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File: 810 KB, 1170x1661, 87FEDD9B-44DA-47F7-8B94-8C855AB32701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
55106905 No.55106905 [Reply] [Original]

No irony, no trolling, it’s literally nothing. It’s the amount that most high schoolers can have just by working part time in retail during the week/weekends and living eight their parents.

It doesn’t get you anything anymore, so why do people continue to insist it’s a lot of money?

>> No.55106922
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You can buy a sweet car while bumming it at your parents house and eating their food. still have 30k left to maintain it or invest.

>> No.55106932

Could you give me 100k then, please? I could use some of your 'nothing'

>> No.55106938

If it's not a lot of money send me 100k, what's the point of these fake and gay soft bragging threads?

>> No.55106967

>100k is nothing, high schoolers can make it by working part time.
Ugh Swedish people. Shut the fuck up, not everyone is from Norway and Switzerland like you.

>> No.55106982

Good for them, zoomers are growing up in a labour shortage. Millennials all came of age during the 2008 financial crisis and many were fucked from the start, by the time they recover it's already too late

>> No.55107005

>tfw bought $30k car I don't even really like
>makes me mad getting in it
>can't get rid of it without a huge loss

>> No.55107086
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Yeah its like a normal yearly wage, but if someone got 100k at once on top of their usual pay and weren’t idiots they could definitely make it, or at least set themselves up to.

>> No.55107099

I like that
>Having parents
Is now considered a privilege. Westerners are so hilariously buckbroken.

>> No.55107111

100k just in time to watch it's value go to 0 as the economy collapses

>> No.55107118
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Also can you stop using the world “literally” wrong? Its not “literally” nothing. It’s a lot of money and you sound like a giant faggot saying that. Like a trust fund reditor, but you’re probably a pussy and fat and gay so I get it.

>> No.55107127

damn you fucked up. The sweet spot is buying a sexy 55-65k car that you love driving for fun and keeping it forever.

with a shitbox daily or an old truck to abuse

>> No.55107130

Or maybe Europeans are fucking pussies. You faggots are even more cucked by niggers than us, you just wont admit it. At least I can fight and shoot. What can you do you manlet, anorexic faggot?

>> No.55107140

not having parental support is ultra cucked. You can still do whatever you want without paying rent or living like a pauper to save a crumb of your income

>> No.55107143


>The whole world is America

Nigga I live in a balkan country and the average person makes 6k euro each year

100k is GOOD money here

>> No.55107169

>Having something you have absolutely

no control of happen to you is cucked. Being a privileged faggot is fundamentally cucked and will make you an unlikeable no effort rich fag that has no real redeemable skills. You will be physically consumed by immigrants when society collapses eurofaggot.

>> No.55107170

... I'm literally American and Europe is also always considered western, what the fuck are you talking about lmao calm down

>> No.55107189

Your take is fucking retarded nigger.

>> No.55107190

I have a net worth of 170k usd and I live in a turd world shithole called Poland. If you are a firstie from western europe or the us and you dont have at least 400k net worth youre fucking retarded or not trying at all

>> No.55107193

I'm not even european. I'm from USA. You sound completely buck broken, i'm sorry your parents kicked you out at 18 dooming your saving ability.

>> No.55107206

Also im 21, forgot to mention that

>> No.55107216

I’m sorry I could absolutely mog you in any situation outside of being an annoying gay faggot.

>> No.55107222

What job does a 20 y/o work that he can save that with taxes?

>> No.55107227

Literally any job. Even entry level labour jobs are paying $25/hr. Just work part time in highschool and then full time a year or two living with your parents and don't waste money on stupid shit like weed or new cars

>> No.55107270

>poland, a country where the average monthly wage is less than 2000 usd
>this fucker claims that by 21 you can have 170k or you are retarded
thanks for comfirm that your country is full of retards, including you

>> No.55107281

>tfw only hit this liquid nw at 22
It’s over

>> No.55107345

Somebody should convince this kid to all in Chainlink. He’ll be ultra rich before he is 30. How I wished I was 20 again and had time on my side….

>> No.55107352

No need to be so butthurt about being poor, maybe instead of insulting me you ask for financial advice?

>> No.55107424

1pbtid doomer faggot thread to demoralize people who have way more money than he does

Clean it up janjan

>> No.55107442

I how you got it. You got it from your parents. You can't replicate that success from zero

>> No.55107453

You grew up in a single mother apartment. Its very telling

>> No.55107458

alright, tell me oh great gurú of biz , how a pole with the average wage can save up to 170k at 21?

>> No.55107475

It is in Russia. Try as you will, America is still not the whole world. Not yet.

>> No.55107480

100k at 30 yo is not a lot of money
100k at 20 yo is a lot of money
Simple as

>> No.55107481

>t. little brown man
even worse you probably think you qualify as white (european) with those mud eyes

>> No.55107576


Post right now or shut the fuck up

>> No.55107606
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You could buy a reasonably nice flat for under £100k in my neck of the woods.

>> No.55107643

def raised by a single mom

>> No.55107687
File: 4 KB, 356x118, Fuck the filters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.55107710

It's retarded to make fun of westerners for being from broken homes? You're awfully sensitive about this, sorry you grew up with a single mother

>> No.55107764

>get a $25k a year job
>dont get into wild amounts of debt
>don't spend like crazy
>live with your parents
pretty easy to save up that much money in the US honestly. even shit tier barista jobs in some big cities pay like $18 an hour now.

>> No.55107793

Why do so many people acting living with your parents to save money is bad? I didn’t read the comments but the kid had to address it and I’ve seen enough discourse about this shit to know that kid was probably ripped a new asshole by the worst type of people because he was still living with his parents. What the fuck is wrong with today’s generation? There is nothing wrong living with your parents until you’re 30.

>> No.55107801

The point is to induce you to be a reckless crypto or stock gambler newfag.

>> No.55108029

I probably know you. Post your Twitter

>> No.55108062

I don’t have twitter and I don’t know a lot of people in this area, most my friends are in Edinburgh.

>> No.55108075
File: 76 KB, 1184x471, chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make money with Blackswan's free demo and then buy 25k tokens to use it after phase 2 is complete.

>> No.55108080

are you stupid? they're referring to that most americans are moved out to college by that age
hence why "i live with my parents at 20 years old"

>> No.55108403

You can basically make it off that alone as long as growth continues and compounding is still a thing in this kids life.
Will it be though? Not sure...
I know if I had thrown 100k in stonks at 20 I'd be retiring in a few years.

>> No.55108421

One of you two is the poster that spams the
>bobo took my last $20 fuck you bobo
with the fry up box, isn't it...
Don't lie. We all see the cans...

>> No.55108437

Nope, not me. I’m the guy who always talks about quantity surveying.

>> No.55108448

>quantity surveying
Ha, I remember. Something about it being a good job where you estimate how much shit is needed for a project or something along those lines, right?

>> No.55108449

>Labor shortage
>100 million plus paid not to work

>> No.55108463

More or less. It’s less dull than estimating though, more variety including assessing compensation events (e.g. change of scope to project) and contractual matters.

>> No.55108524

How would you do that with only $100k?

>> No.55108559

100k at 20 years old is a good milestone. I like to think of money like muscle memory. If you learn to make 100k you can make 100k again. It's harder though to reach bigger financial PRs, but always easier to mimic behavior that got you the big money you made previously. For instance if I learn how to make 50mil I can probably replicate the behavior that got me the 50mil in the first place.

>> No.55108586

At age 20 assuming stocks yield similar rates. Run it through
Even try adding in saving and adding $300-1000 per month to that.
It's like it's impossible not to make it...
Really makes you think considering you could work at McDonalds in high school. And even keep working there for a couple of years after, and assuming you live at home for a bit and don't have to pay anything, starting out with $100k in savings doesn't sound impossible. Especially if you can grind some side hussle bullshit.
I got kicked out at 18 anyway, and desu there's no way I would have been responsible enough to do this. But something about modern western society seems like a fucking scam desu...
Especially when you consider the amount that gets spent on meme degrees.
Literally all you need to do is work a bullshit job but save often and early and anyone could make it with index funds(or used to be able, who knows what the future holds).
Isn't that kinda amazing?
I mean I knew kids who had $20-30k cars and shit as pretty common occurrence. Instead of that, put that money in an index fund and work a random job...that's it. Early retirement.

>> No.55108588
File: 61 KB, 538x474, RDT_20230519_2229161243387574598641496.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make 100k even, a year
I still live check to check. Specially the last 3 years.
Over the last 8 years i managed to save 100k cash. I felt mothing

>> No.55108663

Based swanbro

>> No.55108674

>100K is literally nothing if you’re retarded

>> No.55108983

I only have 50k

>> No.55110458

That’s a little low for 20. $15,000/yr at 15-16, then $20k/yr at 17-18, then I’d say $30k/yr for 19-20. That puts us at $130,000. I think that’s an okish starting point. Nothing special, nothing to be embarrassed about though.
>Any decent looking foid who watches her weight and work outs at all could earn $250k++ in that time on social media

>> No.55110474

Millennials are just retards that squandered every opportunity given to them. They were working age when btc cost dollars. But no, it was a "joke." Most still think it's a joke. Also home prices were at the bottom when they were working age as well.

Fuck millennials.

>> No.55110539

More like you're coping with the fact the vast majority of people are making over 90k a year now in 2023

>> No.55110566
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It's not simply
>I live with my parents
But he'd also have to have a sustained career paying good money for a few years plus also have zero overhead costs plus not have a girlfriend who gets jealous and seethes about how he should spend money on her.
>retail on the weekends
Fuck no, this guy has an actual job.

>labour shortage
Boomer please.

>> No.55110589
File: 37 KB, 962x237, boycott.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything in his 'account' seems to be a troll, he claims he became a bartender at 18 with no experience or license and only 'bought some uber eats" and magically got 100k liquid after 2 years of work, while also claiming to be obsessed with some Pay 2 Win game.

Like every other retarded post, it's bait.

>> No.55110594

By assuming the best possible scenario happens and nothing fucks you over, ever.

>> No.55110601

Literally none of that shit is true, the jobs that were paying 15/hr and now pay 20/hr expect you to work twice as hard for pay that isn't better than in 2019 based on inflation. Stop fucking lying for fuck's sake.

>> No.55110899

great bait