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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5510003 No.5510003 [Reply] [Original]


and no a area of land chosen by China doesn't mean all business's that operate there have a national government partnership deluded ven's

>> No.5510332

This has been debunked. Vitalik is a General partner of Febushi a VC firm which Bo Shen owns. Bo Shen is an advisor for Vechain. Someone on the reddit community just connected dots and reached to far this was not marketing from Vechain just some random dude on reddit that made that thread. Febushi is invested in Vechain though.
Here take a look at what PwC the biggest auditing firm tied with Deloitte things of Vechain.
>"For example, VeChain is the first permanent demo application set up in our Shanghai Innovation Center. We are now finalizing a few initiatives which I cannot disclose the details now. What I can say is they will be completed in due course and they are very innovative and "first-of-its-kind", not only for PwC but also within our profession."

>> No.5510379

see vitalik is on there.

>> No.5510435
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and yes SEZ status in fact does mean National government partnership
Government co-op:
Press release: https://cdn.vechain.com/vechain_national_government_partnership_guian_release.pdf
Fud response: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vechain/comments/7krrhh/in_responding_to_the_fud_of_the_government/?st=JBDB6T37
Special Economic Zones (SEZ): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special_economic_zones_of_China
VeChain Adoption for Gui'an by Boxmining 6:29 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLDe42aAKH0&feature=youtu.be&t=6m29s

>> No.5510451
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This wasn't a random redditor, it's posted on VENs reddit Q&A

Not debating if VEN has a Local Chinese government partnership. But they do not have a national partnership.

>> No.5510505

I’m actually embarrassed for this guy, how sad his life must be to spend 12+ hours a day trying to fud vechain

>> No.5510512

How many threads do we need to destroy you waltonwabicucks on?

>> No.5510539
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box mining did a video with suppo man lol his opinion don't mean shit no more.

Again you are not marketing it correctly the zone is set a side by the national government, that doesn't mean the companies have a national government partnership.


The government of China gives SEZs special (more free market-oriented) economic policies and flexible governmental measures. This allows SEZs to utilize an economic management system that is more attractive for foreign and domestic firms to do business in than the rest of mainland China. In SEZs, "...foreign and domestic trade and investment are conducted without the authorization of the Chinese central government in Beijing." [1] SEZs offer "tax and business incentives to attract foreign investment and technology".

Also your giving me bull shit post by vechain themself

>> No.5510583

yeah it says unofficially off the record. 3 years ago. Vitalik is a busy guy I am sure he said some helpful things at one point 3 years ago and forgot. He did acknowledge he knows the name and met some people. He's pretty much done with advising anything OMG and Kyber is it for him "officially"

>> No.5510605
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hahahhah you just contradicted yourself with your own link

foreign and domestic trade and investment are conducted without the authorization of the Chinese central government in Beijing

foreign and domestic trade and investment are conducted without the authorization of the Chinese central government in Beijing

foreign and domestic trade and investment are conducted without the authorization of the Chinese central government in Beijing

>> No.5510620

Oh man, Suppoman is a joke

>> No.5510655

VET is the shit, only morons try to hold it down, it’s going to fuck up 2018 like Tyson v Cooney

>> No.5510713
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Guess you never looked up the meaning of a SEZ did you?

>> No.5510747

VeChain said they have a "national-level partnership".

According to wikipedia, "The zones are parts of cities at various levels in the formal hierarchy but are known as "national-level" or "state-level" in reference to the preferential policies and privileges they are granted directly by the State Council. These privileges are to encourage and attract new developments (particularly foreign direct investment) to speed up the city's economy."

If these are always encouraged to be called "national-level" partnerships, and this wasn't VeChain's invention, how can you say this is false marketing?

>> No.5510777

Who names a blockchain project after The Waltons tv show anyway

>> No.5510778
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Its wikipedia bro its fast and easy just like McDonalds doesn't mean its good for you. I am not your momma bird here to chew your food for you. You and I both do not know how China operates they play their cards very close to their chest but this is big you would be wise to delve deeper. Something huge is happening here. Something this space has never seen before.

>> No.5510795


>> No.5510888
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that posting is from a twitter shiller, and false info,

also thank for linking the wikipedia page I quoted.


without the authorization of the Chinese central government in Beijing.

Also not the only coin that will be used in a smart city.

Other coins are in multiple government partnerships and most of those bullet points are just pure speculation which normally end's up screwing a investor

>> No.5510951

Stop trying to get people to dump into your 150,000 and 75,000 buy wall.

>> No.5510956

you can start here.

>> No.5510999


not buying your coins

>> No.5511058



>> No.5511061


PBoC cool make a logical point with this? Yes I know what this bank is, if your implying that they had to have a partnership with Vechain for ven to operate in a SEZ then that's just false marketing, You already proved you don't read the link's your even posting. Please construct a logical argument this is biz not b

I don't think VEN is a bad coin per say but it's not what it sells itself as

>> No.5511099

I don't know about him but I've accumulated just enough for a thunder node (50k VEN) and am not selling, period. Pretty much why the price is pretty stable. Anyone who's accumulated has done so because we know we'll get staking rewards. The price isn't going to drop much from here, I'm sorry you're missing out.

>> No.5511121

I constructed a logical argument, can you address what I said? I think it's dishonest of you to claim their wording of "national-level partnership" is false advertising when that's explicitly what that arrangement is called, VeChain didn't invent it.

>> No.5511174


I wouldn't sell either man, I am not telling ppl to sell just making people aware of the false marketing that some maybe bought into

>> No.5511201
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I think I made it clear your speaking out of your ass with this thread

>> No.5511278

What does Vechain do? Prevent fraud and counterfeits. Peoples Bank of China will be on Vechain blockchain to prevent counterfeiting screen cap this. Ill do the same in laugh my ass all the way to the bank living the cozy life retired from my 50k node.

>> No.5511303
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that nose :(

>> No.5511320


lol there are many other coins that could do this for PBoC, and besides i doubt any coins would be doing this , ven, wtc, iota, wabi,

the PBoC would more likely create their own

>> No.5511404

bro you get thrown in jail for disrespecting the Chinese national anthem you think if it wasn't legit they would post the national anthem on their twitter with a fucking handshake emoji. Get out of here with your shitcoins iota wabi. WTC is alright but not in the same league.

>> No.5511483
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um what? first of how where they disrespecting it ? no they where not just misuse of it. Like Iota and Microsoft which was just Azure , but I am sure a dumbass liek you would not understand this difference

They throw you in jail for a lot of things in china but using a china flag and emjoi is not one of them

>> No.5511775
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Haha goyim. You're trying real hard here.

Pic related
>me holding 10k VEN

>> No.5511839
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cool me holding 6 figures in USD of coins

congrats on your gains

>> No.5512664
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keeping this alive

>> No.5513297
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>> No.5513888
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>> No.5514077
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>> No.5514347
