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55119320 No.55119320 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.55119327

>tfw been to thailand twice and vietnam once already this year

>> No.55119329

I can’t even begin to imagine how ugly and damaged you are

>> No.55119333

are you aware of hepatitis D

>> No.55119343
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>> No.55119356

love it

>> No.55119573

cope more normie

>> No.55119607

Have sex, creepy incel

>> No.55119626

I have sex regulary tho

and no not gay sex, and not even with your mom

i just dont like holidays is all

a bit expensive if you ask me

kinda like a waste of money yeah haha

>> No.55119652
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>went on holiday last year
>was ok
>spent a month's savings on a week and a half abroad
I can see how this is worth it if you're boomermaxxed and the money matters less than the opportunity of using the healthy years you've got left before your knees give out but how is this worth it to anyone under 50?

>> No.55119655
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>> No.55119673

You can do holidays very cheaply. I'm getting the ferry to france and going to drive about, camp, go to the beach and a nice bakery. Sit in the sun and sip a glass of wine. Won't cost too much.

>> No.55119681

Who are you quoting?

>> No.55119769

If you can afford to take time off of work you need to check your privilege. I live in Texas and we don't believe in that down here. Besides, why would I ever leave America? I hear in some countries the large drink at McDonald's is less than 3 gallons? They expect me to live on 4000 calories per day only? No thanks, I'll stick to my comfy copy-paste suburb. Besides, Spanish is the most common language spoken here!

>> No.55119789
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Four walls and a narrow mind are no way to live.

>> No.55119892

I’m literally hours away from my flight back from doing that and I’m already planning my next one. [redacted] is too fun not to go back.

>> No.55119895

I hate normies so fucking much

>> No.55119983

>how is this worth it to anyone under 50?
Opposite, traveling is only worth it when your in your 20s. You can stay in hostels, make friends, meet women, party, see the sights, etc. You can't do this when you're old. Enjoy your youth.

>> No.55119985

you must be so fucking ugly and pathetic omg

>> No.55120694


>> No.55120700

Yurocuckolds think this is hilarious

>> No.55120706

I take month long vacations and go to the gym twice or 3 times a day everyday and lie in bed the rest of the time lol

>> No.55120713

>how is this worth it to anyone under 50?
How much fun do you think traveling at 50 is compared to your 20s and early 30s?

>> No.55120723

I think fucking 17yo is more fun at 50 than at 20 or 30 nocap

>> No.55120764

>fly somewhere
>stay at a hostel
>endless "Where are you from?" conversations
>maybe end up hanging out with someone for a while or getting laid
>usually just walk around and do depressing tourist stuff solo
>call friend back home and shoot the shit
>realize I literally have everything I want/need back home
This is what usually happened when I used to go on vacation. Traveling is overrated.

>> No.55120801

Enjoy your life in your 20's. Once you hit your 30's, it becomes ultra depressing with your friends getting married & having kids, meanwhile you rot away in your room and those friends will forget you exist - doesn't matter if you have wealth or not.

>> No.55120812

You can get married and have kids urself in Ur 30s retard

>> No.55120864

People outgrow each other. Not all of your friends are going to be around forever, and that's fine. Also, someone getting married and having kids isn't an automatic 'win'. Being married can be awful, kids can be exhausting/time consuming, your children can come out fucked up, your wife can divorce you and take everything. Life isn't a race; it's an experience.

>> No.55121218

Retarded take

>> No.55121527

How is that related to traveling

>> No.55121574

This right here. I'm 28 and haven't traveled, had sex, or even been touched by a female before not even skin contact I have literally never been touched before. I'm almost 30 with nothing to show for it, I didn't live it up and party in my teens/youth I just spent it all inside day after day playing video lamenting at how much I hate foids and this gay faggot world we live in. To all zoomerfags, don't make the same mistakes I did my life is literally over and I want to kill myself daily, make sure you live and enjoy your teenage years and your youth go get a girlfriend go travel go see the world and broaden your horizons, go make friends talk to people stay in contact with your friends too they will be your bonds that carry you in life

>> No.55121676

>I didnt go to degenerate parties i missed so much bros
I go weekly to raves
Its fun and all of that and sure I'd recommend going out and have fun.
But its not like you are missing out so much.
Playing vidya is always a waste of time but implying you need to have been to parties, traveled the world and need to have had sex with STD ridden whores is an overstatement.

>> No.55121773

Just lift be tall and go on tinder

>> No.55121797
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>> No.55121803

You must be from Laos. Kek.

>> No.55121814

Most people have the means to comfortably travel in their 30's . I get that. Traveling in your 20's with money that you don't have is a great way to fuck up your future. It's like "yeah i'm broke and have no investments or savings but at least I got an std from those French whores I banged in that hostel because muh traveling in muh 20's. This life experience was definitely worth all the thousands
I spent" Lel

>> No.55121827

Can't tell if this is a bot post or someone literally took the time to write out a baitpost like this.

>> No.55121845

Anyone ever notice how Normies get triggered if you decide to just take a week or two off and enjoy your own city or area? Why do these people have to leave their area to enjoy life?

>> No.55121865

Don't know if it helps anon, but I have been to countless parties, travels, night outs, concerts, festivals and various other social events in my life and I still never even kissed, let alone had sex.

>> No.55121867

My mother told me it cost 5k to take our family of four for a vacation in the caribbean in the mid 2000s. Insane. I could never think of spending so much money in so little time on a temporary feeling.

>> No.55121870

Roastie found

>> No.55121873

I just tell my coworkers I'm going somewhere generic, like a city I've already been to and know all the hotspots. Then I have a week+ to focus on my portfolio and side projects. No one has to know or care

>> No.55121901


>> No.55121927

I haven't been out of my state in 10+ years.

>> No.55121963

This is what rightists/capitalists want, which is why it's ingrained in our society. You will be shamed for relaxing and spending little/no money. They need more profit!

I've been living in a rural Trump county for 5 years now and I've encountered more homeless, junkies, drug dealers, rednecks, thieves and people who fuck with property than I have living three decades in/near a major metro. Granted, in cities you'll get more concentrated pockets, but they're everywhere around here and the cops and city officials do not care.
The wilderness and less traffic can be nice, but the tradeoff is there is basically fucking nothing out here besides the absolute basics, fried food and shitty bars. Civilization is 2 hours away. I'm heading back to civilization soon, this place is a hellscape 2nd only to Florida.

>> No.55121986

Makes more sense to just spend 200 bucks on some really good blow, doesn't it? Hell, the comedown probably wouldn't even be as bad.

>> No.55122064

You shouldn't take on debt for travel or experiences in your 20s but if you're not a dead-end wagie (meaning your income will be much higher in your 30s) there's a good argument for travelling instead of doing retirement savings.

>> No.55122107

My uncle spent his 50s traveling and staying in hostels and fucking teen sluts and all that jazz.
Doesn't have a wife and kids, but seems to be fine.
idk bros, I keep hearing I need to get married and have a family to be happy...

>> No.55122175

How does it fuck up your future, besides losing the money you would've used to travel in your 30's? This sounds like an oldcel cope.

>> No.55122250

Everyone has an opinion to project upon you.
They are all bullshitters.
None of them will be happy if everyone followed their advice.
They want that for themselves, maybe not even.
With your life you can do whatever you want.

>> No.55122267

Yes. Unsolicited advice is often the shittiest at that too.

>> No.55122285

>tranny isnt welcomed like in faggot cities
Pls leave or rope yourself

>> No.55122295

based fellow ladyboy enjoyer

>> No.55122302

Giving your children the experience of travel and vacation is important. I don't know if the trip you're describing was something like that, or just a week at a shitty resort. But the principle is there. I'm not Mr. Worldwide myself, but those trips my parents took us on were important memories and fundamental to my development. It's a value I definitely would like to pass on to my own children. I definitely think it's important to see more than the slice of America you were born into.

>> No.55122320

thats because it is! normie niggers spend thousands on exotic trips because they have no imagination and whats worse is the majority of them have never even gone hiking for free in their own city. they think the more expensive it is the more value it has. i guess thats why tourism shills are just as aggressive as shitcoin shills. yet another reason to hate retarded women that need to drop 10k on a 1 week vacation.

>> No.55122375

It happens to all the Trump dipshits around here too, they constantly cry on Facebook about it.

>> No.55122387

Hopefully you at least saved $500 for an escort so you can find out that sex is overhyped as fuck
People think that "having sex" is the best thing ever because people talk about it so much when in reality it's just the easiest way to sell a product

>> No.55122416

>sex is overhyped
I've only ever heard incels say this

>> No.55122440
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the sexhavers will miss the greatest bullrun in history because they were too distracted. just you wait anon

>> No.55122448

Body count of 14 and married now
Could have done better I guess, I'm sure you've fucked like 300 people

>> No.55122457

It's only incels with bad genes that have no experience of living in the real world that tell you to get married ect. Men who have actually improved themselves, live in the real world and have sex know that sex with different kinds of women is the best. You really shouldn't listen to incels, they are incels because they are retarded.

>> No.55122497

Anon normies do that a lot especially to focus on home projects like renovations, or work a second job/focus on a business.

They don't get triggered they actually have a name for it it's called a staycation. it's pretty normal too especially in some jobs where you're forced to take the vacation pto if you don't want to lose it at the end of the year.

>> No.55122537

Relationships are complete obstacles to your happiness in general...IN GENERAL. The way it typically goes is a woman snags you into a relationship and then begins building up her "flight hours" to demand more and more shit out of you. They don't change their lives at all, but begin to find new and exciting ways to drain your time and energy and obstruct your means of mental recovery. Guys in most relationships seem exhausted all the time because women are fucking exhausting in relationships. Relationships are like women who have no functional organs, so they slam some probe into your guts and begin parasitizing the function of yours.

They don't change any of the habits that led to the failure of their own organs, they just now offload all the damage onto you and if you're strong enough to hold it congratulations "you're a man" and if you can't then there's something wrong with you, not the maladaptive woman-child you've somehow adopted into your life.

This is the big problem with most relationships, women just get worse and worse the more hours they log with you. I am sometimes blown away thinking about this as a guy. I just don't operate like a woman at all. I'm not like "well it has been 6 months...time for a 3 way...well it has been 12 months...time to make a sex tape..." and again, at month 6, if the girl refuses a 3 way I don't go thermonuclear and begin terrorizing her with every fiber of my being.

Women are at their absolute best in the like 1-3 month window after you first sleep with them and you're casually dating them, but they're scared enough to know you can drop them with minimal ability for them to inflict psychological damage. They can coast on that for years and they often do because by the time you realize how awful a woman has made your life, she can now pull the "YOU WASTED MY TIME!" card. Relationships are bullshit. Your uncle has it right.

>> No.55122552

You wouldn't be the first incel who has lied about having sex. Normal people have sex, enjoy it and continue with their lives. Incels on the other hand whine and get hung up about it, whether it's trying to convince themselves and others that it's not worth it, or trying to justify being garbage human beings because nobody will touch them.

>> No.55122563


>> No.55122580


Very true, most women get insanely nagging and boring after 6 months and the good one 2 years mark tops.

They cant chill at all and it's funny how the quality of sex goes way down.

My wife would make me link her pussy and ass holding my head, would lick my ass and would scream in sex so much.

Now i dont have sex in like 3 months and even i dont want to because her pussy smells like pee sometimes and she has too much bad breath frequently.

t. married with one toddler.

I'm so sad but i just push forward trying to make it.

>> No.55122610

Imagine going on vacation when you could seethe on the internet for free or go to a slightly further Walmart to try sharting somewhere new and exotic

>> No.55122704
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>begin to find new and exciting ways to drain your time and energy and obstruct your means of mental recovery
my corporate employer also does this and I am unsure how to cope

>> No.55122758

I fucking hear you man. It isn't even rocket science. Some women are really on their game, but most aren't. What value is the woman bringing to the team that consists of the two of you? She doesn't need to carry you, but can she even do anything other than GET CARRIED? In my experience it's like 1 out of 10 women that I actually respect.

1 out of 10 women I don't need to add extra steps to make sure the plane that is my life doesn't explode and fall to the Earth in a fiery tail spin. The worst thing for me is that they are arrogant as fuck. If I dated a guy who didn't fold a hand towel after wiping his hands and just tossed it wherever it landed or who just let trash stack up without ever emptying a garbage bag or who just left empty silverware and empty bottles all over, then I would call that fucking guy out.

I would be like "dude you're a fucking nigger, clean up after yourself." If you try that on a woman she's like "OMG UR SCARING ME! STOOOOOOP BEING A BULLY!" It's nonsense. Even when you carry them, there isn't a drop of appreciation. These incels are years behind the times at this point. They're still debating whether or not you should get married. I'm saying shit is bad enough at this point that you shouldn't even get into relationships unless there is an undeniable life-enhancing basis for it. Consistent pussy is not a good reason for most people.

You have to make changes (hard to do but less costly) or you just let it fester (easy to do but more costly). Eventually your biology will take over and you'll have some blow out event that will solve the problem for you. In a relationship, at it's most benign, this is where God temporarily possesses you and you speak pure truth to the person making your life a living Hell and it's like they just stared straight into the Ark of the Covenant as they are melted away out of your life. Or less benign, you spend a late night at the oil field you work at shoving bodies down into an oil tank.

>> No.55122773
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I have spent $10,000 so far this year on travel. Girlfriends are so expensive bros

>> No.55122833
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This doesn’t happen, you made up a scenario to get mad about in your head.

Nice job choosing a shit spot idiot. No one told you to move to methville instead of a palatial area.

I live in Manhattan, an area with the highest GDP in the US and traveling anywhere in the subway (like three miles away to Brooklyn) involves getting in a tube and being harassed by drug addicts, psychos, and gang bangers while the entire thing reeks of piss and garbage. And no, NYPD does nothing, especially since the fentanyl riots of 2020 and the new liberal DA. And speaking of garbage New Yorkers just throw trash in the fucking street.

Liberals are all disgusting animals.

>getting trolled by drumfsters on facekike

You really are stupid.

>> No.55122908

Where's the amogus?

>> No.55123043

Sexless and you'll die in Ukraine so daddy Putin can have limitless sex. Now that's a cuckold true to his craft.

>> No.55123080

this absolutely happens
"staycation" carries a negative connotation in professional-managerial circles
if you're leaving work and some manager tries to make small conversation you'd better tell him you're taking your family to a very expensive resort
if he gets wind you're just going to sit around and play minecraft you are fucked

>> No.55123082


>> No.55123112

>Rightists sit on social media all day and pretend to be persecuted
Well said, Ivan

>> No.55123115

Newspaper bottom of the 2nd panel

>> No.55123128
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>gets BTFO
>muh wussian trolls

Lmaooooo shitlibs are broken records

>> No.55123137

No one on my team gave a fuck when I did that. What world do you live in where people care what you do with your time off? I could see if you were a cringe incel and wouldn’t shut up about the anime convention you would be attending but other than doing something cringey or illegal who the hell cares if you don’t go to heccin Ibiza or Hawaii for vacation?

>> No.55123181
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Anything else, Ivan?

>> No.55123292

I do hope you have plenty of money to go around

>> No.55123380

The irony of calling others bots when you speak like one

Go kneel for your rioting thugs bitch

>> No.55123511

Can you elaborate, Ivan?

>> No.55123535

go kill yourself for your master putin, russian bot.

>> No.55123554

how do you guys spend so much on holidays? I only spent a little over $1k touring europe and ukraine including flights from the US.

>> No.55123568

I was traveling solo so that made it cheaper but still

>> No.55123757
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>who the hell cares
literally any neurotic american protestant in a position of power over you at any major american corporate firm

on the next episode anon finds out that they also closely monitor your family life, debt obligations, and general picture of financial health

>> No.55123900

Elaborate what? You’re the idiot bitching about being stuck in methville and being trolled by facebook boomers, I laughed at you, and now you’re stuck on repeat

Also stop double tagging my posts, it’s pathetic

>> No.55123941

So what you're saying is you can't elaborate on the post you made? How are we supposed to take your posts seriously if you don't even understand what you're saying?

>> No.55124104
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>So what you're saying is you can't elaborate on the post you made? How are we supposed to take your posts seriously if you don't even understand what you're saying?
If anyone is wondering reddit and imgur have purged safe edgy users from there site's as they are being traded publicly now.
Expect your user experience to change accordingly.

>> No.55124125

Changing your IP doesn't really work when you're having a meltdown with every post though

>> No.55124237

I think you’re just paranoid nigger. Unless you work for a high level position like black rock or the cia they are not investing that much effort into the average wagie.

>> No.55124371
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>Changing your IP doesn't really work when you're having a meltdown with every post though
As we can see users can expect further instances of projection and senseless. paranoia.

>> No.55124384
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>> No.55124453

>>Changing your IP doesn't really work when you're having a meltdown with every post though
Very good point, Ivan.

>> No.55124460

Based white male.

>> No.55124480

Get a better job bitch.
5k is nothing.

>> No.55124572

Most women treat traveling and most forms of consumption as ways to signal status, thus they will go for whatever's most expensive to show off

>> No.55124588

I'd wish they would find their own shithole but they never create, just consume
Even the r/thedonald people found their way out to elsewhere after 2021

>> No.55124642

Do people actually fall for it, Ivan? Or is it like when bots respond to other bots in a loop and no actual human acknowledges the bots existence?

>> No.55124736

Air travel is so unpleasant it basically ruins the whole thing for me

>> No.55124750

Keep projecting englin faggot

>> No.55124759

still seething I see
how many weeks again?

>> No.55124827

Dude rn it costs over 1k just to fly to Europe from the US. My tickets round trip in July are 1200 plus cost of getting to the airport and check bag fees. I don’t want to stay in some shitty hostel so I’m paying well over 100 night (200-300 in some cities) for hotel for me and gf so we can be comfortable and have sex. Food will easily be 50-100 a day for us. Idk how the fuck you’d travel to Europe for 1k lol

>> No.55124837
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I can literally do that on youtube in 4k for free. Watch thai tourist videos, drink a $10 12pk of steel reserves from walmart, smoke $30 worth of meth then fap to full-length trike patrol torrents for 12 hours straight

>Imagine buying a passport and an airplan ticket
>Imagine being begged for money all day by annoying kids
>Imagine getting drunk, fighting locals, get tossed in jail, bribe them $300 to get out
>Imagine being tranny tricked, but you're so drunk you tell yourself, "haha fuck it! whatever happens in bangkok stays in bangkok, rite?" and s(he) says, "that's rite, baybee"
>Imagine catching AIDS as a souvenir

>> No.55124911

Kek it’s good to experience at least once though

>> No.55125074

Weeks for what? For you to leave? The migacucks left but you're still here

>> No.55125822

really? you think your team lead, his manager, and the sr. manager are not all either instructing one another to keep tabs on every little aspect of their six figure workforce?
maybe in a healthy organization that's the case but I've yet to see it

>> No.55125853
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Some people just want to have fun

>> No.55126018

*honk honk* here comes the conscription bus, Ivan!

>> No.55126087

You're truly unhinged my lad, are the russians in the room?

>> No.55126096

There is a 99% chance this poster is a faggot. If I could bet $5000 he has gay sex and is lying, I'd take that bet and win.

>> No.55126109

Damn, you're here 24/7, Ivan. Are you forced to post at gunpoint? By the way, which room are we talking about?

>> No.55126146
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You're the guy who seems hell bent on believing anyone is a russian bot, as if it was your job
I'm in Mexico, stupid englin tranny, keep wasting those hours on this worthless thread, your supervisor will be happy now

>> No.55126191


>> No.55126201

If Russians were half as good at invading third world shit holes as they are at spamming 'no u' every time they get BTFO they might have actually taken Ukraine in the original two weeks lmao

>> No.55126214

Typical leftist tactic, just talk about something completely unrelated, I don't give a fuck about their jewish ritual meat grinding of worthless slavs

>> No.55126468

Since when are Russians leftist?

>> No.55126488

Says who? Some faggot redditor who shitposts green text on 4 chins? Go back.

>> No.55126630

You aren't going to get paid at this rate my senpai

>> No.55126668

I do it for love of my country, Ivan. I have a choice, unlike you.

>> No.55126669


as opposed to what? putting it in made up 'investment' vehicles that fund finance executives latest yacht upgrade while you squirrel away numbers on a web portal to post on 4chan like retard smaug? nothing is real except the things you look see, touch, smell, and put in front of you. you can gamble on numbers on a screen but i'd never disrespect someone who wants to actually experience life on earth. go out, sit in the sun, touch the grass, eat something delicious, and you'll find there's more to it. you're never gonna be truly rich, the game is rigged, at best you'll have enough to support conspicuous consumption

>> No.55126692

I already proved to you I'm mexican lmao

>> No.55126709

>This is what rightists/capitalists want, which is why it's ingrained in our society.

travel and tourism is literally one of the most diversified consumption categories. the diversity of spending is immense. multinational airlines, hotel companies, and local economies you contribute to. i love the idea of someone traveling to like 3 different countries, spending money at random small businesses, paying foreign taxes, and using different currencies is somehow worse than you wanting to stay home, buy a video game on steam, get food delivered to you from an american chain restaurant using uber, so you can put an extra 1k in your american bank account. you fucking smooth brain. it's impossible to control travel spending in comparison to how easy it is to manufacture spending in your local us economic area

>> No.55126728

imagine getting a wife whose whole personality revolves around disneyland
and then having kids
and then taking the whole family to disneyland while you're on minimum wage
that's hell on earth

>> No.55126736

you sound like me when i'm manic off my bipolar meds

>> No.55126738

>polluting the earth and consooming in the name of profit is le good!

>> No.55126742

So only embezzlers take vacations and days off? Your boss is outing himself? Call the IRS on him and tell him on your training which you documented, only people who embezzle take vacations and your boss takes a lot of it.

>> No.55126747
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Pre-covid you could fly round trip from Chicago to Frankfort for about $450. I did a three and a half week hostel trip through Germany/Austria/Hungary/Croatia for about $1500 tops including the airfare in summer 2019.

>> No.55126760

The vast majority of people would say they love travel for broadening the mind, yet would flat out refuse reading a short book about their destination.
It's about consumption.

>> No.55126780
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This. Life is to be lived and excessive parsimoniousness is unhealthy. Used my crypto gains to get a new car, watch, clothes etc and am much happier whereas the most depressing individuals you can find sit on their computers trading shitcoins with huge 'wealth' but do nothing with it and are deeply unhappy, twisted human beings

>> No.55126785


Indian ladder climber detected. most fucked up psychopaths in the workforce

>> No.55126797


>> No.55126804


your trolling attempt is so lazy and uninteresting im not even gonna bother taking the bait. do better

>> No.55126822

I accept your concession

>> No.55127233

have you tried going with a friend?

>> No.55127289

What friend? That guy probably goes on some 3rd world countries for some sex tourism. Of course he'd be too ashamed to go with a friend that will rat him out on facebook or some normie shit site like that.

>> No.55127297
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I accept your concession

>> No.55127323

You are ugly tho

>> No.55127364

last year round trip tickets were around $400 to fly into Berlin (off-peak travel season + budget airline). I was by myself so I stayed in hostels and cheap hotels (<$50 a night), some were shitty some were quite nice. also eastern europe is pretty cheap for food and train tickets. the exchange rate in ukraine is very favorable right now if you have dollars/euros/pounds.

>> No.55127405

Completely agree with OP here, better to just take a lot of long weekends, go listen to some live music, drink at a bar and talk to girls, then spend so much cash on traveling.

>> No.55127422

in your pea brain, you think everyone is an incel. But in reality, there is the crab. Not every incel/crab is some frustrated dweeb that is craving for any desperate thrist for sex. You are a being of thrist rather. And this interaction in general is so short sighted that I would almost think you are underage.

It's no different then consuming media nonstop. Only that everyone on this trash board Is hung up by the amount of women you can fuck as cum rag.

>> No.55127459

>amerisharts have nothing to visit unless the spend 24 hours in a plane/airport
>in europe I can just hop in my car and go to Venice and italian alps for a week, and it's 2 countries away from me but I can drive there in like 10 hours

>> No.55127541

Imagine being this stupid.

>> No.55127615

>10 hours
I can fly to europe in 8 hours. but I agree with you, it's very easy to travel within europe. the public transportation is much better than america. and flixbus is nicer than the Greyhound buses we have here. they don't reek of piss or have garbage everywhere.

>> No.55128449

sucks being a fed huh

>> No.55128507

kek at normies seething itt, ive almost never left my country and i don't even care cause even tho it may not be the best country in the world im 100% sure its the most beautiful one (its france)
sorry but im just not gonna travel
not gonna watch netflix
not gonna go on a hike unless its on a fucking 2 strokes dirtbike
not gonna take the vax
not gonna sell my linkies
get dabbed on normies

>> No.55128568

fuck normies

>> No.55128577

pay me $5k faggot

>> No.55128663

>why yes I have to travel halfway across the world to get laid how could you tell
why even bother

>> No.55128910
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>hang out with my 2 close friends
>we go to a restaurant that serves tasty food thats not too expensive and shoot the shit
>one friend has a car so we pile in it and drive around town talking about random stuff (vidya, movies, banter, shitting on women, etc.)
>we stop at a park and whip out the uno cards or foosball table for a few matches, sometimes something really funny will happen either in the match or around us and we'll spend like 2 minutes laughing non-stop
>the friend with the car drives us all back home, start talking about real shit like our hopes and fears and issues in life while giving each other advice on the way there
>we have done this once a week for the past 4 months now
>it costs a total of 100 dollars a month to do these outings

close male friends were the best thing that ever happened to me

>> No.55129007

Sounds boring as fuck mate, no different to sitting on the sofa and getting pissed watching tv
Just don't see the appeal of a "holiday" anywhere, even meme shit like Japan
It's just food and buildings, I really don't get it

>> No.55129026

Build wealth in your 20s for an easy life
You could piss 10 years up the wall "enjoying yourself" (faggot lol) in your 20s and the rest of your life you'll be playing catch up
Grind through your early years, retire early
I'm not a fucking queer, keep your love live laugh

>> No.55129074

you got scammed. I go on holiday and pay less than what I pay for rent here. fucking idiots. third world countries are cheap. don't make it expensive. you arebeing scammed

>> No.55129082

knees give out at 30 now

>> No.55129095

>People outgrow each other
that's jew talk. before people had life long friends and generations stayed in the same area

>> No.55129109

no it's so you'll notice when cash flow changes and who is on vacation. or it gives you a chance to see the books when that employee is on vacation

>> No.55129118

i paid less

>> No.55129185

wow it's really incredible how many people disagree with me about their white collar middle managers
maybe it's because the posters disagreeing with me are white collar middle managers

>> No.55129191

i paid less

>> No.55129202

but i paid less

>> No.55129261

Keep doing this fella, this is more restorative than gimps on this board going to Thailand to fuck a grannie

>> No.55129292

>are you gonna travel
>what do you mean 'no'
>you have to travel
>anon you have to get out there and see the world
>you have to travel
>you have to travel for your holiday
>where are you going to travel because you have to travel

had this exact fucking conversation the other day at work, I just don't want to. the world doesn't interest me at all.

>> No.55129346
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Even entry level jobs are like this, especially if they're office or office adjacent jobs. I used to work hotel reception and the amount of drama involving the managers and receptionists of different shifts was mind boggling for such a menial job.
I was for sure marked out as a weirdo because I didn't even care to keep up pretenses, had zero online presence, didn't engage in the office politics at all. If you care about your career, you better play the game. You're always being judged.

>> No.55129349

I hate traveling abroad, mostly because of the traveling and the people. Besides, everywhere is the same now except for their history/museums. Instead, I just rent a small bungalow in the mountains about 3 hours drive from where I live, no internet, just my dog and a book for a week. Pure bliss, and I always come back far rested than I ever did when I was traveling abroad.

>> No.55130067

Not everyone is an incel, but you are clearly

>> No.55130079

How stupid are we talking here, Ivan?

>> No.55131659


>> No.55132018

>Besides, everywhere is the same now except for their history/museums.
travel outside the West
>I just rent a small bungalow in the mountains about 3 hours drive from where I live, no internet, just my dog and a book for a week.
this sounds nice too

>> No.55132115

No I really don’t think that and I know for a fact my managers don’t care that much about me unless I’m fucking up stuff that reflect poorly upon them they aren’t sticking a microscope up my ass to check my bank accounts/credit score/closely monitoring my social media. Unless you’re sperging out on LinkedIn typing NIGGER with your companies name attached or posting retarded shit (I don’t have any social media tied to my real life besides LinkedIn). You sound like the typical paranoid Polcel that thinks the government can read your mind via 5G towers and their magic adrenochrome powers except the corporate biz version.

>> No.55132369

>we can seize
kek. you and what army?

>> No.55132422

imo traveling is kind of overrated, although sometimes i like to go abroad to just get a change of scenery and remote work from there

>> No.55132424
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>loving america

LMAO death to America, I'm proud to say I'd shit on the wretched flag and burn it and deliver the commander in chief and all DNC officials to foreign governments in chains

>> No.55132437

It's pretty over there.

>> No.55132443

Everyone here knows why you went to Thailand.

>> No.55132476

thats the way to do it. if i am going overseas theres no way im going to just stay there for 1 or 2 weeks. I like to stay at least a month to get to know the place like a local, chat with them and find out out stuff only they could tell you and not some tourist guide.

>> No.55132833
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Or you know, do like me and enjoy your life while investing in memecoins.
I planned a tripped to japan with money i got from an investment in $thing and the bsc casino is still generating money

>> No.55132918

> dude just SAVE money by never doing anything
> you can have a bigger number on a screen on your phone in the future > just think of how great it will be to be old and doing nothing and have all your memories of being young and doing nothing and having a really big number on a screen

>> No.55132963

>broooooo you need to spend 8k on a hotel and food on vacation its not like food is cheap everywhere and 5 star hotels are a meme

>> No.55133013

I really hope my gf will stop wanting to go on vacations all the time when she gets pregnant. Literally bleeding me dry, financially and free time wise.

>> No.55133173

yeah, especially if going somewhere far, not going to sit in a plane for 10 hours just to spend a week there. my minimum is also a month, for less than that i won't usually bother

>> No.55133207

have you considered that you have direct control over your hand?

>> No.55133247

I spend about a month's salary on my 2-4 holidays a year.

>> No.55133340

Delayed gratification is the best predictor of success you idiot. Why do you need to travel when you're 20? I would rather retire at 40 and spend 25 years travelling.

>> No.55133382

you could get hit by a bus tomorrow. what's stopping you from traveling at 20 and 40?

>> No.55133463

>delayed gratification is the best predictor of success
Sounds like some kike propaganda you'd hear on Fox News. Oi vey, goyim, wouldn't you rather work yourself to the bone when you're young and healthy and enjoy your fixed income when your body is failing you? Just think of all dry, senior pussy you'll be swimming in!

>> No.55133503

you are right though. govt doesnt make shit off the broke traveling nomad. they rather have you get in debt and consoom in one spot like a caged chicken.