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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 325x302, shib_frog 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55108004 No.55108004 [Reply] [Original]

Mfw the only narrative behind this token is "you already know who we are", muh 3AC wallet, muh shib admins in chat, there's nothing else. Baggies in the telegram are circlejerking schizos

>> No.55108372

That's kinda a lot of narrative though. What more do you want? A use case? This isn't 2020, we all know use case doesn't matter.

>> No.55108535

Fucking this. There's plenty of evidence and narrative. Wagmi toadbros.

>> No.55108592
File: 115 KB, 1014x778, 610D69C4-A7F7-4CE0-95E2-2ECEBFA8CE64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about the shib.io email and all the devs chillin in the tg? That’s what pretty much sealed the deal for me.

>> No.55108768
File: 257 KB, 500x525, 1684974318315298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that and it's only 2M market cap, you could sneeze and this this shit would pop to 100M, like I could understand not getting into it at 50M-100M because who fucking knows or cares but at 2M you literally can't lose.

>> No.55109517

This is a fucking scam and every knows it. Fuck off pajeet

>> No.55109535

Only reason this isn’t 200m right fucking now is almost no Ken actually believes what is obviously true. Or they just haven’t heard yet. Wallets are low and even dropping. I don’t think the shib team will live it down this just dying so I’m sure they will pump it good wen Shibarium gets closer.

>> No.55109540

Exactly. A 100x is basically programmed. Just hold and wait for it. Simple.

>> No.55109584
File: 4 KB, 852x64, E7700BB6-7842-475A-BA2B-D3C70ABE5620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it was jeets they would’ve been spamming the fuck out of Twitter by now and responding to every pepe@shib.io email with fishing links. They haven’t posted anything in over 10 days and never responded to my email. Jeets are way to thirsty to run an operation of this caliber

>> No.55109766

Stay poor. The shib team are inthe tg supporting it. What more evidence do you want? Kek bye…

>> No.55110355

Yeah I sold my Ben coin for this trash and now I'm down 65%

>> No.55110390

The email is fake

>> No.55110398
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>> No.55110461
File: 209 KB, 542x1172, B25B3B9D-38C9-4A43-B4D8-F4F6AD5101D7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck you’re right

>> No.55111544

Toadies busted, i immediately gotta sell my 1312trillion toad

>> No.55111559

It’s not an email faggots.


>> No.55111561

Hm, that is indeed concerning - but when writing a mail to it, I don’t get a delivery failure. What gives? Need to check that smtp handshake myself later on.

>> No.55111595
File: 145 KB, 1080x1676, Screenshot_20230528-003226~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fake fud, just ignore them.

>> No.55111674
File: 2.17 MB, 5000x5000, 1657308573988154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faking a screenshot just when there's no other way to FUD
are fuddies really this desperate?

>> No.55111688
File: 128 KB, 1080x1000, Screenshot_20230523-163818~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

larp scam

>> No.55111716

No one cares about a bunch of nobodies that made a copy and paste erc 20 pump and dump from last cycle. Pepe and a bunch of other stupid shit are the new memes of this cycle and shib is an old dead meme no one gives a fuck about.

>> No.55111730
File: 202 KB, 1200x1200, 1682501265905304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a literal whomst

>Pepe and a bunch of other stupid shit are the new memes of this cycle
true.. which is why im stacking $TOAD

>> No.55111746

No one gives a fuck about these literally who's.

>> No.55111758
File: 146 KB, 1200x900, A50EFD5C-4D5C-4FBC-8914-ED3CFD093A7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pepe as in the one that was pumped and then dumped on retail cucks? Lmao. You should have said you are in a polyamorous relationship.

>> No.55111766
File: 2.34 MB, 415x415, 1659039390908667.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wish shytoshi was a who

>> No.55112161

Morning TOADies. WAGMI

>> No.55112371

Do people really believe their fud or are they fudding their own bags to get in lower...I know I am lol

>> No.55112385

Anons are just bored because toad price flatlined for the last 72 hours and their ADHD brains can‘t handle it

>> No.55112468

>toad price flatlined for the last 72 hours and their ADHD brains can‘t handle it
This. Plus fudding your own bags is fun. I get it.

>> No.55112679
File: 167 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshpeppeeot_20230528-133809_Gmail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems to be legit to me

>> No.55112731

Literally who

>> No.55112900
File: 871 KB, 828x1792, F1601A8F-B84C-46A5-AFFB-0DCDD55C9EB6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55112980
File: 229 KB, 1430x990, 94A02525-03CE-4426-A216-7C55A42474EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only fud out there is saying that verifiably true things are fake

>> No.55113015

its not 1337 enough $LEET tme/leetcoineth
trending just started

>> No.55113044

You would be swiftly executed in my nation for shilling this haram

>> No.55113237
File: 166 KB, 409x409, 1557220972508.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how long do we have to accumulate bros?
I want a comfy stack before shit hits the fan.

>> No.55113255
File: 239 KB, 1170x1000, 4370541A-995B-4DE8-836C-BA77073D53C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I baghold 40b and thought this had a chance to do something but it’s now a dead scam. I’m starting to think that one guy in tg saying it’s a North Korean govt scam might be right.

>> No.55113275

So Ragnar is scamming them?

>> No.55113314

>North Korean govt scam
Kek I’m sure they took time out their busy day to scam a few thousand ETH off unsuspecting retards to help fund their nuclear program

>> No.55113413

Ask yourself why anyone would waste their time fudding #4175 on CMC. The only answer is that they're desperately poor and even a $2 million MC is too high an entry point for them.

>> No.55113456

If it's programmed why whales are selling?

>> No.55113505

No one gives a shit about the possible the Shib loose connections because it means fuck all for a shitcoin. And the volume and market cap reflects this.

What is all this arguing about?

>> No.55113571

why not

>> No.55113641

So it makes no difference whether a bunch of successful multimillionaires with big connections made a shitcoin or a few jeets inside a poo hut made it? Intadesting theory you got there

>> No.55113655


yeah, the dev dick-sucking only gets you so far. Apparently it's worth 2M marketcap and less than 50K in volume. That's the fair price.

why do you guys seethe about this?

>> No.55113673

Enjoy staying poor retard ;-)

>> No.55113728


did you ever imagine as a child that you will grow up to this type of person? You could have been anything else other than a salesman for a internet shitcoin that's worth so little. I know you reflecting on your life as you read this, thinking up a response that's lol quirky but you know I'm right about how you wasted the little potential you had.

>> No.55113766

I’m retired at 45 with 3 properties no mortgage. Got savings, equities, bitcoins(plural), gold, just had a daughter last year. I’m very happy with my life at the moment and I have the ability to spend my free time whichever way I see fit right now. Can you say the same thing about yourself?

>> No.55114221

fuck off rakesh, larp wont get you anywhere on mongolian basket forum. back to plebbit

>> No.55114258

apparently they will launch this frog soup cafe which is just nfts, the scammers are just milking userbase, liq has cratered from 400 ETH muh shib team, this is a slow rug

>> No.55114329


>> No.55114543


>> No.55114557

The team already sold and disappeared. There hasn't been any new tweets or pinned messages in 11 days. Now some tg mod is trying to scam people by dropping "clues" that lead to his own NFTs and website: frogsoup.cafe

>> No.55114603


This. Why fo biz autists try to over think everything? Crypto is easy if you just don't over think shit and are patient. They are not going yo pump this before Shibarium period. If you can't handle a little delayed gratification than but a shit coin instead.

>> No.55114625
File: 103 KB, 768x768, 1678081988455188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>identical id color

>The team already sold and disappeared.

>> No.55114666
File: 752 KB, 1080x1869, Screenshot_20230528-142144-291.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55114702

> frogsoup.cafe

>> No.55114719

Go to the telegram. Frogshoup.cage is an NFT website circulating the telegram right now. No one knows if it's connected to toad, and it looks sketchy as fuck. It's a shit show right now
also, see
get toad looks like a hidden mint

>> No.55114778

I’m banned from the tg group. So they’re minting additional tokens to dump on us?

>> No.55114801
File: 150 KB, 1080x432, Screenshot_20230528-143956-768.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what we're trying to find out right now. It's not a Shib team wallet executing this "get toad". It's a literal who address. But the situation is fishy.

>> No.55114832

But why wouldn’t they just spread out the dumps with the trillions they’re already sitting on? Why go thru all the trouble?

>> No.55114853
File: 21 KB, 319x303, 1494200033222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought some week ago. Down 50% not even in tg chat. Just dont give a single fuck anymore

>> No.55114857
File: 1.86 MB, 1080x3445, Screenshot_20230528-144250-536~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more info from the telegram

>> No.55114866
File: 1.18 MB, 1080x2460, Screenshot_20230528-144656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55114876

to rake in some more ether from nft grift?

>> No.55114883
File: 965 KB, 1080x1985, Screenshot_20230528-145240-225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last screenshot for now

>> No.55114906

I have no idea what any of it means but maybe it could be a legit way to burn or lock liquidity thru the NFTs. Guess we’ll have to wait and see.

>> No.55115138

The NFT website is not official it was made by one of the admins in the TG chat. Each mint will buy 0.1 of TOAD and send it to the shib treasury wallet. I wouldn't recommend anyone to buy though as its not official Shib.

>> No.55115293

hey hey hey wasu wasu wasu toadconnect

>> No.55115379

Oh great. Just what we need in the mist of everyone already questioning the validity of TOAD

>> No.55115414
File: 528 KB, 1080x1997, IMG_20230528_220859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for playing

>> No.55115465

It’s over

>> No.55115516

Don't care, minted 20 NFTs. WAGMI toadbros.

>> No.55115572
File: 54 KB, 735x605, 7a6c73734a109d1adec0e395461977b9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"work for your bag"

>> No.55115612

it's over

>> No.55115691


>> No.55115741

So this guy is trying to scam?

>> No.55115834

Been a week of cope, now it’s time for the rope.

>> No.55115922

1T TOAD holder reporting in

>> No.55115931

It‘s ogre

>> No.55115954

What’s going on in the tg?

>> No.55116030
File: 42 KB, 640x640, 1673813093784329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so why are fudfags trying to fud with something completey unrelated to TOAD?

>> No.55116136

Jc what the fuck is going on..
Everyday every thread is a mix of hopium and endless fud..

Who should i believe?

>INB4 dyor
That's not the issue but the endless dumping... is it a psy-op to avoid pumping before the right moment?

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa can't take this anymore

>> No.55116143
File: 147 KB, 220x196, 1684024128593558.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently sitting on a 75% loss

>> No.55116193

3T reporting in. WAGMI

>> No.55116476

It’s not looking too good right now fellow TOAD bro. Starting to think the middle finger was indeed pointing at us the whole time

>> No.55116496

Well, me and another 5T whale are holding the floor.

>> No.55116528

I don’t plan on selling my 800 billion TOAD either but I could use another breadcrumb right about now

>> No.55116558

Top 25 holder here. Holding this till zero or billions...give it time. Its an organic hold. Only 2 weeks so far. Just early investors taking profits.

>> No.55116575

One thing I noticed is whatever message the dev who posted on that pic has almost completely degraded to the point I can barely read it now. I didn’t know that tech existed yet but I heard it woiod eventually be implemented into NFTs

>> No.55116724

this is just another faggot hoichi or tsuka coin, if the real shib devs were behind this it would be spread everywhere >>55115414 is just an example of no marketing.

>> No.55116804

>if the real shib devs were behind this it would be spread everywhere
It's in plain sight, yet you call it a larp. The moment when biz realizes and doesn't just look 1 day ahead will be amazing. I will laugh to the bank and back,

>> No.55116811

just like DBI amirite?

>> No.55116813

DBI was and is a fucking scam. Man, just look "The Dev" into the face.

>> No.55116854

wow its in plain sight, so thats why its dumped to 2m and lower. you expect /biz/ to pump your bags as well? lol everyone here is poor. congrats on your scam, seriously.

>> No.55116863

You niggas really want to be spoon fed anything huh?

>> No.55116882

What about my post with the pic that degraded? Do you remember being able to read it clear as day once it was zoomed in or did I forget to take my meds? Because now it’s blurred out almost completely

>> No.55116895

You forget to take your meds. Twitter puts additional compression on the compressed image, so it's even hard to read.

>> No.55116930


>> No.55116935


>> No.55117056
File: 872 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_2023-05-29-01-56-15-839_org.telegram.messenger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who made these cryptic images is just tg mod who "knows nothing" and was only teasing the chat for his nfts. He isn't connected to devs in any way

>> No.55117081

>comes out of nowhere
>guess I'll make a NFT collection for it
>apparently able to push a good looking one out within a few days
>everyone thinks it's a scam
If you believe the panda guy, /biz/ really is IQ 50 on average.

>> No.55118120

Will one of you fucking faggots buy this shit so we can fucking pamp

>> No.55118199

I'm already all in. If this is a scam then I will have wasted my last chance with crypto.

>> No.55118330

I’m down on most of my coins cuz I’m a stupid baggie that doesn’t know how to ever hit the sell button. Don’t plan on selling this either

>> No.55118495

there are baggies on this board that not only bought this larp scam token but also a fake larp NFT!! u can’t make this shit up.

>> No.55118507

Nobody actually bought that NFT lol. Why you lion bruv, but damn these niggers are really trying to shake us out

>> No.55118767

So the breadcrumb images were actually just a scamming tg mod that tricked people into thinking there was something more to this shitcoin? Retards being led by the slightly less retarded. TOAD is turning out better than I thought.

>> No.55118902

It’s ogre

>> No.55118938


It was just a community member who the original admin appointment earlier. A few members were made admins.

>> No.55118999

And the original admin fucked off, just like the original scammer/dev. Now its just baggies circlejerking their micropenors

>> No.55119025

Stop buying scams. When will desu niggas learn? Focus on solid narratives like AI and RWA. Make your mama proud.

>> No.55119030

Based. Will pick MNI over this any day. There is asset tokenisation and private equity. Now is for tokens that solve real world problems.

>> No.55119473

kek, the only narratives I know are DeFi and privacy. I don't do memeshit.

>> No.55120271

I lost half of my Elmo gains to this Toad trash

>> No.55120358

Shib dev here. I’ve attempted to join the telegram group but the admins have blocked me. We will make a an official statement about this and several other projects claiming to be part of our ecosystem once we have all the pertinent information. Thank you.

>> No.55120369


Sure you did Patel lmfao.

>> No.55120377


No he just posted a few hours ago today you effin retard.

>> No.55120399

The only tokens affiliated with us other than SHIB are LEASH and BONE.

>> No.55120436

Just sold everything. Thank you

>> No.55120459

Lol what “pertinent information”? Just make the statement.

>> No.55120484

We’re looking into how these scammers were able to get ahold of a shib.io email. There are very few people that would have that level of access to our network and our security team is very astute. We think one of our system admins gave it out but we’re still looking into it.

>> No.55120529

Toad's totally a scam, but you're larping. Toad has been out for over 3 weeks, so why are you just looking into it now? Why haven't you deleted the email address and warned people about it in the Shib tg? Your bs doesn't add up.

>> No.55120571

Because we were not aware of it. I had seen a few posts on Twitter claiming it was a SHIB product, but we see that nearly everyday, so we thought nothing of it. The shib.io is a different story entirely and I can see how that would be misinterpreted as being connected to our company. We have someone working on it now and it should be deactivated today.

>> No.55120629

Larp larp pants on farp

>> No.55120649

sell this shit and buy ORE

>> No.55120683

Why is Ragnar Shib in the tg?

>> No.55120698

I can confirm, shib dev here, our astute security team is on the case and after they are done fellating each other in the basement they will immediately solve the issue. My pertinent information is the shib.io mail was sold to a scammer in exchange for homo porn.

>> No.55120714

He said himself that he's not part of the team.

>> No.55120733

Yeah we know. Why wouldnt he say anything about a stolen email or it being a larp.

>> No.55120807

Not once did he state pepe was something worth buying. Perhaps it is you that should go clean your polyamous wifes semen filled vagina with your tongue again. I hear the bull has now left the station.

>> No.55120837

Oh man justify yourself more, we are definately your friends which you seek approval from. Also, how often do you imagine yourself to be successful as a coping mechanism?

>> No.55120874

It seems the same scammers who created this token by using our branding and likeness are moving their gains into $BRAT now. I’m sorry guys.

>> No.55120980

There it is. There's the shill. I knew there was a reason for this larp.

>> No.55120994

Just like your husband has moved his dick into your gay arsehole, faggot

>> No.55121062

Get in while you still have a chance. SHIB dev team approved

>> No.55121069
File: 3.22 MB, 498x207, 1653920221768.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55121093

Alright you guys got me lol. I was trying to get yous to capitulate so I could grab more toadies. I just bought half an ETH on Gemini but it didn’t clear with my bank or something so it’s not letting me send it over to my wallet. I want that 1 trilly TOAD

>> No.55121165

Fuck you made me sell at a loss

>> No.55121196

Gemini is doing you a favor.

>> No.55121299

You say that but now that China is countertrading the US in crypto and Chinx love to eat frogs and dogs TOAD will be one of the biggest memes in bugland

>> No.55121457


>> No.55121673
File: 343 KB, 2526x1892, 1676541753523939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't think this is a scam but if you bought the top you're down over 80%... how long does the team plan to let this fall?

>> No.55121731

Were early shib threads like this? Screenshot would be a huge bonus

>> No.55121802
File: 21 KB, 640x640, 785459898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More or less same. Some retard making 40+ post per thread how its a scam and biz morons should not buy 100$ lotto ticket

>> No.55121897

sounds about right

>> No.55121910

see for yourself

>> No.55122149
File: 21 KB, 640x640, 43A43A61-6713-497A-8E4A-FD8B07ACCAD2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The frog soup has already been served, if you’re brave enough to take a sip.

>> No.55122196


>> No.55122223

Depends, did you manage to take a sip of the soup yet? If you haven’t, you’ve been filtered, sorry.

>> No.55122247

Can anyone decipher this clue?

>> No.55122290

You are free to jeet the fk out if you dont like life changing soup.

>> No.55122298

Im clueless

>> No.55122332

There's none in this one, I've spend a good 2 hours on it.

>> No.55122364

Keeping stewing on it, you’ll find it if you look thoroughly enough.

>> No.55122384
File: 119 KB, 657x765, 1678362543664897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55122415

Damn! Imagine having to live with knowing you'd persuaded fellow anons out of generational wealth. The worst thing I ever did was deliberately knock an apple out of a fellow kindergartner's hand and I still feel the guilt.

>> No.55122422

Is it to slurp up more toad soup?

>> No.55122487

Did you check inside the bowl? I think that’s what anon is implying. Check maybe the arm sticking out? Idk I’m clueless and I’m blind

>> No.55122542

It says “buy more nft”

>> No.55122662

dbi 2.0.

>> No.55122676

Fucking fraud token.

Just a bunch of hispanic Shib admins trying to cash in on meme szn. Currently fighting fires in BAD Idea AI telegram, then they will come to Toad.

F*cked up chancers. Ryoshi left due to these muppets

>> No.55122677

is it over toadbros? non stop dumping while pepe is just stagnant

>> No.55122777

yes. do not buy anything because “some team” is behind it.

>> No.55122806

We fucked toadies

>> No.55122898

if it breaks though 17 it’s ogre. that’s the last major support line

>> No.55123101

and they have now all jumped into another brand new token, same admins lol.

Brat is a fraud, same ppl launched it. hahaha

>> No.55123119

Why would the shib team do this to us?

>> No.55123163

>and they have now all jumped into another brand new token, same admins lol.
any pics like this?>>55111730
or are you larping

>> No.55123171

Link please

>> No.55123266

The FUD is strong with this one

>> No.55123447


>> No.55123482

im 60% down but i'm holding on toadbro

>> No.55123594


Should have sold when you could. Now you get to watch it bleed out

>> No.55123620

it was just a small part of my portfolio allocated to shitcoins. not that important to me if it does go to 0

>> No.55123669

Not selling so get fucked

>> No.55123747

you won't be able to sell at all soon, toadmarine :) liquidity will be gone by the end of the week

>> No.55123889

Just like your dad when he left your momma

>> No.55123932

>literally no u
keep on slurping, toadmarine! diamond hands! go look at dbi's threads to see your future

>> No.55123969

We're gonna have ToadFest, and the toad won't even show up.

>> No.55124166

Bad Idea AI
Rin Rin

Same old story. Shiba admins got no power lol.

There's another dog that launched a year ago to kill $SHIB - this is why...

>> No.55124188

So what now? Why is literally every token a scam? What am I supposed to buy if everything is a scam?

>> No.55124272

Yea but only one of them has a shib email. That’s what got me all fucked up. How did they get a legit shib.io?

>> No.55124313

I didn't say they are not linked to Shib. They are - it's the admins, so the email might well be real. Why? To make money.

Just being linked to shib team won't make these moon. It will need hard work, which they won't do.

Why do you think there is a Shib metaverse? It was dreamed up by the admins to make money selling land. Nothing to do with Ryoshi's vision, nothing to do with decentralization.

>> No.55124350

I think it was for something else and they just put it on the site to trick us. That explains why it's pepe and not toad

We got got

>> No.55124364


Sounds to me like shib needs to purge all these Klingon grifters and clean house. It’s a terrible look for a top 20 company to be pulling shit like this

>> No.55124390

Agreed. Keep screenshots. Get coffeezilla involved. Get coindesk and cointelegraph articles.

>> No.55124426

Unlikely to happen. Shytoshi is not as much of a grifter like the admins,, but he's a waste of space too.

Can't even co-ordinate ppl to deliver a L2 in 2 years. And worst of all, he can't communicate for shit. Have you seen his communications?

If Ryoshi was the silver serpent, Shytoshi is the ugly duckling

>> No.55124435

lol, all the admins just joined $BRAT TG.

Entirely predictable, get out now lol. Bunch of fuckers. Using exactly the same messages they used when they joined Toad TG.

>> No.55124506

>lol, all the admins just joined $BRAT TG.
any screenshots?

>> No.55124537

I checked

>>55124426 is a faggot

>> No.55124550

What did you check asshole?

>> No.55124561

The brat tg loser

>> No.55124564

Yea I checked too. He’s lying.

>> No.55124571

Anyone with a brain sold after >>55115414
That is the death knell of any shitcoin

>> No.55124585

There’s like 3-4 retarded fake shib grifters trying to bounce back and forth between BAD, BRAT, RIN & TOAD. And again none of them have a shib.io email

>> No.55124600

Well toad does actually have some shib admins but that doesn't seem to make a fuck

>> No.55124632

Well I’m still not gonna sell. If I we die we die. It’s that simple. Not buying into their next faggy scam. I’m taking screenshots and wallet addresses and preparing a discovery package for coffeezilla

>> No.55124638
File: 668 KB, 2401x2400, 1586308410916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why such immense fud over this? It's still so small and unknown, why the fuck are these jeets fudding this hard already?

>> No.55124661

>Why such immense fud over this?
You have brainrot. Stating facts isn't FUD. Your shitcoin is down 95%, you have no listings, zero marketing, and the whales are slow rugging you.

>> No.55124680

Haha faggots, here's the direct link:

Message #2939 in Brat TG

His masturbation agent Ragnar is there fluffing him up too.

I would also send the link to his first message in the Toad TG, but guess what? He left and deleted all his messages LMAO hahaha

>> No.55124687

If you think it's garbage, why post here 13 times over the course of the day? Why waste so much of your time on this? What do you have to gain?

>> No.55124702

I sold yesterday

>> No.55124738

Why are you still here then? Having second thoughts?

>> No.55124753

>Why are you still here then?
Why not? I like to see people try and rationalize why they should diamond hand as whales dump on them.

>> No.55124835

>I like to see people try and rationalize why they should diamond hand
So you enjoy this? So you’re not actually trying to be helpful? You’re not your brothers keeper. See you on hell scumbag

>> No.55124845

These tg direct links getting high tech

>> No.55124856

>So you’re not actually trying to be helpful?
How am I NOT being helpful? I'm giving people clear reasons why they should exit a scam instead of diamond handing to zero

>> No.55124895

Yea you sound like a really compassionate human being.

>> No.55124939


Just like the 4chan tech.

>> No.55125236
File: 123 KB, 540x846, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol serial grifters did this with toad, hoichi, etc.
now brat..

>> No.55125388

I'm gonna drop this here:

Figure out what's going to happen next :)

>> No.55125442

Checked and toadpilled

>> No.55125463

checked but I don't get it

>> No.55125471

Ragnar has denied Ryoshi is the vision behind Shib. Wtf?

>> No.55125483

Kek So true

>> No.55125613

Fucking checked. WAGMI toadbros.

>> No.55125629

Did you crack the code on this one?

>> No.55125640

No, but someone coding an entire API for a contract as a side project? You tell me.

>> No.55125649

Yiunfucjimg cunts being cryptic all the time. Say what you fucking mean you same fucks. What does this api mean? Anyone can do that shit in 10 seconds?

>> No.55125651

That's the wrong rag

>> No.55125659

Ok so honestly this is basically nothing. This is unrelated to the project

>> No.55125698

retard its the same one from the official shiba ecosystem tg i literally just checked

>> No.55125730

I’m gonna kys. I’ve lost everything the shib team have taken all my money. Not even kidding.

>> No.55125749

At least you didn't buy the Pepe top, that shit is never going to come back as it was just FTX money laundering. Are you the 20k guy? Only gamble what you're willing to lose, Anon.

>> No.55125758

Yes. It’s over for me. I see no hope in my money in Hoichi and toad. Shibarium1 scammed me good with his soft shills. What a cunt. I hope this soul is crushed and he faces eternity in hell.

>> No.55125761

Worst thing is I try to talk in both tg and I’m banned. Meanwhile the actual summer Shibarium1 is treated like a god. Make this make sense to me?

>> No.55125771


>> No.55125779

lol they just moved onto the new scam, i got and already sold bratz

>> No.55125826

I checked and it's not
But you're still gay

>> No.55125858

Dude scale the cryptic messaging a little so we can interpret something. You have to know we’re brainlets for buying this piece of fucking shit to begin with

>> No.55125876

All of you are going to have a soup

>> No.55125906

Fucking tell us faggot

>> No.55125918

>Another day, another mix of fud and hopium

So what is it?
Pajeet scamcoin or not?
It's been two weeks since the threads were made and nobody has the ultimate answer...

>> No.55125949

Still a mistery

>> No.55125958

This shit is killing me.. i mean still not buying more until legit clues are available

>> No.55125962

is just a subdomain liar piece of shit, scammers

>> No.55125968

Pretty elaborate for a scam to code an entire API, don't you think?

>> No.55125975

It’s interesting because even if this is all just a big a scam it’s certainly a fairly elaborate one indeed. One that you’d think they wouldn’t blow their load on so early.

>> No.55125985

Shib devs already confirmed with their own words that they have nothing to do with this. Why the shilling still?

>> No.55125999

if they are actually going to new scam groups like >>55125698
says then it seems to be a scam

but no definitive proof like>>55111730 so...

>Shib devs already confirmed with their own words that they have nothing to do with this
they never did

>> No.55126031

show me concrete proof of them going and openly admitting they have nothing to do with toad and no shib informer some nobody not evne on the team doesnt count. oh but anon shytoshi follows him and so...... shytoshi follows alot of irrelevant people on his twitter.

>> No.55126064

>Shib devs already confirmed with their own words that they have nothing to do with this.
Stop lying faggot and I’m not shilling but I’m also not selling or buying any more right now. Im sure my stack (and cock) are bigger than yours

>> No.55126067
File: 256 KB, 1817x383, 1620493905772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a 1M market cap shit coin that we could all use to get rich if the powers of /biz/ decided to work together.

>> No.55126102

"Shib devs" can't pump a coin. That's reality. Shib is a dead meme from last cycle.

>> No.55126112

This. It's been two weeks since it launched. IF it was going to do something, then it would've been sitting at a 10 million marketcap minimum by now

>> No.55126137


>> No.55126211

Like apart from the obvious, what's the point on dumping every fucking pump?

>trust the plan, deepstate jeets need to sell, trust the shakeout
>shib patriots in control

No schizo theory makes sense..

You think anyone would buy this shit looking at the chart and token distribution?

Somebody give me hopium AAaaaHh

>> No.55126246


>> No.55126263

You're low IQ retard
The end

>> No.55126273

I think its over but holding to zero cos fuck it now. The team could at least send a new tweet.

Edit- just got XRP in my captcha wow

>> No.55126303

it's not an api shill

>> No.55126384

Pretty hard to sell a project with a dumping chart and a dead twitter page

>> No.55126483

They could’ve dragged this out way further and manipulated people for hundreds of millions more dollars. At least they’re nuking it early before it starts raising some serious questions from the SHIB Community. I wonder if the email is still working

>> No.55126638

Yeah it was cool to lose thousands dollars fast

>> No.55126781

It wasnt too bad. At least I can stop obsessing over it now

>> No.55126831
File: 78 KB, 640x640, uvorshgaje381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that you only lose money if you sell, I'll see you all next week when we start randomly pumping.

>> No.55126931

I'm down 50k. It was my last crypto money

>> No.55126978

Go back, you faggot

>> No.55126993


So it's joever Or any hope left? Nobody has posted a solid proof or this shitcoin being legit project or a rug.. It's all rumours

>> No.55126999

It’s not looking good, but like the redditanon said you can’t lose if you don’t sell

>> No.55127000
File: 189 KB, 714x934, IMG_1433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's your proof

>> No.55127044

oof... still I thought it was alot worse than it is. tho it still can go lower. Im up to 125 billion now so if this gamble pays off i'll make bank. If it even went to the low current shiba inu price shiba inu is at currently i'd make mad bank. Wishful hopes indeed.

>> No.55127177


I don't know what to tell you. If you check the NFT collection in opensea, you can see the "HeadChef" wallet.
Check that wallet in BSCscan, and there's been some movement on it like a year ago.

I don't know what that means tho, looks like he didn't use a virgin wallet.
And the tx's look like a degen shitcoiner wallet.

Not really inspiring much confidence.

>> No.55127215

It does not matter if the url of the email is shib.io

That crap certainly is not SHIBA. Consider it just another bet on the crypto casino.

>> No.55128292
File: 86 KB, 730x960, 306633632_1930558877276392_5065999968833209389_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have 500 billion and I still have no clue what email you guys are talking about.
Did they ever send out an email from shib.io? If so, did you check all the headers to see if the domain name matches? The way SMTP works, you can send an email, pretending to be from any email address you want (granted, you'd easily go to the junk folder because of the header mismatch).
The only smoking gun imo is Ragnar being in chat, unless I've missed something about an email?

>> No.55128299

So it was a scam after all. I hate you faggots

>> No.55128309

The email bounced

>> No.55128467

wtf is that supposed to mean

>> No.55128535

Confirmation of scam

>> No.55128538

In the meantime, feel free to keep sucking off Xander, Ragnar, and Shib1 with your hard-earned ETH lol

>> No.55128596
File: 10 KB, 772x120, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucking jeets are relentless. I take it that someone's always gotta buy the top, but at least stop fudding your own bags.

>> No.55128631

>at least stop fudding your own bags.
No because if it is a scam I wanna know now. If they keep dragging it out this shit is gonna put me back in the nuthouse again

>> No.55128636

>No because if it is a scam
Alright, I guess it is because you said so.

>> No.55128656

Of course it's a scam. Ffs wake up

>> No.55128660

>it's a scam
>no proof
L-look it's scam because I've said so! Don't care. I'll continue slurping up to 5% of supply. Wagmi toadbros.

>> No.55128669

You got brainwashed... There is no utility to it. Unless you are the one dumping there are no profits to be had, nothing to protect against. It's a worthless erc-20 token whose only use case is to scam retards and feed mev bots, like everything on an evm chain

>> No.55128673

>There is no utility to it
There literally is though. Keep trying harder, as I'm sure it'll eventually work out for some to sell their bags,

>> No.55128698

Maybe get out of your bubble and read the threads of other people being scammed with erc-20 tokens or similar bullshit like xrp. Then snap out, or stay a zombie/golem

>> No.55128705

Dude I wanna believe but look at the fuckin price action. They’ve done nothing but dump on our heads for the past week.

>> No.55128713

The problem is that you guys can't see the entire picture and only are able to see ahead for 1 week at best. Guess not everyone's a shizo on /biz/ nowadays.

>They’ve done nothing but dump on our heads for the past week.
The team wallet is untouched. All that matters.

>> No.55128719

>You goys
Kek. The other, not our tribe, says the parasite on the board

>> No.55128732

You all crazy.

This is literally a chance to become a millionaire. DYOR

>> No.55128735

Now we're at taking things out of context? Yeah, I'm done arguing with you. You're being filtered hard, and it shows. I don't fucking care anymore, either dump or buy but don't come crying to biz later.

>> No.55128756

I couldn't tell, if I talk to an xrp shizo, a linky or a any other kind of sucker

>> No.55128761

Shib admins are coordinating pump and dumps, jumping from token to token, but toad is a bit different since it has shib.io email domain, and also some wallet that holds the LP for Shibaswap bought like 10 eth at a high price. These make me think that it's related to shib team and even tho the admins are just after a quick buck, this can still be legit. Others like Rin, bad idea, dog1, Bratz(still day 1) are probably scams

>> No.55128833
File: 98 KB, 828x1792, 16D7B4A4-3569-4D46-AF64-18D2B2166841.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok I think I found out what TOAD is. Go to shib.io and mint land. Connect your wallet and look at what token it asks it add.

>> No.55128872

It’s all coming together now. “The real game” is the metaverse game

>> No.55128913

Lol we’re gonna be rich toadies

>> No.55128972


lolz, lets ignore the other wallets they bought up at launch.

>> No.55129068

Dafuq is this ? How do I get in?

>> No.55129153

It’s the shib.io metaverse token. Get in now before everyone else figures it out

>> No.55129164

So why are shib dev team ok with shilling them. They all scams.

>> No.55129295

How do I buy land in the shib metaverse with my TOAD?

>> No.55129383

Thanks for fucking me over again, /biz/.

>> No.55129570

So I went to shib.io on on my iPhone with Brave. I clicked on buy land, it asked to connect my Brave wallet which I don’t use, I hit connect and it asked to add suggested token which was TOAD. Anyone else get a similar response?

>> No.55129666

Interesting... gotta try it.

>> No.55129719


Bullish asf. Buz fudders lose again.

>> No.55129902

>Based satan digits

>> No.55129913

They are all the same and most are larping jannies

>> No.55129956

Tried with Metamask on mobile and desktop. Didn't work with either. Tried multiple wallets.

>> No.55129962

almost got me interested in toad but unfortunately just another lie

>> No.55130022

Did you try it on the mobile Brave wallet?
Get fucked fud fag

>> No.55130069

>Get fucked fud fag
anyone with a phone will see that it doesnt work you retard
it doesnt even change the "connect wallet" symbol so no one can prove they have or haven't done it.

>> No.55130135

Ok you win. I’m just a lying pajeet shill who desperately needs you to buy so I can dump my bags on you. I’m not here trying to figure this out together with you guys or anything. I have an agenda

>> No.55130144

>Brave wallet
Also doesn’t work

>> No.55130196

yes i know
you did get me to download brave and set up a wallet though
on both desktop and phone.

>> No.55130218

Satan pls go back to /lgbt/

>> No.55130235
File: 269 KB, 1094x132, niggerss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is interesting though, that it connects to brave wallet on phone but not on desktop and the site explicitly says metamask is required.

>> No.55130415

Idk what’s going on but when I connected the wallet on my iPhone it asked me to add suggested token which was TOAD. I wish I knew how to delete TOAD from the wallet so I can redo the process all over again but I never used this wallet before

>> No.55130524

What are you fags on about. I connected to the mint land shit via metamask and I have to confirm the transaction for 0.2 ETH before getting to the next screen, I aint doing any fishy transaction.

Can anon post screens?

>> No.55130694

Something is cooking

>> No.55130717
File: 153 KB, 748x935, 8D20735A-2226-4DAD-BD4B-7B99C877BCD6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55130847

What group was that posted in? The Toad group?

>> No.55130862

Shib discord

>> No.55131466

Just bought more. WAGMI

>> No.55131653
File: 33 KB, 889x291, 1680828454022692.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitty ass fucking site