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55122864 No.55122864 [Reply] [Original]

It’s crazy how much posting crypto can get you banned. Biz, reddit, facebook, instagram, etc
They’ve all banned me for just posting memecoins. Now meme coins are making people rich. It’s a shame pepe wasn’t shilled harder here at launch but Jannies have nuked the board since 2018

>> No.55122876

>Try to scam people with low effort shitcoins
>Get banned

>> No.55122896

Jannies are American operatives who are well aware that some shitcoins are attempts by foreign powers to launder money
now leave and never return

>> No.55122901

I’m sorry you’re too dumb to play the shitcoin casino
We don’t need to protect our dumbest from losing money, we should be enabling our smartest. If someone can make money flipping shitcoins like myself, why stop us? I pay my taxes
You just want more laws to protect the sheep
I hope you guys take another booster jab soon

>> No.55122920

>another cuck who needs more laws and regulations to protect them
You must be so afraid of life
It’s fucking memes. What idiots need protection from things that admit they’re going to $0?

>> No.55123214

why are glowies this way?

>> No.55123235

I am no glowie, not american though and currently not under contract by the faction I shill for more personal reasons, just telling you how it is

>> No.55123243

Americans are paranoid because everyone want to see their empire gone; and they are currently very weak with Joe "Demnetia" Biden and his cabal of jewish masons

>> No.55123245

>larping like a CIA shill
Take your meds schizo

>> No.55123281

Why should a cowboy shill for Russia?

>> No.55123314
File: 121 KB, 416x313, 2xge5o.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I"m broke and sick.
I just want 10k so I can become a Macho King instead of just a Macho Man

>> No.55123406

>I just want 10k so I can become a Macho King instead of just a Macho Man
You and I both, brother

>> No.55123476

>Jannies are American operatives
and they do it for free

>> No.55123520

Hope you get it brother, I dont' deserve it, I've had it before, a lot more but I let it slip from my fingers.
I've only learned I'm likely doomed to repeat my failures and eventually end my existence due to shame and suffering.

I hope you deserve it, because it will fall into your hands eventually, it did me anyway I'm just an idiot.

>> No.55123676

>he doesn’t understand the meaning behind WAGMI
doesn’t matter how many times you’ve failed. you’re going to make it. we all are going to make it

>> No.55123693

no. they do it for brownie points, "alpha" and payment from shitcoin shills, and hope that they might be some day be paid publicly funded social media operatives. Pro tip, never happening

>> No.55123702

I agree with you if I had something but I don't.
You can't be hopeful with nothing to hold.

Not everyone gets a shot, I threw my punches and failed.

>> No.55124091 [DELETED] 

Post wallet
Maybe a whale will send you $10k

>> No.55124131 [DELETED] 

Bro please even 0.01 eth would be life changing right now please man


>> No.55124164

4chan is literally moderated like reddit these days. this shithole is dead

remember when no threads and posts ever got deleted unless they contained cp? posters got banned and got the red text, threads got locked and were allowed to be pushed out the the board

now shit just CONSTANTLY disappears like USSR shit

>> No.55124167
File: 135 KB, 1000x1273, FuX1Sj0WIAI1wPO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't talk about memecoins in biz anymore because the average biztard is so stupid they don't realize they need skill to play in the shitcoin casino. That's why no$thing was invented, so we could talk about tokens that are worth nothing at all yet make us all rich.
Maybe if we break it down to them they won't feel scammed when their own errors get them rugged

>> No.55124172

That's not me below, I don't want to beg, if someone offered me help it's different but god/life whatever has to open that window for me, I appreciate the encouragement.

>> No.55124175

The brooms and BO are German "antifascist" transsexual pedophile discord Germans

>> No.55124186

some of them living in the Netherlands because drug addicts

>> No.55124238 [DELETED] 

Well fuck it I guess in the off chance somebody actually does.
For Bitcoin.

God I hate posting a wallet it feels dirty to me.

>> No.55124315

Maybe a macho king will give me a crown, I don't think it's likely but stranger things have happened.
I would play his theme for 24 hours if someone did.

>> No.55124321

Yeah right
No one here is sending you idiots anything
Welcome to the school of memes

>> No.55124352

I suppose it's true, I didn't want to post but the off chance you were trying to help me influenced my decision to try.

But it's about what I expected, thank you for making sure I didn't continue to hope, honestly nothing is worse than the idea of someone might help you but isn't responding.

At least I won't be holding onto that for the rest of the day.

>> No.55124356

More people should talk about token scanners like token sniffer, moonarch, moonlight bubble maps and StaySafu

>> No.55124373

consider your wallet being logged and unusable without a bot counter trading anything you do

>> No.55124408

Jannies nuked it sorry bro

>> No.55124455

It's fine I'm not new, and it's what I expected, honestly the idea of someone helping me and waiting hurts worse than being poor, so he at least did the right thing and exposed the fact he wasn't being sincere.

Are you saying that when you buy something a bot is logging your wallet and watching what you do?
Not that it matters.

>> No.55124482

To those who might have been reading.

>> No.55124534

I got banned for telling people to buy $pepe.

I think the average poster here is really retarded and reports even the slightest positive post about a crypto as advertising/spam.

The userbase is very low iq now

>> No.55124546

If you post your wallets on 4chan, yes. Too many retarded actors think that this website is full of neo nazis and system opponents. Its easy to exploit though

>> No.55124555

There's some people here who will bait you like they did above, who just spend all day mass reporting funny because there's hardly anyone left posting here so they are either insane or being paid to "manage" this place except they aren't jannies or mods, I've been around a bit now.

>> No.55124569

Oh okay I thought you meant like during an exchange, well most CEX's use scrambling shit so when someone sends something they can't really see what you do.
Well some eth wallets do but I usually would sell stuff so often it would change wallets like selling eth then btc, can't really be seen, but if you use the same wallet on coinbase for example for eth it can be tracked.

>> No.55124659

Based trips
that sucks
fuck that asshole who baited you and fuck the Jannies who banned you

>> No.55124801

It's all good, like I said I knew it was to get my hopes up, if he was wiser he would have pretended to get delayed or make me do something degrading to get money, which I wouldn't have.

I'm tired my fren, beyond what words can describe.
Thank you for being nice in a sea of shit.

>> No.55124822

I post bitcoin content on every soche with no problems whatsoever maybe you're spelling bitcoin wrong?

>> No.55124886

Nope. I had a website geared to bitcoin and have been banned for posting bitcoin memes in bitcoin subreddits
Bankers and glowbots hate bitcoin too

>> No.55124927

Oh yeah well funny enough it's not jannies it's mass reporters, it's the samefaggots who spam unfunny attention threads, they meaning its more than one, mass report specific people if they start treading a line.
I was having a conversation and in another thread, they saw that, baited me knowing I'd be hopeful enough to try, even though I knew better.

They do it with any real threads where people will have a nice conversation or fun, and kill it then post shit about how you should poison yourself etc and those will stay up for days.

It's because this place isn't very well moderated, so when they get 40 samefag reports the guys just auto prune it.
Also here's a song I enjoy, I always found relevant to my life.

>> No.55124943

all eth wallets can be tracked. I did some wallet autism and the funniest are the "whales" trying to hide their movements through different means. Like doing swaps to other wallets, even cross chain and stuff. All extremely easy to track. And most exchanges change their customer wallets every blue moon. As soon as you sent some shitcoin from your new wallet back to an exchange you are identified
The only that works to stay anon is btc mixers and xmr to a certain degree

>> No.55124982

Makes sense, not a good thing really, so I wonder if I trade say an Arb based coin and then swap to an eth coin then to BTC if someone can trace that, suppose so.

I had a feeling I lost so much trying to swing trade, then noticed today nearly no volume on any coin whatsoever, made me realize how much is fake to rope people into buying then dumping on them forcing you to take a lose then try again, rinse and repeat till you're broke.

>> No.55125141

Stop sticking up for Jannies
Your sad-sack kill my self routine is getting old. It’s obvious you’re a glowtard trying to demoralize the whole board

>> No.55125162

>They’ve all banned me for just posting memecoins
good, bitcoin is the only coin that matters

>> No.55125182

Normies are cashing in on twitter and discord, we should have more memecoin threads.
It's what's going up today, forget about altcoins for the moment.

>> No.55125493

and then you send it back to the mETH park and get rugged again
>how much is fake to rope people into buying then dumping on them forcing you to take a lose then try again, rinse and repeat till you're broke
that is how gambling addictions work and of course the house always wins . If you aren't a mev bot, that scans the blockchain for prey all day long, "winning" is just chance, and chances on a slot machine are higher, because those are regulated

>> No.55125614

It makes sense when Id buy id see frontrunning

>> No.55125723

you just proved him right idiot, kys rajesh

>> No.55126189

So the only real play is the buy extremely low and sit on it not shifting the coins until you can sell at a major profit, buying during high peaks (this I'd consider high) would be fatal because it's just all mev bots picking anyone off with real buys.

>> No.55126209

The only real play on evm chains is not playing

>> No.55126319

I'm curious to why the nigger who mass reported me is now spamming the catalog with bullshit threads....
I guess I was striking a jewish nerve by speaking to people.

He actually attempted to bait me in two threads at the same time, and soon as it got pruned he started spamming to slide all real threads will his stupid dudeweed and troon shit.

>> No.55126430

These fags should be banned
I’m tired of idiots who need protecting being here
If you’re too stupid to play the casino, just leave
Why do we need Jannies to ban people when we should just ban the idiots who need protecting?

>> No.55126455

Nobody needs protection, the shitcoin spammers are just annoying, same as the off topic faggots. Gtfo go spamm twitter

>> No.55126491

If you read the thread you would understand, what I'm saying is the same people who spam the shit threads and shitcoins are the same people and will mass report your threads/posts to give attention to theirs.
in 2021 they had a problem getting attention and still do, so their solution is to get as many people banned so they can get the focus.
Also to destroy board culture and make us all fight each other and hate.

>> No.55126537

I don't discriminate, every shitcoin thread gets reported, every off topic shitpost thread gets reported. The only thing I can tell from observation that some get deleted while others live. That's how you know the mods and jannies are the scammers

>> No.55126554

Oh I agree some are/were in on the scamming, but 99% of the missing good threads are from these spammers flipping their ID's and mass reporting, if a post gets 5 reports in a minute it forces other mods from other boards to check in and prune without looking.

It's why this board went to shit, every time I would have a conversation about anything that was real it would get shut down.
then the catalog will fill with spam, it's a way of sliding the board, very old tactic.

>> No.55126555
File: 342 KB, 680x681, 32F22D32-876D-4A85-AE02-C4BBC0486897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s people like you who belong on reddit
Faggot ass bitch
Some of us here are so much smarter than a glowie Ike you
no real biz user is reporting crypto
It’s the only reason people come here

>> No.55126572

Some? All. This board is completely compromised. They need to get rid of the mods and their jannies at least every month, or better delete the board, or ban shitcoin threads. it naturally corrupts.
Fuck off new fag. Nobody needs your scamming and pump and dump shit. Keep it on twitter. Or your channels

>> No.55126595

I don't disagree sorry I'm a bit demotivated about everything, especially the state of this board.
It's nothing but leftover trash, all the good anons got ran off from too much random censorship.

>> No.55126616

I only post for the most part in the ecopol threads or shit on shills. Yeah this board is done. Should petition hiro to delete it. Can post about eco pol on pol but that board is overrun by ngos and reddit lefties thinking they fight nazis

>> No.55126660

It's all tiring, there's still good people here but they stop by once every year it seems.

>> No.55126689

The board has a reputation now. Every one knows it is compromised by shitcoin scam jannies and mods. I think nuking it is really the only solution. If hiro wants to keep the cash flow from shitcoin shills should make a separate board.

>> No.55127056

You two need to leave
The only reason intelligent people come here is for new crypto
It’s glowies like you guys who ruin this place

>> No.55127733
File: 184 KB, 1284x2282, 329BB7CA-2DAC-4FAE-B423-329F441450B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need to do 2 things in response to these problems
1) start using new biz board alternatives like VIPbiz.finance and coinchan.xyz
2) create a crypto that jannies can’t ban

>> No.55127878


>> No.55128243

Probably because is a pump and dump scheme I think BrillionFi is doing something like that with their Brrrr catchphrase but hey is not a meme.

>> No.55128244

>intelligent people

>> No.55128259

Forget about just being intelligent, bro. In most cases, it's all about securing your bag and protecting your privacy. That's where projects like Railgun and BrillionFi step up to the plate, man. They're laser-focused on beefing up security and enhancing your privacy game

>> No.55128481

that's weird. whenever i post how LINK is SHIT i don't even need to verify

>> No.55128497

This is why privacy protocols are important to block off any front running psycho bots.

>> No.55128626

And the companies behind those bots have all incentives to keep those protocols forever hidden from the flock of gambling addicts they groomed to be their profits. Eth is done. There is nothing able to save it from it's own code

>> No.55128757

kek, you can't read the catalog without filtering out "new crypto", or as anyone with a brain sees it, jannie-sanctioned shitcoin spammers, and when you do filter that out you find there are very few organic threads

>> No.55128777

Currently 184 threads filtered

>> No.55129423

checked trips
what are your best filters?

>> No.55129458

maybe u should try shitposting on nu /biz/. its decentralized and built on the IPFS.

>> No.55129460

why not those shitcoin shillers don't get to these boards and stop coming here?

>> No.55129483


Trannies want you broke and dead. Ticker BITCOIN the sonic coin is the only way out (see what I mean, they ban the mention of it)

>> No.55129492

>pajeets are glowies

at least learn the memes retard

>> No.55129506

kys stupid shitskin

>> No.55129637

>I got banned for telling people to buy $pepe.
It's a shitcoin obviously. buy ORE and shill your bag.

>> No.55129670

Not going to reveal so shitcoiners and posters can try to evade them