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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55122995 No.55122995 [Reply] [Original]

The greedy tax-happy kikes have lowered the threshold starting in 2023 from $10,000 to $600 for mandatory reporting of private sales of goods. This means if you sell $600 worth of goods throughout the entire year on any platform(Kikebook Marketplace, eGay, etc) then you will be receiving a 1099 from the platform, and they will be reporting your sales to the IRS as income.

This wouldn't be a problem if alternative marketplaces actually received any traffic. Unfortunately the exact same item I list on Craigslist gets 1/20th the attention the same item gets on marketplace. What the fuck am I supposed to do? Just bend over and let the IRS fuck me in the ass? I thought a side hustle was supposed to make me more money, not get me fucking audited.

>> No.55123007

Simple: stop using tax reporting marketplaces. Use craigslist (no idea how they don't report shit since you're leaving a decent digital paper trail) or put flyers up in your neighborhood.

Boohoo you get less attention and product takes longer to move. Try only accepting payment in XMR then you may complain to me.

>> No.55123013

_____ ___ ___.

>> No.55123034

Brrrapp brap brrap

>> No.55123060

>only sell via flyers and xmr
Commendable, but I'd like to make a sale within the next 10 years. It's hard enough finding someone on Craigslist with cash.

>> No.55123131 [DELETED] 


>> No.55123130

The fuck are you trying to sell? If you've been doing sales for a while you SHOULD have developed a network and a client/customer base. Make friends with pawn shop owners.

>> No.55123165

too much make up

>> No.55123177

Yard sale flips. Random stuff that people will pay $20+ for on eBay, but sits on cl for longer than a year. I know all the peddlers and pawnshops around town, but I don't see how that helps me sell things online without donating half my profit to niggergibs.

>> No.55123208
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Just put $0 on bill of sale

>> No.55123334

If you stick with yard sale flips, you're going to have a very hard time. Most of that stuff is junk. But you could easily up your game by being more selective with what you buy and list. Go to more estate sales and public auctions, develop a clientele, and lean into it. Rare books, if you learn to recognize them, can be picked up at estate sales and sold to rare book stores pretty easily for a decent profit, if you live near a rare book store. Otherwise I'd stay away from """collectibles""" and lean into antique furniture and items with utility (exercise equipment, appliances, etc).

>> No.55123337

There were supposed to be 3 planes but one never made it to NY

>> No.55123423
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>> No.55123426

Bump because jet fuel can’t melt steel

>> No.55123430
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Sure, I'm already working my way in that direction. Those higher quality items don't tend to fetch the same premium on craigslist though, which is why I'm trying to branch out in my sales avenues.

>> No.55123532

How can normies don't know about wtc7 is beyond me. Even the twin towers look like standard demolition.

>> No.55124115

Nothing to see here

>> No.55124152

It was always $600

>> No.55124235

That is someones little boy.

>> No.55124239

imagine this same woman in 10 years
do you think she will still have this smug face?
i really doubt it

>> No.55124250

Don't care I'm not filing

>> No.55124290


It's not taxable income if you're just selling your old used shit for less than you paid for it. If you're running an arbitrage and reselling business and making a profit, though, that's obviously a different story and it would be taxable income.

I have no idea how I'm supposed to prove the former to the IRS when I get a 1099 from eBay next tax season, though. I guess it's just an honor system and a box you can check on the form indicating it's not taxable income.

>> No.55124301

I just pay my taxes like a good golem because the threat of violence from the IRS is too great for me and I've cashed out way too much relative to my salary. It's just too pozzed for me to work around any longer.

>> No.55124459


>> No.55124496

I found an Ames chair at a garage sale and $3,000 worth of trains just recently. I agree please don't waste your time at garage sales.

>> No.55124532

Yes as if everyone has a warehouse for furniture. I'm sorry but the collectible market is hot as ever. No offense you give bad advice.

>> No.55124921

Holy based lord

>> No.55124933

That's a man

>> No.55125026

built for mee

>> No.55125345

Get a real job kid.

>> No.55125397

Side. Hustle. Not main hustle.

>> No.55126371

>typical building fire
seen it 1000 times

>> No.55126439

sell for a dime and make postage = postage + actual price

>> No.55126490

i warned about this when the democrats were trying to pass it last year i told all you faggots to call the congress reps and complain and nobody did shit so fuck you all faggots

>> No.55126500

shut the fuck up you lying little kike

>> No.55126711

Not my fault you’ve never generated $600 before. Stay poor.

>> No.55126904

Great now anytime I see a sexy bitch I'll think of 9/11. Great brainwashing tactic moshe

>> No.55127609
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>Pass law at $600
>Print hyperinflation so $600 is like $20
>Just report every transaction you ever do goyim

How about I just use silver, report nothing, pay zero taxes, and shoot anyone that comes poking around?

>> No.55128647

Doing God's work anon

>> No.55128654


>imagine the smell

>> No.55129309

You’re just whining too early. Let me guess, you got into flipping over Covid and now you aren’t making as much as you used to? I’ve been restoring furniture as a hobby for ~10 years and pick up other valuable/rare/cool shit from the past along the way, mostly as a hobby but I’m very good at picking and I have a very good understanding of prices. What happened was a shitload of people tried to turn this into a job, which worked during Covid when all these goods were 50% marked up. Now they’re back to normal prices, normal movement. Slow movement, because people don’t have a lot of cash on them (anyone who has CC debt isn’t going to buy on marketplace for very long). My advice is to spread out, or to lower your prices. Also just don’t check the box that says you sold it on marketplace retard and ghost the buyer

>> No.55129540

Buyer will then be on the hook for gift tax.

>> No.55129561

side hustles are for providing free labor and income to corporations at no extra cost to them. You pay them to work for nothing lmao

>> No.55131613

Based picrel

>> No.55131735

>just a normal collapse after a fire goy
>those explosions happened because in the inside it already collapsed
>now delete