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File: 531 KB, 512x512, craig wright signing by askhapi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55124439 No.55124439 [Reply] [Original]

I just went all-in BSV, what am I in for?

>> No.55124468

How does $0 sound?

>> No.55124618

An endless supply of butt hurt small blockers

>> No.55124651

Nothing for years then whoosh

>> No.55124781

better off having a bsv bag and playing with btc ordinals this cycle while the money is flowing in

>> No.55124838

Well, if you bought it because it's the original coin, then you probably won't get much recognition, but you stuck to your principles, I think that's noble. If you bought it because of Craig Wright, I'd say that's misguided.

>> No.55124847

How does a new ATL every month regardless of market conditions sound?

>> No.55124909

I laugh when people call it the OG bitcoin... wow it copied the features bitcoin used to have before it upgraded. but bitshit v keeps them and you guys get all omfg its le original! no its not it didnt come out in 2009 or whatever it came out a few years ago and its a shitcoin and has scammer and mentally unwell craig wight involved going im le satosyhi these fake tokens i mined count as real tokens pay me bitcoin pay me now! and he keeps getting btfo out in court cuz he's mentally unwell and doesnt live in reality. lol once bitshit v comes out in 2008 hit me up and we'll talk but a copy paste of some outdated code doesnt make an OG coin it makes a pretender to the throne and a bad one at that since it cant upgrade and evolve and needs cultist retards to constantly yell its da origuhnal *dopey retard low IQ face*. neck your jugular retard bitshit v is not nor will ever be the original bitcoin no matter what fancy things you same and history revisions you write in your cult of gayboiz
>Verification not required.

>> No.55124942

No u dint

>> No.55125015
File: 56 KB, 1170x754, pacmanpie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That 30$ buy wall... that was me. Straight to cold wallets. They will see the light of day in 20 years. You will not understand, maybe your children will.



'You can fool some people some times but you cant fool all the people all the time'

>> No.55125061

Mathematically, it is the original chain, BTC is the fork. BTC is commonly accepted to be Bitcoin, but just as a matter of fact, BSV, despite having a different ticker symbol, is "the original Bitcoin". This is has nothing to do with Craig Wright, whatever you think of him.

>> No.55125093

BSV is a fork of BCASH

>> No.55125163

wow you really are clueless about bitcoin, bitshit v, and bcash.

>> No.55125205
File: 70 KB, 872x872, 1654803968522119.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why did that guy on Twitter say that it was the original Bitcoin?

>> No.55125219

This was beyond my means to verify, by which I of course mean that I had heard it somewhere and then didn't even google it.

>> No.55126356

You are in for the coins you possess will be registered to their rightful owners and duly returned. Almost all the coins available for sale were ransom proceeds or proceeds of crime. You don't get to keep them.

>> No.55126576

I could have been a millionaire before age 30 but I went all in on bsv. True story . Thanks Craig you FREEMASONIC FUCK

>> No.55126594

kek baggie

>> No.55126623

I’d have 750k of ETH versus like $30 in bsv. Craig deserves to be taken out

>> No.55126651

$30k* in BSV. During worldwide inflation- Craig made his “followers” (holders of BSV) spiritually demolished and broke beyond . The lowest circle in hell is for treachery and Craig has been a traitorous kike to every bsv holder

>> No.55126670

Did u sell?

>> No.55126671

this desu, i fucking hate bsv now even tho i still own a bunch
radiant rxd has a better community

>> No.55128147
File: 604 KB, 1024x683, stairs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nexa is the new btc fork actually worth looking at
Bitcoin unlimited (one of founding teams of bcash) released it last year and its finally getting some decent dev work on it

Bsv is about as relevant as bitcoin diamond it bitcoin gold
Garbage scams

>> No.55128760


this. id say 3 years minimum

>> No.55129598

you are in for $0.0. sell that shit and buy ORE

>> No.55130114

retard only buys coins for old people and coins that pumped YEARS ago holy shit what a fucking deluded boomer

>> No.55130797

>what am I in for?
You're in for doom upon yourself. Tried going wholly into BSV initially but I never told the story of how I came out till this day. Gather LDO, ACH, CYMI, LBR or other low caps in peace than lose it all in the dumpbox.