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55128618 No.55128618 [Reply] [Original]

>hot and sunny day
>bank holiday
>went driving and then walking around
>saw some qts
>some some Staceys
>saw a group of three grills doing yoga poses, not in yoga clothing, in the park
>was driving home
>saw a blonde woman and suddenly all the vague realisations came in to stark contrast
>bought sugary junk food and currently binging

I'm in my early 30s. I've never had a gf or been on a date or had any woman attracted to me ever. I was the ugly loser nobody talked to all through university and all of my jobs.

Having an attractive gf, or any gf, or any woman being attracted to me is a total pipedream. It's not going to take place.

I've watched ten gorillion pieces of media where some guy gets the girl and that's never me.

People see me as a piece of shit that should be left at the bottom of all social hierarchies.

Squatting over 4 plate did nothing.

>> No.55128634


>4plate lmao

shoulda did SS and bought chainlink then youll be able to derplift sergays bags

>> No.55128638


>> No.55128795

Face height frame

>> No.55128806

have you tried beeing yourself?

>> No.55128828

Honestly go to a fitness club.
Start boxing / crossfit
You'll also meet girl while being you and not a weird fake nerd in a bar.
It worked pretty well for me.
I'm not bad looking but I'm a bit weird in crowded places which means I don't met any girl in clubs/bars.
Enjoying boxe / crossfit in fits helped me a lot making my first knocks

>> No.55128887

You’re fat

>> No.55128923

yeah the "squatting over 4 plate" really gave it away. kek.

>> No.55128943


>> No.55128964

Lifting doesnt matter at all
My best friend was a poor skinny twig, but is now married, with twin boys, to a rich stacy
He is simply TALL and HANDSOME

>> No.55128987

>see qt's
>too afraid to go talk to qt's
>eats shitty food(self flaggelation) as a coping mechanism so he doesn't have to feel the shame of being unable to talk to the some qt's
Many such cases. Sad!

>> No.55128996

how do i unsubscribe from the looksmax rss feed?

>> No.55129003

how tall is your best friend?
im 6'1 and a 26 yo kissless virgin living with my mommy. im insecure about my height desu. sometimes i think about limb lengthening surgery

>> No.55129018

He had a threesome with his wife and a 20yo college chick last night.
I hope he sees this thread when he wakes up

>> No.55129052

He's 6'2 wife is 6'1
You're not short stop being insecure pussy
Your our age

>> No.55129051

wow, that's cool. can you describe how thick and veiny his cock is, too?

>> No.55129061

>t.no friends

>> No.55129075

do you obsess about the sexual lives of all of your friends?

>> No.55129077

fat faggot frog poster. only fat ugly faggots can relate to that ugly frog. keep gorging on junk food slave

>> No.55129084

Just be handsome and walk around like you own the place.

>> No.55129090

>Squatting over 4 plate did nothing.
You also need low bodyfat %, fatty

>> No.55129100

Would you rather hear mine ?

>> No.55129111

youre probably fat like OP

>> No.55129258

its over.

>> No.55129334

>the newfag detector
opee has been making these threads for 8+ years

>> No.55129732


>> No.55129758


>> No.55129766
File: 98 KB, 750x755, 1660579684564997.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm a dopey skinnyfat manlet with longhair and ladies like me. I go feed ducks at the park and get approached pretty often.

People sense negativity. Find things that bring you joy and share them with people.

>> No.55129774

>lonely 30s loser frogposter post number #458756
Holy fuck dude I'd get it coming from a college dropout or something but get your shit together already man. What are you expecting from this thread? A pity pat on the back?

>> No.55129931

1. how is this biz related
2. just make money, travel, and hire a woman of the night. You will feel much better. You will build confidence. You typed this post, that means your physically competent enough to get a girlfriend. Women will date anything, just groom yourself, be a nice and sweet-talking NPC and treat the hell out of them with your wealth. If you don't have success in the west, go to SEA or eastern EU countries. You can find a girl of any race to be sexually interested in you merely by existing and treating her on your dime. You are a westerner so it's cake for you. Stop being a faggot and do something. Money is literally man's power-up to get everything he wants from a woman. Just get laid first and build some self esteem and you'll be fine.

>> No.55129954

are you out of your goddamn mind
6'1" is want tons of men dream of. You can go to countries and mog 95% of men. Becoming a kissed non-virgin is literal easy-mode if you just fucking venture outside of your country and comfort zone a tad.

>> No.55130311

Allah says that a woman in public who is not accompanied by her father, brother or husband is for every man.

>> No.55130368

Then you will see some short goofy nigger with a solid white girl.
Make it make sense.

>> No.55130382

>im 6'1
>im insecure about my height
You need a break from the internet

>> No.55130409
File: 314 KB, 629x551, 64591DCD-4E66-4FB7-961B-10095ABD0D15.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fucked up thing is that everyone is super nice and shit as an adult but my PTSD still makes me prepared like it’s high school where some jocks are going to pull my pants down and hang me upside down in front of all the laughing Stacies at any second at work

>> No.55130423

I am 6.1’ also. It is nothing. You have to be 6.5’ now or you’ll just get constantly get mogged.

>> No.55130430

I'm 6'2 and 34 years old, I never had a girlfriend, never had the sex, never kissed a girl and I cant remember that a woman ever showed any interest.
for the longest time I thought I had a small dick too then measured it and it was only 19cm which is just average but with my height on my body it looks small.
I'm not obese because eating doesnt bring me any joy.

>> No.55130434

30 year old kissless virgin here
I'm 6'6" and literally have women come up to me to talk to me and as soon as I open my mouth and start talking they go ice cold and are suddenly no longer interested in me.
There's no lift or amount of money that can cure autism, unfortunately.

>> No.55130506

Allah is a fearful little cunt.

>> No.55130698

If you’re 6’1 then it’s definitely not your height that’s holding you back, kek
You’re probably trolling tho

>> No.55130750

>Squatting over 4 plate did nothing
If it isn't fun stop, if it is fun continue. Well, you want women so get into ottermode ASAP (toned arms and legs, nice chest and back and RIPPED ABS).
The most important thing is talking to women tho, it's non negotiable.

>> No.55130775

If I was 6’1” I’d literally be drowning in pussy. I’m pretty good looking but 5’8” so most women hate me just for being short. Some girlls don’t mind though as long as I’m taller than them so I was able to secure a wife that I hate.