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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 588 KB, 960x640, Central-air-conditioner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55129946 No.55129946 [Reply] [Original]

15k for this noisy vibrating POS.

>> No.55129958

attached to a 500k mouldy cuckshed

>> No.55129960

well you go cannibalize your washing machine to keep it going and do it yourself.

>> No.55129971

what's funny is that it probably costs like $3k to manufacture, upmarked to $6k.
>sorry goy you can only buy it through approved retail channels, like an HVAC™ Company™

>> No.55130011

lennox is selling packages for less than 4k (CAD) for their biggest and best ACs

AC replacements are a joke, you can reuse everything if you're lazy and work for a rip and run company and you take home $100 in scrap

you are paying these companies thousands of dollars in profit

>> No.55130017

Who goes for an air conditioner over a heat pump these days? I paid 9k CDN for my heat pump...

>> No.55130051


I have a heat pump system now. I'm still not sure about the difference between this and normal HVAC. The only weird thing is that it will run a lot during winter piping in lukewarm air rather than only hot air when it's on.

>> No.55130061

15k? Where do you live? It's like $3k for a decent unit in the US.

>> No.55130063

You live on the street I assume?

>> No.55130072

yeah you got fucked buddy

Heat pumps need to be running almost constantly to keep the air cold/hot and they are efficient and effectively work only until -3.4 degrees in the winter until they go into defrost mode unless you're buying a Japanese high end unit which companies aren't selling as their installers are barely able to install the basic systems

your heat pump will be on constantly where your AC may have been on for an hour

but hey, efficient right? cause the government said so

>> No.55130143

>The only weird thing is that it will run a lot during winter piping in lukewarm air rather than only hot air when it's on.

and takes soooooooo long to get up to temp

you can't have a heat pump and set a night or work schedule as it will takes hours to get back up to temp

it's only good until -3.4 degrees for lennox and carrier is a little less and HVAC companies and their slimeball salesmen won't ever say this, but when you call Lennox and talk to someone or when Carrier comes in to tell you about the new shit you'll be installing they will say it

customers will want the threshold for when their furnace comes on to be like -10, -15 Celsius

these things are not good for the vast majority of Canada and you will see waves of people experiencing their first winter with them installed thinking their bills will go down...when in reality they will be up because the units have to run constantly

>> No.55130155


I'm in Ohio, my bills were actually fairly low for winter. But it does seem like it will exacerbate wear and tear to be constantly operational.

>> No.55130174

you ever heard of insulation before?

>> No.55130194

I got a Japanese unit and live on Vancouver Island, so I'm unaware of any issues with the cold or whatnot. I'm genuinely impressed with the machine but if there are objective hold backs depending on environment then I will concede my argument.

>> No.55130257

The fuck is this thread?
We have -25C in winter and heat pump works like a charm and not always running

>> No.55130292

if you need air conditioning you live in a wrong place.

>> No.55130321

>you ever heard of insulation before?

so you have your entire house insulated properly just to have a heat pump over a gas furnace and normal AC?

you realize the heat pump has condensation on the coil outside and once that gets below freezing you have ice on the unit and the units have a defrost mode don't you? you're fucked regardless of insulation

yeah if it's not snowing and moderate winters like I hear you guys have you are sorted, it's just here in Ontario the press to install these fucking things is nuts, we are installing them in places that have propane because propane prices went up and the salesmen are lying their asses off to get a sale and these poor rural farm types are thinking the heat pump will run at -15...if it's a mitsubishi it will, but the big rip and run companies don't sell/install them because they are expensive and their installers are dumb

>> No.55130328

Air conditioning controls moisture dumbass.

>> No.55130338

you're lying

I know this because I have read the install manuals and talked to people at companies

>> No.55130345

if it runs long enough it does, which is why getting the sizing right matters

>> No.55130349
File: 32 KB, 645x770, 29a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.55130450

I just leave my fridge and freezer open why do I need an air conditioner

>> No.55130482


We need to reclaim comfy warm areas from the jogs

>> No.55130519
File: 47 KB, 249x184, 1665849116761038.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking kek man
Guess we finns and estonians and whatnot live on cold houses during winter

>> No.55130562

ye fuck this shit. they right now trying to push this crap in germany but its a pretty bumpy right for them so far. i have a nice big house and a flat i rent out and im doing isolation first regardless of what those green cucks try to push on us. the future is teleheating or ACs powered by nuclear energy. everyone i talked about is gonna diamond hands the fuckin gas / oil furnances as long as possible. greens cucks absolutely seething

>> No.55130580

You are a retard if you pay $15k for an AC.

Here is a link to what I had installed for $6k all in, in a union corruption state (i.e., inflated install costs are obscene) 3000SF house in Chicago.

16 seer 60,000 btu cool, 80,000 heat @ 98%. Power bill is $250 / month peak summer and $150 /month heat (gas) in winter. I have a family of 5 so these bills factor in all the other bullshit uses.

Heat pumps are great in desert climates where cold is rare. In cold climates, gas is ALWAYS better and more effective. I assume you are not a EUropoor because you want air conditioning and haven't been brainwashed into thinking AC is muh bad for my health.

Here is a link to my unit.

Here is a link to a DIY for installing yourself. Not for the faint of heart, but not rocket science either. Certainly not the $10k for 1 day of work you're paying your fucking installer.

I recommend you find a HVAC pro who does work on the side, and coordinate with him. Guarantee you can buy state of the art HVAC and pay this guy to do it for like $2k tops and he will have all the right tools.

>> No.55130615

My brother just replaced an AC for our mother. He got the same bullshit from the vendor but eventually was about to buy it. It all basically comes down to “do you want my money or not?”

>> No.55130617


>> No.55130644

What about running them opposite? For example, we have one in our basement which is full of computers. Even in winter it’ll be 30C+ in there so running the heat pump then for could air should be maximum efficiency right? (heat to cold winter outside, cold air back inside).

>> No.55130646

>business & finance

>> No.55130740

Why would you want AC in Canada? I live in Pennsylvania and never use it. Even in the height of summer here it's comfy to just open the windows and enjoy the breeze.

>> No.55130860

post your unit then, I doubt whatever sputnik brand you have heats better than the best american brands in a winter

the governments are trying their best to get rid of gas anything so they can have you on an electrical grid to shut your shit down when you don't congratulate your non binary co worker on their theyby being born

they have farmers in Canada with freezing cold winds sweeping across their flat pastures getting rebates on units that lose efficiency once it hits the freezing point, which, defeats the point of a rebate on installing efficient equipment

>recommend you find a HVAC pro who does work on the side, and coordinate with him. Guarantee you can buy state of the art HVAC and pay this guy to do it for like $2k tops and he will have all the right tools.

yep, don't pay some company ten thousand dollars more when the guy will steal all the supplies from work or take them from his work truck and be happy to pocket the cash

also stiff him on money as much as you can cause HVAC guys bullshit constantly about how much money they make

>> No.55130908

yeah heat pumps work OK in places with mild weather, fucking pointless most other places. I do like the idea of only having an electric bill instead of electric and gas but not enough that I will be willing to kill most of my tropical animals if we have a bad winter.

>> No.55130940

right now we have the pump scammers pushing it on ill-informed retired boomers. their calculations of how much kilowatts this thing is gonna use with their bad isolated homes, old heaters etc. is borderline criminal. i heard the new thing is to blame the war in ukraine. the old people ofc end up with freezing rooms, exorbitant heating bills and ptsd.

>> No.55130959

holy shit i just looked up what a theyby is... the day to gas the conformity normies was yesterday

>> No.55130962

Northern Ontario here. It still gets uncomfortably hot in the summer.

>> No.55130978

I honestly come to this board for the banter, I’m not buying shitcoins and I only invest in Vanguard ETF’s

>> No.55131037

>holy shit i just looked up what a theyby is... the day to gas the conformity normies was yesterday
I just looked it up too. I can't believe that's an actual term.. Or I almost can't believe it. Wtf.

>> No.55131042

the salespeople here tell people the heat pumps can go to -10 or -15 Celsius here and we have to come install them and put a new thermostat up and tell them -3 C is what the manufacturer says is the max before losing efficiency and they still want it set at like -8 C

the manufacturers want the furnaces to kick on basically at the freezing point

environmental groups push the rebates too, the government and the HVAC companies, it's so scummy, the HVAC companies sell anything they can get their hands on stock wise and send the installers out with any fucking stands or brackets to install these things

>> No.55131067

The fuck are you talking about, we've had over 10 days of 28-30 degrees in fucking april this year in Calgary. I've had an ac installed this month for $2k ( 2 ton ac ) and I don't know how the fuck I lived without one. 21 degrees is one more than I can handle. FUCK THE HEAT, BRING BACK FUCKING WINTER

>> No.55131091

and to build on this, I have had a customer with a 4ton heat pump that weighed 275 pounds literally hear us on the phone with the manufacturer's tech support and hear the tech support say the lowest temp for efficient heating and the customer still wanted the heat pump to stay on instead of the furnace, ignoring the native english speaking tech support guy because his wife was reading things on the internet

the heat pumps have a defrost mode and they will be running in that mode to get rid of the ice on the coils instead of heating the house

>> No.55131150

>they still want it set at like -8 C
funny and tragic at the same time. people trying to bargain with the laws of physics . thats one thing crypto is good for it teaches you how it really feels to get scammed, that it really happens and your money is really poof gone. i find this a very applicable lesson for basically everything irl.

>the HVAC companies sell anything they can get their hands on
i think i was successful to convey this point too my parents who in this very vulnerable age. they already have photovoltaics from like a decade ago which never fuckin works etc. i think its pretty clear that it doesnt help them save money. but i think they understand now that the green fag goverment is not reluctant to sell u one "solution" after the other for a lifetime of cold rooms and screwed finances. basic market economy that only 1 in 1000 people have any knowledge of.

>> No.55131272

>post your unit


>> No.55131289

That noisy vibrating piece of shit and the hope of an afterlife are the 2 reasons I do all this

>> No.55131401

Air conditioning/refrigeration is a top 3 invention of the 20th century.

>> No.55131630

Same. Discussions about econimization confuse and enrage the bizoid.

>> No.55131642


It's the only reason living in the south is viable

>> No.55131652

Don't know what that is and don't care
>t. Rentchad

>> No.55131657

lol polar bear detected

>> No.55131691

Heat pumps are more efficient but the take longer to get things to the proper temperature. Temperature spikes you will notice a difference from AC, but if the temperature moves more gradually you wont notice a difference and it will use less energy.

>> No.55131729

thanks your posts are very enlightening. further enlightenment if u will. interesting that approximately the same shit happens on the other side of the planet.

the other day i saw a green party mouth breather saying that its a right wing conspiracy theory that converting a standard old german house (from 70-90s) with a heat pump costs 15-20k. a conspiracy theory. if u actually do it right with new roof, isolation, underfloor heating, new windows u looking at x10 that amount. this is the world those so-called people live in. they are either medically retarded or straight up malicious.

>> No.55131747

Corporations: You will be incapable of living in the natural, and you will like it.

>> No.55131835

this what in the fuck
I guess goyim are so utterly shit with money that it just happens to be housing where it's most apparent

>> No.55131955

Air conditioners are heat pumps.

>> No.55132532

the joke is that the electrical grid simply cant handle the load even if the power plants existed to supply which they also dont
green cant into easy math

as to the thread i ran the past winter on my heatpump as the euro prices made this the cheapest option
the coldest it got was -10 centigrade and no problem in operations or getting the house warm
big problem with moisture in my bathroom tho so i can recommend to get one of those electrical demoisturising tools you can get for 100€

>> No.55132604

>before losing efficiency
my approximate coefficient of heating went from a 5x to a 4x going from 0 to -10°C
if you consider this to be non functional you are an idiot
at the end of the day its just a matter of comparing the natgas price to the elec price or better yet still have the retard scheme where in summer your elec meter counts backwards so in winter you can heat for from with your heatpump
alternatively install an unreported woodstove and you are pretty much set, fuck emission standards let wojak without airfilters breath in my particulate matter

>> No.55133749

just replace the fan idiot

>> No.55133793

i think he's talking about paying for an install with a total replacement of the old unit, which takes four men up to six hours depending how fucked your prior install was. there's lots of little costs attributed to that like the disposal of old refrigerant, but, it gets done within a single day, so that's where all that premium comes from. they'll also include a year of service and won't make you pay for return visits to do adjustments in the first couple weeks to get the system balanced exactly right. if your house isn't big enough to have multiple zones then yeah sure ok you have no idea what this is like

>> No.55134079

In the US we still use antiquated heat pumps that barely work. If you want one of those modern heat pumps that has >100% efficiency you need to acquire and install it yourself, the HVAC installers don't carry them.

>> No.55134119

I install these for a living. 15k is the cheapest you can get for a full install. Gas furnace and AC. Fucking pieces of shit I tell ya. They don’t make nothing like they used too

>> No.55134850

>if you consider this to be non functional you are an idiot

it's literally not functioning while it's running in defrost mode which is literally the unit working to melt ice off it's coils instead of heat your home

also efficiency isn't if it works or not, I can cool my house with an undersized or oversized AC, doesn't mean it's efficient or going to work properly

environmental people don't have the slightest idea about heating and cooling and the energy costs, the government website has us installing C size coils on b size furnaces because that's what qualifies for the rebates...it's completely retarded all around

>> No.55135113

>$25,000 bounty on HVAC wagies illegally dumping refrigerant
>HVAC wagie bounty hunter

I promise you can make millions a year doing this

>> No.55135125

and for those wondering, that's what's written in the EPA guidelines, $25,000 for successful tips relating to illegal refrigerant dumping

>> No.55135156

it's a 6.8 SEER unit...we can't even legally buy these in NA they are phasing out all the 13 SEER units this summer in Canada and I think they aren't legal in the USA, I believe they start at 14/15 depending on state

so to translate this for you, the bare legal minimum efficiency rating that is allowed to be sold in NA is more than twice as efficient as that unit...

the whole point of the push for heat pumps is they are supposed to save the environment with less energy use...

meanwhile you're using a unit that consumes energy to do what it needs to do (heat/cool) at a level that hasn't been legal in the NA market since the 80's or earlier

>> No.55135168

yeah, literally talk to anyone in an HVAC truck and you're golden

>> No.55135188

How many BTU’s is that badboy?

>> No.55135208

>EPA guidelines, $25,000 for successful tips relating to illegal refrigerant dumping
You fucking serious? So I can just run surveillance on these retards and get 25k a hit? I’ll gladly spill the beans. I’ll make a whole business out of it.

>> No.55135212

we don't have a single installer with a refrigeration license, one is an apprentice, if there was a 25k snitch line I'd call it 7 days a week

the industry is full of shit like this

>> No.55135222

Call the EPA and find out for yourself, after you call I think you'll be buying some drones lol.

>> No.55135251

>So I can just run surveillance on these retards
you watch them leave the shop/supplier and go to the house and pop them 30 minutes into the job

I would imagine the refrigerant licensing and lack of it in the industry and the EPA fines work together

>> No.55135268

like if you're handling refrigerant unlicensed that would be illegal

>> No.55135290


so this says it's $10,000, I've read in a book that I used to own it was $25,000

still pretty good, you could realistically get 2-5 HVAC cucks per day breaking these rules

>> No.55135296

It’s fucking beautiful. Plus it can’t be good for the environment anyway. These hvac spics don’t give a fuck. My kids live out here

>> No.55135305

$10,000 is the cost of a new HVAC system

that's a good chance you could get your HVAC system paid for if you get on video a wagie breaking the rules at your house

>> No.55135380

What part of the washing machine could be used on the A/C?

>> No.55135473

are you retarded i literally told you the efficiency drops to 80% of optimal and it works like a charm
i am not even sure what a defrost mode is as this isnt a setting on mine, never noticed ice formation and time from turning it on to heat coming out of the indoor unit was roughly the same
you are arguing against observed reality here anon and several other posters, maybe its you thats the problem as you seem to only be familiar with shittier products

>> No.55135654

>as you seem to only be familiar with shittier products

you posted a 6.8 SEER ductless unit that is sold in Estonia

calm down Turkuu

>> No.55135690

Should have rented.

>> No.55135701

Surely these are made in china like everything else, there must be a way to order directly from the chinks?

>> No.55135765


>> No.55135777

I'm paying bills for a 20+ year old geothermal system. Low maintenance and little sound, no stupid fucking block sitting outside my home just waiting for glowies to poison or do something horrible with. Would recommend.

>> No.55135800

doesnt even know how ids works
you have to go back, now i was familiar with biz fudding shitcoins but i never imagined it to be so corrupt its fudding people out of buying heatpumps
there is no way you are paid for this, so what you are doing it out of pure spite?
you are a rentoid that simply cant get one so everyone must not be allowed one, i really cant grasp what drives anyone to do this

>> No.55135853

also after dismissing whatever a SEER is, i was correct in assuming that it was imperial measurements bullshit
COP is better to use as it is unitless and not seasonal, so to recalculate in something you understand as i already posted it above
my SEER goes from 15.7 as rated by the manufacturer to about 12.5 when operating at -10°C
i still dont get your argument of durrr the device simply doesnt work, measured over the days use it required more electricity to produce the same heating output but a 20% shortfall is hardly the end of the world is it now

>> No.55135944

Whoa whoa whoa. I understand you are wanting to destroy the environment by buying a literal environmental warhead without a contractors license and 3 month community college course?

Straight to jail, don’t collect Bidenbucks

>> No.55136059
File: 417 KB, 859x960, l7i04vfih1531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I did buy my condenser and a tank of R22 refrigerant off craigslist, how could you tell?