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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55119709 No.55119709 [Reply] [Original]

Should I buy this?
How likely is it to hit its ATH again?

>> No.55119714

Its a scam that most of /biz/ fell for and now have sunk cost fallacy. Stay away

>> No.55119746
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>> No.55119753

>oh shit, there're less than 4 LINK threads on the catalog!
>quick, make a new thread and keep it bumped on the first page!

>> No.55119764

nah-ah chud they have opportunity cost

>> No.55119780

basterd held coin

>> No.55119797

It is a scam loose all your money

>> No.55119802

Because it is the most promising project in all of crypto

>> No.55119805
File: 499 KB, 881x569, cryptokikelvl99.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

these fucking paid niggers are pathetic, wen lank reserve depletion?

>> No.55119809

I will give you a serious answer if you can make a another post with the same ID OP

>> No.55119815


>> No.55119826

Who is the guy on the left?

>> No.55119858

>Should I buy this?
Chainlink Oracles Power Everything.
Seriously. Even the majority of other oracles.
And oracles are necessary. >90% of those refusing to use them get 'hacked' and claim they dindu nuffin wrong.
>How likely is it to hit its ATH again?
With no timeframe in mind, undoubtably.

>> No.55120138

>Should I buy this?
If your goal is making money, then probably not.
Past performance is no indicator of future returns, but past development velocity is. 6 years and the core feature that gives the token value is not implemented. At some point, you have to let vested bagholder interests go and face the music.
>How likely is it to hit its ATH again?
If inflation keeps up and the crabbing continues, it will some day. By that time, $50 then is worth $5 today though.

>> No.55120220

6 years without monetizing the token and it's still up over 30x, imagine when they do turn it on.

>> No.55120393

This means that all price increase so far was pure speculation. It also explains why it couldn't keep up with BTC or ETH recently: the cards are on the table. Turns out that sponsoring price feeds isn't a great business model, and even if it was, profits aren't distributed to token holders anyway. Fact is, they did not deliver the one thing that fives their token value with a budget and time frame that would make any startup founder laugh in disbelief. It's either incompetence, mismanagement, just not a priority or any mix of those.
>when they do turn it on
Yeah, exactly. I'd give it at least 5 years until v0.1.

>> No.55120424

>This means that all price increase so far was pure speculation
This is true of every crypto.
>Yeah, exactly. I'd give it at least 5 years until v0.1.
I believe it will happen much sooner than this so I am positioning myself accordingly.

>> No.55120488

>positioning myself accordingly
Just like every holder did over the last 6 years. Sometimes stubbornness is a virtue when investing, but most of the time it's just throwing good money after the bad. Good luck, don't forget to set fixed time or development goals at which you will definitely divest if not reached, else you'll hold the bag forever.

>> No.55120498
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nah Ill stick with the big one just more satisfying

>> No.55120523
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I am not bullish, I am beyond bearish.
Chainlink is a globohomo shitcoin of the highest order and is going straight to zero.
Their days of shitting up biz with their astroturfed psyops are over. They've been found guilty of using DARPA bots, paid shills and sybil attacks to push the WEF agendas, and for that they will pay with their miserable life.
The shills and bagholders will be financially EXTERMINATED and there is nothing they can do about it except watch in horror as it all comes tumbling down. The ride ends here for linkies, the game is over for them.

>> No.55120553

My brother interned at Chainlink few summers ago. This is a WEF slave coin. You will own nothing and love it.

>> No.55120988

Its just... not going to sell mmkay?

Kek fuddies

>> No.55121009

Wait until it goes up before you buy it, that way you’ll know by then it’s really worth something

>> No.55121370

ok let's put it this way

EVERY project in the crypto space you can think of uses oracles. all of them. they are absolutely necessary for anything of note.
and chainlink is the #1 oracle that anyone even thinks of, chainlink has never been hacked, has never had a bug or an accident happen, it's 100% safe and foolproof all the while competing "oracles" get hacked and lose millions in eth every week.

>> No.55121709

>not going to sell
that's fine, you should even buy more if you think it's going to work out. all i'm saying is to set measurable goals that have to be met by your investment, and the important bit: if these are not met by the time frame you set, you'll have the courage to move your money elsewhere. not having a plan when investing in anything means you'll get strung along for an indefinite amount of time on the first investment that doesn't work out. it's common sense for any investment, but seeing as many link investors are new and inexperienced it's important to mention

>> No.55121723

Ok just bought 10k linkies I hope I don't regret it

>> No.55121732

>trying to instill boomer investing advice on a taiwanese toilet paper hoarding forum
ah, the old concerned risk-averse advice-giving investor that appears at the absolute bottom and when all the signals point to a massive mind-bending melt-up
Why don't you just fuck off fuddie?

>> No.55121779

>but seeing as many link investors are new and inexperienced it's important to mention
Fudsisters, I thought we were making fun of how long Linkies have been investing (6+ years, although personally I like to round it to something like 8 years since it sounds way longer)

>> No.55121824

It's not a scam, actually a legit project, but it's extremely unlikely for the price to move significantly in the coming years. The price will only start moving up once mass adoption of web3 comes, which is probably still like 7+ years away. If you're okay with this then sure, buy, but just be aware that you won't see a return on your investment for many years

>> No.55121829

nobody is stopping you from falling for every retail investor fallacy all over again. watching your money smolder in a pit for years because you went in without a plan is not brave risk taking, it's retarded. i know it's hard to hear these things when you aren't ready to admit it to yourself yet. but it's not too late, set some time frames for feature delivery / price targets and if they aren't met, take action

>> No.55121840

>listen to meeeeeeeee i'm here to heeeeeeelp youuuuuuu

>> No.55121844

>EVERY project in the crypto space you can think of uses oracles. all of them. they are absolutely necessary for anything of note.
True, yet every single project in the crypto space falls into one of those categories:
>outright scam
>glorified casino (100% of defi)
>proof of concept that has under 1k MAU

>> No.55121847

if you only ever bought one thing and refuse to consider alternatives, you don't have 6 years investing experience, you have none

>> No.55121852

Thanks for the advice and concern for my financial wellbeing.

>> No.55121866

you are welcome, that's why you come here after all, to learn

>> No.55121875

An anon told me back in 2016 that whoever solves the oracle problem could potentially be bigger than bitcoin.

>> No.55121878

but >>55120488 is right though, if I'd had better risk management I would have sold a lot more not just at 50 but on the way up. Dcaing works both ways, if biz hadnt been so tunnel vision and had threads about WHEN AND HOW TO CASH OUT, a lot of anons would be a lot richer

>> No.55121889

just set a date where if chainlink hasn't accomplished anything, you sell
why is this so hard for you

>> No.55121905

cool meme bro

>> No.55121909

yeah because link hasnt unlocked the real use cases yet

>> No.55121936

He's right about divesting and not getting greedy during a pump. He is wrong about being overly cautious about buying link at the giga bottom on the dawn of CCIP.
>Yeah, exactly. I'd give it at least 5 years until v0.1.

>> No.55122010

How strange of, all of a sudden, people becoming concerned with timelines. After enduring FTX collapse, Celsius, multiple rate hikes, banks collapsing on a greater level than 2008, all kinds of shit.. and just as CCIP becomes something latent and about to release.. yeah NOW "people" become high-time-preference. Yawn.

Fuck off double nigger jew

>dude just SELL why is it so hard
Suckstart a shotgun for me would you

>> No.55122013


>> No.55122119

Only super incel fegs buy chainlink. Sir-Gay owns 80% of the supply and dumps daily on idiots like you.

>> No.55122132


>> No.55122144

according to linkies, the token is systematically suppressed.
so no, it's not likely to hit ATH again

>> No.55122188

link is unpumpable because TPTB have deemed it as such. just give up, stinkies

>> No.55122465

If it does I'll be glad. I was dumped on. Still holding it strong. LINK and AVAX might hit ATH and I hope it does. I am already up from the NXRA and AVAX dip.

>> No.55122478

No DiD and ZKS narratives? Ngmi

>> No.55122492

I've got LINK in my ORE and HBAR bag. Best of luck to us.

>> No.55122684

I regret buying link now everyone calls me a stinker

>> No.55122737

>ICO was 6 years ago
>Sergey owns 35% of the supply
>hires green haired roasties to promote women in blockchain and other woke shit
It's a no from me

>> No.55122948

They already called you a stinker before you bought link though

>> No.55123954

HBAR is super bullish if you ask me. I still think RDNT and SPOOL will do me more good.