136068


>> No.55136248

>t. Animal brain

>> No.55136271

I wonder if the human brain itself has some type of protections set up to not deal with the massive gambler's fallacy christcucks would have to face at the end of their lives if they had to admit all the time spent on religion was for naught.

>> No.55136300

Yes. Look into Terror Management Theory every single action is a coping mechanism

>> No.55136313

its logic that proves itself, im not guessing about anything.
because it is the answer i believe it.
life is a series of good or bad decisions. awareness over them is thought.
what precedes them is the Lord who set them into categories

>> No.55136323

And they too are forgotten eventually

>> No.55136350

Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

>> No.55136367

If you believe in Christ, after you die he'll bring you back to life with his powers. No wife or children necessary.

>> No.55136437


This is how the average tool across the world thinks.

Currency is a means to an end. Some of us want out of this bullshit game we were born into. I accumulate wealth for the sole reason of retirement. If I end up not having kids, what remains of the money that I've saved will go to different charities.

Pussy is nothing more than entertainment for 20 minutes. Entertainment that can fuck your finances for a life time.

You're going to be a prostitute in this lifetime. Might as well get the most bang as you get fucked.

If you decide to stay broke and pathetic, it's nobodies fault but yours.

>> No.55136505

>Yes the meaning of life is procreation
how can you just say that with no explanation? as if you are god?

>> No.55136530
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>> No.55136929

>what good is it to gain the world if you lose your immortal Soul?

>> No.55136949

You could sell your soul for something useful for the world at large. Would require a valuable soul to corrupt

>> No.55136972

ultimate black pill about life

>> No.55136990

Never was there a time when I did not exist, nor you, nor all these kings; nor in the future shall any of us cease to be.

Krishna tells Arjuna in BG 2.12

Very comforting lines

Can be realized through the holy name

You are not the body. You are not even the mind.. dig deeper aatma (self) is who you are..
And aatma is part and parcel same as god....

That's why Jesus says, and this is Eternal Life to know God.
John 17

Waheguru mehar kare..

Don't despair friends, accumulate aatm gian (wisdom of the self/soul)

I can expound further if any questions

>> No.55137024

i hope you have a really good life
the same to you all!
please lets end factory farming all of us somehow

>> No.55137039

And starve? Good idea food wars sound profitable

>> No.55137065

we eat more vegetables and start our own local farms
there is so much gluttony its insane. the animals are intelligent
they feel happiness and want to be around each other in the sunlight

>> No.55137108

Thank you friend
I truly believe your assees (well wish, will reach me and be fruitful)
Thank you for your blessing waheguru ji

>> No.55137200

Factory farming is bad?
Factory farming of animals you mean right

>> No.55137233

Yeah only animals and get rid of biongineered food too to save people's health

>> No.55137248

Sounds good. We need krishna consciousness movement so we stop eating beef hare krishna hare krishna krishna krishna hare hare hare Rama hare Rama ram ram hare hare

>> No.55137941
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I think "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins explains what you're talking about in depth.

A bird or a bee risks its life and health to bring its offspring into the world, not to help itself and certainly not to help its species, but (unconsciously) so that its genes go on.

What stood out was Dawkins's radical insistence that the digital information in a gene is effectively immortal and must be the primary unit of selection. No other unit shows such persistence — not chromosomes, not individuals, not groups and not species. These are ephemeral vehicles for genes, just as rowing boats are vehicles for the talents of rowers (his analogy).

The true 'purpose' of DNA is to survive, no more and no less. The simplest way to explain the surplus DNA is to suppose that it is a parasite.

>> No.55137990

It might actually be better to travel the world and impregnate women in less fortunate countries. I’m seriously reconsidering the ethics of choosing not to father your actual children and letting technological society raise them

>> No.55138004

This, but without the religious bullshit. Religion was just a means for society building.

Be happy, make others happy. That’s it.

>> No.55138046

The biggest cope of all

>> No.55138061

No, that's fabricated bullshit. Happiness is a byproduct of living, not a goal.

OP, you got one thing wrong. You don't need the part with currency accumulation. You can attract and impregnate pussy without it. Enjoy your newfound insight.

>> No.55138085

Okay, so I actually make threads about the topic of death on various boards. Look, anyone who knows what happens when we die is a liar. Because NOBODY knows. Nobody has experienced "permanent death" and gotten back with us to tell us what it's like. This is a fact. So here's what I say it. Fuck it. Believe what you want to. I'm an absurdist. Due to the nature of the universe and the absurdity of it all, I think ANYTHING is possible. Who knows why we the universe exists and why we are here? So the best thing we can do is keep living. Also, it's the best time to be living. We could be in the midst of something known as the 'technological singularity.' I believe it could lead us to a literal utopia. Keep staying alive boys. May as well, right?

>> No.55138129

Are you handicapped to the point you need to make up a strawman just to tell me i'm a jew? Social systems are made of biological systems, they can't survive if you don't replicate but unlike you they don't have a real death until something kills it.
>trannies and shiet
trannies n shiet is killing your social system and made a new one too weak to live, and everything under your nose.

>> No.55138143

and also this bullshit here, as if drinking alcohol is also loving yourself and not just some addiction you develope for coping.

>> No.55138145

I don't care what my DNA does I only care about myself.

>> No.55138234

>I actually make threads about the topic of death bla bla
you mention this to affirm your expert status?
>nobody knows
you don't know that
>this is a fact
no, it's not
>believe what you want
yes, make up whatever shit you want in order to cope more easily
>I'm an absurdist
every man that voluntarily confines himself in some "ism" is a retard
>who knows why whatever
"why" is a coping mechanism of your mind and irrelevant to biology
>best thing we can do is keep living
it's not like you have a choice. it's what you do anyway

you're not smart. you're pretentious.

>> No.55138263

Go back.

>> No.55138360
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>Nobody has experienced "permanent death" and gotten back with us to tell us what it's like.
A thumbprint dose (way more than just a saturation dose) allows this to happen and return to your physical body. Most people live their lives unsure about what happens when we die. Even the most devoutly religious have anxiety about the big moment. I don't, I welcome it.
On insanebraintrain. there was a post about this from 2011 which I can't post because the system won't let me.

>> No.55138368

My only regret is that it took me so long to realize how much of a slave DNA makes me. In the normal state of mind it constantly controls and guides our thoughts by controlling the reward functions of our brain and optimizing then constantly for survival and sex. We as individualls are very controlled slaves to DNA with only limited degrees of freedom to act on our own and DNA itself cares very little about the real You.

>> No.55138378

You are just an autopilot for making complex decisions under changing environments that are not worth/possible to be hard coded into DNA. This is the real you. And you want your real "you" to survive, not just your DNA which is not actually you.

>> No.55138381

A thumbprint will fry your brain, that's all. That might help with death anxiety since, you know, your brain is fucking fried.

>> No.55138434

>thumbprint dose
a what?

>> No.55138607

Put your thumb in pure LSD crystal and lick it.
(LSD is extremity potent.
A normal dose is 100 micrograms. 1000 micrograms is 1 milligram. A dose of normal Paracetamol/Tylenol for example is 500 milligram)

>> No.55138677

>Go nigger style
>Smoke weed n roll in da hood
>Breed n leave every fat Shaniqua in da hood
>10 kids with different woman
>Massive debt, pay no child support
>Make money donating sperm
>Die shot by druggies over 5g of weed
>Genes passed onto 20+ kids and hundreds grandkids

Guess we're doing it wrong then. Idiocracy is a thing

>> No.55138996 [DELETED] 

kek dubs confirm

>> No.55139097

There are basically three possible categories of goals one can have, other than a pseudo goal of survival (it can only be short term, because in the long run survival is impossible).
1. Resource accumulation
2. Hedonism (pursuit of pleasure) - avoidance of pain falls under this category
3. Progeny

Any particular goal can be described in terms of one of these three categories.
I post all this to say that no, resource accumulation is NOT the same thing as seeking progeny. Resources can aid progeny, but you don't just accumulate a billion dollars and ACCIDENTALLY get children. If you want children, you need to go talk a woman into bearing your children. There's no other way.

The good news is that once you realize this you can compartmentalize your activities and start making real progress. Instead of spending 100% of your time on resource accumulation and feeling like shit for having no kids, you can spend 75% of your time on resource accumulation and 25% on progeny, and you'll start having kids. Like spend three hours a day talking to women and trying to get one to have your children. It's really the least you could do if you actually want children.

>> No.55139238

cope its about doing whatever u want to do with the resources you have and can create
wageslaving and having children is unironically the best most normies can do and thats completely ok and an exercise of their reproductive prerogative from thousands of years of evolution
very few have tesla or newton intelligence to genuinely make use of the alternative life paradigm

>> No.55140255

The only logical and moral conclusion from this existentialist thinking is anti-natalism but /biz/ is too soft for that.

>> No.55140284

Fuck you. My skin color my people
Niggers and spics are only good to brainwash them into killing jews

>> No.55140404

>tfw evolved so much you start to question why you even evolving

>> No.55140444

>though there is nothing left for me to do in the three worlds, still i am always in action

>> No.55140452

there is a lot of wisdom locked in everything

>> No.55141666

/biz/ the business and finance board of for chan