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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55108774 No.55108774 [Reply] [Original]

Gold is money

Everything else is imagination.

>> No.55108777

containment thread, now new liberal fascist

>> No.55108787

Value is subjective
Therefore everything is imagination

>> No.55108789

I mean, the digits don't lie...

>> No.55108819

>Value is subjective
>Therefore everything is imagination

No. Silver and gold have tangible physical properties that are unique and valuable.

>> No.55108950
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>> No.55108956

That's what I thought... but can we even argue with trip 7s?

>> No.55108964

>muh real is matter
>muh numbers not exist
>muh me is smart
>grug grug me eat shit

>> No.55108969
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im thinking anon deserves a pass because of teh ebin get. I will call him the N word if he posts like that again though

>> No.55108970

All value is derived from supply and demand. Because the demand for shiny rocks is different from person to person, it has no intrinsic value

>> No.55108996

The USA/EU/UN is a
They combined FDR and Hitlers left wing collectivism and replaced
Aryans with Jews
Their goal is to keep individual sovereign right wingers enslaved
while they managed to convince a bunch of tankies that they would fight the nazis as "antifa" as they are beating up the opposition to the fascists
and all that by brainwashing them with superhero movies

>> No.55109399
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>it has no intrinsic value
To someone who doesn't know how to use it...
But obviously, if banks and governments for millenia seek it out and horde it, this negates your assertions with tangible corporeal actions.

>> No.55109413

>The USA/EU/UN is a
Don't see a lie here, but your reference is to 2% of the population that is in positions of influence, not the masses

>> No.55109434
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Silver WILL be $1100 an ounce!
You WILL be able to buy sex with silver coins!

>> No.55109674
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>You WILL be able to buy sex with silver coins!
Hopefully not from that hideous gargoyle..

>> No.55109702

did i just imagine paying my bills yesterday? fuck thanks for reminding me op

>> No.55109779

Will hookers only accept US mint silver or will bullion be just as good?

>> No.55109856
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>did i just imagine paying my bills
First raddish of the season

>> No.55109881
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>> No.55109907

yeah cracker, this electricity isn't gonna pay for it self! Is it tasty?

>> No.55109910
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Well silvers silver so as long as they can read where it sayw "one ounce fine" then you're good.
Might get a discount if you pay with government minted.
Uuuuhhhh what about this one then?

>> No.55110377
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Imagine the ignorance of not knowing how to get free electricity from the earth using only metals

>> No.55110393

>Uuuuhhhh what about this one then?
The treasure isn't choosing but raising virtueious children

>> No.55110414

Attributing an intrinsic objective value to anything is commie Marx tier logic.
Real value is purely subjective. It doesn't mean there isn't averages, but averages don't exist in the real world, you can be an average man but the average man doesn't exist. Same for price and value

>> No.55110915
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>a gold shiller appears

> "Den Goldmachern habe ich erklärt, ich hätte überhaupt kein Interesse an Gold, weder an natürlichem noch an synthetischem."
— Nov 11th 1941

> "Die andere Welt hat das alles noch nicht kapiert. Insoweit können wir beruhigt sein. Die kriegen solche Krisen, wenn der Krieg zu Ende geht! Während der Zeit bauen wir uns einen ganz soliden, krisenfesten Staat auf, hinter dem kein Gramm Gold steht."
— Nov 11th 1941

> "Man kann Amerika ja nur mit Gold bezahlen. Ein Geschäft, das sich aufbaut auf Austausch von Produkten, ist mit Amerika nicht möglich; es hat Uberschuß an Rohstoffen wie an Produktionsmöglichkeit. Bekommen sie Gold für den Ansatz menschlicher Arbeitskraft, dann legen sie das in einen Keller und sind der Meinung, die Welt werde sich nach dieser Wirtschaftspolitik, die jüdischem Denken entsprungen ist, richten."
— Oct 13th 1941

>> No.55110919
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> "Zu ihrem Schaden haben die Engländer Indien industrialisiert. Das Ergebnis: daß in England die Arbeitslosigkeit steigt, der britische Arbeiter verarmt. Die Millionen Arbeitsloser in Amerika! Man müßte da mit einer ganz neuen Wirtschaftspolitik beginnen: sich vom Goldstandard loslösen und dafür im Innern eine Produktion unterbringen."
— Sept 9th 1941

> "Das Christentum war alles zerstörender Bolschewismus. Die Juden hatten die Einsicht daß man mit der Lehre Jesus den römischen Staat, den die Juden haßten, zum Zusammenbruch bringen könne. Die Römer beschlagnahmten sogar das von den Juden in den Tempeln auf gehäufte Gold; die Römer griffen also den Juden an das Heiligste was es für den Juden gibt. Und Saulus-Paulus kam die Erleuchtung daß man den römischen Staat zum Zusammenbruch bringen könne, wenn man die Lehre von der Gleichheit aller Menschen vor einem alleinigen Gott durchsetzte und wenn man die eigenen, angeblich göttlichen Auffassungen über die staatlichen Gesetze erheben würde. Wenn man dann noch dazu es fertigbrachte, einen Mann als den Stellvertreter Gottes auf Erden durchzusetzen, dann stand dieser Mann mit seinem Gebot und seiner Lehre über allen staatlichen Gesetzen."
— Oct 21st 1941

> "Dann habe ich ihm auseinandergesetzt, daß Golddeckung, Währung und dergleichen Begriffe seien, die ich nie und nimmer als unumstößliche und verehrungswürdige Faktoren ansehen könne. Für mich sei Geld nichts anderes als eine Anweisung für geleistete Arbeit. Es habe nur dann und nur soviel Wert, als hinter ihm eine Arbeitsleistung stecke. Wo es diese Leistung nicht repräsentiere, könne ich ihm auch einen Wert nicht zubilligen."
— May 19th 1944

>> No.55111132

OP absolutely BTFO'd.

>> No.55111275


>> No.55112267
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>> "Dann habe ich ihm auseinandergesetzt, daß Golddeckung, Währung und dergleichen Begriffe seien, die ich nie und nimmer als unumstößliche und verehrungswürdige Faktoren ansehen könne. Für mich sei Geld nichts anderes als eine Anweisung für geleistete Arbeit. Es habe nur dann und nur soviel Wert, als hinter ihm eine Arbeitsleistung stecke. Wo es diese Leistung nicht repräsentiere, könne ich ihm auch einen Wert nicht zubilligen."
>— May 19th 1944

Time and energy of the volk represented in reichmarks?

>listening to what people say ≠ watching what they do...

>> No.55112281
File: 69 KB, 512x854, Got Any Decent Fatherly Advice For Me .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP absolutely BTFO'd.
>Time and energy of the volk represented in reichmarks?

>> No.55113762

i cannot imagine how clueless you have to be to believe in metallism
you understand literally nothing about the economy or the history of the State if you seriously think money = precious metals

>> No.55113906

Yet the Reichsmark used silver coins which were wildly popular because of that after the Weimar fiasco. What Hitler did was closer to what BRICS is trying to do, with a basket of commodities and finished goods taking the place of paper for international trade. Germany at the time was trading industrial products for ressources while issuing silver coins for their own population.
Precious metals = money
Ressources = money
Industrial goods = money
Paper promise = debt

>> No.55114318
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>i cannot imagine how clueless you have to be to believe in metallism
>you understand literally nothing about the economy or the history of the State if you seriously think money = precious metals

Ok, harbinger of female logic. What about it is wrong? Also what is the superior system then? IF you think it's fiat please don't answer because you don't understand shit about fuck

>> No.55114363

weird bot, you're not even in the right thread
bot #2? Or just a retard?

>> No.55114765
File: 103 KB, 1280x787, IMG_20230524_073634_914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bot #2? Or just a retard?

Sarcasm and irony hard for you to understand buddy? Do you find yourself often confused when others talk?

>> No.55114936

>fake quotations by dead presidents

>What about it is wrong?
everything. Money is an unit of accounting created by the state to standardize debt payments. There are no evidence of barter trade systems ever developing in any society anywhere on the globe, just as the spontaneous choosing of a particular money-commodity without state intervention never happens.
>what is the superior system?
fiat money, since it greatly expands the lending capacities of the private sector and does not place any imaginary constraints on a government' capacity to mobilize unutilised resources

>> No.55114982

Neuron activating posts

>> No.55115276

>There are no evidence of barter trade systems ever developing in any society anywhere on the globe, just as the spontaneous choosing of a particular money-commodity without state intervention never happens.
>economy just doesn't exist bro
Kill yourself shill

>> No.55115412

Fag check doesn't use the cited quote. Try harder.

>> No.55115464

>Money is an unit of accounting
That's currency.

>> No.55115495

Paper is a scarce resource and has more applications than gold by far. There is an order of magnitude more gold in the universe than paper.

>> No.55115571

>greatly expands the lending capacities of the private sector and does not place any imaginary constraints on a government' capacity to mobilize unutilised resources
This makes fiat an INFERIOR system, silly. You got it backwards. Why do you think fiat currencies have a 100% failure rate? Also the constraints of sound money are in no way "imaginary," quite the opposite. Lending paper into existence and using debt as collateral for more debt is when things get imaginary.

>> No.55115580
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>buy goyld goy!

>> No.55115817

If it's good enough for all the big central banks it's probably good enough for me. Just look at your graph, all the gains are flatlining.

>> No.55115955
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>>what is the superior system?
>fiat money,

Fiat literally means by decree of government authority
Your kiked mind is so fucking backwards I will pray for healing for you.

>> No.55116280

If one person were to own all of the BTCs right now, what would they be worth?

>> No.55116298

Prove you actually hold physical silver in this thread by quoting your favorite Bible passage, your favorite firearm that you own, your favorite country music song, and on a scale of 1-10 how how you find your cousin.

>> No.55116305

Around the same as if he owned all of the gold right now.

>> No.55116319

Hookers have a decent aptitude for pawning items. I believe they would easily accept metal

>> No.55116752
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Just because they will don't mean you should.

>> No.55116847
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Which cousin?

>> No.55116925
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Roughly 300 here, have over 800, don't wish to get more out.

Post yours nigga

>> No.55117388
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Über Based

>> No.55117396
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Love some shiny sunshine mint bars.

>> No.55117407

You are confusing “value” with “price”

>> No.55117431

yes. yes. when the hard times come, rock men will reign supreme. very honestly though in today's society gold only makes sense after you own 2 properties. so unless you're a millionaire and worried about asset allocation and liquidity sources it will be a drag on your returns as opposed to something like the nasdaq or bitcoin or bonds.
unless or course you think this clown car crashes and even so you're better off buying up mad max essentials before hoarding gold.

>> No.55117827
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>yes. yes. when the hard times come, rock men will reign supreme. very honestly though in today's society gold only makes sense after you own 2 properties. so unless you're a millionaire and worried about asset allocation and liquidity sources it will be a drag on your returns as opposed to something like the nasdaq or bitcoin or bonds.
>unless or course you think this clown car crashes and even so you're better off buying up mad max essentials before hoarding gold.

Out of assets that you hold, only real money (like gold/silver). all else is papers or imagination as stated in OP.


Backed by a deed, next government can revoke with stroke of pen.

>Fiat debt notes?
Each new bout of inflation is simply the government robbing 5-10% of it per anum and you're powerless to stop it


Simply can be diluted without your say-so if someone on top wishes to sell it to a friend, they simply issue more shares "to stay afloat" and you're fucked.

All it takes is alphaanon to sell 1m BTC and overnight the entirety of crypto is worth $1m as panic ensues

As soon as the US defaults on its debt and prints it away, literally all asset classes that you can come up with (other than gold and silver) will plummet. Gold and silver will skyrocket because they are the single and only thing that is money, and will facilitate international trade.

>muh oil

Get fucked, OPEC is America's bitch which is the USD's bitch, should the USD shit the bed, its every country for itself to asset dominance and oil glut will ensue as economic activity collapses and nobody will stop pumping.

>> No.55118039

The government owns your life
it can kill you and your entire family whenever and however it wants to do so. there is no getting rid of government. either you recognize it and behave accordingly, or go live in a shack in the woods like Ted Kaczynski

"the economy" is created by the government. markets are created as a means to allow government employes to spend the money they receive from the government, and they can spend that money because the government demands taxes from the merchants denominated in the currency of that money.

>> No.55118070

>This makes fiat an INFERIOR system, silly.
no it doesn't
a well developed financial system allows for businessmen to plan for longer time frames, with bigger business plans and to raise more funds for their enterprises than they would by simply selling company shares to investors

>> No.55118252
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>devalues your money

>> No.55118541

Does it though?

>> No.55119180

I'll just sit patiently for SpaceX to mine asteroids then. Should happen right after full self driving stops killing people.

>> No.55119218

You know damn well how that’s snarky nonsense. ‘Rare’ insofar as humans have trouble accumulating it. Touch a tree and then come back with that logic when asteroid mining pops around and actually shakes the rare mineral ecosystem up.

The only real problem for gold is that it being a rare material gives it a slew of utility in industrial services that superscede it’s value as something shiny or as currency.

>> No.55119744
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>The government owns your life
>it can kill you and your entire family whenever and however it wants to do so. there is no getting rid of government. either you recognize it and behave accordingly, or go live in a shack in the woods like Ted Kaczynski

It may own your life. You choose to have an owner because you are a coward without truth in your heart. I have a family, but I don't own them, nor can I stop death anymore than you can.
Governments come and go just like currencies, and just like currency, there's nothing there except the illusion of authority. Some think that good behavior is for the audience of each other and society, but it's nothing moar than horizontal pandering without vertical results. The truth is the audience is the creator of all. Do you think that the rising and falling of empires is "coincidence"?...
Oh, for some reason, you didn't like the truth I let slip out, huh? Perhaps it's because you've had a taste of worldly power and feel it slipping away. It's so sad, really, that the empire of dirt is nothing moar than fertilizer for the next fools, huh?
Nah, the government is nothing more than a game of chess and just like in chess "check" is a polite way of saying it's in danger.
Consent of the governed is mandatory for "government" and if you're proposing that consent is a myth, I agree with you. The authority lies within the lies of what money is not, and once the belief shifts, so does the illusion of consensus. How then to to demand obedience and "good behavior" without being able to back it up?
I know you see it coming on the horizon, the blood staind hands of the unwashed masses yo reviled and mocked and scorned and abused, but your paper and your ledgers of illusions of value won't save your flesh from their ritteousnes indignation.
Oh no, fren for the taskmaster mercenaries of the liars there won't even be any options to go in the woods because their the rape and murder await your kind.

>> No.55120278
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>> No.55120294
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Less coloquially, liberal totalitarian.

>> No.55120372
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>> No.55120466
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>> No.55122270

imagine not buying silver bullets.

>> No.55122328
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>imagine not buying silver bullets
Imagine not making them...

>> No.55122348

>read the road once

>> No.55122401

every single point
dubs of clarity
based beyond belief