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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55114546 No.55114546 [Reply] [Original]


Is what Sergey meant when he said wolf in sheeps clothing attack?

>> No.55114664

Imagine still getting flash loan attacked in 2023 6 years after LINK made these ineffective. It’s unbelievable. Irresponsible, really.

>> No.55114672

Retards who use these shitty services deserve losing all their money.

>> No.55114721

Only more reason for people not to trust anything not using Chainlink. Personally I hope these keep happening until dipshits finally learn.

>> No.55114726

>This hack is due to the lack of slippage control of liquidity-shifting operation -- such that the protocol-owned liquidity is invested into a skewed/imbalanced price range, which is exploited in reverse swap for profit.
what the fuck does it even mean could chainlink have prevented this?

>> No.55114768
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You retards don't get this, you have all these barely used Defi protocols. When the VC money dries out the ideas for an inside job start. You just publish bad code, hack yourself as fast as possible. Then you pretend your negotiating with the hacker and send back 90%. Everyone happy (because -10% is better then -100%) en you will let the protocol die, just to start over when the bullrun starts.

>> No.55114776
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>> No.55114793

>oracle-free summ-ACK
Pay up or get fucked.

>> No.55114798

Yup. I also predict a lot of bridge "hacks" coming soon once ccip takes over.

>> No.55114895

Chainlink is needed more than ever it will come sooner than later

>> No.55115287
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>> No.55115333
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the coffers expand

>> No.55115355

>could chainlink have prevented this?
Chainlink has NEVER Been exploited. It is a guarantee of safety. Its flawless record is a testament to its incredible team.

>> No.55115381
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>> No.55115467

An oracle network has the Jews it deserves. Just as mosquitoes can thrive and settle only in swamps, likewise the former can only thrive in the swamps of our spaghetti code.

>> No.55115510
File: 84 KB, 436x508, 3CB541BE-171B-4382-B4F6-F9150C131BCD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time