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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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55114058 No.55114058 [Reply] [Original]



>> No.55114069

anglos can't even code and they make fun of the frenchies

>> No.55114092

I don't get it how is it possible? The seed is not encrypted at rest?

>> No.55114094

you cant use the funds in the wallet without the seed phrase

>> No.55114116

He's brute forced a trivial password.

Very misleading desu, it's actually bulletproof since the passphrase isn't stored on the device and the computation plus validation for the password is high.

Trezor with a long password is the safest crypto wallet on the market

>> No.55114139

>it's actually bulletproof since the passphrase isn't stored on the device and the computation plus validation for the password is high.
No it's not bulletproof. Your pathetic password will be broken by modern GPU clusters.
Wow. Nice convenient wallet you have there. Trezor is cheap shit with toaster chips kek.

>> No.55114152

No it won't. The password just creates a unique wallet, there is no GPU acceleration for checking the blockchain for crypto. It's not far off just randomly generating wallets.

>> No.55114165


So is the trezor model t worse than the ledger x recovery model?

>> No.55114177

So what does this mean for my metamask?

>> No.55114179

Bonjour, Ledger shill!

>> No.55114183

>there is no GPU acceleration for checking the blockchain for crypto

>download blockchain state
>feed into RAM database
>parallely check balances

>> No.55114184

reminder that ledger is designed, and intended for normies with little to no value to secure. it's the device made by midwits, for midwits.
they also can't even keep something as simple as a webstore online without leaking everyone's emails and addresses

trezor is open source, so physical access is the only vulnerability, and there is no way to bypass a passphrase, you must brute force it.

>> No.55114187

So whats a better wallet then?

>> No.55114193

Airgapped libreboot notebook without WIFI or WAN adapter

>> No.55114204

Cool enjoy waiting 60000 years digging for a passphrase that you don't even know exists or whether how much crypto is tied to it, or what cryptocurrency is even used.

>> No.55114240

You don't need libreboot if there are no network adapter. Any laptop would do.

>> No.55114245

kek this is why crypto will likely never be adopted

>bro just use this unknown hypersecure wallet
>ooops it actually has a backdoor
>sorry sweetie you lost everything better luck next time

>> No.55114266

probably less secure than using a 3/5 multisig with trezor, bitbox, one other backup hardware wallet, a wallet on your phone, and a paper wallet.

the rewards always go to those who are capable themselves, or monetize making it possible for those who aren't.

>> No.55114459
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>> No.55114480

I have a pin on my trezor. Does that passphrase get entered when approving transactions in the same way the code does?

>> No.55114837

Pin is not enough as an attacker can dump the memory of the chip and just try the combinations.
You need to use the secret wallet feature where you enter a password after you enter a pin

>> No.55114889
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The point of this shit isn't so some FBI faggot can't crack it. OS spyware, trashy exploits and random niggers who break into your house can't. It's the same as an airgapped PC for the most part. No one can get into a Trezor unless they have physical access AND BRUTE FORCES your fucking secret passphrase. I don't care about some jewtuber fag a million miles away who doesn't know where I live. That alone is the point. You could break into my bank account too if you guessed the password. If you want actual uncrackable shit to stop glowniggers then unironically get a self destruct safe and put the Trezor inside it when you arent using it or some tinfoil shit.

>> No.55115084

>No one can get into a Trezor unless they have physical access
Have you ever heard of hourse searches nigger?

Let's be honest here. Everyone is just worried about this shit because they are evading taxes. They will fuck you up either way.

>> No.55115142

lol buck broken ledgercucks
this requires physical access to the trezor alongside its own dedicated cracking board, several GPU clusters and the exploit software
meanwhile ledger can just push a button and get backdoor access to ur device xd

>> No.55115744
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jump of a ledge ledgie

>> No.55117344


>> No.55117368

Wow so if
>pro hacker physically steals your trezor
>memory dumps the keys with his hack shit
>then does a brute force (which if your ow has high entropy will still take decades)
Then they can steal your crypto!!!

>Titanium seed storage isnt safe either! If they steal my titanium plates they have my key!!!
>cant just memorize key incase you get kidnapped and they inject you with truth serum and pull your teeth out!

Its over for crapto

>> No.55117676

wow really coincidental that trezor hardware vulnerabilities are surfacing again just days after the ledger shitstorm, surely this isn't ledger employees trying to divert attention

>> No.55118731

No this is retarded cope by the Ledger team.

>> No.55118751

retard ledger is completely safe, trezor probably too

its a scam to get people to not use their own custody