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File: 524 KB, 2550x3300, ResumeBizNew-page-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
542765 No.542765 [Reply] [Original]

Rate and Critique resumes
I literally don't know what else to put on here.
h-help me /biz/

>> No.542768

fine as is, this should get you 300k starting

>> No.542770


fyi no one cares about the names of your subjects

just write 'maths'

>> No.542780

either get a coding internship or do some short term contract-based coding next summer and put that on there. or contribute to a bunch of open source projects and put that on there.

>> No.542783

It's really bad. If your college has a career center, I would make use of it.

>> No.542818

Any tips on getting a internship?

Yeah I'll visit them on Mondy

>> No.542828

go to your college career center and ask about it. also, be prepared to launch a barrage of resumes at every conceivable tech company. (forget about prestige, you'll be there for like 3 months. just make sure they do real stuff and arent a scam and it'll be a good resume booster upon graduation regardless. When you get an interview just read up on coding interview questions, there's usually a bunch of similar ones that are asked across the board.)

>> No.543481

Also do you have anything specific that I should change before I go

>> No.543503

Everything, it's terrible. I'm not trolling either.

>> No.543536
File: 175 KB, 1423x922, res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First thing is, be sure you're not sending a generic resume for applications. Tailor them, even if just a bit, for each employer, referencing something in their company's policy or values.

Ex. I applied to the county government with this resume for an intern position. They ended up bringing me on board as the county website specialist.

Get a meeting with someone at your school's career center and try to draft out a few resumes, each specific to a field (retail, customer service, IT, etc.). Then for each application you send, you could tailor it to be institution-specific in your personal statement.
Let us know what you come up with!

>> No.543538
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.543583

>being this new
I litteraly came to biz for the first time 3 minutes ago and even I can get that one

>> No.543595
File: 61 KB, 535x627, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit my resume seem pretty unimpressive

>> No.543610

I know it's a troll, I just thought it was funny


>> No.543771

You need to expand those bullets. Your food job, did you have ny responsibilities? Noone will care about you ability to prepre food, it's more about the other things, so look for what skills you might be demonstrating in this job. For your teaching job, what did you do to help them? Show me that you can work well with kids (i.e. difficult people), and that you're good at explaining things to them. For your ant photography job, tell me what you actually did, what kind of team you worked in and how you fitted in to it, and about the nature of the research and what your involvement in compiling (vague term) was. For skills and activities, for the first two, are these things you just learnt in your free time, or is there some particular experience (work or education) that can be used to demonstrate that you can do them, as opposed to just stating hem wit no evidence?

>> No.543776

>take pics of ants

my friend u srs?

>> No.543792

That font is disgusting. Also you need to write in the past tense. Order newest first. Skill should go at the bottom. Don't say "proficiency with", just ist them. Remove the vacuous communication one. You don't need to state that you can do accounting, you should be demonstrating that in you experience bullets. The allwell bullets are reasonably ok. The freelance ones, don't say "working with a group of prefessionals" as it's meaninglesss. The first two bullets are almost repetition of each other, merge, rephrase. Expand on what your actual responsibilities were and what you did day to day in those contracts. You've given a brief description of the overall objective, but I have no insight into what you youself actually spent your time doing.

>> No.543795


LIE. fabricate bullshit. make shit up.

look at a job opening and make up a resume that looks like a fucking all star for that opening.

the only thing u can't lie about is education, they can find out where u went and what your scores were.

Alpharetta fag here. I was out of work for 1.5 years before I discovered this. a real resume WILL NOT GET YOU A JOB! listen to me here mate, don't make the same mistakes i did.

> fresh out of college
> "you don't have enough experience"
> but i'm fresh out of college
> h-h-how am i supposed to get the experience?

>> No.543811

Might work if your only ambition is to flip burgers, but for any job worth having, they will do a background check and you will be found out. The real trick is to make your shitty experience sound more impressive than it actually is, without actually saying anything false.

>> No.543916

Well the first two skills I learned in my courses.

In the Internship the professor was studying how ants float by grabbing each other and linking up. My job was to get these ants to form a raft, then preserve them in liquid nitrogen and then use the EM to find a picture of the actual appendages to link up.

Kumon is basically like a factory tutoring service. The kids would basically go through these worksheets as fast as possible for three hours. My job was the get their worksheets and grade them if necessary answer any questions. I don't know how to make that sound good.

I suppose I can talk about keeping temp logs in the deli or someth

>> No.543927

It looks like you used a LaTeX template for your resume.

So OP, why did you choose the fucking ugliest LaTeX template out of all of them?

Also, list your goddamn technical skills. Fudge the truth here; write down Java, LaTeX, and fuck it, throw Python and Javascript on there and just memorize a quick start tutorial on those languages and maybe do some coding exercises in them once you get the time

>> No.543931


also you sound like a retarded child when you write "took pictures of ants" in your internship. you should write something like "operated electron microscope for the analysis of biological specimens" or some shit

you know, make it sound impressive

>> No.543933

Lists should have three things in them. Two things do not constitute a proper list. You should easily be able to think of three things you did for each bit in the experience section.

Ideally you should phrase these based on the selection criteria of the position for which you are applying, or at least in a way that will seem relevant. 'Prepared food' is not useful unless you're applying for a position that involves preparing food. 'Complied with food handling proceures', on the other hand, might at least indicate that you can follow instructions.

You have some random capital letters in there. 'Customers', 'math', 'reading', 'research' and 'structures' are not proper nouns. You're also inconsistent with line breaks. Many of the people who read resumes, particularly for entry-level positions, get off on the sense of power that comes from being able to crush a person's hopes for the most trivial reasons. There are people who will throw your resume in the bin if you have a blank line before one section but not before another.

>you sound like a retarded child when you write "took pictures of ants"
Also this.

>> No.543936

So if you learn those skills as part of a project or something, put them in your education section and write about what it was that you did that caused you to get those skills.

For the internship, write that down. It gives a better description of it than just taking photos. The point you're trying to make is that you can work in a lab and an academic enviornment.

For the tutoring, focus on the interaction you did have. It doesn't have to be super long and fancy, but try and think about what the kids got from specifically your presense there that they wouldn't have had if you weren't there.

>> No.543954

thx anon

>> No.544085

>Resume greater than 1 page.
What the fuck is wrong with you?
Nobody gives a shit about you, they jsut care about your experience.

>> No.544141
File: 190 KB, 899x1100, resssssss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rip me apart

>> No.544157

is produce assistant relevant to the job your trying to get?

you basically have no experience don't make them read through that crap

>> No.544166

going to an engineering conference next week so im hoping to just apply for some summer internship or student co-op etc

is produce assistant better than having nothing on my resume at all?

>> No.544168

Ugly yellow crap. Format it like a normal person.

Product associate: how did you gain experience doing those things? Show me, don't just assert it. Information to who? No need to say it was basic. What kind of assistance? What kind of followup? What risks/problems? How did you ensure cleanliness? By personally cleaning it?

Education. You're a yet-to-graduate, so education goes at the top. Noone cares about your random sequence of greek letters.

Skills go at the bottom. Time management, customer service, and leadership are not skills. You Don't Need To Capitalise So Much.

Volunteering: What was your role/responsibilities in organising it? What did you have to do? Demonstrate your leadership. How did you promote awareness? What problems did you solve? What the fuck is a candy stripper?

Remove honous, the first one is a duplicate of volunteering, the second is uninteresting, and the third one should be in volunteering if anywhere.

Yes it's better than nothing, but it shouldn't have a disproportionate amount of space so as to make it look like your crowning acheivement if it's something trivial.

>> No.544171

Very pretty. Not necessarily in a good way.

Typically if you're a current student or recent graduate, you would put education first.

For the experience section, you need to explain what you actually did to gain experience in time management, etc.
'Merchandises' is not a word. (Or technically it is, but it doesn't mean what you think it does.)
I wouldn't go out of your way to say that the information you provided was 'basic'.
The third dotpoint needs to be taken out or completely rewritten. As it stands, you're saying that you assisted customers by assisting them as necessary. That doesn't mean anything.
Generally I would say that this section is a little too detailed unless you're applying for a similar job. If you're going for something different and just including this because it's the only experience you have, then you need to try and pick out specific transferrable skills.

For the education bit, I wouldn't list subjects. If they care, they'll ask for a transcript. And you can highlight any especially relevant coursework in your cover letter. I don't know what the pledge bit is about, but that might just be beacuse I'm not American.

For skills, don't describe yourself as a 'beginner' in anything. Make sure you're listing skills that are relevant to what you're applying for. Put them at the bottom.

I wouldn't include any of the 'honors' section.

>> No.544260


nope. thats what they tell you.

Will they do a criminal background check? yeah
Will they check your school record? maybe
Can they look into the details of your previous employment? nope.

so on my resume i was being truthful about the places i worked, but i put that i was in upper management and made the company millions of dollars, etc....

they really can't get that info.

besides, what's the worst that could happen? Oh, you'll get fired from a job you weren't going to get anyways!

fine, stick with your "honest" resume, see how far it gets you.

>> No.544262
File: 138 KB, 1700x2200, Resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hit me wichyo shieet

>> No.544264


get rid of that gay border
be more specific (ie made the company x dollars)
be bigger, embelish and shit.
don't use months, just years. no one cares exactly how long something lasted

>> No.544276

All of these resume/cv's are better than mine
is there any generic format that i should follow?
i am a manager, responsible for life and business, i have a history degree and only generic skills, no real niche ones

>> No.544302

They can totally check your job title at a previous company. They can't really get any info on how you did there, since most people are too afraid of a lawsuit to verify any more than what was written on your employment contract, but just because you lucked out doesn't mean its a good idea to straight up lie about that.

Depending on industry, the HR crowd might be well connected. This is definitely the case in the Bay Area where you'll never know who knows each other, especially since like 20% of developers there went to the same 5 universities.

Can you lie in some ways? Sure. I've implied that I used a certain tool on the job before when in actuality I picked it up on my own time. But there are obviously verifiable lies and the ones that aren't as easy to figure out. Lying about your job title is the former one (unless it was one of those hippie-ass places that let you choose your own title).

>> No.544365

- Take out career objective
- You're still in college - Education on top.
- Underline your position, maybe right-align the geographical location and date
- Separate section for school clubs
- Clearer division between sections
- Fix geographical location of your college. No need to put candidate.

Otherwise, looks alright.

>> No.544369


I agree man, it's just that I had no choice. I tried and tried for 1.5 years.

my fake resume got me a job in 3 weeks.

>> No.544375
File: 40 KB, 750x816, 1395105154633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nitpicking: the thread

>> No.544378
File: 90 KB, 747x471, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you think this is a joke

>> No.544563
File: 890 KB, 1280x720, no u fukn retrd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What the fuck is wrong with you?
>performed better than I had hoped
fuck your meta I like results #yolo

- It's a good idea to list your education first.
- you mention stocking groceries as experience but under "relevant coursework" you list CAD Drawing... be sure you're cutting out anything irrelevant. Don't distract the hiring manager from what they want to see.
- I severely doubt your potential employer will give any shits about volunteering details, but listing the organizations and your role is probably enough. They'll look at you as potentially exploitable and therefore preferable over candidates who recognize the time value of money. (you can stand your ground -after- you're hired.)
- Drop the yellow. It's best to eliminate any color and decorations from a resume as it may be faxed/processed in a black/white or a low-resolution office machine at some point. Also it doesn't impress, anyone under 46 should have no problem using a word processor.

I hope these things help.

That's an awesome background! goodness, jelly.
Just nitpicky stuff I guess; Education on top. be sure your "career objective" is tailored perfectly to each position you're applying for, your supervisor is hiring for the given position, not the future promotion, so match it exactly if you have that section at all. Is the last bullet under Technical Skills supposed to be merged with its previous?

>> No.544574

Put an objective. Otherwise we can't evaluate what fits and what doesn't. Find out what positions the company even has and what people in those positions do, and tell them the job you want. If you're just throwing resumes around, it'll go through HR before it sees a human, and HR will bucket your resume based on (1) how well your objective matches their positions and (2) how well your skill set and education matches some position. Then it'll go to your potential manager, who's going to ignore the objective and just evaluate your skills.

Call up friends in companies if you have them. It's better and faster than hoping HR gets to you and figures out that you're a potential fit.

This only applies for white collar jobs. If you're not looking for a white collar job, I don't know why you went to college.

>> No.544579

You have non-obvious skills listed (I'm looking at the programming ones) that aren't backed up by any experience. Put course projects and personal projects if you have to, otherwise no one will take them seriously.

>> No.544582

As >>543595 said, you need to explain what your part was for your freelance job. You should also be mentioning how you interact with your team, and how you improved the whole process. Otherwise it sounds like you just stuck to yourself and did your own part without regard for the whole.

>> No.544586

See >>544582. You're not going to be working in solitude. Explain your contributions to "the team" and how you made everyone else more efficient. If you really did just do your own part, I'm not explicitly telling you to stretch the truth.

>> No.544587

No. Don't put an objective. That stuff goes in the cover letter.

>> No.544588

As long as it's somewhere for HR to see. Even if it's not on the resume, we need to know to give advice.

>> No.544616

Seriously, don't waste space with an objective. Don't even put it in the cover letter. Your objective is "get the job I just applied for". All it does is give you a chance for someone to decide you don't fit in. It's better to force them to judge on your skills and experience.

>> No.544622

Cover letter is all about impressions. You can certainly make it sound like your objective is exactly what the firm does, to demonstrate that you understand what the work will entail.

>> No.544629

Noone reads cover letters. If they do, it's just another chance for you to write something dumb. A cover letter should be just enough to explain why you're mailing someone your resume and no more.

>> No.544631

It depends on the firm/recruiter.

>> No.544633

"The company" isn't magically going to know what you're applying for, and the positions you want aren't going to line up 100% with the kind of people they want. Maybe finance and investment divisions are different from tech, but stating your objective is necessary for anything remotely specialized in tech.

>> No.544637

Of course they know what you're applying for. They'll have a job spec listed and you'll have stated which one you're going for.

>> No.544639

>you'll have stated which one you're going for
That would be an objective. The objective is just a description of the job you want so the company knows how to place you.

>> No.544641

No, the objectives people write are of the form "when I grow up I wuld liek to be a this or a that and i would like to do lots of blah blah blah crap". The most it should be is, in your cover letter, "I am writing to you in relation to the position of Senior Monkey Impersonator that is advertised on your website. Please find my resume attached.". Although most jobs now you apply by clicking a button next to the job spec, so for those even that's unneccesary.

>> No.544648

I don't know where you got that idea, but the objectives in resumes coming to me for my team all describe what the person hopes to work on while hired.

>> No.544656

The ones coming to my team are all in relation to a specific job spec we've put out. What kind of place do you work at?

>> No.544662
File: 132 KB, 1471x929, cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in a country with +40% youth unemployment rate and I have just been fired, so I need help.
Please destroy me.

>> No.544664

A software R&D office for a large multinational. I occasionally see resumes going to other teams as well, and the objective statements are the same on those.

>> No.544668

Most of them are hard copies in my office, but I have one on my phone now: "I am seeking a research position in ___field___ using my experience in ____, _____, _____, _____, and _____."

>> No.544674

Are these just from people spamming you in the hope of getting anything, as opposed to applying for actual jobs?
I work in tech at an IB and rarely see people write objectives, and when they do, they tend to be laughable.

>> No.544677

Remove profile. In your experience, everything needs to be in bullets. For the most part, what you've got are fairly good, but you should turn the prose at the top of each job into bullets, and make sure the bullets aren't each too long. You're still a recent grad, so worth including any relevant courses or academic work you might have done. Also your final grade. Compress to one page.

>> No.544680

No, these are actual applications from people looking for this job. This particular one is from an expecting phd grad that applied right after getting an unexpectedly fast offer from another company, and we're one of two other places he's applied to.

Now that I've written that out, I realize that maybe it's different for research positions and highly specialized people. I imagine that most new comp sci bachelors would be fine with any software engineering job. In that case, an objective statement would be too broad to be useful.

>> No.544685
File: 212 KB, 1242x877, cvforbiz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably still enough info in here to find me on linkedin but whatever, I trust you guys

this format is supposedly geared towards strategy consulting and I've gotten interviews (for recruitment events, not quite graduating yet) pretty much everywhere

I applied to Rolls-Royce UK for an internship and I was pretty worried they wouldn't like the format but they still invited me

not trying to boast, genuinely curious if you guys have any pointers from a different perspective

>> No.544688
File: 92 KB, 640x802, 1404147319074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for your input.

I still need to graduate and my final good will not be that high, so I think I'll have to leave it out.

Can you expand on why removing profile? Isn't it just a recap of the whole cv?

>> No.544691

Profile wastes space, and doesn't tell me anything meaningful. It's just you asserting your image of yourself. If I want to know that information, i'll read the rest of your resume and make my own decision of what you are.

Put your grade. If you don't put it, I guarantee that it will be assumed to be even worse than it actually is. You can start leaving it off when you have >5y experience.

>> No.544695
File: 82 KB, 223x260, 1329234861840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This makes sense, thanks.

>> No.544696

Too long. Compress it. Your personal details take up too much space. Do *not* put your nationality & dob. You have a lot of not-that-great experience. Compress those older extra-curriculars. You don't need to put FTE rates.

Basically, you have a lot of things on there, with a lot of words, but none of those words are really selling you or making you stand out.

>> No.544713

Thanks. CVs are always 2 pages here, don't ask me why. Also our discrimination laws are different re: nationality and DoB. Pretty much every Dutch CV I just found on google have nationality and DoB, often even marital status and driver's licenses. FTEs are probably useless, just used that to show what was full-time and what wasn't.

I think a lot of this is regional preference, you're American right? Seems I was right to be a bit worried about Rolls-Royce, phew.

>> No.544726

No I'm from bong. I see quite a few long CVs (record is 4 pages), but they still piss me off. People don't say "keep to 1 page" due to some arbitrary regional etiquette, but because you want to stay as concise as possible. Remember, the point of your CV is to convey as much quality information as you can before the person reading it gets bored. 1 page is about the limit of this.

>> No.544739

thank you for making my night sir

>> No.544742

Yeah I get your point and it's something I discussed for a while with a campus recruiter (the kind who gets commission if she gets me a job), but for some reason 2 pages is set in stone here. I feel like cutting out lots of info to get to 1 page will hurt me since all the other candidates do use 2 pages. The idea is basically to always fill up 2 pages with details. In a year I'll have two internships to add so I'll have to compress the rest.

Apparently most of the companies I'm interested in use software to scan CVs so then cutting out details could really hurt my keyword hits.

I think I'll try to create a 1 page CV some time soon for foreign applications. Thanks for the critique.

>> No.544755

Ok, if you're up against a computer then I guess it makes sense to include some extra pages buzzword-laden crap. But just make sure you put all the meaningful stuff at the start so that when it does ultimately get through to a human, they'll see the good stuff first, and pay less attention to the rubbish on page 2.

>> No.545048

I'm new to /biz/, what is called this resume style/font whatever it is?


>> No.545062

I'd get rid of the "to look at ants" thing.
Sounds really spergy and embarrassing. If I were employing you, I'd wonder why a person like you would be okay doing that.

>> No.545447

I didn't finish high school for reasons neither /biz/ nor any potential employer would be interested in hearing and the only thing I've done with my life is create a semi-successful YouTube tech channel, contribute to a source mod, and release a game for android. How fucked am I for future employment?

>> No.545495

Don't use the word "helped", it makes you sound like a junior coffee girl. You designed and developed the ERP -> PLM data migration plan. Say that.

>> No.545521

correction: self-trained "social media expert", "contributing developer on video game", "mobile game developer"

>> No.545713

These CV are fucking depressing...
If this is representative of the board then I'm pretty sure half the "trolling" is actual how people think around here

>> No.545811

Do you guys bother with personal statements?

>> No.546594

kek no, noone wants to read all that shit

>> No.546632
File: 859 KB, 2488x1624, Resume_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>putting an objective on the resume
Your objective should be obvious from your education and experience

>putting skills on a resume
Never do this

>2 page resume
Only if you have the clout to do it

Resumes are simple

Contact information (Header)
Education (1 if Bachelors, 2 if Masters, 3 if Doctorate)
Work Experience (LAST three jobs)
You should actually explain what you did not bullet point stupid vague shit
Certs and Licenses (they actually care about these things)
Professional associations

pic related

it's my old resume before I got into environmental health.

>> No.546635


>Make up small companies
>Get friends to imitate references and high-end employees
>Get those friends to hype you

>> No.546644



Now that I have licenses I seperate them from certificates


Licenses/Registrations - Legally able to do something (most important)

Certifications: Complete a course, or set of courses.

Certified; This can often mean the same thing as a license, but it has little legal bearing. It's like credential lite, or quasi-legal.

Certificate Program: Same but more in depth. Like mini-degrees

Credentials: He/She passed our standards A credential is an attestation of qualification, competence, or authority issued to an individual by a third party with a relevant or de facto authority or assumed competence to do so. You're degree is a special type of credential.

Speciality Training: Certificate-lite, uncommon certs

>> No.546652



So for me it goes like this:

>REHS (Registred environmental health specialist) (issued by state of CA)

>NEHA REHS/RS (Issued by the National Environmental Health Associations)
>ASP (Assoc safety prof)

Certificate Programs
>Health informatics - UCD
>Workplace Health and Safety - UCD


Speciality Training
>driver safety training

I hope you all get the idea

Captcha fififit Lord

>> No.546657


Also here's what I submit everytime

Cover Letter
Resume (Two page)
Previous Work History (before college, let em know I wasn't a privileged shit and worked when I was 16 and still maintain those relationships)
Professional References ( I have 8-9 now)
Personal References (underrated but hard)
At least 3 letters of Rec (I have 5)
Copy of Diploma
Copy of All important certs relevant to job

I would include a copy of my transcripts but aha no not anymore and don't if you have bad grades

Copy of DL is a bit unnecessary in prof careers, as they assume you're going to have one.

>> No.546675

This is fucking terrible. Under one page. Under one line for each bullet point. A full line is pushing it with the useless shit you're saying. Would bin immediately. One of the worst I've seen in the past few hundred.

>> No.546676

>objective statements

>> No.546677

>thinking anyone's going to read all that shit
Your "previous work history" is presumably just page 3 and 4 of your 4 page resume. References and copies of qualifications & transcripts come *after* you have the offer.

>> No.546691
File: 2.17 MB, 198x195, kobe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


They don't have to read it. They still read the cover letter and resume first

>mfw people think it's the 20th century and you still need to have 1 pg resumes in complex fields with lots of specialization

>mfw people think licenses and certs don't matter

>mfw any business making you an offer without calling your references

>mfw people think letters of rec don't save hiring managers time

>mfw long-term work history doesn't matter

>mfw people think you need to send in resumes and not application packages

>mfw people still think too much is bad in a horrible super competitive economy

>> No.546730

As someone on the hiring side in a complex field with lots of specialisation..
>long resumes wordy resumes don't convey information effectively
>some licences/certs are worth having, some are trite - it depends
>references and background checks happen after the offer is made
>what person in their right mind would put any weight in a letter of recommendation that's been arranged by the person being recommended?
>if you have enough experience to fill a page, you don't need to tell me about the time you flipped burgers in uni
>application packages are only relevant for companies doing mass formulaic hiring. almost always a resume is sufficient.
>if you write so much i can't filter the good stuff from the cruft, too much is certainly bad

>> No.546745
File: 98 KB, 600x400, Vandelay-Industries_43483-l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.546754
File: 372 KB, 469x504, 1411540357262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>long wordy resumes
I agree, but not with technical details and explaining different types of experience. Saying "interacts with customers" is a lot different then saying "I used this tool to do x and x"

ofc background checks are made after. I have never heard of a company calling references after an offer has been made. That's why they call the references. To make sure that person was competent so they can give them an offer.

>weight on letters of rec
It's not about weight, it gives the hiring party something to build off of when calling an important reference. It also shows that you ask for one.

>supplemental work info
That's why it's supplemental on a different page. If they don't care about previous work history, they skip the page.

>licenses certs don't matter
the one's that matter are often the deal breakers. The only reasoon I stood out from the pack in my field was I took it upon myself to get certs that companies paid for. My buddy got his engineering job the same way. You are basically telling a company you saved them tons of cash and time

>writing so much you filter out the good stuff
It's all supposed to be good stuff. You don't put bad shit on a resume.

>mfw geting lectured about resumes from a guy on /biz/ who claims to have hiring power

I'm about 12/15 on interviews/offers. I've never had someone criticize my resume. Most people think I'm overqualified when they see it.

If you can't read more then 1 pg of information then you shouldn't be a hiring manager, and I don't want to work for your company.

>> No.546761


>get rid of objective
>get rid of personal statement
>get rid of relevant courses (speech and eng comp are not technical courses)
>most recent job goes on top
>get rid of vague "skills"
>no hobbies

You should be 1 pgin it, as a rule you should only have 2 pgs if you have a lot of licenses, certs.

Consider joining a professional association

>> No.546771

Sweet merciful christ you better use the next two years to pick up some actual skills

>> No.546774

Maybe your industry is completely different, but in mine, we don't call references before we make the decision to offer. The background check company does all the reference calling for us. Letters of recommendation aren't usable in the way you describe for that reason.

I'm not saying licenses/certs don't matter, but I've interviewed enough people who have huge lists of them yet obviously can't do jack shit to know that for most of them, the most difficult thing involved in getting certified was probably turning up. Depends on the cert.

>> No.546801


Come now, kids, why not just come out and say what industries/country you're working in, so maybe we won't have conflicting advice

>> No.546805


I work in environmental health, and environmental sciences in general.

I guess some people check references after. I've never heard of that. I still think it's not a big deal to attach professional and personal references to a resume. When you fill out online form applications, they usually ask for references.

The only time I would give someone just a resume is if I was visiting prospective employers and getting to know them. That way they can file a small piece of paper away. Otherwise, most are digital, so who fing cares if their is extra pages...

>> No.546824

I already said >>544674

>> No.546903
File: 53 KB, 669x924, resume me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never made a resume before but I threw this together using some of the advice in this thread, keeping in mind that I've pretty much resigned myself to a life of retail and customer service. Do not ignore the placeholder bullshit, I'm paranoid about putting any info up here but I want feedback on the format.

Be gentle, it's my first time. Border is not part of the document.

>> No.546914

Remove objective. Remove qualities, they're all vacuous, the only vaguely meaningful one is your wpm. Put your work history in bullets. Format it like >>544378 . Sort out the basics and repost, then we can look at content.

>> No.546945

Please /biz/, how do I make a resume from nothing? And I don't mean nothing like "oh just put your volunteer work and straight A's" nothing, I mean actual nothing. All I've done is graduate high school with unimpressive grades (Bs and Cs) and work a shitty kitchen job for a couple of months which I only got through cronyism anyway.

I'm happy to do all the networking, gain skills, etc. but to even start doing that stuff I need to move and have a source of income.

>> No.546962
File: 42 KB, 821x1060, resume me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your wish is my command.

Also posting entire doc, not cropped version, since it looks like I filled the page on that one.

How many references should I give if they do request? Just three like in job applications? Or the more the better? I have eleven professional ones from volunteer work and summer jobs that I cycle based on the job I'm applying for.

>> No.546968
File: 16 KB, 712x363, whoops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually one more update, since including the defunct department makes no sense unless I clarify that's the meat and potatoes of my time there.

>> No.547019
File: 113 KB, 750x1007, 1383152266810.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

too long. i'd bin it before looking.

shitty font. into the garbage it goes.

am i in the 90s? discarded.

too messy. thrown out.


too long. keep it on one page, faggot. garbage.

far too much text. using this for toilet paper.

wall of text. did you just graduate kindergarten?

this person is obviously a retard. at least i read it. 10/10 best resume in this thread.

you all suck dick. how did any of you get hired? jesus christ.

>> No.547024

You're really unhelpful.
And yes, I do have autism, thanks for noticing.

>> No.547263
File: 14 KB, 645x571, ok.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me.

>> No.547302

Jesus Christ...

>> No.547348


Australian Year 11 student detected.

>> No.547366

Get rid of the objectives. Remove 'stressful', replace with challenging or some shit. No one cares about your problems they are hiring you to solve their problems.

>> No.547388



>> No.547416
File: 36 KB, 619x697, RESUMEANONYMOUS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tear my resume apart -

Crossing my fingers to land an internship in the oil and gas industry in Alberta.

Stylistic/Format advice would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.547517


layout needs to be redone, looks messy

titles don't have to be all caps

colour scheme / page style maybe?

Needs an 'about you' section, describe and sell your personality

should be 2 pages preferably

hope that helps :)

>> No.547623

Thank you for your input.
I'm having trouble deciding whether it should be two pages - I know there's a general consensus that one page is the ideal and if I'm looking for an internship, I don't want to risk the chance that my resume will be thrown away because a recruiter doesn't have the time to read it.

>> No.547717

yeah for starters dont hand out your resume with a bunch of black smudges on it, it doesnt look good

>> No.547742
File: 1.88 MB, 2459x3026, new res.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just quit without a job to fallback on.
how fucked am i?

>> No.547759

c u t e

>> No.547760

You managed the UN digital media?

>> No.547781

Not all of the UN, just an organization under the UNCDF, which is part of the UNDP, which is the UN's global development network.

>> No.547847
File: 146 KB, 644x973, jmcressume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am trying to get an IT job, but I don't think my resume is very good.. I used a resume builder from my states job site.. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. (Also, any training I could take ((for free)) would be helpful!)

>> No.547863

You still need to fromat it better. The headers don't look headery enough.

For your employment, are they completely different jobs at the same employer that occurred in sequence? If so, list them as separate jobs with the times. If they were just variying responsibilities at the same time, you need to merge them together, really. You also need o write in past tense. The fact that a dept doesnt exist anymore is irrelevant.

The bulets are somewhat vague. What's a computer-based activity log for? What did you do in relation to it? Were you primarily responsible for tidy/sterile, or did you just clean stuff? What's a parent-child id system? I have no idea what it refers to and can't infer what you actually did. Floral: so you did a bunch of standard flowery tasks. Compress the unintersting stuff. Your promotion - what did you do for that? Can you write anything about your abilities to promote things well? Cashier: uninteresting. You don't need to write sterilising again. Was there any other responsibilities relating to inventory or to payment handling? Voteulator: answered calls on what? Show me you can interact with people on the phone and talk about substantial thing with them. How did you keep confidentiality? Don't just say it's a fast paced enviornment - tell me what about it made it fast paced. Similarly don't say "adapted with ease" because it sounds dumb.

Education: how and what did you emulate? What did you acheive? What was your speaking audience? Prove to me that you're actually a good speaker, rather than just some guy who turned up to the course.

>> No.547871

Piss poor. Take a look at some of the other resumes and try again. It's short, and most of it is irrelevant. Remove objectives, remove strengths. If you're listing education and that's the only thing you've got going for you, you need to talk about some of the meaningful practical things your education has taught you to do. For employment, it tells me nothing about what you did. Write out your actual responsibilities.

Remove references, shrink that header. Education acheivements go in eduation. You need to reformat it (example of good formatting: >>544378 ), the jobs and qualifications should be subsections. The jobs need to each have bullets describing what you did. Order them with the newest first. Basically this is currently just a list and has no description of what you've spend your time actually doing day to day or what skills you gained from it.

>> No.547873


Get rid of the objective. ALWAYS ONE PAGE Then follow this template and get back to us:

>> No.547875

the "Bulleted Template" it's like the fifth link.

>> No.547877


>> No.547878

Remove profile, remove core competencies, merge accomplishments into the jobs where you made them happen. Your experience bullets aren't bullets, they're just prose with a dot in front of them. Fix that. What was the nature of the copy? How did you work those leads? What was the nature of your interactions with customers? Show me that you can sell, don't just assert it without proof. How did the articles your wrote help promotions? What were your conference responsibilities? What interaction did you have with leaders? Show me you can handle working with that type of people. Same kind of things apply to all your other media work, you get the idea. For your tutoring, what type of people were you tutoring? Education goes at top because you're a recent graduate. What did you specialise in during your masters? Talk about your thesis if you did one.

>> No.547884

Needs to be one page. Format it properly (scroll up for examples of how). Remove objective. Compress your windoze skillz to a list on 1 or 2 lines at the bottom. Don't say "installation" repeatedly. Expand your employment. The bullets should be more than two words each, and the formatting is inconsistent. What was involved in food preparation? Any other responsbiilities at pizza place? What was involved in maintaining computers? What was involved in bussing? What kind of large machines did you operate? Demonstrate your machine-operating skills. Your last job is the only one where the bullets are reasonable. Don't say the networking was "basic". Tell me what was involved in setting up the network, and the scale of it. How much kit were you responsbile for? Don't put your education in a one-rowed tabel like that. Also tell me about what kind of stuff you studied during your computer science - what did you learn?

>> No.547908

>85% midterm average

>> No.548247
File: 174 KB, 637x661, resume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any tips? sophomore here :)

>> No.548252
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 500px-UR_A_FAGET.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.548386


Thank you. That's highest quality of advice that I've ever received on /biz/.

>> No.548398

Cool. I'm in the quantitative trading/finance space.

Love the format. Maybe work a little more on your bullet points. Some of them seem a little empty ("Consistently fulfilled short deadlines in a fast paced environment"), and most could use more detail.

Also maybe expand on your clubs and activities.

I don't know much about the hiring space in Canada, but in the US the last line about references isn't necessary - they'll ask for it if they actually want it.

>> No.548404

There is way roo much information about yohr previois jobs, considering that you were only around half a year in each of them. I would rather write more about your skills and your degree than to focuse on these small time jobs.

>> No.548410

Wtf dude.
>Windows installation?
>Printer installation?
>all those small time burger flippin jobs
Are you kidding me?

Write about your skills set and do some programming. Most of those skills will be laughed at. Take this shit off of there

>> No.548432

How is lying in a resume going to work? Like literally making up most of it from scratch.
Maybe having one person on the reference list who will lie for you? What do you think biz

>> No.548440
File: 14 KB, 883x164, 4chanhelp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I have on mine, but I put Ralphs, not Kroger.

>> No.548453
File: 29 KB, 549x701, anonymousresumecheck2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've reformatted my resume based on this anon's suggestions.

Is this suitable now? Anything else that can be improved upon until I start gaining relevant industry experience?

Thanks folks.

>> No.548456
File: 16 KB, 534x264, behead those who insult dubs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no offense but you guys are retards. If they do a reverse image search of a screenshot it will bring up this thread.

>> No.548459

>Implying HR gives a shit what your resume looked like long before you submitted it
>Implying everyone posting their shit aren't cropping/modifying their resumes for anonymity anyway

As long as you aren't one of the idiots talking about lying on their resume, what the fuck should you care?

>> No.548469

This looks way better now. Do the latest 2 jobs really overlap, or is that a mistake in the year? Also you removed your pars job?

>believing anyone in hr will even consider image searching a screenshot

What's a "shovel" maintenance administrator? How did you liase? What were these people doing? What correspondence? What was in the reports? Dont just say you acquired proficiencey, show me. How did you manage the councils account? What were you responsibilities in relation to it? How did you plan the budget? What brand research did you do? How did you build rapport with customers, and what did you acheive for it? Was October the only month you sold well, or were you consistently high with that being the highlight? How did you develop sales techniques? What was effective? What training did you give specifically? What deadlines? What did you do when you met clients? Skills: remove teamwork. Remove references note (or at least make it a footnote not a section). What did you sudy in your degree? Anything relevant to what you're applying for?

>> No.548491


I worked at one during the school year and then at the other over summers, as well as extended school holiday periods.

I removed the parks because I thought it had the least relevancy and to contain the resume to a single page.

One of my upcoming classes is going to have a lesson on resume building for the PR industry. Hopefully there won't be an emphasis on including subjective information like character traits or personality evaluations on a resume.

Thanks for the help.

>> No.549399
File: 491 KB, 1098x1458, resume_cesored.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this a few weeks ago and got some pretty good feedback
So I separated my certifications into their own section and put everything into bullet point format

Let me know what you guys think and what should be changed.

>> No.549406
File: 186 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2014-11-12 at 8.46.06 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would love some people's input. Recently switched to a more traditional format, and unemployment blows.

>> No.549418

I like the format, it's written properly... But you're all over the place. I can't figure out if you want to be a toymaker, a home designer, or a garbage man. You should tailor your resume to the position that you're going for.

>> No.549544

anybody with experience with Robinhood? just got my early access download today. not sure what to think of it.

>> No.549553
File: 224 KB, 1454x1292, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What job should I be able to obtain? I'm 19.

>> No.549567

do you make fursuits and dragon dildos?

>> No.549568

shit, I've hired a lot of people in my life. retail and mostly hospitality. Make objective a little longer. I've seen thousands of resumes and my objective gets me an interview every single time. I will not tell you what it is but you need a clincher here. Squeeze those qualities in somewhere else. Qualities isn't a real category. Most people dont know how many wpm they type. drop all those qualities. Go ahead and write out Mgmt for some indian who may be reading it.

Just reading it like I normally. Not really paying attention to what you wrote. Space after Employment. Bold Daycare and Vote Tabulator. Drop that references shit all together.

I would possibly call you until you wrote department no longer exists. why do i need to know this shit. did you kill the department single handedly. spill-free is not a skill. its fucking normal not to spill shit. But you better come in looking sharp as fuck. Overdress but act like a motherfucker who wears a suit to the grocery store. When I ask you questions I'm not looking for specific answers but for your ability to not be full of autism.

Most importantly I would call you just to find out what kind of fucking grocery has a daycare and a florist. Mother of God. I want to ask you so many questions.

>> No.549574

What do I put on my resume if I didn't do anything really spectacular and want a first job? I spent my senior year in high school doing army jrotc and got a bit of community service hours from it, but that's really about it.

We worked on practiced resumes there, but I actually missed the assignment. Kind of ironic, really.

>> No.549714

Remove objective. What relevant things did you do in education? What was involved in owning a business? First point in drafter is ungrammatical. What work on websites/logos did you do? Wetlands: what was involved in being a team leader? What did you draft drawings for?

>> No.549715

Reve summary and core quals (both meaningless). What was involved in overseeing the events? How did you increase feedback? What was your involvement in the development program? What was the contents of it? What training did you provide? Don't say "quickly promoted and entrusted", show me that you do things that are trustworthy. Program director: what were your marketing strategies? How did you raise the budget? What was the effect of your content? What training did you provide? What was in the promotional events? What did creating them involve? Add any relevant things you studied to your education.

>> No.549718

Didn't you post this one in an earlier thread?

>> No.549720
File: 1014 KB, 629x323, chillin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.549723

And did you follow any of the advice you were given?

>> No.549727

Yes, that is a revised version of my resume.

I was just wondering what possible jobs (if any) I would be able to get as I won't be attending a university until the summer semester begins.

>> No.549818

>I can't figure out if you want to be a toymaker, a home designer, or a garbage man.
That seems to be my problem too. I have too many interests and skills. I will try to make more tailored versions of my resume for engineering purposes.

I can't possibly fit all that information into my resume
Shouldn't the resume just pique enough interest for an interview and then I can expound on the technical difficulties of building a zero discharge wetland or the process of starting, running and keeping an LLC profitable?

Can't say I have, no

>> No.549871

Pretty sure 2016 hasn't happened yet m8

>> No.550115
File: 121 KB, 639x502, resex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really appreciate the input. I had most of those questions answered in a previous draft of it, but Im always afraid of being too wordy. Let me know what you think of this. I'm still contemplating what to do with the summary/qual section

>> No.550141
File: 495 KB, 500x375, 1402671999332.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would appreciate some critiques or replies.

>> No.550143
File: 113 KB, 914x533, resumehelp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I could use some help on my wording and using the right buzz words. Any help is appreciated. Thanks.

>> No.550147

I worked at an HR of an mining firm for 2 years. The only time I was aware of previous experience being checked was for a COO position that was going to be filed from outside, but that wasn't done by HR and was rather obvious anyway.

I also worked at fast food when I was a kid and the manager there tried to call every reference people would list. Most were bogus or unreachable, but that never daunted the dumb bitch. It never made a difference since they were hired anyway because it was a fucking fast food job.

>> No.550148


I hope you're trolling.

>> No.550151

Not trolling. What's bad? This is why I need help I guess.

>> No.550154

I've gotten interviews with it.

>> No.550159

Removing objective will give you 3 more lines but the real point is to rephrase the bullets that talk about those things to get something more substantial across.

Better. Saying "world-renowned" tells me that the company is good, but tells me nothing about you. I want to know what *you* brought to it. I don't think "colligate" is spleled corecttly.

I think it's OK to have a lot of things on there, but you can do that without being wordy. Look at each bullet and for each word, ask yourself does it contribute to what you're trying to convey, or is it grammatical fluff, or is it irrelevant stuff that doesn't sell you (e.g. the world-renowned). Also, prefer short simple words over long fancy sounding ones.

Your summary/core quals should be removed. They tell me absolutely nothing. For summary, I don't believe anything you write without evidence in experience. So just give me the evidence, I can summarise a page myself in my head. Your quals are all bullshit. Most are generically vague crap that anyone could put. It tells me nothing about you, other than you've waster 4 lines with filler crap.

>> No.550164

This is a new low. No education, not experience, just a list of random stuff. Read the thread and try and at least get the basics right.

I recall asking before about what your role in things like recruiting, reviews, and training were. Did you give people's performance reviews, or something else? What trining did you give? What were the technical complications you were resonding to? I have no idea what your business was. For the web dev, is making site updates really the only interaction with customers you had? I want to see that you can work with customers well and have an actual relationship, not just them sending you updates and you posting them, or whatever. Skills/interests, the first bullet point is vague, if you have extensive knowledge you should be able to list things or show me your demonstrable experience of them in your work.

>> No.550165
File: 75 KB, 983x1403, cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any help?

>> No.550174

This isn't my whole resume, just the part where I'm looking for help with the wording, like should I say "original code from scratch" or should I include OOP. I'm just not sure what industry buzz words are being used nowadays. Any help is appreciated, but this is just an exerpt

>> No.550177

Remove summary. What kind of repair did you do? What did maintaining servers/printers/routers involve? Show me you can fix difficult problems. What did changing/updting networks involve? Also, if you were freelance, what kind of clients did you have?

Did you do anything worthwhile on your gap year?

What did administrating company sales involve? What kind of presentations for what audience? And again, what kind of maintenance/troubleshooting?

What A level grades you get?

Move skills down. Remove customer service. Expant server maintenance and DB. List technologies youi've worked with.

Remove interests.

>> No.550178

If all this goes into 2 pages that's ok right? Do they really not care about the summary?

>> No.550185

Buzzwords aren't going to get you a job. You need to demonstrate that you can actually do shit. Most of this shouldn't be on a resume. The header should go The gore competencies are mostly bullshit - it's fine to list technologies youve actually used, but you're saying OOP and none of the language are particularly OOPish, I have no idea what responsive or paralllax design are - are they even programming things, or are they some graphic design type thing? API integration is vague too. And career highlights need removing, since they tell me nothing useful, and if you want to convey any of the things youi're trying to convey, that should be in bullets in your actual experience.

You probably won't need to run to 2 pages, I'm pretty sure you can cut out enough crap to make room for good stuff.

You don't need to sumarise a one page document. Also, the things in your summary make you stand out in no way whatsoever. You're self-motivated? So is everyone else. You're hardworking? Me too! You're seeking a challenging dynamic position? So is everyone else who applied. You're keen, diligent, trustworthy and friendly? Well that's good, because if you hadn't written that I'd have though you were disinterested, careless, untrustable and nasty.

You get the idea.

>> No.550186

Some good advice mate. Thanks I appreciate it.

>> No.550195
File: 70 KB, 695x821, wutt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bout to start sending this out to internships, got high and spent the last half hour making it look as good as possible, i think its ready but is there anything im missing?

>> No.550199

Put Work Experience above Education I'd say.

>> No.550202
File: 44 KB, 134x195, thecookiesaredone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.550205

What's the roman numberal at the top?

What was in the databases you worked on? You don't need to say you accessed them, developed & updated imply it. What did part did you play in the development and updating? What kind of statistical models? What kind of analysis did you do to produce those reports? Your additional qualifications aren't qualifications, they're skills. Have you used any of them in your work or education? If so, it's better to mention them somewhere in your experience than to just list them, Similarly, you don't need to list access and essbase again, I already know you can do them beause I remember reading about it 20 seconds ago. It's only worth duplicating things like that if you have reason to believe that your hiring manager might be a goldfish.

>> No.550206

No, for recent graduates, education should always be top. It only makes sense to put work higher when you have >5y experience after graduating.

>> No.550210

>working for someone else
>being a fucking pleb

>> No.550214

Yes because we all have family millions sitting around don't we?

>> No.550237

>Removing objective will give you 3 more lines but the real point is to rephrase the bullets that talk about those things to get something more substantial across.
Okay I'll give it a shot, thank you

>> No.550238

wew this is literally the wittiest comment i've ever seen 10/10

>> No.550248
File: 207 KB, 1280x800, Screen Shot 2014-11-13 at 4.36.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wham-bam. Here's another attempt, I hope Im getting close. Took out the Summary/Quals and put additional qualification info at the bottom. Screen cap cut off the top, which is just contact information seen in my 1st draft I sent

>> No.550272

The 15-20% bullet still isn't really telling me what action you took that caused that to happen.

Did you facilitate the training (i.e. help out while someone else trained), or did you conduct it?

You still need to fix the colligate spelling error. I think you're trying to say collegiate. Would also change wording to say "20% via new marketing".

On the whole though, it's looking pretty decent. The entire thing now screams "this guy is media management embodied", which is much more effective than before where you just half-heartedlt stated it in a list.

>> No.550277

You're the man! Greatly appreciate all the tips. Here's hoping they lead to results. Cheers!

>> No.550331

yeah nah work experience was corporate finance and im applying for quant jobs, my education is much more relevant

>What kind of statistical models?
bullshit ones for homework lol, this is not something i can elaborate on its something im already bullshitting

>Your additional qualifications aren't qualifications, they're skills.
i was thinking maybe change it to "Competencies"?

>Have you used any of them in your work or education?
sort of but not all of them, havent used C++ beyond my numerical analysis course, havent used python at all, ive pretty much done the programming on my own so there is nowhere else to include it, also i dont actually know SQL or fortran and suck ass at matlab.

>Similarly, you don't need to list access and essbase again, I already know you can do them beause I remember reading about it 20 seconds ago. It's only worth duplicating things like that if you have reason to believe that your hiring manager might be a goldfish.
thats what i get for doing this while high lol

thanks a lot anon

>> No.550379
File: 30 KB, 664x736, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seems pretty plain
should i add a summary/goals section?

>> No.550380
File: 36 KB, 664x736, res.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my bad lel

>> No.550405

>already bullshitting
take care not to dig a hole for it, because you *will* get called on it in the interview. especially if you're going for quant jobs.

or you could just say skills. don't use a big word when you can use a small word.

ugly as shit. no, don't add summary or goals. sort out your formatting, get those jobs into bullets, read the thread and at least attempt to make it look like one of the better ones.

>> No.550407
File: 88 KB, 737x949, ResumeWithBlocks1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of two, had this reviewed by my mentor and career centre. Both said it was great. I'd like to hear what /biz/ thinks!

>> No.550411
File: 81 KB, 730x944, resumeWithblocks2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two of two

>> No.550421

People who work in career centres work there for a reason. (The reason is because they're useless).

What's the big ugly square? Get rid of it. You've taken up 15% of a page with that stupid header. Remove summary and objective, they tell me nothing useful. Your resume needs to shrink to one page. You don't have enough experience to fill two pages.

Your jobs need to be in bullets. You've gone for the half-prose approach. Repharse that prose into bullets. Your bullets also tend to repeat whats in the prose in a stripped down form, especially in your android job. Each bullet is something thaat you've said in the prose, only with less info. Make the bullets have the info, delete the prose.

Academic, there's the prose again. Saying "I have studied at the marine academy for 4 year" just repeats what you said in the header. If you want to include extra info under education, you can include relevant courses, but otherwise just don't write any extra text.

Skills: if you have experience writing business plans, etc, i want to see that in a bullet in your experience. Same for loss prevention. Don't say you're "exceptional at blah", it sounds retarded; delete that bullet. Is latin relevant? Probably not. Awards section is fine.

Basically, you have a lot of fancy over-the-top formatting, but your content fundamentally makes the same mistakes as most other people in these threads.

>> No.550422
File: 41 KB, 676x711, res2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel k i did some formatting

>> No.550429

It's still ugly as fuck, but at least it doesn't make me want to vomit anymore. Srsly though, hunt down a formatting template and use it.

Your education is confusing. Put dates on all of them, and say what you studied towards. You don't need to explain the transfers in as much detail, I don't think.

Jobs, your pontiac job needs to be out into bullets. What prolems did you solve? What were the out of house ones? Your other jobs have zero content. What did you maintain? What did your volunteer work involve?

>> No.550434

the other jobs are not relevant at all to the quality engineering position im applying to
which i why i left them blank, basically just put them there to show ive had no gaps in my employment
ill add bullets and make it more manageable though
i appreciate the input

>> No.550439

Just because it's not directly relevant, doesn't mean you can't get something from it. Things like volunteer work are good for showcasing things like leadership and teamwork where you might not otherwise have had a chance to demonstrate it. You can always find some way that a job will have used those generic people skills. Even pizza delivery.

>> No.550447

i should also mention the specific job im applying for right now i have a connection and my resume will be going straight to the chief engineers desk, not thought pr, so i wanted less "fluff" than i would normally probably have

>> No.550451

I don't think your resume needs to worry about having too much of anything right now. It's extremely sparse.

Your connections are only a valid excuse for lack of content if you're so well connected that you could hand them a blank sheet of paper and still get the job - i.e. not likely.

>> No.550464
File: 46 KB, 686x746, res3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i get what youre saying im just at a loss as to what i could put for mowing the lawn and watering flowers at a church, delivering pizzas and cleaning up after parties that would be relevant
people skills... maybe

>> No.550505

>take care not to dig a hole for it, because you *will* get called on it in the interview.
yeah i can make the R shit sound impressive, SQL is easy as fuck and im fairly confident they wouldnt ask anything about fortran or matlab, i am really good with C++ and python. trying to keep it grounded in reality, not put anything i cant learn before the job starts in summer.

>or you could just say skills. don't use a big word when you can use a small word.

>> No.550520
File: 39 KB, 549x701, anonymousresumecheck2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have any tips for getting infrastructure, mineral and mining, and oil and gas internships?

Can anyone give me any more critique on my resume? I'd appreciate if someone could tell me whether my job descriptions convey some sense of worth.

>> No.550563

Why do so many people say remove overview/summary/objective part of resume? isn't that kid of important?

>> No.550567


Congratulations on not using the same format as literally every other resume in this thread. 8/10, would not mindlessly flip past in stack of resumes

>> No.550679


It goes in the cover letter.

>> No.550680

Thanks, working on all of that now.

The thing with my education is I didn't actually achieve jack dick, and only graduated because of special ed programs. The stuff I put down is being generous.

My biggest issue right now is elaborating everything you asked for and still keeping everything to single lines and one page. I'm considering just omitting my education altogether at this point.

>> No.550736

Quick question: Is it a *good* or a *bad* thing to use a current employee of the company you are applying for as a referee?

>> No.550737 [DELETED] 

I don't know what job you want, but tailor the resume to the job. Also, leave out the bit about ants. Just have the bit about operating the microscope

>> No.550774

I've gone to college on and off for a few years without actually achieving anything. Should I even mention it on my resume?

>> No.550801
File: 60 KB, 416x588, Rate Pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate mine pls

>> No.550803

Important question:
Do we need to include birth date?
Do we need to include home address?
Do we need to include hobby?

This is for engineering/oil & gas industry btw

>> No.550811

School dorm/apartment address will suffice if you're in school.
Only if it's interesting.

>> No.550814


Not even mad. Vaguely okay with this.

>> No.550830

so what do you do if you've never had a job before

I'm currently in college and trying to get a retail job, will not having any sort of volunteer experience be a huge issue? Currently I only have a handful of github/web development stuff on it, but I don't expect it to be good enough to warrant a tech job at this point because I have no certs

seriously though how much do I need for just a retail job? Think walmart/kmart/sears/etc

>> No.551045

those places you listed you dont even need a resume man
you apply online and fill out their automated bullshit

>> No.551079

1) You're majoring in math, so over the next two years you should teach yourself to program and have some projects to showcase. That will help you in your marketability. Everyone relies on computers and programming + math background gives you the flexibility to make them solve problems.

2) As others have alluded to, cater your resume to the specific job and embellish on what you have done at your current work to make it apply. While you worked at a deli food counter and on the surface that doesn't sound all that glorious, employers are looking for indications that you are going to be a contributing member of the team. Have you won any awards with the company? How have you improved the function of the workplace? What problems have you solved? Even if they seem minor and stupid to you, you can use them to make yourself look like a rockstar on paper.

3) Try to get internship/volunteer work to build more directly applicable skills and leadership experience.

4) Work on the consistency of your spacing and bullets man, it's like you didn't even try. Always review your resume with a printed copy, sometimes you'll miss stuff like that on an electronic copy.

5) Drop the 'relevant coursework.' Your degree is in math. That's it. It also should be at the bottom of your resume.

>> No.551119

What does /biz/ think about the value of a cover letter? Should it be important or nothing more than just trash?

>> No.551158
File: 224 KB, 1693x974, Unbenannt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear /biz/,

I'll start working at a magic circle law firm in March and plan on getting a LL.M. in the U.S. two years from now (Harvard, Columbia, NYU, UPenn or Chicago; personal preference not necessarily in that order). I'll get my shit reviewed when the time comes but I was wondering if any of you guys have suggestion as of right now.

I know I need to get some kind of pro-bono stuff in there, I'm working on that. I may go into more detail on the coursework from China and U.S.-summer-courses as well, because I'll def. keep 2 pages since two publications of mine are in the pipeline as well...

>> No.551160

Took you 8 years to graduate highschool?

>> No.551162
File: 93 KB, 972x1492, fake resume in paint.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't just need resume advice, I also need career advice. What should I do with my life?? I work 40 hours at $18/hr, and 15 hours at $13.50. I'm tired of doing monkey work, but have no money/time to go back to school (have a wife and kids to take care of). I'm 23 years old and feel utterly doomed to shit jobs.

>> No.551165

sup conor

>> No.551167


Ahhh, good point. High school doesn't translate 1:1, that's why I made that error. It should be middle school AND high school (that would be 8 years, right?). But I would leave out middle school and just put "2004-2008 high school", right?

>> No.551169

Yes, use 4 year duration.. Also, you seem to write fine, and should have at least 2-3 bullets under each past job experience

>> No.551176

any advice, tips?

>> No.551177

Maybe put down some bullshit Refrences..Business look to see that you atleast put some down more than they actually use them to contact your people. By saying Refrences avalible upon request sounds kinda shady

>> No.551185
File: 1.55 MB, 350x258, 1404863550617.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I type at a speed of 120 WPM, should I include it on my resume?

Thanks again everyone, these are some of the most helpful threads on /biz/

>> No.551189

IF it is relevant to the job, then it can't hurt. I type at 60 and I include it.

>> No.551193

>Deli service clerk

>> No.551209

Nigga your resume is shit. Wow. I thought mine was bad. How come I don't get interviews?


>> No.551224
File: 650 KB, 1240x1753, Curriculum Vitae - Anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainly looking for help with formatting, any tips?
>also tfw only written 9 of my 30 summer intern applications

>> No.551233


Fucking get on it man, deadlines have already passed for alot of places, You should have sent 25 off by the 5th of November, you're at a non target aswell, posting my CV in a sec too, applying to the same stuff as you

>> No.551236

Don't worry dude, I know when all the deadlines are, some aren't even till March and the early ones I've already sent off, got my KPMG assessment centre Friday

>> No.551237


wait are you not applying for IB ?

>> No.551241

A few, but mostly actuarial consultancies and the insurers. My top 10 looks like this: (in no order)
Mercer, Towers, BW, LCP, Deloitte, KPMG, HSBC, Barclays, Zurich, Fidelity

>> No.551247
File: 216 KB, 964x1240, cv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Still I know for a fact a few of those are rolling basis, dont leave it for the deadline fam, most of them have filled up 50-75% of their places by the end of November, anyway Im studying pretty much the same course as you, aiming for sales and trading and AM, heres my CV

>> No.551256

>same age
>same course
>same A levels
>almost same career path
>trades FX

Are you me?

>> No.551261


makes you think how hard it is for HR to differentiate between dickheads like us doesnt it ? I had seriously considered applying UCLAN but my last choice ended up being Nottingham for Financial Mathematics along with Warwick, UCL and Oxford

>> No.551267

UCLAN is the poly in Lancaster, why would you apply there?
Didn't know there was any non-douchebags on /biz/, good luck brah

>> No.551269


Sorry meant Uni of Lancaster, thought UCLAN was the correct abbreviation, you guys have a good finance dept Ive heard, anyway you too man

>> No.551274


>> No.551288

>picking lse over UCL

>> No.551365


Im sorry I cant hear you over the sound of being most targetted university for financial companies fam, although I have alot of UCL friends

>> No.551426

I'm wondering how to go about formatting a resume if I go back to school studying a different major and/or switching careers.

>> No.551452
File: 97 KB, 915x977, Screenshot 2014-11-03 21.37.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

general template

i throw keywords from job/internship descriptions in there before sending it out.

>> No.551564

Hey guys, I'm an EE student interested in getting an internship at Google, Microsoft, Facebook, etc. I have a really good resume of projects but need help cutting down on resume length (like 1.3 pages atm), can someone help me? I don't want to post the image online, I'd much rather send it to an email.

>> No.551573

>English degree
>Infrastructure, mineral and mining, and oil and gas internships

Pick one

>> No.551582

Seeing a lot of people suggesting putting education first. How many of you are students? It makes sense why students and recent grads want to do that but when I am going through resumes I am much more interested in relevant skills and experience. Most applicants have similar educational background so it's not interesting to me. I dont care if your GPA is 0.2 points higher or you went to a 49th ranked school and another person went to a 50th ranked school. The exception is if you went to MIT or something similar, that would catch my attention.

>> No.551584

What are you trying to do in that industry? Your education and experience seems unrelated. What skills are you going to need in the job you want, and how can you use the job's you've had to demonstrate you have them? Also use proper bullets instead of dashes.

Ugly. Looks like a 1990s fanzine. The information is completely disorganised and I have to jump about the page to read it, whereas i really just want to read each line in order. Format it like a normal person and repost so I can read it without getting a headache.

Needs formatting properly. Remove objective, work needs to be bullets. Remove the wishy-washy key skills like detail and listening. Education at top, you're a recent grad. Experience: what was the aim of your client collaberation? What were you keeping track of? It doesn't sound like an exciting job, but try and show what skills you used. Phone interviewer: what was the topic? Show me you understood what you were talking to them about.

>> No.551594

Remove the summary and the bullshtty skills section. If you have any skills, list them at the bottom in bullets. Remove hobbies. If you want to list your trading sim result, listed it with the skills. Saying your only hobbies are "the things i want to do at work" make you sound like a boring loser.
What did you do to support the new business pricing? You don't need to say who spun of your employer, it's not going to impress anyone, and doesn't sell you. Is it RL, btw?
What was the scheme for helping underacheievers? How did your research conribute to the goal?
What was the product you developed? You don't need to say you got an internship offer at another place, it sounds crude. Your numerical skills bragging is crude too - if they want to know it, they'll test you.

In short, your CV is too much showing off, and not enough showing your skills.

>> No.551610

Put the grades in backets after the subjects. Put a comma between the * and the 3. If youre applying to finance, you don't need to describe what the BAT is, they will likely know. List your score, don't write prose.
In your first internship, did you learn anything beyond how to use one specific system? IN your second one, saying you have "higher knowledge and maurity" sounds crude. Just tell me what your responsibilities were. What exactly did your projects involve you doing? Remove the fluff about time management and key skills. Replace it with actual descriptions of you using these skills.

Delegate: don't show of the competition, show off yourself. If it's highly selective, I want to know why you were selected, not just how hard it was. Gained insight vague blah blah blah not telling me anything useful about you. This isn't a job, it barely belongs in the work section, I would say move it to other activities, if it wasn't going to leave your experience section slim with out it and the other similar one.

Competition: don't just say you learnt lessons about teamwork, tell me about the leadership and teamwork that you applied. What were your own investment ideas. Show me they were successful. Saying your interests are mainly things related to the job makes you sound boring.



Needs a lot more detail. I have no idea what you spent your time doing from reading this, other than it involved computers and lights.

>> No.551663
File: 65 KB, 1488x984, r8 my resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please help

>> No.551673

Compress to one page. You don't need to say what year you're in, I can count. Just list the subjects, don't need to say which year. Don't need to say transcript available, it implicitly is. Don't just list "skills learnt/improved", it's not a good way to get them across. If you did these things in project work, talk about the project work and make it obvious that you had these skills during it and actually used them. Same thing goes for your work experience. Get rid of the skills, and add bullets for each job outlining what you did there.. Merge other experiences in with employment, and add bullets. Remove references, it's impliit that they're available.

>> No.551676


>> No.551728
File: 9 KB, 653x196, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of the automated bullshit for retail and food service requires a resume upload now.

This is from a frozen yogurt shop with a minimum wage starting pay. Note the "required field" asterisks.

>> No.551734



lo fucking l.

I hope this is a troll resume. If not...good luck with your shit in life friend...

>> No.551737

Fuck this post was funny

>> No.551741


What do you work in if you dont mind me asking ? are you the same guy that was tech at IB but with a different ID ?

I am only a 2nd year undergrad so I am a bit lacking in work exp (I could have done more, I know). My two internships were things I found myself at 14 and 16, so the first one wasnt really much except bitch work and the second one wasnt very complex projects either, Ive expanded on them in my cover letter a bit

Also on the delegate thing, I literally just applied with a CV, I dont really know how they did their selection process except it was outsourced to dartmouth partners

Also this is for a summer internship position in S&T

What hobbies should I be putting ? I dont play any sport at any high level and I dont wanna put irrelevant fluff like 'gym' or 'poker' and 'chess' which I do play but very amateur level, I wouldnt wanna get grilled on my poker or chess knowledge against some god like trading interviews are fond of doing

>> No.551742

I'm Australian you cunt

>> No.551748
File: 50 KB, 727x843, resume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would really appreciate it if someone can give me some good critique

>> No.551753

Yeah, my ID changed.

Doesn't matter how old you were, still show what you got from them. You're making them quite prominent on your CV, so you'd better have some substance to them. Don't put it in your cover letter. Noone will read it, and most people who interview you won't even see it. It belongs in your resume.

The point about the delegate selection is nothing to do with the exact selection process, it's about removing all the bits that say "look how amazing this event was and how good everyone else was and all these things that are nothing to do with me", and focussing on what you brought to it, and what you got out of it.

You don't need to put hobbies. It's not relevant to your job.

Remove objetive, remove references section. Skills go at the bottom. Bullets are far too short and lack meaningful information about what you did. I'm guessing activities is a duplicate of leadership. Change leadership experience to be "other activities and merge.

>> No.551760

I would like to remove objective but how do I imply i'm looking for internships and co-ops as opposed to salaried full-time equivalents?
I'm tired of recruiters contacting me and being surprised when I can't dedicate more than 7~ months
Your input is very helpful. Thanks.

>> No.551776


>> No.551903


I'm currently in a public relations program & am currently working on my CSC (Canadian Securities Course).

That's the thing - I don't have any particular experience that relates me to those fields besides being well read and passionate about them. Hence why i'm fishing for tips on breaking into the corporate sides of those industries.

>> No.552059

Because you have presumably applied to internships. Why are you even talking to recruiters if you just want an internship? Noone that I'm aware of uses agencies for interns, it's all in house. You have to be applying directly.

Your best bet is to make sure you resume shows off all your transferable skills. What are the dates on your education? You should add them. People wil be less bothered by lack of relevant experience if you're a recent grad. What are you intending on doing in that industry? If it's PR or something, you're probably fine. Anything else, and you'll have a harder time.

>> No.552166

hey guys, does anybody know where i can find good latex templates for my CV?

google is only giving me ridiculous or old-fashioned shit.

it doesnt need to be anything special, it should just be very clean and straightforward.

>> No.552196

Just copy this guy: >>544378
Despite being a joke, it's an excellent example of good resume writing.

>> No.552200

i really appreciate your response, thanks. i liked it too looks-wise, but i am extremely entry-level with all of this. ive been trying to figure out how to reproduce any of these things on open office and cant get it to work. i dont get latex either (i downloaded miktex).

i know what to write into my resume, but how can i make my resume look like that?

i wish i at least knew how to make these lines, damn

>> No.552208

Nice dubdubdubs. I'm no formatting expert, and some cursory googling suggests openoffice has bad support for lines like that. But you could try just making a giant table, and have each row be either a heading (on cell with a lower border), sub heading (two cells, one with left-aligned text, the other right-alight), or content (a huge cell).

>> No.552254

You don't need to use LaTeX for resumes. Don't let the tryhards fool you into thinking you do.

>> No.552303
File: 51 KB, 365x395, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're the same individual who has been responding to my queries throughout this thread, if you're ever in either Toronto or Calgary, I'd like to buy you a beer.

I graduated with the BA in May 2014. I began the PR postgrad program in September 2014.

Does anyone know what the corporate culture is for the oil and gas/ mining industries? I'd assume it's rather conservative but I'm not sure. I need to start figuring out how to reinvent myself to appeal to recruiters and hiring managers.

Also, considering I'm going the PR route but have aspirations for e-suite status down the road, would it make more sense for me to pick up an MBA or a law degree in the next decade? What will provide the greatest R.O.I.?

>> No.552329

Thing to remember is, if you're doing PR, even if you're working for an oil company, you're not really in the oil industry, you're in the PR industry. You need to sell yourself for a PR job, and your hiring managers will likely be working in PR. Your understanding of the business functions of the type of company you work for is less relevant than your PR ability, and can easily be picked up.
It's the same with my job. I work in tech at a bank, but when I interview someone, I don't really care if they have in depth financial knowledge, because that's a more minor part of what they'll be doing and can easily be picked up; especially so for recent grads. Their tech skills, on the other hand, I expect them to have solid.

With regards to doing an MBA - I know people who have left work in their mid 20s to go do an MBA. I heard several people (people whose advice I listen to) tell those guys that they were doing it too early, and that they would get more benefit doing after having a decade or two of experience, and doing one when they're on the verge of heading towards senior management. So I would say don't concern yourself with that kind of progression this early - as long as you have a job with good upwards prospects, you will be fine and have sufficient opportunity to meet those aspirations when the time comes.

>> No.553071
File: 128 KB, 795x986, CV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /biz/, im almost done with my shitty cv (its really bad, but i have nothing to put there - ive been on the wrong path in the last few years and havent done enough to do myself justice so i have nothing to say)

i'm applying for http://campus-for-finance.com/NYC/

my biggest problem at the moment is that i think i should come up with something else i can put under "languages". i cant call it skills and just put languages in there, but just calling it "languages" makes it seem kind of pointless (why would you just make a paragraph just for your languages, it seems retarded). can somebody help me out here? its not like i learned any skills at uni apart from problem solving in general, and thats way too vague and pretentious

i know that i sound like a huge faggot at times, please bear with me

>> No.553084

Nice Abitur brah.

>> No.553089

thanks m8

>> No.553102

You're inconsistently using capital and lowercase to start you bulllets. In your internship, what advice did you offer? It's hard to imagine it being your own advice given you were only there a month. Database is one word. Ditch the brackets, merge it into the text properly. Languages, just list them one one line at the bottom, and remove the subheading. Yes, you can call it skills and only put languages in there. Stop overthinking it.

>> No.553103

i was there for two months, but yeah it was not my own personal advice but rather what i was told from the other people working there (they basically told me what they were offering insurance wise etc and gave me a list of things i should go through with the clients and what i should say depending on what they tell me)

thanks for the other things too, especially the languages thing. ditching the brackets will be hard without making the bullet points too long but i will try.

>> No.553104

another question: should i make the headings bigger maybe? a friend of mine told me that i should do that, but im not sure.

>> No.553111

>100 pounds

do you even lift?

>> No.553136

How important is pro-bono stuff?

>> No.553291
File: 64 KB, 958x830, cv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.553323


is that your actual name ?

>> No.553362

Of course not. So any advice?

>> No.553380

Possible, but don't worry too much, it doesn't look too terrible. Look at the navy example above for good formatting.

It's the same as non pro-bono stuff. It's all experience, it all counts, regardless of whether you were compensated or you did it for free.

I'm assuming you're going to remove the lines from the final thing?

Education: Remove the bullet that's whinging about your stress and workload. Saying you improved your analytical skills is meaningless, show me how. List what relevant stuff you've done. Honours college? Is that really a separate section? Again, you've got more stuff talking about your workload which i really don't care about. Don't just tell me you learnt stuff, tell me what you actually did that demonstrated these skills.

Experience: again you're focused too much on asserting that you're a good mentor and have leadership skills. Don't tell me, show me.

Leadership: Again just dont tel me you gained experience with group projects and international, tell me what you did. "Participated in an interantional group project where I did x,y,z"; "Worked with a number of English speaking colleages, and communicated globally by doing x,y,z" or something. What were the student activities you organised? What was your involvement in the organisation? If you had a big budget, mention the approximate size.

Skills: some of the computer things look like they need capital letters.

not too bad/10

>> No.553389

This entire thread is horse shit

Appanarently every fucking post is either -

>too short!
>too long!
>too boring!
>too creative lol!
>condense this!
>expand that!
>huhh duhhhhhh

Are there any good ones

>> No.553397

Thanks for the advice, appreciate it.

>> No.553407

What's the best way to say you took part in a project with a professor at your school if it involved using GIS software and statistical modeling? I also do similar things for my internship.

Would that be in a skills section for GIS or would you make a projects section altogether with other skills added in or something?

>> No.553408
File: 68 KB, 1044x680, I hate my job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate being a millwright, I just want a job that I can be proud of

>> No.553410
File: 95 KB, 1044x680, I hate my job.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate being a millwright
I just want to be happy

>> No.553429

the keks are real

>> No.553436

>criticism in a resume criticism thread

It's usually better to put something in the experience section, since it's saying that you've specifically acheived something that made use of those skills, rather than just stating that you have them without any evidance.

Your skills section is too big, your experience too small. You need to carve up those skils and put them under the jobs where you applied them, and talk about what you did that demonstrates those skills. Newest jobs should be first. And take a look at othe examples in the thread and reformat to have proper headings. Remove objective and interests that don't sell you (e.g. vidya). Your objective should be implicit from the fact that you're applying for that job. This could probably be decent with a bit of work.

>> No.553449
File: 798 KB, 600x505, bad times.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't realize I left that vidya thing in there lol
maximum autism

>> No.553454
File: 35 KB, 619x866, ss+(2014-11-16+at+11.19.47).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WIP first job CV/Resume

tear me apart /biz/

>> No.553467

>Third year college student studying at somewhere I can read about below. Dedicated to bullshit and bullshit with ambition to bullshit. Looking for whatever I can get.
Remove profile.

What did you learn in your BTECs. Game development is vague. Was it programming? Design? Art? I can't tell. Don't say you excelled at ICT and maths. You didn't, you got a C.

Expereince: I don't care which days specifically, just say twice a week. "truted to set" should be "responsible for setting", etc. Third bullet doesn't tell me much, change it to be more meaningful or delete. "Proving to be competend with [counting" - merge it into another bullet or something; if you feel its important to say you can cout, you need to mention it more casually. Last bullet there is in need of some punctuation. Clerical assistant, don't say "learnt how to use", say you "photocopied and lamitated various documents relating to [something]". I can infer you can use a phone from when you said you took phone calls and used a phone.

>those detailed additional skills

>> No.553471

thanks man

It is a WIP so I appreciate the criticism

>> No.553481


Is the format okay? Should a first-jobber bother with a second page?

>> No.553488

Format's readable enough (which is ultimately all that matters). The only think I'd mention is that you've got a lot of white space in experience on the left which you wouldn't have if you went with a format such as the ones where you have job title left aligned and date right alight on the same line. Only a problem if you start running out of space.

Don't put a second page, you don't have enough experience to fill it with meaningful things.

>> No.553719

oh boy

>> No.554063

When someone says 100 pounds it indicates lifting it all day every day (for atleast 8 hours), not just lifting it once like a bodybuilding pussy.

>> No.554084
File: 156 KB, 579x704, Screen Shot 2014-11-17 at 11.33.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.554090

font suggestions please. IT resume.

>> No.554097

IT? Calibri or Segoe UI

>> No.554131

>admitted through a competetive selection process. [Stop there]
The rest is needless bragging. Tell me what it involved doing.
Work: Intern: I can't tell what you were doing. It sound like you were actually overseeing spending, but then it sounds like you were a QA tester? This is too ambiguous; I can't tell what you were actually doing. Be explicit. Private residence: did you give training, or just organise it? What was the scope of your supervision? What problems did you solve, what conflicts did you resolve? Very vague. Efforts to do what? What strategies? What goals? More vagueness. What events did you plan, what was your involvement in planning? Teaching: What course was this? How were you evaluating these things? What admin duties? Technician: what maintenance? Did you need specific knowledge of the machines? Apple: First bullet doesn't make sense. "lead closely"? "a partner initiatives"? What? What did you do to turn the dept around? How did you transfer employee focuse? Were you running the place, or did you do something specific?


Anything other than comic sans goes straight in the trash.

>> No.554477

What do you do in the interests section? Do you even have one? I keep hearing companies want someone who isn't just work and no play but that section just feels out of place and anything related to the job can just be stuck in skills or extracurricular which makes them sound more involved anyway.

>> No.554638

I'd just leave it off. If you include it, then it will either make you look a) normal, b) dull, or c) stupid. There isn't much to be gained by including it unless there's something very specific in there that you know is going to make you look good.

Worst interests section I ever saw was a guy spent a paragraph listing off all his favourite MMOs in such a way that made it seem that they were his crowning acheivements in life. He didn't end up getting the job.

>> No.554869

So I applied to the bank of england for an internship, I have to take a Watson Glaser critical thinking assessment.

Anyone have any experiences with this?

>> No.555245
File: 30 KB, 539x664, Resume Edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You're my only hope.

>> No.555250

Just noticed the work experience is out of order, shit.

>> No.555308
File: 2.73 MB, 1920x1200, 1402940963912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Software engineer here. I have a fuck-ton of experience with many different technologies and I can't fit everything in 2 pages. What's the best way to trimming without losing appeal?

>> No.555320

Past bonk limit. Somone make a new thread.

Remove objective. In your crew operator, put your certificate last. Tell me what you actually did. Light maintenance isn't descriptive, nor is aissting in the operation of. You could have just been bringing the operator coffee, for all I know. For tutoring, how successful were you? Put awards/project exp/lab exp under education as subection, since that's what they relate to. For project exp, I don't care who the prof was. What was in your paper? For lab exp, don't say "gained experience/knowledge" say you did something specific involving those things.

Post it and I'll point out the useless bits.

>> No.555391

Thanks for feedback in regards to >>555245

>> No.555456

NEW THREAD>>>> >>555454