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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 114 KB, 1500x1000, Jeff-Bezos-and-girlfriend-Lauren-Sanchez-mallorca-spain-051723-1724c12cf52b459187be6eacce031526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55117988 No.55117988 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.55118012

I don't care about being a multi-billionaire; it would just be nice to have a few million dollars and never have to work again. I can hang out by the pool all day or at the beach just like billionaires like to.

>> No.55118016
File: 573 KB, 828x963, 5740BF03-0823-43B4-9938-169C8D97C206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Um tomorrow is a holiday, mein neger. I’m off and I still get full pay.

>> No.55118210

>NEETs are so detached that they don't even know that nobody works tomorrow

I'm envious of NEETs for their lifestyle but it's true that they live in an entirely separate, anti-social universe

>> No.55118256

Right, but wagies don't. You aren't a wagie. You have a salary. Now go to work on saturday to make up for your lost time on monday lmao.

>> No.55118286

tomorrow is national holiday, feels good man

>> No.55118304

I want a chick llike this so bad bros. What do i need to do to get a milf bimbo

>> No.55118443
File: 17 KB, 256x387, The_theory_of_the_Leisure_Class.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NEETs and the leisure class both become quite detached. It's like a social-class version of the horseshoe theory.

>> No.55118454


>> No.55118456

Bezos is jacked

>> No.55118462
File: 525 KB, 828x655, Fw3TgXTXwAM8LuK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder with all the money in the world, this beta is still getting cucked.

>> No.55118666

>He thinks getting cucked is a bad thing

oh sweet virgin....

>> No.55118670

The world we live in is such shit

>> No.55118714

yeah hes clearly on test and its based

>> No.55118744

he's got bigger tatas than his bimbo gf

>> No.55119962

>be Jeff Bezos
>one of the richest dudes on the planet
>you settle for that
>the end

>> No.55120066

called in sick and am getting 100% pay. said im having mental issues. boss told me he understood and should take all the time needed to get where i want to be. will go back to work somewhere in 2024 while still getting paid. unless one of the shitcoins i throw 500 bux into every month moons. fuck you bezos and your plastic whore

>> No.55120313

>thinking money is what women want

>> No.55120519

A tender yatch for your yatch. Really makes you ponder and think.


>> No.55120536
File: 26 KB, 640x444, n5tn1szssur91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have accepted my Dharma of being a wage slave for my entire life

Trying to escape it has always lead me to extreme stress and anxiety

I am willingly caged

>> No.55120538

He’s dating a 50 year old tranny as a humiliation ritual. Many such cases of rich and powerful men being forced to marry a tranny just to maintain their status.
>Jen Bush
>HW Bush

>> No.55120557

you don't need money to go to the beach every day. there's thousands of homeless people living right by the venice boardwalk for free.

>> No.55120563

U don't need money to go to the beach nigger

>> No.55120598

nice digits satan, now go back to r3ddit you unworthy faggot

>> No.55120615

big if true

>> No.55120702

You guys are obsessed with cuckoldry. Can you really not imagine a scenario other than cucking that would explain why the father of her child would be hanging with them? Have you guys never made friends with your GF's ex?

>> No.55120728

>Have you guys never made friends with your GF's ex?
Just say that you're a cuckold.

>> No.55120769

Not working is very unfulfilling
Yes, even having 10/10 gold diggers doing coke off of your pebus gets old

>> No.55120776

You are not enlightened, you are a defeatist cuck.

>> No.55120782

>I just want to be a millionaire brooo
You and 99% of the population congrats

>> No.55120788


>> No.55120808

Out of interest if later in life on your second or third marriage you got with a chick who had kids from a previous relationship would you try to prevent them seeing their father while they where with you and their mom?

>> No.55120815

Just say you are obsessed with cuckoldry anon

>> No.55120868

I just wouldn't marry a roastie. Bozos is the richest man in the world he could coom into teenage girls daily.

>> No.55120880

Kek fucking Satan got checked

>> No.55120919

>Bozos is the richest man in the world
Man, are you stupid.
>he could coom into teenage girls daily.
Wrong. This whole wealth gets you access to anything is a lie. A large majority of teenage girls would be repulsed by this bald man. It would be the equivalent of you being teenage years again and told to suck on a fat grandmas vagina for a million. I recall myself and others when asked scenarios like that the outcome was almost always "fuck no, I'd rather die."

>> No.55120938
File: 189 KB, 1520x1923, 190709-jennifer-araoz-toned-mn-1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole wealth gets you access to anything is a lie.
Lmfao you are retarded. Look up the girls Epstein fucked.

>> No.55120951

wtf that fucking moon face doesn't even look good

>> No.55120956

Too old, even for me

>> No.55120959

She's 14 there.

>> No.55121174


Maybe Bezos doesn't want to fuck kids.

>> No.55121249

Why would that guy put up with a dumb bimbo rather than live the DiCaprio life? He could be fucking random women in their 20s in Eastern Europe, South America, Asia. Even here.

I'll never understand some men's motivations. What compels a man to work hard most of his life to end up with that. Use up her holes and move on.

>> No.55121251

You can't tell me he actually finds the 50-year-old tranny attractive.

>> No.55121277


>> No.55121405

honest question
ive been doing pretty well the past 8 years or so and saving 30% or so of my gross income somehow
now i have a decent amount of passive income lets say 11% of my gross income for last year could be dividends and interests if i chose to position that way.
Should i take a voluntary demotion at work and less strain on my blood pressure? Its a high stress job and i wake up at night worrying when theres a big event at work the next day im in charge of

>> No.55121430

Bro the more attractive ex of your wife third wheeling it on romantic beach get away is crazy, it's a plotline that's too unrealistic for NTR mangas

>> No.55121445

>Still gets cucked

what went wrong?

>> No.55121451

>A large majority of teenage girls would be repulsed by this bald man.
The majority of women are golddiggers. You could have a harem of the most beautiful women in the world fake loving you.
>Out of interest if later in life on your second or third marriage you got with a chick who had kids from a previous relationship would you try to prevent them seeing their father while they where with you and their mom?
Holy shit, you actually are a cuck. Imagine marrying a woman who had kids with another man. Have some self respect dude

>> No.55121462

>muh holiday
Tsk tsk tsk tsk you wanna impress the big man?
You gotta show gumption and that means showing grit in this oil field we call life, so you WILL march up to your boss and say you WILL work unpaid overtime on a supposed commie holiday to earn respect in God's second church whichwe call a business or your no better then a traitorous NEET.

>> No.55121587

Lmfaoooooooo satan is gay confirmed

>> No.55121594

>The majority of women are golddiggers.
This is an undeniable fact.
>You could have a harem of the most beautiful women
Much like 90s the pushed "blondes are the hottest women" then switched to "dark hair is the hottest on women" narratives it showed who the brainless animals in men were If you don't stand by what you are l attracted to you are in reality a fag as they could subject you to that if it were a big enough fad.
Back to this though, like the easily subjectable men with no roots in what they like, these women are the same, and I suggest they be subject to buck shot as they are not real people.

>> No.55121643

Blonde women will always be the most beautiful because blonde is the rarest hair colour (apart from orange hair mutants) and is the same colour as gold.

>> No.55121818

>Holy shit, you actually are a cuck. Imagine marrying a woman who had kids with another man. Have some self respect dude

What does cuck even mean now?
It used to mean your wife/gf fucks around on you.
Now it means even fifty year old divorced dads have to stick to dating teenage virgins only or they're a cuck?
This board is full of larping retards taking the most extreme position on everything.

>> No.55121902

Even if you marry a woman with mileage you shouldn't befriend her exes like you said earlier. It degrades you in her eyes and if have dignity also in yours (unless you're a cuck).

>> No.55122054

You don't have to befriend the guy but your options are either prevent your step kids from seeing their dad or have the guy be around during family outings like this.
Not being able to get your mind around this kind of dynamic betrays an extremely low class mindset.

>> No.55122103

No it doesn't you incel faggot. Women don't give a shit. Getting upset about exes like a cybaby beta pussy certainly does though.

>> No.55122109

You are extremely oversocialized so it is quite pointless to explain such things to you. In modern Western societies certain expectations are placed upon men that are meant to buckbreak and domesticate you. Putting up with the man who used to creampie a younger & hotter version of your wife is one such expectation.

>> No.55122116

No one said you should be upset. Allowing them on your yacht is another thing though.

>> No.55122126

>She's 14
Too old.

>> No.55122189

This is not a modern western society phenomenon man.
You sound like a porn addict the way you think about this stuff.

>> No.55122195

Name 1 society where this would have been considered normal.

>> No.55122291

>It used to mean your wife/gf fucks around on you.
You're not looking far back enough. The historical origination of the word referred to a man raising kids who weren't his own.
It's been rewritten because cucks like you keep lowering your standards.

>> No.55122327

First of all, either learn to speak English on the English only website, or sober up.
Secondly, you're point is so weird and evasive I don't even know where you're coming from. The 'most beautiful women' obviously applies to your personal preferences

>> No.55122342

What does “oversocialized” mean?

>> No.55122349

>Women don't give a shit.
Ah yes, I do remember caring about what women think. Thank you for reminding me their opinions hold value.
What is better, to jump to the tune of disease ridden blown out arrogant whores on the off chance you might get a scrap of their blown out wet hole, or maintain your standards and self worth?

>> No.55122385

>The moral code of our society is so demanding that no one can think, feel and act in a completely moral way. For example, we are not supposed to hate anyone, yet almost everyone hates somebody at some time or other, whether he admits it to himself or not. Some people are so highly socialized that the attempt to think, feel and act morally imposes a severe burden on them. In order to avoid feelings of guilt, they continually have to deceive themselves about their own motives and find moral explanations for feelings and actions that in reality have a non-moral origin. We use the term “oversocialized” to describe such people.

>> No.55122434

>Name 1 society where this would have been considered normal.
Ok, Ancient Rome.
Extremely famous example: Octavian raising the sons of Tiberius Nero, Livia's first husband. Officially adopting them when Tiberius Nero died years later, making one of them his heir and future emperor Tiberius Caesar Augustus.

You're gonna have a harder time finding examples of civilised societies that didn't have this than ones that did.
Did you think every culture before the post-industrial west had a tradition of men ostracizing the father of their step children when they married women with kids?

>> No.55122453

What a zero IQ response. Of course people married widows and adopted their kids, this has nothing to do with the topic at hand.

>> No.55122475

Learn to read. She was not a widow, Tiberius Nero lived another six years after Livia married Octavian and the two households managed together.
Are you just trolling me at this point?

>> No.55122521

>Seemingly around that time, when Livia was six months pregnant, Tiberius Claudius Nero was persuaded or forced by Octavian to divorce Livia.
Totally the same thing. You are an actual brainlet.

>> No.55122571

Nice panicked googling, did you pull that straight off Wikipedia? Have you ever read a book you fucking retard?
Just to make sure you're not moving the goalposts because as well as the social manners of one you also have the historical literacy of a Detroit pavement ape.
You wouldn't have found anything objectionable about bezos having the guy on his yacht if it was possible he'd coerced them into the divorce years ago?

Would you like more examples so you can grasp for more random details your coomer brain can use to explain why it's actually not the same?

>> No.55122595

>um... some king lacked heirs and adopted some who looked reliable so all guys should lend their wives out to the fucking stables

>> No.55122609

>oh no he didn't memorize the details of a historical figures marriage
Know how I know you're a midwit. There are a million reasons why your comparison is braindead. Augustus wife was from an aristiocratic family and expected to bear children, so there were discernible benefits to the marriage. Now explain Bozo's relationship with the tranny.

>> No.55122626

>making friends with your GF's ex
Ha Ha hA hoo He hoo
And I thought my jokes were bad.

>> No.55122755

>oh no he didn't memorize the details of a historical figures marriage

You're the guy who asked for historical examples.
This isn't something you memorise it's basic historical knowledge you learn as a child. Like knowing George Washington crossed the Delaware and Henry VII had eight wives.
Did they have to lock up the water fountains in your school so you didn't drown?
Let me blow your mind with more obscure historical facts; did you know there was a second world war?

>> No.55122795

More low IQ screeching. It's pointless to talk to you if you don't understand why the comparison is braindead, and you're aren't able to stay on topic. Everyone knows that adoptions aren't historically novel.

>> No.55122804

Keep projecting.
And by the way I mean all the midwit/low-IQ stuff and the fixation on cuck shit that you have.

>> No.55122819

I'm not fixated and cuck shit at all, I'm laughing at a multi-billionaire who dates an infertile tranny and goes on cruises with her more attractive ex.

>> No.55123075

You're obsessed anon
>Bro the more attractive ex of your wife third wheeling it on romantic beach get away is crazy, it's a plotline that's too unrealistic for NTR mangas
Maybe the fact you are referencing NTR mangas should clue you in you've lost grip on reality? She's not spending time along woith her ex on a getaway while Bezos is working he's right fucking there you are obsessed

>> No.55123088

alone* with her ex

>> No.55123199

NTR shit everywhere in H doujins these days. Of course I'd recognize the pushing of a fetish trend that personally disgusts me. I'm not a blind man.
>on reality
Ah yes, the reality where the world's richest man has a hag wife that is dragging along her deepdicking shirtless ex to their romantic getaways.
There's a difference between giving the guy custody of his kids for the weekend so you two can get away, and inviting him to candelit dinners where he's perpetually shirtless.

Have you ever stopped to consider that it might not be obsession on our part? That perhaps men are just naturally disinclined toward cuckoldry, and call it out and shame it when they see it?

>> No.55123201
File: 315 KB, 2000x1333, bWVkaWEvRnc1QUlPaFhvQVlHa0E3LmpwZw==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>normies on twitter immediately realize Bezos is into cuck shit
>autismo redditor claims it is normal

It's so over for you. Zero awareness.


>> No.55123247
File: 180 KB, 1080x505, Screenshot_20230529-140013_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, even the trifling hoe wives know

>> No.55123270
File: 29 KB, 477x640, 1684584527760680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have you guys never made friends with your GF's ex?
I cannot comprehend how you weternoids are ok with this. Also in the west, but my gfs a virgin, and I can't imagine marrying a non-virgin.

How do you live with yourself knowing another man has fucked and maybe even coooomed in your girl. Let alone even meeting and interacting with this person??? Peak of cuckoldry, couldn't be me.

>> No.55123285

I could continue making arguments about how obsessed you are about cuckoldry, but I thought I would just make you read back some of the things you typed. I feel like it says more than anything I could tell you.
>NTR shit everywhere in H doujins these days. Of course I'd recognize the pushing of a fetish trend that personally disgusts me. I'm not a blind man.
>the world's richest man has a hag wife that is dragging along her deepdicking shirtless ex to their romantic getaways
>perhaps men are just naturally disinclined toward cuckoldry

>> No.55123310

The only reason that Octavian did this was because of the impending crisis of succession. He did not even like the fact that Tiberius was to inherit the empire.

>> No.55123373

Yes. Wtf else would they want?

>> No.55123379
File: 373 KB, 745x680, 1661283425389794.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly, I am speechless because of how low T this post was.

>> No.55123400

do amerimutts actually all believe they will become millionaires/billionaires? thats why they tolerate this?

>> No.55123522

You have no argument and are just trying for the socially shaming tactic of highlighting what I said, and feeling the others will implicitly understand why they're bad and laugh along with you.
But you haven't laid out why they're bad. You dont know even know why you're mad, you're just mad.
I typed all those statements today and stand by them. I conjure independent thought and arguments, because I am a conscious and principled individual human being. You, on the other hand, are a sheep in human clothing, looking to the gallery to reward you for wagging you finger at the silly incel who doesn't understand why cuckolding is a good thing.
Somebody mentioned "oversocialization" in this thread, and you are a perfect example of that.

>> No.55123589
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 1629823457227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you don't buy the dip on PAPA you're going to watch as thousands of anons make it while you stand there like a coward. What are you going to do?

>> No.55123602

built for 6.5 carcano

>> No.55123626


>> No.55123647

It means you are programmed to go along and get along as your number one priority. And it's your number one priority by far.
You MUST be successfully social.
Oversocialized people are easy to control because you simply ostracize a few people and the fear of it happening to them ends with their going along with anything to not stir the pot and feel "social anxiety."

>> No.55124088

Oh boy one day off. Tick tock wagie :)

>> No.55124256

Their perceptions are in the gutter. This image is explained simply: she is recording a video to send to their mutual children. He isn't fucking her anymore. He has younger pussy at the ready. Bezos is not being cucked by her former husband. He might be getting cucked, but not by that guy.

>> No.55125148

That's A banana wagie. Anymore more than A single banana and your paycheck will be docked.

>> No.55127149

I don't know what day it is most days. Every day is like a weekend to me. I'm so detached at this point I can't relate to wagies anymore. The thought of ever going back to that life horrifies me

>> No.55127172

>Corporation kills jobs
>People no longer have money to spend at said corporation.

End Stage Capitalism is Clown World Retardation.

>> No.55127264

shut up Diogenes

>> No.55127351

If you need work to have an identity or "something to do" you are an npc bro.

>> No.55127410

This man has some deranged fetishes. Probably not even cucking, he has an orgy of buff men and trannies to fuck his plastic surgery bogged bimbo

>> No.55127642
File: 246 KB, 687x843, jizzlane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking he cares about getting cucked when he's got a dozen children locked up below deck
cuckoldry is downright prudish for the 'elite'

>> No.55127674

meds now

>> No.55127737

>Henry VII had eight wives.
I wonder what other things you just 'know'. This is the guy telling others to read. lamo
>inb4 typo and meant six

>> No.55127771

Women cannot be asexual. Women love sex and love to desire sex. It's why most books targeting women are about sex.

Men love sex but they do not love much, nor dislike much the desire for sex. In fact the desire for sex is more like an hindrance and a thing to eject, precisely by wanking and ejaculation that is the pinnacle of fucking a slag.
Men still despise not loving sex, since it removes the most effective mechanism of valuation that they have (a man feels valued by a woman once she picks him up out of the male competition, telling him he won and rewarding him with the right to fuck her), which leads them to the usual mockery of being shagless dildos remaining on the shelf of the sex market controlled by women, being baby dicks and being asexual.
Men despise asexuality in men, since it shows them that sex-havers are far less dominant than the story they plays in their heads about being stronger and better than vaginas.

Women despise asexuality in men, since the few asexual men (few are handsome) no longer acknowledge women for sex nor for companionship. Some asexual men claim to still want a gf just to cuddle, but that's already a baby-level sex and we are still in the situation of validation (and the gf still wants sex anyway sooner or later) and once they have sex with a girl that they love they see sex is not so bad.

Women despise asexuality in women, precisely because women live on sex while their hate of their body for menstruating leads them to take pills which kills their desire for sex (but indeed kills their menstruation). They hate their life since through their own body, they acknowledge in their intimacy that they cannot win on both accounts: either have a comfy life or have an erotic life. Women want the erotic life.

In fact sex is so crucial to a woman, that if a woman is NOT fucked senseless EVERY WEEK, her natural hysteria starts to poor out of her pores and the neurosis kicks in. Sex is literally a medicinal drug to a woman.

>> No.55127840

That's a mandela effect. He always used to be Henry VII and had eight wives
Now he's Henry VIII and had six wives.
Fucking CERN man

>> No.55127863

>Tiberius Nero died years later
So I guess he wasn't going on vacation with Augustus and Livia

>> No.55128023

By this logic wagies also work over the weekend.

>> No.55128162

Holy shit, you're white and have no chin

>> No.55128169

I've always known it to be Henry VIII with six. Welcome to our timeline, traveller.

>> No.55128633

This timeline sucks