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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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55106836 No.55106836 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking to supplement my finances, and I'm wondering what jobs or investments I could do/make to earn more on the side. I'm looking for a side hustle and not sure where to start. What's your side hustle? How do you get beer money?

>> No.55106862

Not beer. Vodka. Make sure it's authentic and from....you know where.

>> No.55106952


>> No.55106971

kneepads and no gag reflex

>> No.55106977

Any skills/talents?

>> No.55107019

Here's a few suggestions if you have any skills:
>video editing
Starting a YouTube channel
commissions, patreon, print on demand merch/t-shirts
Do lessons on language exchange apps like iTalki. Hell, you don't even need to be multilingual for this, just be a native speaker of a language people are trying to learn, have conversations with them and correct some of their mistakes
>owning a car
doordash, grubhub

>> No.55107172

>Youtube channel
completely compromised; if you don't play by the rules you are doomed
basically pajeet work so competitive its more profitable to gather bottles or beg on a street corner
sounds okay
soul crushing, if one already hates humanity and wants to coom in peoples Carbonara I guess its okay

>> No.55107341

>completely compromised; if you don't play by the rules you are doomed
so just play by the rules, then. you have to do a lot of that when it comes to operating a business/making money
>basically pajeet work so competitive its more profitable to gather bottles or beg on a street corner
we're talking about getting side income, not making a living
if you have any art skill at all then you can easily make hundreds of dollars a month doing porn art commissions on the side. you don't even have to be that good
>soul crushing
it's really not that bad, there's minimal human interaction and all you have to do is pick up food and drop it off
it beats working for a boss imo

>> No.55107363

Not is youtube completely compromised the grind is also pointless with legacy corpos getting special treatment and the algos being pozzed
>porn art commission
oh a luciferan, cant wait to see your kind being grinded by your old opponents and the new ones
>soul crushing
>not that bad
see above

>> No.55107415

>Not is youtube completely compromised the grind is also pointless with legacy corpos getting special treatment
no not really, it's still possible to grow your channel to the point where you can make a few hundred a month, you just need to make something family-friendly and average 5 figure views per video
>cant wait to see your kind being grinded by your old opponents and the new ones
actually, it's my experience that things just get easier and more consistent once you've built up a brand/following
doordash is literally some of the easiest work in the world, you work only as much as you want and you set your own hours, you're a useless bitch if you can't handle it

>> No.55107431

>sell your soul Nigger
>just do it
>we pay anything
the one is going to have fun with you, gorging on your blood after having misused his name for centuries

>> No.55107445

I'm not asking you to sell your soul, you can forego all of these options if you want to. I'm simply informing you that your reasons for doing so are based on made up bullshit and not based in the reality of what actually doing this stuff is like. If you have to use religion to FUD these moneymaking options, then people who live in reality will be able to see that there's no actual reason not to do it lmao

>> No.55107505

You know this board is dead, and the only ones dwelling around this part of the forest are the ghosts of ancient very well knowing your play, and being amused at the incompetency. I mean we don't mind you, but know where you are

>> No.55107518

Notice that you haven't offered a single alternative suggestion for OP, all you've done is whine about what other people have posted.
Here's another option for you: do nothing, and stay a broke little bitch

>> No.55107541

because OP is astroturfing a narrative, and the attempt to replace the frog with the cat to fit in is more than obvious. It might work on new fags, but know this, there are no new fags around

>> No.55107557

Does being here since 2021 make me a newfag?
People aren't demonic projections just because they have a different point of view than you. Get over yourself

>> No.55107580

it makes you a post-nufag and you should lurk more. And your suggestions, maybe as well meaning as they are, have been planted in your brain by a cabal of old faggots that fail to grow their little secrete clubs

>> No.55107598

>And your suggestions, maybe as well meaning as they are, have been planted in your brain by a cabal of old faggots that fail to grow their little secrete clubs
How do you know? Prove that I wouldn't have been willing to do this stuff otherwise. You have no idea what kind of person I am or what motivates me, but you believe you do, because you think you're a "ghost of ancient" who operates on a plane above the rest of humanity, so you look down on everyone else as being lesser. Again: get the fuck over yourself. You're just a regular human being like everybody else. You come across as really obnoxious acting like you're some wise sage with access to hidden knowledge, which you won't even elaborate on.

>> No.55107653

>You come across as really obnoxious acting like you're some wise sage with access to hidden knowledge
not hidden, to see for everyone willing to see
for anybody willing to free his mind and use the flesh computer between his ears

>> No.55107666

post some of it or fuck off
your vague schizoposting helps nobody
at least post an infographic or something, you lazy fuck

>> No.55107702

The one you are praying to tries to tell you something
Also; I agreed with one of your points; teaching is never wrong

>> No.55107717

if your goal is to get people to follow in your footsteps, then you're doing a terrible job
you're just making yourself look like a delusional retard with no actual, concrete, valuable knowledge
all you've posted are a bunch of vague, paranoid feelings about muh cabals or muh demons
you have to give people something concrete in order to lead them down the rabbit hole.
what, you think people are going to come along and be like "wow this guy sounds so cool rambling about literally nothing, i want to be more like him"??
i don't pray to anything. i'm an atheist. that means no prayer. i'm not sure which part of that is hard to grasp but i'm willing to elaborate further if you need further explanation about the concept of atheism

>> No.55107748

>you have to give people something concrete in order to lead them down the rabbit hole.
I am not a leader; I am a jester - I honestly don't care
The only thing that I am currently trying people to see, is that they got enslaved, that they are enslaved and by who, with a single meme, not relevant to this thread
>i'm an atheist
>suggests porn creation, doing soul crushing slave work for pennies or bowing to the rules of a compromised platform, for pennies
Reflect on your own

>> No.55107781

Porn is just the easiest way to make money with art. You can stick to purely SFW stuff. I wouldn't recommend being any form of artist unless you have a talent or passion for it.
And guess what? I know this might be impossible for you to believe, but some people actually like drawing NSFW shit. So, IF you're into that sort of thing, you might as well monetize it.
>compromised platform
Every clearnet internet platform is compromised
>soul crushing slave work
Dude, it's fucking Doordash. OP asked for WORK that he can do to make some extra side cash. Delivering food is relatively low on the scale of soul-crushing ways to make money.
Tell me what's so exceptionally soul-crushing about delivering food, please. How is it worse than other forms of low-skill work? How much fulfillment do you expect from a job that can be done by any retard with a car?

>> No.55107829
File: 4 KB, 180x112, 1pbtid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets assume for a moment you are not larping and actually a post-nufag; with the SELECTIVE capitalizing, suggesting otherwise
How to identify that OP is a faggot
pic related + a very specific spammed cat

I am out, said everything that needed to be said

>> No.55107852

Yeah, that's all fine and good, I get that OP is probably a bot or a troll since he hasn't bothered to respond to his own thread.
I'm just asking you to back up your claims with a single fact. Can you tell me what's so bad about delivering food that you believe anyone who suggests it as a way of making side cash is working for Satan? Come on, dude. Elaborate. I want to know what your fucking point is. Or just run and hide like a bitch after getting challenged I guess

>> No.55107865
File: 126 KB, 1080x1350, 1684374430952535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy just hates my fuckin cat

>> No.55107874

Most people don't like the sound of DeFi but you can earn through yield farming stablecoins through strategies like SpoolFi and Yearnfinance. Over time it can be worth it.

>> No.55107895

I'm at work right now, I'm working a wedding I can only post occasionally.

>> No.55107967

no I like cats; I am the anon that brought cats by spam back on 4chan; first as an attempt to warn /biz/ in early '22 about the bounce, then to heal /pol/ from the coof psychosis and the attempt to fuck them up with Ukraine-Russia fear porn because silly cats make anon chill.
And a bunch of bad actors ofc just tried to pervert the meme again, like the frog
Not Satan, as in the bringer-in-of-light. The Satan of the masons, which has buttfuck nothing to do with the Promethean figure that is going to fuck that disgusting club of faggots up.
If you want to know more and are really interested why I say theses things you do your own research and go down the hole; if you are not interested, you are free to brush me off as a shizo

>> No.55108019

>If you want to know more and are really interested why I say theses things you do your own research and go down the hole
At least tell us where we can get started. It's not like you can just Google the link between Satan and Doordash. Where did you get your knowledge from? Because if you offer absolutely nothing except for "just trust me bro", then yeah, I'm going to have to write you off as a schizo. Such people are not exactly in short supply these days.

>> No.55108057

you are free to do that
Again you have a brain between your ears.
Reflect on what doordash is; soul crushing penny work that is supposed to keep your busy and occupied not using your brain; second you could put in the work and look up occult symbolism and compare the doordash logo to different masonic symbols
Doing that would give you more insides by finding also other stuff, instead of being spoonfed
But again if you don't care and want to brush me off, do so, please

>> No.55108082

Doordash isn't soul-crushing to me, though. I actually kind of like doing it. I do it on my own time, whenever I want, for side money - so there's no obligation. And, in my area, it pays pretty decently - around $15-20/hour, which I'm fine with for that level of work.
You're projecting your feelings and your motivations onto the rest of humanity. Other people don't have the same personality and motivations as you do, so they might not find it soul-crushing to get out of the house and deliver food.
I'm brushing you off because my own experience has shown me that you're wrong and you don't know what you're talking about. Sorry.

>> No.55108099

no need to be sorry, you are a free to do whatever you think is right; and reflecting myself on door dash symbolism, isn't masonic, I was wrong, Hermes symbolism

>> No.55108223

While you're working your ass out for more money, ensure your money is also working its ass out to fetch you more money. You're a team and that's how to beat poverty else you'll be stuck on biz listening to faggots spew thrash for the rest of your sorry life.

>> No.55108230

If you have a car carrier.
Bid on liquidations & police seizures for cheap as fuck and find a way to make money from that.
That's all i'm giving you.

>> No.55108417

So what do you think is the best means to achieve this? Don't even mention Real estate

>> No.55108604

Lol.... Real estate is obviously a store of generational wealth, nothing more. I'll lend you a page from my books; when my paycheck comes in, I convert everything left after bills and recurring expenditure into stablecoins and deposit in my smart vault on SpoolFi so that it can start earning yields for me. APRs of 15-22% is really decent compared to what the bank is prepared to offer you.

>> No.55108639

Literal ponzi scheme
Treasury bonds or money market funds paying 5% now. Through any brokerage account

>> No.55108843

How long have you been doing this? Worth the stress?

>> No.55109002
File: 1.18 MB, 1280x720, Blackswan on Windows 10.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be a crypto day trader, and start with Blackswan. It's a AI trading bot utility coin that just hit 3.2m ATH MC. Get in now its a great entry. Oh and if you want to try it out you can for free with the demo.

>> No.55109023

STFU if you ain't got anything important to say faggot.

Almost a year now, I wouldn't spend more than a week on something that's not worth it, so I guess that answers your question. NFA.

>> No.55110687
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You have to go back.

>> No.55110699
File: 143 KB, 790x698, go back faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "my fuckin cat"
>admits to being a plebbitor
You HAVE TO go back.

>> No.55110857

>”hey guys I’m looking to supplement my finances”
>immediately gets bombarded by jeets and baggies shilling their tokens
>some schizo arguing how door dash and YouTube are demonic
>everyone else is just shit posting
/biz/ truly is fucking dead and useless.

>> No.55110872

>the newfag that hates cats is awake during indian hours, not US hours
Makes you think.

>> No.55110876

There is nothing here in 2023 unironically. If you haven't figured out how to 'make it' by now, by trading market cycles, you will just be fucked. 18yo zoomzooms are going to either wage forever or die in poverty. It is truly over.

>> No.55110877

Dyor on Immunify and thank me later. Earning crypto has never been that easy.

>> No.55112099

Safe? Not everyone likes crypto investment.
If you do like crypto investment you can try this or something even safer like SpoolFi.
Kunji as a project on its own is using it as an investment so you can also.

>> No.55112531
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Go back.