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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55113956 No.55113956 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we just make money worth more? Like just deflate it for a little while and see what happens?

>> No.55114070

At least over 80% of western economies are made out of bullshit jobs. And then there all the dark skinned 'people' on gibs.
Everything is dependant on inflation. Out of some billion people living in the western world maybe only 100-150 million do anything worthwhile to maintain our civilizational level and infrastructure. Billions would die if we deflate now.

>> No.55114076

and that's a bad thing?

>> No.55114081
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>Billions would die if we deflate now.

>> No.55114088

So be it.

>> No.55114091


>> No.55114102

I live in a poor area of a major city it's been a good barometer for how people are doing.
During the pandemic it got pretty bad especially when they cut off the stimulus checks.
It calmed down for a bit, now my area is 10x worse than the pandemic, 100s not kidding 100s of homeless, the apartment complexes around me are letting them live for free there and beg during the day, I've had two schizophrenic people walk into my house mid day with people home so far.
there's so many people walking through my back yard now I can't keep track.

Shit's fucked beyond belief I'm extremely poor but in comparison to these types I'm wealthy.
It's gonna get ugly within four years folks.
I haven't seen a cop pull anyone over here for years now

>> No.55114118

The answer: because big corporations, banks, rich people and governments have large debt in fiat.

>> No.55114128
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>professor shekelberg told me that's even worse than inflation!

>> No.55114137

thats what ethereum does

>> No.55114143
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Fiat currency is a ponzi scheme. Every state and city relies on prices of things going up to rake in income tax and property tax.


>> No.55114145

lol is this the right to repair guy?

>> No.55114148

rich people don't own money, they own equity

money loses value with inflation, but equity goes up

we do what rich people want, not what poor people want. Rich people want inflation. It's how they got rich in the first place.

>> No.55114158

i live in a small town. im seeing more vacant homes. old people dying and then the home sits empty for years.

I see way more panhandlers out this year. but im not sure if they are actually homeless or just grifting

>> No.55114172
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btw the roads paved 30 years ago need to repaved and the city/state can't afford it. They're about to go bankrupt. only solution is to print more money and add one more lane bro

>> No.55114174

Most here are grifting beggars who end up living in places around me but now there's way fucking more, literally had 100 shopping carts lining my sidewalk full of trash.
I hate this beyond belief.
I spent a decade turning this into a wildlife habitat.

>> No.55114182
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And so it all returns to zero.

>> No.55114188
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>> No.55114191

Oh look it's a fed

>> No.55114200

Around the corner it looks like that but seriously 100x worse there's about 40 bus stops around here so they flood in daily, the city cleans their shit about once a year, last year they had so many tents under the bridge it literally smelled like pure fresh dog shit when you would pass, it was human waste but it had that same smell.

>> No.55114208

>Billions would die if we deflate now.
Yes, and?

>> No.55114212

A couple years back he had videos of him trying to get leases for his repair shop downtown new york. He would film him checking the shops out and what the landlord's would try to sell him. But he also would show how many completely EMPTY offices that had been sitting for years.

>> No.55114224
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So basically restricting supply to maintain/increase price?

>> No.55114294

Yes sir, it's a holdout. Never works!

>> No.55114377
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They will import a billion indians deluded into happily working as slaves, not caring that they're devaluing labor and suppressing wages for the rest of the world.
The "free" world ends with a massive shart.

>> No.55114388

shut your dirty mouth

>> No.55116451
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