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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5513228 No.5513228 [Reply] [Original]

I was initially annoyed at the influx of migrants, but it's clear that we are united against a common enemy – Pajeets. First Bazingacoin, now BountyOx. If the non-existent mods aren't going to introduce flags or ban IPs the only option is to abuse them to the point where they do not return. I managed to trigger one into losing his shit and exposing himself yesterday. I will not tolerate this level of cancer and spam

>> No.5513249


>> No.5513264


Try /r/eddit lad

>> No.5513269

Bounty0x is a legitimate coin unlike Bazingacoin (BTW it's literally one guy posting all those threads) and Bounty0x is actually increasing in value you cuckhold

>> No.5513272
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>> No.5513278
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You fucking morons brought us here with the constant /nocoiner/ threads in our peaceful island board.

Now im up $2k (((they))) won't ever get in 2 weeks. WTF I LOVE CRYPTOBIZ NOW

>> No.5513294
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>> No.5513303

I’d rather it be Pajeets than /Poltards.

>> No.5513304


Yeah Bounty0x is legitimate, bazingacoin is the fucking annoying one.

>> No.5513321
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t. Mohammad

>> No.5513336
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/pol/ reporting in.

>> No.5513342


Put out a bounty imploring biz mods to,either add flags or ipban india... Using bounty0x. I bet theyd fold if we all dumped 0.01 eth in.

Oh wait its just a scam,coin right?

If you group bounty0x with bazingacoin you have no sense of value and you deserve to post pink wojacks forever.

>> No.5513343

are you fucking kidding? poltards are cringeworthy but Pajeets are clogging the catalogue and spamming constantly. THERE'S TWO OF THEM HERE ALREADY

>> No.5513354

The polfags are also the ones that need to leave

>> No.5513371

Click 'Settings' (top right corner).
Scroll down to Filters & Post Hiding.
Click 'Edit', add 'bazinga', /biz/, select 'Comment' from the drop-down menu, and tick 'Auto' and 'Hide'. Then do the same but with 'bazingacoin'.
Copy and paste this in future threads so the cancer will be eradicated.

>> No.5513392
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t. Abdul

>> No.5513652

Poltards clog it up just as much with their nigger or race spam threads.

>> No.5514455

yes and once they have served their purpose they can leave. Until then, we need them to destroy the greater enemy which is the festering lump of shilling poos

>> No.5514487

are you 14? you talk like youre 14

pol and pajeets both need to fuck off

>> No.5514496

most american /pol/tards and larping mexicans and indians

>> No.5514527

no, I just have autism

>> No.5515093
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get fucked op you missed the train

>> No.5515416

looks like worked, sucker