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55125117 No.55125117 [Reply] [Original]

>Open up a popular mechanics magazine from 1962.
>Starter homes advertised for the inflation adjusted equivalent of $50,000 USD in 2023 bucks.
>Decide to look up how much they are selling for now.
>1-1.5 million.
>Boomers got a free 20x-25x doing the bare minimum while I have to risk everything in crypto or stocks just to buy a home.

Yes, I'm mad...

>> No.55125131

you don't even have a job and you order dominoes pizza (ticker: DMP) 6 times per week. rope yourself

>> No.55125145

If you damn millennials stopped blowing all your money on Starbucks and avocado toast you could've bought a house too.

>> No.55125230
File: 137 KB, 920x930, bob-dylan-full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The times they are a changin'

>> No.55125240

Stop buying damn baseball cards and candy for awhile you'll make it sonny

>> No.55125279

A good way to look at it is boomers lived in the easiest time period in human evolution. At least we don’t live in a time when some feudal lord owns us as indentured servants and can send us off to war to fight with swords and bow and arrows because he’s mad his cousin has a nicer castle or something. Or you could have been a legit slave forced to do back breaking manual labor and living in a barn next to horse shit and if you disobeyed they literally would cut your nuts off.

>> No.55125296

My uncle was a SoCal rock n’ roll biker boomer in the 80s who was constantly in and out of jail for bar fights and shit. He was still able to afford a beach house that’s worth around $2m. This cocksucker literally barely worked in his life

>> No.55125304

White people have never lived like that. Youre only content with the times because you are ignorant.

>> No.55125316

Fuck that weak reasoning .
Confiscate boomer passports immediately, not to be returned until everyone is housed. No healthcare access either. Nothing.

>> No.55125332

They lived through the move from the gold standard to fiat, and captured our future earnings into their housing.

>> No.55125336

>At least we don’t live in a time when some feudal lord owns us as indentured servants and can send us off to war to fight with swords and bow and arrows because he’s mad his cousin has a nicer castle or something
Bruh we can get drafted at a moments notice to be sent to die in ukraine or Taiwan because our shadowy elite feel a little threatened
I'd rather live in a forest undisturbed with my wife and kids

>> No.55125342

i live 15 minutes from levittown, pa. they built all of these homes in the 1950s for dirt cheap: ~$8k in mid 1950s dollars or $90k in today's dollars. the same houses go for $350-400k today.

>> No.55125347
File: 49 KB, 462x540, 1950-Ranch-Models.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.55125353

You are already a slave. if you don't own capital or assets and have to work for a living. You are a slave, a slave that has to feed and house yourself.

>> No.55125360

>>Boomers got a free 20x-25x doing the bare minimum while I have to risk everything in crypto or stocks just to buy a home.
holding an asset for 60 years not the bare minimum lol

>> No.55125364
File: 1.07 MB, 1566x820, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the low $300k ones in the screenshot are all massive shitholes in various states of disrepair. """fair market value"""" cost of one in tolerable condition is $350-400k.

>> No.55125365
File: 47 KB, 600x480, 1680386173852912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least we don’t live in a time when some feudal lord owns us as indentured servants
This didn't happen. Indentured servitude came into existence during the colonies. Peasantry served the lord in return for protection, but were free to forfeit that protection and leave.

>and can send us off to war to fight with swords and bow and arrows
Maybe not with bows and arrows, but you absolutely can be drafted and sent to die.

>Or you could have been a legit slave forced to do back breaking manual labor and living in a barn next to horse shit and if you disobeyed they literally would cut your nuts off.
This happens today. You're a wageslave and you're being chemically castrated by the chemicals put into your food and water regardless of whether or not you disobey.

>> No.55125375

SE PA fucking sucks for houses. I'm looking for a small farm in bucks county for like $500k and its impossible. I just want >5 acres and no neighbors for fucks sake

>> No.55125381
File: 225 KB, 1080x986, 8800d8f68f36a67de3059dfad7d6debc0f477f4f0b3d22532f8ac504fa73a351_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus what kind of a retarded cope is this

>> No.55125402

i thankfully have a very secure wfh job. i think i'm moving back to northeastern pennsylvania next summer. you're right, it's fucking impossible down here. i can barely afford a $350k 0.2 acre 1950s boomer shithole on my $100k poorfag salary... or i can buy a decently sized home on 1-2 acres for $200k in northeastern pennsylvania. only downside is no HUSTLE AND BUSTLE™ and no pussy, but that's a price i'm willing to pay.

>> No.55125427

I also have a cushy wfh job, my wife and I make 200k/yr combined but she has to go into the office in willow grove and doesn't want to drive an hour one way. Even with that income I still feel like a poorfag in this housing market. So for the time being we're stuck around here. Good luck on your venture north

>> No.55125451



Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone


>> No.55125480

fucking lmao

>> No.55125490

We get to live in this shit ass world because boomers were scared of being call racists and allowed the Jews to flood our nations with 3rd worlders that compete against us and caused the housing market and many other things to go up

>> No.55125506

It’s the plebbit cope. All plebbitors belive most of history has been literal hell on Earth because they all believe in the Jewish propaganda

>> No.55125510 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 250x250, 1622613679239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a christian and I got a 2x by just believing on Jesus and buying the JESUS Token to show him my faith and devotion

>> No.55125517

this image is pure solid cope from the other side.

>> No.55125521

WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sent from my Samsung Galaxy smartphone


>> No.55125526
File: 33 KB, 290x390, 1684880915781681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek

>> No.55125535

I hate how fucking realistic this meme is, got a moron of a boomer at work (Engineer, can not get BOMs right) and I swear there must be an extra gigabyte in myemails solely made up of his signature usage with his boat, support of the troops, church etc.

Nice guy, but Jesus Christ.

>> No.55125538

it's hyperbole for the sake of illustrating a point. modern life isn't unquestionably better.

>> No.55125539

All those houses in cities that cost 400k were not near economic hubs back then.
The same cities are enormous today. You can't expect economic centralization and concentration to mean that the same house will be cheaper today. the boomers settled empty towns, if you want the same houses you can settle empty towns too

>> No.55125566

>economic hub
irrelevant. as recently as 30 years ago average jobs in suburban and rural areas begot 1200-1500 square foot homes on small plots of hand. today you need an 80th percentile household income to buy that same home on that same plot of land -- average jobs are no longer sufficient. it has nothing to do with population growth, it has everything to do with the financialization of real estate, the debasement of fiat, and the erosion of middle class purchasing power.

>> No.55125624

>it has nothing to do with population growth

You mean immigration growth, and yes having to compete with Chinese billionaires is a major factor.

>> No.55125628
File: 119 KB, 665x1000, 393BC2FC-7F0F-4592-BA2C-2132E3F91800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck kind of brainwashing did they do to you people? Boomer this Boomer that - you lump millions of people into a category of assumptions based only on their age? As if they were all in on something that was designed to make your life harder…ha ha wtf? Boomers had no idea of what era they were in relative to this one or what advantages they had. The same is true for any generation - there is zero logic in blaming previous generations for shit that only became apparent after the fact! It’s a fallacy called “presentism”. It’s like blaming your 5 year old self for mistakes you made based on what you know now. Doesn’t fucking compute Sonny Jim. Also, not every single boomer came out on top. Not every black person is a criminal - not every white person has an advantage - these are individuals and each is responsible only for the decisions they made - quit blaming people and do something about your situation - boomers have nothing to do with it.

If you want to blame a group you should blame the central banks and the people who took us off the good standard in the 70s bc that’s the reason everything went to shit after that as far as economics goes.

>> No.55125663

chinese billionaires aren't buying 1400 square foot boomer boxes for $400k. overleveraged nigger retard normies are, due to over-availability of credit.

>> No.55125717

Ok I’ll bite and assume you are actually born in the 50s. To put it in the simplest terms, the Millennial generational angst towards Baby Boomers arises from the “why can’t you just do what I did?” attitude that is the norm amongst that generation. Are some boomers based? Yes, but they are few and far between. Most of them are oblivious of the “unintended consequences” of the globalized economy their generation ushered in.

There’s no use crying over spilled milk and it is what it is. HOWEVER, the “I did it so can you” attitude is a bit much tbph.

- Born in ‘89

>> No.55125727

They are if you live in a major city on the West Coast.

>> No.55125759
File: 9 KB, 223x226, Boom Boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your argument would only make sense if the boomers were all dead. They're still alive and remain in favor of the exact same dogshit 60's policies and mentality. Ignorance isn't a valid argument when they're able to look out the window and visibly see the complete terraforming of the world before their eyes financially, demographically, politically, and spiritually. Keeping their house values alive at 10x is all that matters. This seemingly reductionist take makes perfect sense in the world when you analyze every single policy and line of legal code that was written in the past 50 years.

Boomers will be remembered as the only generation in human history that commenced economic warfare against their own children, defying every law we thought we knew about evolutionary biology and human psychology.

>> No.55125783

Modern slaves aren't even aware of their enslavement

>> No.55125862
File: 95 KB, 800x976, JESUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You need to go on the path of good and heed the teachings of our Lord, Jesus Christ!
Now that he saw us all, poor sinners, being scammed in biz, he decided that the best way to get us out of the way of evil is to create his own currency and so it was, the next day Jesus Christ launched his own currency, JESUS Token, in order to give us back what we lost.

>> No.55125863

>defying every law we thought we knew about evolutionary biology and human psychology.

Evolutionary biology and human psychology are racist though and it’s not okay!

>> No.55125878

everyone already knows this and there have been zero acts of terrorism because of it. zoomers are not suicide bombing boomer homes. the best niggers can figure out is to let themselves in and sit down on the couch.
really makes you think.

>> No.55125887

>>Doing research for a college paper on house prices
why don't you talk about the real cause of the problem? central banking and zoning laws?

gee its almost as if you print a fuckton of money and lower interest rates, it creates economic bubbles

>> No.55125892

>Boomers got a free 20x-25x
They didn't get free shit. That's them becoming poorer in fact.

>> No.55125895

>unironically believing the feudalism is better than modern society pseudoscience by reading debunked papers

>> No.55125901

you should be more conserned about the white genocide, not about housing prices lmao

>> No.55125937

>women wont have sex with me, im literally being genocided

>> No.55126235

Are you kidding me?
The boomers were asked by the bankers
> Do you want to shit all over your own kids' future for a bigger TV
They jumped at it. They weren't confused.

>> No.55126250

This is bullshit.
Boomers had far shorter commutes.
My parents had their fucking lunch at home, and walked back for it.

>> No.55126275

> No point crying over spilt milk
They're spilling it every day.
The USA spends six times more on boomers than kids.
Canada and the UK are doing mass immigration to pay their pensions, that they promised *to themselves*.
Even now the burden is nothing compared to ten years ahead.
We could all lay down our entire lives, working 7 days a week until our eyes bled.
Do you know what they'd say?
> I want moooooooore
They are insatiable psychos.

>> No.55126428

Ok but seething about it changes nothing. We always have the facts in our back pocket when one of them starts riding the high horse too aggressively, but other than that we just have to cope.

>> No.55126505

I pointed out you were full of shit in making out our fate is sealed.
We can decide to default on boomer obligations that they promised on our behalf to themselves.
We can default on it tomorrow morning.

>> No.55126528
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cool blog. now go to work

>> No.55126647

holy fuck you've got to be kidding me. Those are like the earliest shittiest suburban homes. They're all about 100-150k more than I thought they'd be

>> No.55126776

Touch grass.

>> No.55126837

> Bro don't complain about working all your life for nothing
Get fucked

>> No.55127977

>its either this or a trench in the somme
wow thanks for posting

>> No.55128213

I feel like we're not going to have anything good until the boomers die off, I should risk my money on KEK to pay for food, just wait until I'm 50 and everything will be better

>> No.55128783

This is true tho

>> No.55128933

>At least we don’t live in a time when some feudal lord owns us as indentured servants and can send us off to war
Uhhh, all of this is already true is current day you pleb.

>> No.55128945

also this happened as recently as 50 years ago with the vietnam war.